Chapter 15 - Practicalities

Story by Children of Gaia on SoFurry

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#16 of Main Storyline - Children of Gaia - The Beginning...

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the sub basement, Geist was wondering down the hallways pondering of the ghost he saw the day before, still garbed in his uniform, sans the coat. As he headed passed the hanger door, he noticed Sergei sitting at a desk that was overlooking the entire hanger. His attention fluctuated from the paper before him and the cargo plan sitting before him. He noticed the bear jotting, or sketching something on the piece of paper, which piqued his curiosity. He slowly approached the bear and watched him for a while, noticing he was designing what looked like a new vehicle of some sort.

"Hey Sergei, what are you working on?"

"Is new design. Cargo Plane you have now is impractical for quick preparation and departure. " he replied, not losing a beat with his designs.

"Finally!" Geist said as he took a chair next to the bear, "Finally someone else with some sense. Hard Drive and I have been on Dr. Moreau from the beginning. We've just been making due with what we have."

"Is amazing how long you've lasted then..."

"I tell myself the same thing everyday."

Sergei smiled and looked up to the rabbit with a smile, handing him the paper he had been working on. "Is incomplete, but this is what I have so far."

The rabbit looked over the design of the ship and leaned back slightly in his chair. He always did that when he was studying anything. He gave a confused look to Sergei over on particular part of the design. "I'm not familiar with the term 'VTOL' Sergei, can you explain?"

"You read cyrillic?"

"I can speak and read almost 15 different languages, my parents believe I should not only be fit of body, but fit of mind as well."

"Da!" Sergei replied. "Is good. To your question, VTOL stands for Vertical Take-Off, and Landing. More effective for quick getaways like when you met fox and I"

"Tell me something Sergei, Why were you at the Circus with Deadeye? It's obvious from these schematics you are a mechanical genius and capable warrior. Why did you leave Spetznaz?"

"Is... Difficult." he said with a frown on his face. "I will not tell you how fox went into circus, is dark story. Then again, all of fox's life is dark story. Myself?" he gave a hard sigh as he looked down, "I guess you say is... Conscience? is correct word?"

"You mean you did bad things while in the military." the rabbit said, laying the schematics down.

"Da." the bear said plainly. The look in his eyes told the rabbit he shouldn't pry.

"It's ok, you don't have to explain yourself. We've all done things we regret, things we wish we could take back." he replied with a gentle pat on the bear's back.

"Da, Spasiba. Is just I come to realization that perhaps I was bad guy when for so long, I thought we were good guys."

"It's not your fault Sergei." The rabbit said with a smile. "Now's the time for you to forgive yourself of your past, but don't ever forget it. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

"Da, is true."

The rabbit turned his attention to back the schematics, quickly making calculations in his head. The bear's designs were extremely sound, considered wind shear, aerodynamics and everything. The only thing that needed to be done was the jet engine output to get the bird off the ground.

"Curious, when are you gonna start calculations with the Jet output?" he finally asked after a good while.

"That is problem, I've never been good with that sort of thing, I am manual labor type guy."

"I can get that done, that is if you don't mind my assistance?"

"I do not. Your assistance is much appreciated!"

"It's no problem, I'll run simulations with Hard Drive and see what we need to get this bird off the ground."

"That would take weeks to do." he replied with a sigh.

"Not with Hard Drive." The rabbit replied as he stood up. "Hard Drive has a computerized mind. Imagine having a computer with unlimited memory. That is how his mind works, he can run a good 20 simulations simultaneously."

"That would be most agreeable, Thank you Geist"

Before Geist could say anything else, The two turn to notice Frostbite and Deadeye slowly walk by the hanger door, followed by the rest of the team. They were all heading towards the opposite end of the basement. Sergei stood up and narrowed his eyes.

"What is going on?"

"Frostbite always takes each of us to the "gym." That's where we all go for training. Think of it as sort of a Rite of Passage around here that Frostbite spars with everyone to find out their capabilities and style of fighting. She thinks it betters aides her in developing strategies to use in the field."

Sergei quickly stood up to follow, "Fox has had only training, but no true experience!"

The rabbit grab's sergei's arm and looked at him with a smile, "Don't worry, Frostbite doesn't do much attacking, she's going to let him do most of the work."

Sergei still had the look of concern back to the rabbit as he clenched his fist. "I wish to at least watch, make sure Fox is uninjured..."

"We can do that. You two are really good friends aren't you?"

"It's nothing like that..." Sergei replied, "Fox is Sergei's responsibility!"

"Take it easy!" the rabbit said as he slowly got up. "I'll take you to the gym viewing room, just relax."

Sergei couldn't relax. True that Deadeye trained for years, but without any true battle experiences, there was no telling what was going to happen.