Story by Faux Magician on SoFurry

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#1 of DELTA

"This is just the beginning."

It was a trip like any other. Alix Feris sat behind the wheel of his car, and his girlfriend slept in the back seat. Alix watched her in the mirror, smiling. It was a great day snowboarding, and they were exhausted. He drove down the mountain side with a view of the city at the bottom of the mountain. He felt the contents of his pocket. There was circular item in his pocket. "Just a few more hours," he said to himself, slightly nervous. He has known her for quite some time. 1 year, 2 months, and 3 days to be exact. He felt like this day should mean something, so he was going to give it meaning. Coming around a turn, something happened. One of the tires burst. Alix panicked and turned the wheel away from the drop, trying to stay on the road, but the tires he still had could not grip the snow. The car slid down the mountain. Time seemed to stop. He tried to think of something he could do. Anything that would save her. The car started to roll. The driver side door broke off, and Alix was thrown out. He tucked in his legs, now having to keep himself alive, even if only to save her. The car slammed into a tree, and Alix hit a rock nearby, back first. His tail was crooked. He lost all feeling to his legs, and he could not move them. A large gash across his cheats left his rib cage visible and tore up his jacket. Everything blurred, and only one thing was on his mind. Is she okay? He dragged himself over to the car, left arm broken. He pulled himself up to his feet next to the car using just his arms. He opened the door, and saw her lying on the floor, her fur red with blood. Something had sliced open her throat. She was dead. Alix refused to believe this, but deep down he knew it was true. A helicopter was hovering above. The words 'Alpha Inc.' were decaled on its side. It arrived too fast to have been called in after the fact. 4 wolves rappelled down, rifles in hand. Alix was too far out of it to see the flaws in this rescues legitimacy. He passed out as one of them came to check on him. They told him they would help him. They said they would give him a new life. They said they could save her.