Simba's Training Day 2: Hunting

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#6 of The Lion King

Lion King 1: Chapter 4: Simba's training: Day 2

I couldn't believe the state I was in when I woke up this morning.When I awoke this morning I had to carefully creep from underneath my fathers caring paw and out towards the exit of the cave taking the palm leaf I was lay on with me.I must've been dreaming about Nala last night.Can't even go one night without her.Underneath me when I woke up was just one big gooey mess!I had to ensure my father didn't see me otherwise he might of thought I was pawing myself off and then I would of got ANOTHER talk from him.When I exited the cave I just sat there watching the sunrise.From the dark reds to the oranges and then slowly fading into the orange.While this was happening I was cleaning all the fur that was matted down underneath my tummy.My cum tasted so sweet but nothing like my father's.I wonder wether it was because he is an adult lion his tastes so good.Either way I just couldn't resist diving into the palm tree leaf beside me and lapping up the rest of my cum that spilt onto it.

After I finished my breakfast I headed down to the watering source I had found the previous day.After cleaning myself up and lapping up a good few mawfuls of water I decided to rest as I woke up quite early.While I was lay on my back resting I was disturbed by a rustling in the tall grass nearby.I shot up to attention to discover it was my father making his way to me very clumsily."You scared me there for a minute dad!" My dad just chuckled knocking into me as he walked past so he could get a drink."So what's our lesson for today" I asked eagerly."Oh I'm sure you will enjoy it we are going hunting today!"This is something I might quite enjoy I thought to myself.Although it isn't exactly play fighting with Nala I will be finally getting some action out here.After my father was done dinking all the water he had he stood up tall and told me to follow him.As always I followed him.

He lead me out into the unknown.These were areas that me and my father had never been to before and I don't think my father would have been here before I was born either.We searched for a good while until we found a pack of gazels.My father shown me his 'famous' techniques while hunting the gazels while he made me climb a tree and watch from up there.I didn't really care how he did it just as long as we got some food out of it and the gazel that I had my eyes on looked pretty juicy.All I could see from where I was sat in the tree was just my dad moving through some grass getting closer to the gazels slow enough so that they didn't notice him.Seems pretty straight forward to me but he said I would be tested on it.My dad wasn't far off pouncing range when I suddenly seen him start to sprint for the pack.The rest of the gazels fled away but by the time they had the chance to move my father had already snapped his preys neck.He dragged the body back to over to the tree and called me down."You got the wrong one!" I exclaimed."what do you mean this one is perfectly fine?"replied my father.I just knew by now I had fell into some kind of trap.

"Well there was a much better gazel at the front of the pack that looked so much more tastier then this one." I did try my best.

"Yes Simba but do you know the reason why we hunt?To survive and if that means taking out one of the easiet gazels there then so be it.Also the gazel that I pickeed has much more meat on it then the one you would have preferred so if you are needing to feed your pride when you having taken over these are the manners in which you will need to think." explained my dad.As always he had some smart remark to get me when I wasn't expecting it.

"Why does being king have to be so complicated!?"I whined.

"It may be confusing for you now but you will understand all of this much later,just make sure you pay attention and keep on listening and watching ."

"I guess I will, if you did then I guess I'll be able to do it no problem" My father just smirked and started to dig a hole."watcha doing that for dad"I got no reply for a while then he picked up the gazels corspe.

"It's your turn now,we are going to keep our friend hidden here for safe keeping."mumbled my father with the body in his mouth.Over and over in my head I thought about all the things my dad taught me about hunting.As soon as my dad started kicking his hind legs at the dirt beside the hole I got to me feet and prepared to go hunting.

"Lead the way"commanded my father

I had a pretty good idea of how I would catch my gazel but I had no experience in finding one.I decided to do what was probably the worst possible decision and follow the gazels tracks that we just attacked.They could have been long gone by then but that was what my instincts told me.Eventually I stumbled my way across a pact of gazels, they weren't the same ones but they were good enough to eat.So while I snook up on the gazels through the tall grass my father sat back and watched my aproach.I enusred I kept my tail end down even though i could have stood on my two hind legs and the gazels still wouldn't haven't spotted me in the tall grass.My dad is really picky about technique and even though I didn't listen to much about what he said I still understood his expectations.When I got withing close proximity of the gazels I decided on which one I should choose.My father had set the bar for me so now I had to go one up and get a healthy nice tasting gazel.Thankfully there was a hollow log wide enough for me to fit through and the exit of the log lead straight to the front of the pack where my main target was.As soon as got to the edge of the log I sprinted out of there and jumped onto the back of the gazel clamping my jaw around its neck and releasing my claws to dig into its throat and chest to make the killing even faster.I dragged my prey back to my father who seemed to be very nervous at the time.I dropped the body down on the floor beside him with a thump.

"So how did I do?"I was desperate to know.

"well Simba you did very well today I am glad you have listened to what I have told you for once."Yeah yeah he thought he could take all the glory for me getting a good hunt, typical.

"What do you mean I did that all by myself and you specifically told me not to go for the best prey just incase it gets away and you have to starve for that night."Well countered attack from me :)

"Well I suppose but watching me earlier on really shown you how to do the job didn't it?" *sigh* my dad tries he tries so hard.

"Just admit you have lost this time."

"fine, fine lets just get back for some sleep."

Me and my father trodded off back towards the cave and on the way we collected the gazel my father had killed earlier.By the time we arrived at the cave it was nearly midnight.Both of us entered the cave dragging the corpse of a gazel in our maw to hear someone calling out to us.

"Please don't hurt us,we mean no harm.Just let us go and we won't disturb you again we promise."pleaded a very fragile and anxious voice.

"Back away out of the cave Simba it could be an ambush."whispered my father."Come out where we can see you!"demanded my father.Two black figures crept out of the cave, one of them was significantly smaller then the other.

"Please we was just looking for somewhere to rest."responded the mysterious figure.She then crept out into the moonlight along side her was her cub.Her skin seemed almost velvet black with a few cuts to the head and shoulders.Her fur shone in the moonlight having the light gleaming off of it.Her cubs however was a little rougher than hers.

"What are your names?" questioned my father.

"My name is Vani(Varni) and this is my little girl tani(tarni)."explained the panther.

"What are you doing out here at such a late time with your cub?"

"We are looking for a good safe place to stay as our whole pride was chased out of our lands just under a week ago.We was attacked and so I just ran and took Tani with me.I'm not entirely sure what happened to my mate or the others but I just hope they are safe as when we got attacked we was out numbered by a significant amount."explained Vani

"Well you are welcome to stay with us if you want we are only going to be here for a few more days and then we will have to get back to our own pride.You can even have some of our food if you want, it must be very hard for you to catch prey with a cub as young as Tani and you both seem pretty weak."offered my father.

"well that's very generous of you if you need anything over the next few days I will be happy to repay you."

"Okay I'll remember that.Lets get to bed now Simba its been a long day for us.Oh and by the way my name is Mufasa and this is my son Simba.Now lets get to bed Simba its been a long day for us, maybe you should get some rest too Vani your cub looks very tired."

"Ok, come on Tani lets get some sleep we can eat and get a drink in the morning."Off I went to the back of the cave.All I could think about was playing with Tani tomorrow it's been so long since I've had a friend to play with I've been so bored out here with my dad all day everyday but I'm still not too sure I've never met a panther before.

As always let me know what you think and thanks for reading :)