Jahaliya : Jungle Jahaliya Chapter 4

Story by Gentry on SoFurry

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#4 of Jahaliya

Yet another weekly upload of the Jahaliya series by myself and kchishol1970!

I hope you enjoy the steamy romance of a jungle tale.

Jungle Jahaliya

Wind rustled the fronds of the trees and the calls of exotic birds echoed through the jungle foliage. The steamy air clung to Nell's fur and made a sheen on her striped coat. Both her and her skunk friend, Tina, wore thigh-high boots with mountaineering soles for ease of travel without sacrificing their sexiness for their Prince.

The skunk was not doing as well as Nell. Tina's fur was matted and clumped in places and she had a grimace of discomfort on her muzzle.

"Ugh, what I wouldn't give for a cold shower or a dip in a pool right now. How much farther until we break into unknown territory?" The question was directed to their guide several steps farther into the brush. Burns, a multi-colored tree frog, was ahead of the two. The frog used a cudgel to brush aside the dense vegetation and a machete to cut away the more resilient fronds. He was not familiar with the new territory, of course, but the guide was used to the climate.

"Nope." The frog called back. Burns was not the most talkative companion out there. Ryoga followed them a few paces behind. He had a map out of the area and scanned the lines for errors of the cartographer, his neck craned downward. So far, the Jahaliyan mapmakers were providing stellar work, but with the new addition of this peninsula, he had to make certain. The wolf rubbed the back of his neck and squinted around him, marking the area with a pencil.

The kingdom had acquired this large, tropical peninsula and the surrounding seas were noted for frequent and violent storms. The dangerous reefs surrounding them made matters worse and ship captains were loathe to take the course even though it was much shorter. Until a port base could be established, the route was considered too perilous. Even airships had difficulties getting there with the tempestuous winds at the region's bordering mountain ranges.

Their Royal Majesties and the scholar Koji agreed with him that the peninsula would need to be scouted and assets logged for future expeditions. Ryoga volunteered. Tina and Nell were quick to follow. His mother objected to him exploring such dangerous territory so soon after the assassination attempt, but knew better than to try and cage her son. Only by hiring an efficient guide would she let herself be soothed. The four were outfitted well and traveled with the promise of secrecy.

"Your Highness?" Burns called back again, his voice held a note of distress. Ryoga rolled the map up and joined his two Harem guards as they advanced on the frog's position. Nell and Tina took sides by Ryoga. They were all alert to danger as they broke the cover to find Burns. He stood, partially obscuring the corpse of a jungle beast. The crocodile was turned over onto its back and its stomach was slit open. The wolf crossed the clearing and knelt down, gritting his teeth as he inspected the wound. Sure enough, key organs were missing and the body was left to rot in the sweltering heat. The smell was ripe.

"Poachers." Tina hissed, voicing Ryoga's thoughts. The skunk shaded her brow and scanned the trees."What's the plan now?"

Ryoga stood back up and scanned the jungle floor, his sharp eyes picking up traces of disturbance. "We track those that did this and make sure they don't again. If it's indeed the Poacher Queen, we'll have a larger problem on our paws but we need to confirm her handiwork first."

The Harem guards nodded and they resumed their points at his sides. He nodded to Burns and the frog continued. The guide's steps were more cautious now and the expedition was slowed.

Along the way, several more corpses were discovered in a similar state. With each find, Ryoga grew more angry and impatiently pushed the group along, eager to find the ones that did this. Nell looked on worriedly but followed her Prince's orders. Tina seemed just fine with the swift pace, fury reddening her eyes.

"Nell?" The skunk kept her eyes directed ahead of them. "When we find these assholes, I want you to--"

She was cut off by a spear burying itself into Burns' neck. Gurgling, the tree frog fell to the ground as a coyote exited the trees, a smirk on his face.

The trio drew their swords with a flourish and immediately fell into formation. Movement exploded from the underbrush as the ambush fell upon them.

Ryoga hacked furiously at the assailants in front of him, his sword cutting vicious red swathes into the air. However, as soon as one attacker fell, two more took their place. His Harem guards were having the same problem.

Tina's eyes caught a rat in the treetops with a bow aimed for Nell's head. With a snarl, she hurled her sword and it sailed through the air, sinking point first into the chest of the rat. It fell from the trees, clutching the sword and screaming. She broke formation, without a weapon it would not work correctly.

"Thanks, but why would you do that?! I can dodge, you know!" Nell emphasized her point by performing a whirl, easily getting out of the way of a few spear jabs.

