Love? | Chapter 6 (Special)

Story by iWolfy on SoFurry

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Yay! They finally kissed! I guess that's the end... No, just kidding. It's only the beginning. I managed to make this chapter quite long and detailed as possible; Since this is the big moment <3. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I'll make sure to try and release the next one soon. Both wolves will soon learn that they will have to over come many obstacles for love. Will they be able to handle it? I guess we'll have to find out soon enough....

Hope you all enjoy! I just like making these stories for fun. It's my first one, and I guess it's going pretty well. It's not the best, but I'd say it's good.

Hope you all enjoy, though.



As Jake left Danny room's, he felt like he wanted to help out. He quickly tried to find the nurse who was with Danny. As he turned the corner, he saw her. He quickly walked up to her.

"Um, hello, miss? Are you the nurse treating Danny at the moment?"

"Indeed I am. Is there something you need?" Amy asked.

"Is it okay if I can help out? I'm pretty worried about him.. And I feel like I want to help out."

"Oh, that's fine. We have everything under control at the moment. You should just go home and rest."

"But... I really want to help."

Amy kept telling Jake it was fine, but Jake refused. After a bit, Jake nodded and left promptly.

Jake exited the building in silence and checked his phone. 10:34pm it read. "Mom's sure gonna kill me this time.." he said to himself. But now wasn't the time to think about that, he was worried about Danny. Seeing the poor wolf in bed, even watching him receive that shot frightened him. He wanted to cry in front of him, but he held it in. "I wonder if Danny's feeling the same way..." He walked over his car, and quickly got in. He sat there thinking what he could do to help the wolf. As he started thinking deeply, he could hear millions of voices telling him what to do. He felt like going insane at any moment. He shook his head, and snapped himself back to reality. Just as he was about to start his car, he felt his phone vibrate. He quickly opened up his phone and saw it was a message from his mother.

'Jake! Where have you been? Your father and I are deeply worried about you. Please message or call us back!'

He wanted to message her back, but for now, he just needed to think. He quickly turned off his phone, and drove off. Only leaving the tire tracks he left reflecting over the beautiful, white silver moon...


Danny awoke feeling something cold on his furry arm. He opened his eyes slowly and noticed it was Amy.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I'm just here to check your blood pressure and make sure every thing's alright."

Danny was too tired to reply, so he just nodded.

"So..." Amy said. "Was that your friend you loved so much? It's okay if you don't want to answer. You are tired and all.."

It took Danny a few moments to get the right words to say, but he managed to speak up.

"Yeah... That was him."

"He seems like a nice guy. He tried asking me if he could do anything to help you. I told him it was fine, but he was persistent. I guess he left after a while since it was late. But y'know, he did say he was extremely worried about you." She said in a smile.

Danny didn't have anything to say. "Really?.." He thought in his head. He never knew Jake cared for him that much... Danny then suddenly felt that feeling he felt when Jake was with him. Danny wanted to cry, but he held it in.

For the past few minutes, he just allowed Amy to check him to make sure he's fine. After that was done, Amy left and told me to get some rest. After she left, Danny lied there in bed thinking. He had so many thoughts swarming his mind now, it was hard to think clearly. With all these thoughts scattering around his head, he just sighed and went back to sleep.

"Maybe a good night sleep will help." With that being said, Danny quickly feel asleep, forgetting about all his thoughts...


Jake quickly drove home and opened the door to his house, to find his mother and father waiting there in the living room.

"Jake Michael Gay, where have you been at this time of hour!" Jake's mother said yelling.

"Mom, I told you not to call me by my full name."

"Don't try to change the subject mister! Where have you been?!?" His dad barked.

Jake knew his parents were furious, but he just had to play it out.

"Well, I was Samantha just strolling around the park until I got a message from my friend. It said he was in the hospital so I went over to check on him. He's my friend who wound up in the hospital, of course I went to check up on him this late at night."

"That still doesn't explain why you should have been late!" His father barked. "That's right Jake. You should have at least called us that something happened. You just can't go on your own and make your own decisions this late at night." His mother said in a nagging way.

"Mom! I'm not a little kid anymore, I'm almost 17! I think I can make my own decisions!" Jake was so mad at his parents, he yelled at both of them.

"Don't you dare speak to your mother that way!" His father barked. Before Jake could reply, his mother smacked him with her paw.

"I want you to go to your room and stay there! You're grounded until we can resolve this. Upstairs. NOW!" His mother said in a furious tone.

