Be Careful What You Wish For: Chapter II

Story by Shadow_Pup on SoFurry

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#2 of Be Careful What You Wish For Series

Second story in my FIRST SERIES, Be Careful What You Wish For

Chapter 2

Richard looks around frantically, blinking as if he were trying to awaken from a bad dream. He nervously looks down at the rest of his body. His eyes widen, as he sees that he has indeed, become a cub. He looks down upon his chubby little paws and arms, his new stubby legs, and his size. He was so tiny! He starts to tear up, although he doesn't know why he is becoming so upset.

" Why am I crying like a cub?! I'm 15 years old, not 2! ", he thinks to himself, despite the tears rolling down his cheeks.

He feels an absence in his mouth, and he starts to look around his bed. He soon finds what he is looking for; a paci, which seems to have grown smaller with him. He grabs it, and once he pops it into his mouth, he nurses on it furiously, trying his best to calm down.

After a while, Richard finally calm enough to think straight, he sits up against one of his pillows, but whimpers some when he feels a familiar wetness around his crotch. He slides out of the bed, clutching his now large fox plushie, as he walks out of his room.

"Mooooooooooommy!" he yells out around his paci, but frowns at his childish tone.

He listens for a reply, but when he doesn't hear anything, he starts to worry. He calls out again, but waddles over to his mother's room. He enters the room, and sees his mother is asleep. " She must have came home while i was asleep... " thought the cub. He then runs up to the side of the bed, and shakes her arm, trying to wake her up.

" Mommy...wake up! " he says, but when she doesn't wake up, he decides to just rest with her until she stirs.

He hops up, crawling onto the bed. He then waddles over to his mother's chest, and curls up next to her, snuggling close. He doesn't fall asleep, but just lays there, contemplating on how this may of happened to him.

After a while, he hears his mother yawn, and feels her arms stretch out. He quickly jumps up, and shakes her arm.

" Wake up, mommy!! " he yells, and sees her mom's eyes grow wide as she sees the cub.

" Wh-Who are you, sweetie? " she says, not recognizing the cub as her own son.

" It's me, Rrrichard! " he says, as he slurs the R.

The mother looks absolutely dumb-founded, but she soon recognizes that the cub shaking her arm looked exactly like the cub she once had, and she hugs him tight. " What happened, baby? " she says.

" I-I dunno! " he replies, and he is soon in tears again, although he has no reason why he is so upset.

The mother holds him for a while, until she sees that he has calmed down. At this point, she sees that the diaper he is wearing is obviously soaked, and she giggles slightly. " Do I have myself a wet baby? "

" N-N-No! I'm naw! " he says, but he covers the front of his diaper, blushing madly.

" I think I do, sweetie! We're gonna have to run to the store to get you some diapers, ok? I don't know of what happened to you is...permanent " she says, hugging him tight.

He starts to whimper, as he clings to his mother. " I-I dun wanna be like dis! I wanna be a big boy!!! " he yells into his mother's chest, sobbing.

" I know, sweetie...this has to suck. But we have to deal with this for now, ok? " says the mother, as she strokes the back of her new cub, in hopes of calming him down.

He doesn't say anything, but she feels her son nod into her chest. She then sets him down, as she gets up, and changes out of her pajamas, and into something street worthy. When she picks him back up, she hears his tummy rumble, and she smiles.

" Is my baby hungry, huh? " she says, ruffling his headfur.

He blushes again, but nods some, his tail wagging slightly. She giggles, as she walks into the kitchen, with Richard in her arms. " I think I have some bottle supplies from when your cousions were over last... " she says, as she rummages through the cupboards of the kitchen.

" I-Im gonna have a baba? " he says, looking up to his mother

" Well, that's what little cubbies have, right? " she says, smiling.

He looks down at his feet, whimpering some, although he is secretly enjoying the babying " O-Ok, mommy... " he says, which causes his mother to giggle some.

" Havent heard that one in a while! " she says, kissing her sons forehead as she finds some formula and a bottle.

He smiles a bit, as he watches his mother prepare him his breakfast. Once his mother is finished warming up the formula, she picks it up, and prepares to feed him. " Ready, baby? " she says, with a bright smile.

He nods, and starts to nurse on the bottle as soon as the nipple of it enters his muzzle. He murrs a bit, remembering how sweet the liquid was he once used to drink. Once he finishes the bottle, he hiccups a little, much to his mother's amusement.

She then starts to burp her son, and soon enough, he releases a cute little burp, and her mother squees a little. " Awww! I forgot how cute you were as my little cub! " she says, and he son blushes scarlet.

" So...once we get you something to wear, you ready to go out? ". He looks up, and reluctantly nods.

To Be Continued