Chapter 5: The PARK

Story by CyrusP on SoFurry

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#6 of The Wolf of the Goddess

The next installment FINALLY HERE :D

Creative Commons License

The Goddess Series by CyrusP is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

"Hello, Jane, Harris and James." Said the room "Welcome back to the Personal Area for Recreation and Knowledge, We hope you enjoy your stay here. In order to begin, please tap a setting from the selection console, for your average age, we recommend the beach or the playground setting."

Jane quickly tapped the beach settings, confirmed it, then tapped "Sunny" for the weather.

"You have selected the beach setting, with Sunny as the weather, selected mode, safe, please remove the neural transmission bracelets from the receptacle and place one on each wrist and ankle."

Jane quickly walked over to the hole in the wall where 12 silver bracelets with green glowing lights on them appeared. She then proceeded to give 4 of them to Harris, put 4 of them on herself, and put the last 4 onto James.

"Confirmed, Kline, Jane over 15, assistance not needed. Confirmed, Kline, Harris under 15, assistance required, current diaper level, 15% capacity, changing is recommended at 90% the computer alert will be set to 85%. Confirmed, Kline, James under 2, extensive assistance required, new user detected, current diaper level, 55% capacity, changing is recommended at 90% the computer alert will be set to 80%."

"New user detected, Kline, James, this system is an interactive nerve system, meaning that the system uses neurotransmitters on your bracelets to give the illusion of feeling without feeling, if you feel nauseous or feel extreme amounts of pain, do not hesitate to press and hold the button of your bracelet for 3 seconds, as this may be a side effect of Peripheral Nervous Impulse Failure, a serious condition that is easily treated but can be fatal if not diagnosed correctly, for your safety, as motor skill is not yet developed at ages under 2, it is mandatory to receive a Muscle Controller Serum or use an Exterior Muscular Control Suit, as this child is not protected under the Guardian Angel Program. The system will not begin until the serum is administered or the suit is correctly attached to the body."

The hole in the wall opened again revealing a needle and a suit with wiring going through it.

"I think you might like the suit better James, as its not painful and its only temporary." Said Harris.

"I think so too James, but it is totally up to you." Agreed Jane.

James just nodded, he didn't feel like getting a shot anyways.

"Okay then honey, I'm going to just pull your pants off and pull this on okay puppy?" Jane said with a smile. She then walked over and quickly pulled off his pants, placing them in the hole in the wall. She then took the suit and fitted James into it.

James did not feel any different from the suit, he wondered if the suit did anything at all.

And then after a few seconds, the voice said , "Thank you for your cooperation in this matter, the suit has been fully programmed to the body of Kline, James. As this is a prototype suit model A3 Mk II, it remains the sole property of the Leonaprian Division of Science, however if you would like to request a rollback on the suit and not participate in this experiment, you may request an A3 Mk I suit at this time."

Jane quickly walked back to the console selecting "No thank you".

"I heard these new suit are great, they do something the serum can't, I hear that these suits might actually let you talk, unlike the older models." She said smiling.

As she ended, the computer came on for the final time, "Thank you very much for your participation in this experiment Kline, James , you are in turn helping your community in a way no one else is able to. The system will begin in 3... 2... 1..."

The rooms walls quickly dissolved into a background of a beach, there was a shore and sand everywhere, shells dotted the sand, while sea kelp dotted the areas closer to the water, the ocean waves were calmly lapping at the sand, while the sun was high above them in a midday position.

"Aww mommy, why did you do safe mode?" Complained Harris.

"Because it's the first time for your younger brother Harry he needs a little experience before going into reality mode. Now come along, don't we have to play?" Jane said smiling patiently.

They group of three started to move along the beach, however this time, James could actually walk. Looking at James, Jane exclaimed, "Oh thats wonderful James! Being such a big boy for mommy, and being able to walk all by himself." She said in a proud manner.

James just blushed, quietly accepting the praise from his mommy. Inside, he was actually a very proud little puppy, because he could actually walk without being carried for the first time.

Ok boys, no foul playing, but have as much fun as you want, give me a moment to set up some things, but because this is safe mode, you boys won't need any fur protection.

James started to wonder, 'What is safe mode? and what makes it so different from reality mode?'

The answer came quickly when Harris quickly lifted James up and tossed him into the sand, headfirst.

"This is safe mode, so you don't feel any pain and don't get hurt and of course you can't die, sure it doesn't seem real, but it can be just as fun." Said Harris explaining why James felt no pain at being dumped down head first into the sand.

'Oh it is on' He thought. He quickly picked up a ball of wet sand and hurled it at the back of Harry's head. Harris just slowly turned around with an evil smile on his face.