Jake knew it was pointless arguing. He simply obeyed his mother and went to his room. He locked his door and just fell on his bed sighing. "I don't care what my parents think..." Jake said aloud. "I went to help Danny, and he needed me. There was no way I was going to leave him alone." Jake continued lying there, lost in his own thoughts. He loved Danny with all his heart, but seeing him in the hospital like that, just made his heart sting. He didn't want Danny to get hurt. He wanted to protect him. But he couldn't leave Samantha.. If his parents found out he was gay, they would throw a fit. He hated how his parents were strict on religion. He wished he could make his own decisions. But it was pointless either way.

There was nothing he could do. He just lay there, thinking about Danny. Oh how he wanted to hold him in his arms forever.. He quickly felt tired and yawned. He knew he was tired, but he didn't want to sleep. Sadly, his body didn't agree with him. He quickly shut his eyes slowly, allowing his sleep to take over....

** 2 Days Later**

"Danny, hey Danny" Someone said nudging at Danny. "It's time for you to wake up. Your mother is here to pick you up."

Danny slowly opened his eyes and noticed it was morning. He saw the doctor and told him 'Good Morning.' "Time to get up bud, we're just gonna check you real fast then you'll be out of the hospital."

Danny nodded and went over to get his clothes. He still felt very weak, but not as bad as he felt the first time he was in bed. He quickly changed to his new batch of clothes and was sitting there, waiting for the doctor to check him. The doctor soon came in and checked him and said everything was okay.

"Here son," The doctor said pointing at a wheel chair. "Sit on this so we can transport you down stairs. Your mother is waiting for you with the car parked." Amy will make sure you get there.

Danny nodded and got into the wheel chair. When they got there, Danny got up and quickly went over to the car. But before he left, he wanted to say something to Amy.

"Amy.. Thanks for all you've done. I feel a lot better now since I've talked to you."

"No problem kiddo. I'm glad I could help."

With that being said, Danny walked over to his mothers car, and got in; and they drove off back home.

When they got home, Danny immediately went to bed and rested. He was glad to be back in his own comfortable bed. He quickly remembered yesterday Jake's visit. He quickly got out his phone and called the wolf. He was eager to tell him he was okay and safe. Oddly, Jake didn't answer.

"He must be busy... He did stay up late.. I might as well wait and call later on."

"Hey mom!" Danny said yelling.

Danny's mom came up to his room swiftly. Before his mother came, he forgot he had locked the door. He quickly got up and unlocked it. When his mother came, he asked her something.

"Is it okay if I can go to a smoothie shop not far from here? I feel like drinking a smoothie after all of this. I usually go there after practice. So is it okay if I can go?"

"Well... But Danny.. You're still in a bad condition. You should probably rest."

"Come on, please Mom. I won't be out for long. I'm doing fine, I can even walk on my own. So can I, please??"

It took Danny's mother a while, but she finally answered.

"Fine. But I want you home at 4:00, understand?"

Danny looked at the clock and it read '1:30pm'. He quickly answered.

"Okay Mom, I promise."

"Just be careful Danny. I don't want you ending up in the hospital again.."

"It's okay Mom, I won't. I'll be careful. I promise."

With that being said, Danny exited his house and headed down to Fiona's Smoothie Shop.

Danny soon reached the shop, and stopped. He read 'Fiona's Smoothie Shop'. It's been a while since I got a smoothie here. Danny quickly opened the door and let himself in. He went over to the counter to see Fiona.

"Hey Fiona!" Danny said.

"Hey Danny! It's been a while, where have you been?" She asked.

"Oh you know, here and there. Say.. Have you seen Jake around?"

"Yeah. He's been coming here everyday to get a smoothie. Me and him talked a little bit, but yeah. He seemed sad yesterday. He said he dumped his girlfriend. He seemed pretty bummed out so I gave him one on the house."

"What?....." Danny said in his head. "He dumped his girlfriend?? But why?" Even though Danny asked him self that, he probably knew why.. He felt like this was his fault.

"Um.. Danny? You there?" Fiona asked.

"Oh yeah.. Sorry, kinda dozed off a bit."

"That's alright, so what do you want, the usual?"

"Yeah, I'll take the usual." Danny grabbed his wallet and handed Fiona a ten. He then quickly sat down and waited for his smoothie. To his surprise, his smoothie came quick. He quickly drank it and looked up at the clock. It read '3:05.' Still got 55 minutes left.. He quickly drank the last of his smoothie and walked out. Before he left, Fiona told him something.

"Hey Danny! Could you do me a favor and tell Jake Sorry about his loss? I never got the chance to tell him that yesterday because I got so busy. It must suck to break up with someone you've been dating for this long, but he'll find someone else."

"I... I will." Danny said leaving. "I'll see ya later."

"Bye!" Fiona cleaned up the table and returned to the counter.

Danny knew what he had to do now. He had to go to Jake and support him as best he could. The wolf would probably be apprehensive, but he didn't have anyone else, and his hurt was probably far greater than Danny's. He'd dated Samantha for a long time... maybe... maybe he even loved her. Now wasn't the time to think for himself, he had to find Jake.