"I prefer this way anyway." Tina lashed out with a paw, grasping a jackal's muzzle. Her claws dug furrows into its scraggly skin and it howled in dismay. She reared back and delivered a solid punch to his gut. The jackal coughed up blood and broken teeth, his face still caught in her grip. As more attackers surrounded her, the skunk hoisted the body and used it as a shield.

The tiger, seeing the ring forming around her friend, called to Ryoga and paw signaled they should try and assist her. Ryoga flashed the one for confirmation and the two slid their backs together, cutting their way to the skunk.

Tina hefted the skinny jackal and threw him into the ring of poachers surrounding her, throwing three of them off balance. Nell and Ryoga made quick work of them. Now, a space was opened for her to escape. She blocked an incoming spear jab with her forearm, knocking it upwards and kicking the rat in the stomach. There was a large cut on her arm now, blood seeping from the wound. With a growl, Tina launched herself out of the ring.

A net descended on her midair and she fell to the ground, entangled. She shrieked and clawed at the thick material.

A chill ran down Ryoga's spine as the skunk was surrounded again. There were just too many of them. He shared a look with Nell. The two fought on and the body count on the jungle floor grew, green stained with red.

Nell soon felt her limbs numb. She had enough stamina for a long fight, but that was with one duelist, not an army. She knew her Prince would be safe. Her eyes noticed the attacks made on Ryoga were to debilitate, not kill. The wolf carried many wounds, but none were on important area.

Not paying attention, the tigress took a chance. She had tripped a ferret and he fell to the ground. Lunging forward to finish him, it put her off balance. The ferret rolled out of the way and she missed, her sword cutting into the ground. Another net fell around her and she cried out, flipped over and ripped away. Her Prince was alone now and blows came from all sides, pain exploding around her. Faintly, she heard the wolf yelling her name.

Ryoga was alone now. The trio killed most of the attackers, but there were still too many. The wolf prince's chest heaved with exertion. He was wounded, his back to a tree.

Nell fought to keep consciousness. The tiger's body was refusing to obey her, but she could still see a closing ring around Ryoga now. They had left her and Tina lying on the ground and she could not tell if her friend was still alive. Angry tears sprang to her eyes as a shadow leapt out of the brush.

She watched as a sleek cougar sprang atop one stoat, bearing him to the ground and stabbing with his spear. The muscled male wore only a strap across one bicep. In his nakedness, Nell could see the play of muscles in his back as he withdrew the spear from the corpse. His lower back swept down into shapely buns and thighs built from springing. The surprised poachers rounded on new addition and Ryoga took his chance. He cut down the nearest rat.

Roaring out a warrior's yodel, the large cat swung his spear, butt first and cracked the wood across the skull of the next poacher. As a jackal rounded on Ryoga, he whipped his knife out the sheath and hurled it, stopping the attack. The two made short work of the last few.

Nell's last sight was the powerful cougar standing above the dead, speckled in blood, before she fell into the dark.

Tina floated back to the waking world in a tree dwelling. The walls were pieces of a ship's cabin connected to branches of a large tree. She sat up and looked around, blinking as the pain of all of her bruises hit her. She had rough bandages wrapped tightly around her wounds with a poultice leaking from them. The juices were blue with small gold flecks in it. She was completely naked with no covering but the bandage cloth.

Ryoga was standing with a large male cougar. The two males were similar in stature but the feline was slightly taller and more robust. He had a fierce wildness to his eyes and carried himself without the noble bearing Ryoga had. Nell was sitting, also naked and covered in bandages, at a chair nearer to them. How long has she been out?

They had not noticed her waking up and she looked out of a nearby window. The jungle tree tops stretched out before her.

"Wow, we're pretty high up."

The others turned and Ryoga rushed over to her.

"Tina, how are you feeling?" He gazed down at her, worry in his eyes.

"I'm fine, Your Highness. What happened after I went down?" She winced, the memory returning to her.

"Nell also fell and I was going to follow soon if not for Ruk." He indicated the other male behind him. The cougar stood apart from them. His cock hardening as he took in the firm bodies of the female warriors. Tina felt her own body heat rise in response to the sight of the ready male and his enormous manhood.

"He saved all of us and helped me move you two here to his home. Fortunately, he can speak a little of our language and has an expansive herb collection for healing wounds. The medicine he used is made from a plant in the area I've never seen before. What did you call it, Ruk?"

"Palsa." The cougar intoned, his deep voice vibrating in his chest. "Ruk find palsa. Make medicine for healing."

"Right, the palsa plant. Are you well enough to have some food?" There were four steaming bowls of stew at a table. Tina's stomach protested its emptiness as the delicious scents invaded her nostrils.

"Yes, please!"