"Oh you are so dead." He just said.

James just ran, he made about 10 steps before Harry leaped onto him. The two wolves rolled around in the sand laughing and hugging each other.

The two then quickly got up not daring to waste any more time, and each knowing what to do got to work. James, within an hour used some shovels and buckets built a magnificent sand castle that would put any other sand castle to shame. Harris on the other hand, decided to be the plumber and build tunnels all under the castle in a way that the water would be able to reach the castle from the water that was 20 feet away. Afterwards, James and Harris did a collaboration on a city around the castle, after about 3 hours of work, they stopped and looked on at their beautiful creation.

"Ah it is beautiful isn't it." Said Harris.

James just nodded in approval he was very proud, but also a tiny bit tired from doing all the demanding lifting of the heavy pails of sand.

The burden of the work had taken it's toll, even on James's suit enhanced body.

James slowly walked back to the place where his mommy was sitting and reading a book and snuggled up against her, using her side fur as a pillow and falling asleep almost instantly.

Harris on the other hand was not to be stopped so easily, he went on and continued to build a tunnel around the outside of the city walls held up by only the sand on the topside of the tunnel. He then flooded the tunnels with water and waited for James to wake up.

It did not take long, as James woke up completely refreshed after an hour nap, which was more than enough time for Harris to set his trap.

"Cmon over here James! We gotta finish this city!" Yelled Harris over to James.

James took the cue and ran over as fast as his little legs could carry him over to Harris. Just as he made it over to the outside of the city walls, the tunnel that Harris built collapsed and dropped James straight into the cold water below.

"YIP!" Was all James could screech before falling into the cold water. James jumped higher than the 3 foot wall of sand around him. Before he could do anything, Harris was on him, "Now that was for the sand you threw at me earlier, now we're even" He then turned his attention to the city, "Now that that's finished, I think we have a city we need to attend to."

The two boys then proceeded to go full on Dogzilla on the city and left nothing standing, what was left of the city was a massive mound of sand and a few buckets scattered here and there.

As they completed their task, their mommy quickly called out, "Cmon guys time to go home, we spent 6 hours here, and when we got here it was 11. We really need to get heading home for dinner, but first we need to change you boys, god you look full." And indeed they were, however the boys did not realize they had wet and even messed themselves until they looked down at their extremely full diapers.

"System, Changing table." Said Jane to the computer, which complied immediately.

A table with a rubber covering and small cabinets popped out of a small corner of the room. The center was curved to be lower than the sides so that a child being changed could not escape. The cabinets contained changing supplies as well as diapers of all sizes that were the exact same in terms of design as the ones James and Harris were wearing.

"Alright kiddo you first." said Jane as she lifted Harris onto the table. As Jane began to change him, Harris began to blush, because this was the first time James was watching him being changed. As he had the mess wiped off of him, he said, "Can't I change my own diaper please?"

"No Harry, I firmly believe that my little puppies should not be able to change themselves if they can't control themselves." She continued seeing the sad look on Harris's face and stroked his ears, "Besides, you should enjoy this treatment, that way you won't be forced to endure your uhh... waste." She finished pretending to gag. Afterwards, Harris jumped onto the ground and walked into the corner of the room to take a seat and wait for James to be changed.

"Ok James your turn." she said as she lifted him onto the changing table. His mommy quickly peeled the suit off of James and laid him down and began changing him. James felt no embarrassment at being changed in front of his brother, after all he was a puppy still and puppies didn't feel embarrassed being changed in front of someone else right? Jane quickly wiped the mess from James's bottom with a thick wipe.

"Well I guess talking suits can be saved for next time." She said snapping James out of his thoughts.

James just nodded knowing that with amazing marvels like this room, he could be talking in no time. He then went back to thinking about being a puppy as Jane finished changing him.

"Okay boys time to go." Jane said pulling James close to her and dropping the suit down the receptacle.

James felt very weak as he had expended his body's energy on playing hard all day. He decided to fall asleep in Jane's arms because of that fact. As they walked out, Jane noticing James was asleep, quietly slipped off her and James's bracelets and taking the ones on Harris and placing them back into the receptacle in the wall.

As they left, the voice on the wall spoke again, "Thank you Jane, Harris and James we hope you had a pleasant experience at the PARK, please come back soon."

The sun was starting to set as the family walked out through the front doors of the building. As cold breeze quickly blew through, Jane was warm in her coat of fur. However, Harris was not so lucky as the wind passed through his thin fur, it left him with goosebumps as he rushed for the car.

Jane unlocked the car, allowing a rush of warm air from the air conditioning to greet them, placing James down on the seat momentarily, she picked up a protesting Harris and deposited him into the car seat quickly.