Danny made it to his neighborhood in record time. Then, after walking past his house and all the way down the street, he realized that he didn't actually rememer where Jake lived. Short of trying every house on the street, Danny saw no way of finding the wolf.

He tried calling him, but got sent to voicemail - once after three rings, and once after just one.

Feeling defeated, Danny quickly went back home before 4:00.

He barely tasted dinner, and told his parents he wasn't feeling. He quickly went upstairs and fell asleep.

The next day, he went to the gym to see if Jake was practicing basketball there. This time, however, he would confront the wolf.

To his surprise, Jake wasn't here. He went over to the court and asked one of the players if they had seen Jake. They sand No, and continued practicing.

So, where was Jake?

The wolf was probably extremely depressed that he decided to skip practice altogether.

His last real chance to talk to the wolf had come and gone. Now, there was nothing he could do but forget.

Danny quickly tried clear his mind and decided to take a stroll down the park.

As he was walking, he noticed someone curled up in the bench. Curiously, he went over to see what was wrong with that person. He saw a light, dark tail sticking out and immediately noticed who it was.

"Jake!" Danny called out.

Jake quickly stood up and turned around, surprised to see it was Danny. Danny quickly ran over to Jake, but he then suddenly felt a great streak of pain shooting threw his leg and he fell down.

"Danny!" Jake yelled as he went over and helped Danny. He put the wolf on his back and set him on the bench.

"Danny, you alright?"

"Yeah.. I'm fine." He said. "Anyways.. What are you doing here all alone?"

Jake just sat there in silence. Danny felt as if he asked the wrong question at the wrong time.

"It's okay if you don't want to answer... I understand. Fiona told me you dumped your girlfriend, and it bummed you out. I tried finding you every where yesterday, but I couldn't. I started looking at the gym today if you were at practice, but you weren't there. And now, here I find you, at the park, all alone.."

Danny felt like he swallowed the word Alone when he said it. He looked at Jake and could see eyes in a glum expression. It looked like he was guilty..

"Anyways, I wanted to find you to try and support you. I know it really must suck dumping someone you've loved for a really long time. I just wanted to he-"

Before Danny could finish his sentence, Jake quickly leaned over and hugged him. It wasn't any ordinary hug. This hug.. It felt different.

Danny, too shocked to say anything, just embraced it. This feeling Danny felt. Wasn't any ordinary feeling. While they hugged, Danny could hear Jake sobbing in silence.

"Oh Danny..." Jake said sniffling. "I've have the worst few days of my life. I got grounded because I went out late and visited you at the hospital. Then I dumped my girlfriend after seeing you in that kind of condition. I got scared. I was really worried about you. I tried everything to help you, but I failed. I even told my self It was my fault you'd end up in the hospital."

The wolf then went to complete silence and they just hugged there for a minute or so.

"I'm sorry." Jake's voice was nothing more than a faint whisper. Danny could feel just how difficult it was for the wolf to speak after going through all that emotional damage.

"For what?" It felt strange to hear Jake say exactly what he was about to say himself.

"For hugging you... " Jake pawed his eyes, trying to wipe away the tears. "I shouldn't have presumed you were interested. It's just... I've had the worst days of my life this week. And when I first met you.. You were beautiful... I... I kept wanting to tell you, but I could never gather up the courage. I even skipped out on practice today." He sobbed and turned away.

"I shouldn't have presumed you were interested... I just... love you..."

Danny was in silence. He was too surprised to hear those words, coming from Jake. Just then, Danny felt the knot in his chest start to loosen. The pleasant, tingling warmth he never expected to feel again, returned. Danny felt as guilty as ever. This was all his fault that Jake was like this. Before Danny could reply, Jake said something.

"I don't want to be gay!" Jake stopped crying and looked up at him. "But... I can't help it. I'll stay away from you from now on, though. Just please, please don't tell anybody on the team; they'd eat me alive if they found out." He sighed and stood up. He attempted to run away, but Danny suddenly got up grabbed him from behind by his shoulders and spun him around with a strength he never knew he had. "I don't want to be gay either." He held Jake close, drowning in the wolf's endless beautiful eyes. "But if I wasn't, I would never have fallen for you. So, in a way... I guess being gay's a pretty good deal." He wanted to say more, but never got the chance because their muzzles finally met.

He wrapped his arms around the wolf and held on, praying that time would somehow stop so he could be stuck in this moment for eternity.

Their lips parted and Danny looked at him and said something.

Thank you." Danny said taking Jake's paw onto his own.

"For what?" Jake tilted his muzzle quizzically.

Danny kissed his muzzle once more.

"For not running away..."