Time of War Chapter 8: The Final Chapter.... Preview

Story by Zadik on SoFurry

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preview to the conclusion of the Time of War series

"He's not gonna show up, he's not gonna show up. I'm just gonna sit in this chair for the next ten minutes expecting him to come waltzing in that door with a cup of coffee in his hand, just like the past three therapists have." An Umbreon in his late twenties said as he tapped his finger on the arm of his chair and stared at the cup of coffee on his desk in front of him. "I don't really know why they still give this man appointments. He's never shown up to of the sixteen appointments he's been given in the past, why should be any different?"

With a deep sigh the Umbreon sat up and straightened his tie, "guess I'll just go for the morning doughnut run with the interns. No use in staying in my office and doing nothing for the next two hours." The Umbreon said as he reached for his over coat and headed for the door.

"Casey, I'm Stepping out for while. Call Mr. Waters and tell him I am pushing his appointment up by a half hour." The Umbreon said as he slipped his coat on and closed the door to his office.

Casey, a young Flareon was sitting at her desk with a riolu pup in her lap, "Um, I would love to do that for you sir, but."

"I think I have an appointment with you this morning Dr. Salcedo." Arada said as he stood from his chair

"Mr..... Mr. Magari?" The young doctor said as he looked at the older Lucario. "Well, uh, well sir, please step on inside my office and we can begin." The Umbreon said as he unlocked the door to his office.

Arada looked over to the young flareon holding his toddler son "I know my wife said she would back in a few minutes."

"Don't worry Mr. Magari, I can watch him for you and your wife until she gets back." Casey said before Arada could finish talking. "I watch kids all the time sir, we'll be just fine here till mommy comes back, right Christopher? She asked as looked down at the toddler in her lap. He seemed content with what was going on, and Arada knew his wife would be back before Christopher started to cry.

Alright, I trust you, but if he starts crying there are teething toys in the diaper bag." Arada said before entering his therapists office.

The two men sat in an almost awkward silence for about two minutes. The only sounds were that of Dr. Salcedo's secretary playing with the toddler outside.

"Would you like some coffee, Mr. Magari?" The young doctor asked finally breaking the silence.

"Yes please, I would enjoy a cup, and please call me Arada."

After the young doctor get the older Lucario his cup of coffee, he sat down across from Arada and pulled out his past records with his previous therapists; there were only a few paragraphs.

"Alright Mr. oh, sorry, Arada, you have been scheduled for therapy sessions to talk about your last mission in the middle east. You have been scheduled three different sessions since that mission, all of which were retired special operators like you."

"you're point is?" Arada interrupted

"Why choose now to come to this session? Why not go with the men who know how you feel deep down? Men who have probably seen the exact same things that you have seen? I don't mean to be rude sir, but I have to genuinely know why you chose the young buck of the therapists the CIA has to offer."

Through out the whole speech the doctor gave, Arada's facial expression didn't change once, because his doctor was right. He could have gone to men who would have known what he was going through psychologically, but Arada had one exact reason for coming to this young man.

"You're right Marcus, I could have gone to the men who know what I am going through right now. Yes, yes you are young, I was training to be a killer while you were probably still crapping your pants. And to be perfectly honest had you been anyone else I would have skipped out on the appointment all together just like the others."

"Then why me?"

Arada took a deep sigh, closed his eyes and said, "because you remind me of the young man that I lost in the field on my last mission." Arada opened his eyes, but instead of a cold hard stare, the young doctor, Marcus saw pain.

"Then it looks like we are ready to begin. Please, Arada tell me in your own words what happened out there. I may be new to this, but I didn't get a doctorate for nothing. I can see there is something you didn't include in the debriefing when you got back to base."

"My team: Tech, Jayden and myself had infiltrated the terrorist compound and located the enemy computer terminal bay. Everything was going smoothly, Jayden, and myself had eliminated all armed men in the room and knocked out the others and shoved them into a closet, leaving only one of the higher level workers conscious in case Tech needed him in anyway. The kid was a genius, didn't need any outside help. We knew it was going to take a considerable amount of time for, Tech to hack into the computer system, so Jayden and I too up watch on the main door into the room, and taking our eyes off of our comrade. That's where the biggest mistake of my life began.........