"Mommy! Why are you treating me like a baby again?" He started pretending to protest.

However, Jane would have none of that as she knew he enjoyed being treated like a little one.

"Harry, you yourself know you enjoy this, I'm just giving you some extra attention because I won't be able to treat you like a little one as much anymore with James needing so much attention as it is. But I'll always be there for you no matter what and you'll always be my little puppy. I'm going to ask you to be the alpha wolf of our family can you do that?" She said kissing him on the forehead.

Harris just nodded understandingly. Harris felt himself break down in terms of his puppyhood. At the same time, however he grew stronger and prouder his mommy was trusting him to be the leader of the family and take responsibility. He was feeling prouder every minute knowing that he was becoming the leader wolf of the pack. His puppy side, however was not going to be suppressed without a fight and so his physical reaction was a gentle sobbing, which was better than the "puppyish" bawling by any means.

She then proceeded to pull James onto Harris's lap and buckle him in all the while shushing a quietly sobbing Harris.

Jane decided to give Harris the last few hours of his puppyhood to himself, she finished shushing him and moved to the drivers seat of the car after closing the door.

Between the soft breathing of James and the rocking motion of the car, Harris soon fell asleep.

As the two boys were sleeping, Jane quickly drove them all home parking the car in the driveway, she pulled into the garage allowing the silent electromagnet door to drop down on its tracks and stop just before hitting the bottom closing with a soft thump.

She then quietly opened the back door to find the boys sleeping together. She gently pried James loose from Harris's arms and carried him to his room with a bottle left from earlier during the day. Jane then pulled of James's diaper to find that it was soaked completely through, she quickly changed it and changed him into a green sleeper with those horrible mittens on them. She then placed the bottle in his mouth gently. James, although asleep, reflexively began to nurse on the bottle.

Jane then turning the puppy monitor on, removing the remote and silently closing the door quietly left the room.

She then turned her attention to Harris picking him up slowly and gently so as not to wake him she thought to herself sarcastically, 'Boy is he getting heavy, I'm lucky I don't have to carry him around anymore.'

She then checked his diaper, finding it dry, she left it on him, she then gently pulled off his shorts and changed him into a blue sleeper. Jane quickly picked him up and carried him over to the living room turning on the T.V. She then picked up a book and read to herself as she listened to the news on the T.V.

Eventually, after about 3 hours of waiting, Harris woke up to the sound of, "...and the United Canic/Felic Federation has confirmed the act of terminating of the Uranium Enrichment act of 4320 now leading to the conversion of weaponized uranium back into commercial uranium to be used for power by the year 5030 at the latest, Here's Jon with more..." These topics interested Harris, because he loved to learn about the world he lived in, he loved the world and wanted it to be a better place to live in when he inherited it.

"I see my little puppy is awake." Jane said smiling she quickly reached over to the small table pulling a bottle off and placing it into Harris's mouth. Harris was too tired to even complain, even if he wanted to.

"You see Harry, it's not so bad being an alpha wolf

, it comes with extra rights, for example why don't you check the time." Jane said.

Harris looked at his necklace, the time said "10:12", his eyes widened in suprise.

Spitting the empty bottle out, Harris said, "But mommy, wasn't my bedtime an hour ago? Wasn't that a rule that you said will always be there?"

"No, now that you're older, I think you can take the responsibility of staying up later, see what I mean by certain rights? So now on every non school night, you will be allowed to stay up until 10:30 instead of 9, you understand?"

Harris just nodded that he understood, "Thanks mom."

"Whoa, it's just mom now?" Jane replied mocking a hurt.

"Well now that I'm an alpha wolf I can't call you 'Mommy' anymore can't I?" He said jokingly

"Your choice 'Man'" She just replied jokingly

Eventually they agreed on the correct titles to call each other, each preferring their original titles of "Kid" and "Mommy" laughing at each other's attempts to mock each other.

"Time to sleep now, I'm pooped, which reminds me." She finished by squishing his padding. "You're wet."

"MOMMY!" Was all he could say blushing in reply to this demeaning treatment he was so used to.

"As long as you're in my house you will wear diapers and you will be checked, as for changing I'm afraid I have to do that, as you're a bit short to be changing yourself. Potty training is out of the question as your body can't handle it, but it will just be an inconvenient truth you'll have to deal with, as that is an important decision you will have to make as an 'Alpha Wolf'."

"Fine," He replied allowing her to change him.

The changing finished, she picked Harris up and put him to bed, tucking him in and kissing him on the forehead causing a light blush to appear. However, he soon quickly succumbed to the sleepiness overtaking his body and fell into a deep slumber.