Interlude IV: A Growing Divide

Story by LucarioZer0 on SoFurry


#20 of Love and Aura

A knock came at the door, and without looking up from what he was working on, Mathias simply said, "Enter."

The door opened slowly, and in came Sarina., entering the well maintained but sparsely furnished room that the Council's 'leader' called home.

Leader of course, was not the right word to describe him, or any who had held the position in the past. As the whole Council served as the leaders of the Guardians, no one of them actually held more power than any other. They all had different purposes on the Council. Tahnokk was in charge of security and making sure the laws of the Guardians were upheld. Angela and Eckhart-the Council member with a deep blue Aura-shared the duty of making sure that any conflict arising within the Guardians were resolved peacefully. Richard and his prideful purple Aura were perfectly suited to maintaining the good reputation of the Council and the Guardians-at least to those of the general population who knew of their existence. Sarina was the history keeper on the Council, her job being to make sure that the history and work of the Guardians were properly documented and preserved.

Then there was Mathias. As stated, 'Leader' is not really the right term for him. A more appropriate term might be 'Moderator', or 'Coordinator'. It was his duty to make sure the jobs of the other Council members were handled and that they were completed smoothly. It is needless to say that it could be a demanding position to hold at times, and recent events had made things harder still on him. It was these very events that had brought Sarina to him.

Taking a quick glance around the room, Sarina saw the familiar layout, consisting of only a bed, a single nightstand, a pair of book cases-each loaded with tomes of all kinds-and the desk that Mathias now sat at, pouring over one of his many books, appearing to take notes as he went along. When he did not immediately respond to her presence, she cleared her throat, hoping to draw him away from what he was doing, even if only for a moment.

He heaved a sigh in response to her not so subtle attempt at garnering his attention. "I see you. You do not need to be so impatient. Especially considering that we have already had this conversation several times."

She crossed her arms, giving him a hard look that he didn't see as he had still failed to look up from what he was doing. "I believe my impatience is perfectly justified. And we will have this conversation again if we must."

"I've told you time and again that we can't change anything without a majority vote by the Council." He stated, still not looking up at her.

"Well then explain to me why a group that requires a majority vote has an even number of members." She countered.

"Tradition. That's how it has always been."

"Again, why? It makes no logical sense! And look at me dammit!"

Becoming irritated, Mathias did as she commanded and looked up at her. "Look, I didn't make the rules, I just try to adhere to them."

"What about the rules that make no sense? Like the one that forces us to commit cold blooded murder simply because a Guardian is in a relationship with his or her Lucario?"

Mathias let out a small sigh. "I understand that it is wrong. I don't like it, I would like to change it, but we simply cannot. You, as well as Angela, and myself wish to change it. The others, do not. They are set in their ways, and believe that tradition should be held up no matter what. Thus, we are divided, and I do not believe it is a division that can be mended."

Sarina's eyes narrowed. "Really? Are you sure you're not just scared of going against your older brother?"

Mathias shook his head. "What Tahnokk does is his business. Though I do not agree with him, and wish he were not as he is, I cannot change him. And if you wish to bring familial concerns into this argument, why don't we discuss the fact that Valor is your nephew?"

Sarina tensed up. "What does that have to do with this?"

Mathias raised an eyebrow. "Well, I am concerned that you may be allowing personal emotions to cloud your thinking."

Sarina scoffed unconvincingly. "I-I've never even met Valor. Why would being his Aunt affect me?"

Mathias didn't answer, but simply stared at her, his gaze unwavering. It was quiet for a moment, until finally with a sigh of resignation, Sarina relented. "Fine. I feel bad enough about the separation between my sister and I...but I couldn't live with myself if I allowed something like this to happen to him. I mean...sure, he would survive it...but imagine the emotional toll it would take on him. And I don't even want to think about the pain that poor Tamash? would suffer..."

She trailed off, choking back tears. Mathias stood, walked over to her, and gave her a gentle hug, trying to comfort her. "I understand. I get it, really I do. I don't want to do this any more than you do, but there doesn't seem to be a way around it." Stepping back from her, he continued. "I have been doing some research, trying to find a way, but it doesn't seem as though we can avoid what will happen if Valor and Tamash? are found."

Sarina looked at him in disbelief, her eyes still watering. "'ve been trying to find a way around it?"

Mathias nodded. "Unfortunately, not only have I not found anything, but it appears as though some of our records are missing."

"WHAT?!" Sarina shouted, suddenly enraged by the very notion that somebody had tampered with the records she worked so hard to maintain.

Mathias held up his hands, trying to calm her down. "I-I could be wrong. I mean, it just seems like some of our older information has some gaps in it. I'm probably wrong."

"You had better hope you're wrong, or someone is going to suffer for it!" She exclaimed with a fierce look in her eyes. She turned away from him and began to make her way out of the room. Just as she was about to leave, she quietly added, "Thank you, for at least trying to help."

She then left, closing the door behind her, and leaving Mathias alone once more. Once he was sure she was gone, he whispered to himself, "Your welcome. After all, we all have reasons to want to change things."


As it always was, the council chamber was in a state of total darkness. Though the council was not in session, the room did have one occupant. If one's eyes were properly adjusted, if would have been possible to see from the outline of said occupant, that it was a man who sat in one of the high backed chairs around the central table.

He sat in silence for several moments, then, a voice emanated from the darkness itself. It was cold, smooth voice that seemed to radiate power. "What is your reason for calling upon me, my disciple?"

Though there was no one else present, the man inclined his head in respect to the disembodied voice. "My apologies, Master. But it would appear as though the one I sent to Oblivia has fallen. His mission was left...incomplete."

A disapproving and irritated growl of sorts came from the shadows. "This is what you disturb me for? I am already aware of the goings on in Oblivia."

The man balked in surprise, but quickly recovered. "How is it you know of this Master?"

The shadows around him were filled with laughter. "Your followers and students may call you Master. They may believe the plans they enact are yours, but never forget which of us is truly in control. I am aware of what happened in Oblivia, because I was the one who disposed of him. I destroyed his mind, so he could not be used against us."

The man's eyes went wide. "But why was that necessary?"

"Because he was already beaten, though he failed to accept it. Young Valor is in Oblivia, and unfortunately, your man was not up to the task of dealing with him. Once he became useless to me, I tapped into his mind and destroyed him by breaking his connection to the shadows. After becoming so dependant on them, his mind could not take the separation."

The man gulped. "I see. So what should be done then? Clearly Valor is...stronger than we had planned for. How are we to deal with the threat he poses to your plans?"

The shadows were silent for several very long seconds, then a response came. "Inform the council that a dark presence was detected in, then disappeared from Oblivia. Recommend that they send a guardian to investigate. Make sure they send one who is loyal to you, and inform him that Valor must be found. With any luck, he will be able to find Valor and his 'mate', and then the threat can be ended by the Guardians themselves."

The man smiled. "Have the Guardians seal their own fate by removing the only ones who could save them. Very clever. What about the problem that Galen presents?"

Again, silence was the response for several seconds. Then an answer came. "If I am right about his role in all of this, you will have to face him one way or another. long as Valor and Tamash? are dealt with before hand, he will be essentially powerless."

The man nodded, and stood from his chair. "Very well then Master. I will carry out what must be done."

The man waited for a response, but when none came, he realised that the conversation was at its end, and he quickly turned to leave, returning to blend in amongst those who dwell in the light as he set the plans in motion.