Canines' Autumn Ch. 2: Band Practice

Story by KanedaGoro on SoFurry

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2nd chapter for Canine's Autumn. After their first meeting, Kouya's been making regular visits to the dojo in Kazenari. This time, Ten returns the favor.

Many days had passed since Kouya and Ten had that match in the Kazenari dojo, the two becoming acquainted with each other after that. Since then, the husky has been making regular visits to the place on his way to work, watching Ten and Juuichi have their training sessions. This morning he also did the same thing, sitting on the sides and watching the two pull, throw, and grapple each other on the tatami. After about two hours, the two fighters finished their session and Juuichi went to the back hall while Ten sat next to Kouya.

"You've been coming here for the past few days now," Ten said.

"Well, the music store's nearby, so I thought why not? But why do you ask?"

"Is it not becoming an inconvenience though?"

"Not really. Dunno why, but it feels a little relaxing here."

During their talk, Kouya cracked a joke about getting pointers on how to beat Ten should they have a rematch, noticing a pattern in the wolf's fighting style. With crossed arms, Ten harrumphed and told him that it would take more than just that to have an advantage in a fight. Casting jokes aside, the two stopped talking and enjoyed the silence around the hall. A bit too silent though for Kouya's tastes. After ten minutes, Kouya got up and excused himself, picking up his guitar before heading to the exit. Before he could leave, Ten stood up and called out to him.

"What is it?" Kouya asked.

Ten kept silent for a moment. "It's nothing. Thank you for the time today."

Kouya smiled and waved back. "Same to you," he said before putting on his shoes and leaving the dojo.

Left alone on the edge of the tatami, Ten sat back down and thought of something. As he did so, he saw Juuichi coming out of the back hall in the bear's usual clothing. "Leaving already?" he asked.

"Yeah," Juuichi said. "I see Aotsuki's gone too. Aren't you going to change?"

"In a while."


The sounds of bossa nova along with the smell of brewing coffee filled the caf? where Kouya and the rest of Musikus were having their break that late afternoon, them having a small celebration for a wonderful first half of practice. While having their snacks, they had a conversation with each other, Keisuke starting it with a joke about Kouya's good mood today.

"Did something happen on your way here?" Keisuke said with a grin, nudging the husky.

Kouya picked up his cup of coffee. "None of your business!"

"That's enough, Keisuke," Yuuki said. "Jokes aside, Let's keep it up so we can finish early."

Jun nodded without saying a word as he took a bite of a cookie he held.

After finishing their snacks, the band got up and exited the caf?, cheering themselves as they walked along Kazenari's streets, heading for their second half of practice. With Kouya on the lead as they approached the music store, he took a look at the front window and saw Ten in a blue yukata browsing at the guitars on display on one of the racks there. Dashing towards the front door, he thought to himself "Ten!? What's he doing here?"

Once he got in, he stood at the front frozen in disbelief. This was his first time seeing the wolf in a place other than the Kazenari dojo, or in any other attire than the judogi for that matter. Yet somehow, he thought the yukata to be fitting for someone like him. Hearing the bell on the front door ring, Ten turned and saw Kouya on the entrance.

Ten bowed and gave his greeting. "Ah, Kouya. You're here."

"Why are you here?" Kouya asked.

Their conversation was cut short when Keisuke and the rest of the gang entered the store. Upon seeing them, the horse asked if the two knew each other. Kouya agreed, and told them to go on ahead to the back, him wanting to finish his conversation with Ten. Going on ahead, they excused themselves, leaving the two alone.

"You were saying?" the husky said.

Ten crossed his arms. "In the past days, you have seen me training at the dojo. I deem it appropriate for me to return the favor."

"So, you wanted to see me play with the band?"

The wolf kept silent.

Kouya excused himself after the exchange and called for Keisuke, asking if Ten could watch their practice for today. The horse gave a thumbs-up along with a big grin, showing his approval. With that, Kouya called for Ten to go inside, the wolf being introduced to the band members. As for the band, Keisuke cracked a joke about the wolf's anachronistic appearance only for Yuuki to stop him, telling the wolf to ignore the horse's words as the rest introduced themselves one by one.

Done with the introductions, Yuuki had Ten take a seat at one of the tables closest to the stage, said table also being at the center of it. Giving his thanks, Ten went and took his seat, leaning forward with arms on the table as he heard each part of the music go together: Keisuke's drums, Yuuki's vocals, Jun's bass, and Kouya's guitar. Though the wolf hasn't listened much to modern music, his preference being traditional songs, he couldn't help but be amazed at the music he's hearing right that moment, every note full of emotion and power.

Their session lasted up until nine in the evening. When it was time to go, they cleaned and packed up their stuff, the rest of the band thanking Ten as they left while Kouya prepared the store for closing. With only the two of them left and the last of the lights turned off, the two were outside the front of the shop as Kouya locked the front door, them feeling the cool wind that blew outside the streets.

Kouya turned to the wolf. "Hey, Ten..."

"What is it?"

"Thanks for coming today. Did you enjoy listening?"

"It's no problem. I simply wanted to know more about you."

Kouya sneered. "You could've had better choices in clothes though."

"I understand. I'll appropriate myself on the next visit."


"Next time. I found your guitar playing quite refreshing, and I want to hear more of it."

In embarrassment, Kouya stammered while trying to come up with a reply. At the sight of this Ten couldn't help but let out a chuckle, Kouya seeing him do such a thing for the first time since their meeting. He smiled and chuckled along with him, the husky later on offering him a ride on his motorbike back to Minasato. Ten declined but Kouya kept on insisting, the wolf giving in a moment later, thinking of it as an opportunity to know more. With that resolved, they headed back to Minasato, feeling the wind in their faces as the bike sped through the road.