From the Desk of Ms. Bellington 6: Weekend Dragon

Story by XennyDiemes on SoFurry

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#6 of Bellington's Stories

We now enter the sixth chapter of the big girl's stories and this is the first time I've revealed her orientation. Then again this is my first character who I established a sexual orientation for.

So try to keep an open mind and if you don't like it well...

Fuck you!

The Desk of Ms. Bellington

  1. Weekend Dragon

Saturday March, 3

_"I don't need to sleep for months, I can spend none stop late nights without stopping for breath and even take time to make a seven-hundred page 'hobby novel' before daybreak but it doesn't even stop what many people now dub me as 'Miss Impossible' from sitting back and relax to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. That's why I love the weekend because I don't have to push myself under the company's clock (though I do like the 'push' from other places "tee-hee") There are so many things to do but so little time to do it all. Even taking some "human me" time to get the sleep even this powerful side of me craves so much.

On the lighter side of things, that one weekend night, I have never experienced what it was like to "make love" or to be in a one night stand with someone who often gets you in the mood. But not often what you think it is for such a powerful woman as myself... But one things for sure, I didn't "bite" my one-night lover and learned I can be real gentile with claws."

_ Day, Spa...

Bellington does have to keep her beauty in check but doesn't like to wear make-up; it makes her look ridiculous, no perfumes because it makes her sick to her stomach and kicks her sense of smell way off guard. But she does like the care of and atmosphere she gets at the spa aptly named "Kleen". At Kleen, there are facilities to take care of customers of different sizes and species and often it gets booked for months. But for Sarah she doesn't have to wait that long under her new executive pass which can get her in in mere seconds what others have to wait hours at the door. Inside, she has taken "shifts" for the staff to take. One shift was for her human form to take care of the mundane but still pleasurable things taking care of her complexion, getting her nails done and even taking a swim in one of their mini pools. Then after twelve noon. she takes on the other shift as her dragon self and the real work began.

The staff was prepared for someone like her, having her "nails" done with steel files you find at a hardware store and her toes with a power sander by a guy who needs to wear a heavy wielder's mask to prevent sparks from flying. It took six men to message her back and wings with kleet-covered gloves for deep-scale effect. Though on regular skin it would skin a human completely. Then the special message around her abs and chest that are taken care of by a special masseuse but was out sick; so in place she gets a rookie masseuse he was skinny and look like he has never touched a body in his life. But Sarah wasn't a prude to let the rookie try out the 'goods'. With careful guidance he follows Sarah's instructions on where her previous masseuse usually works on. Pressing her fingers down around the rock hard washboard abs and around her big lats that spread big and wide when he lifted her arms up making her upper body bigger.

Then came the part that made him blush, it's when Sarah asks him to message around her chest and hesitated. Sarah said in a seductive but encouraging tone that he shouldn't be shy and message her chest flexing the mounds of meat and in kind making her mountainous breasts bounce and bob up and down. So he gathered all of his strength and started to work around her pectorals which as if he was messaging living stone. Then moved around to message the surface of her breasts and she purred and growled a little as if she liked it so much but he stopped. Sarah apologized if he made him a bit uncomfortable. He smiled and didn't think anything about it and wants to continue. She happily accepts with wagging tail and the rookie is becoming a pro at "boobie-messaging" thanks to her.

Evening - Good Food

Most females in this day and age would like to eat low-fat, modest carbohydrates, crap food just to keep their so-called girlish figure. Sarah is glad she's not one of them to satisfy her mounting hunger. On the weekends; this is her time to binge on meat and nothing but meat. It was months ago that Stuckee's Meat Shack opened up and it was quick for her to love the place with it's wide selection of great meat-based dishes. Often since then there are rumors that with the amount of food she eats, she's helping putting some of the staff's kids through college.

Night Club and the Morning After

Sarah often likes to go out at night to join the city's many festive nightclubs and sporting what could be described as a combination of styles of modern and ancient as she sports a small cape with a form fitting top that has a diamond shaped hole to show off her massive cleavage. Sporting tall, high-heel boots that go up half way up her thighs and creeking as she she walks finally wearing a long loincloth that reached down to her lifted ankles. She never looked more powerful than she already feels though she is feeling nervous not for showing up in some revealing attire but it was borrowed from the studio's costume department for a different muscled dragoness for a show and hopes she can bring it back in one piece.

When the music blazed on the dance floor Sarah can feel the sounds going through her body as she got on and danced like a pro to the grooves while at the same time she manages to not knock off people from the floor because of her wings and tail. She even took time to share some moves with a hot muscled dragon who wanted a piece of her but wouldn't let him go all the way on the lighted tiles. She then spotted someone leaning at the the bar with a seductive look on this person's face. Looking sleek and calm to get the attention of this dragoness, Sarah walks over for a few offered drinks and then with a simple invite the real party has begun with Sarah's special 'visitor'.

The following morning the sun was rising and the warm rays doused the powerful heaving torso letting out a huge stretch every hulking muscle on her body swelled and tensed before relaxing again all after letting out a single yawn but also the yawn she spent her one night stand with. Her name was Karen. She's a fair and curvaceous blonde who was the one responsible for winning Sarah's attention when that hunk of a dragon can give her the same thing. It lead to an awkward question while Sarah nuzzles around her fragile fair body. She asks her if she was gay and she shook her head but replying that she is openly bisexual. Sarah likes a big, strong well-endowed male in her life and even enjoys their company but when it comes to the special reservations, she saves it for the females both normal and strong like her. Saying that while licking up her long tongue between Karen's cleavage. Karen pushes her head back while giggling from he tickle and gets out of bed Sarah offers her breakfast before leaving but she has to leave for an important meeting but she still couldn't help it it was her first time she has ever done it with a dragon before even complementing her on how to make love with someone that possesses monster muscles, razor sharp teeth and talons that can turn titanium to confetti as evident to the signs of claw marks and a shattered bed head; she didn't even made a scratch on her fragile body in a night of hard sex.

Sarah's best reply that she had a lot of 'practice' with a laugh. She then looked on at her hanging clothes mixed up with Karen's as she lifts the heavy cloth to get hers out. Minutes later Karen says goodbye and for the flight before the "fun" Karen wondered if she will ever see her again, Sarah replied with her having to, because she's wearing her underwear with a smile though she did swing her hips uncomfortably for even trying to squeeze her huge hips into them. Karen gives her goodbye before leaving. But not before leaving a small card on the door counter for Sarah to discover later on her way to work. She kept the card in a secret place and often get a little bit aroused as she sniffed the perfume she laced the card with to her it may not be the last time Sarah will see Karen again. But for now Sarah has to find away to sneak back the costume she "borrowed" before they get pissed off.