"Daggers of Darkness" - Epilogue

Story by AncientWolf on SoFurry

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#20 of Daggers of Darkness, Book 1, Into the Black

Here's the (revised) Epilogue for the first book of my sci-fi adventure series, "Daggers of Darkness, Book 1, Into the Black". This story is set 500 years into the future with some of the descendants of the characters in my novel, "Family Tails".

I thank you for having taken the time to read this the story, and I hope you enjoyed the adventure. I may write a related short story or two eventually. I will have this story published in both paperback and Kindle, and will post an announcement when it's available. Thanks again for reading the story, and please leave a comment with your thoughts on the story.

The posting of this story on here may not be a fully polished product -- that will come later when I have the story fully edited and published. However, I will try to keep the typos, etc., to a minimum. The main things I would like from those reading this are comments, questions, and suggestions. I only ask that you please keep criticisms constructive and polite.

Story, characters, and related art © 2013-2017 Ronald J. Lebeck (that's me).


In due time, full diplomatic and trade relations were established between the Sol Federation of Worlds and the Mûr Tua'ansa Star Empire, along with the formation of an alliance between the two governments. With trade came a sharing of technologies--the Federation gained advances in organic technology, medicines, and advanced training in the psi abilities, while the Mûr Tua'ansa gained the necessary advances in A.I. programming and android construction that would prevent the repeat of their disastrous early attempts with "machine entities", along with The Great Lesson.

Together with the Ganthorens and the other races beyond Sector 149, a careful watch was kept in case the Wurnak Da'i Dominion should return. The world they had decimated the population of, was discovered to be a colony of another people known as the Laona Trelansi. Efforts were made to find their home world, and when it was found, a delegation was sent which included both Terrans and Mûr Tua'ansa, and they broke the news of what happened to the colony and who was responsible. Information was shared concerning what had been learned about the Wurnak Da'i Dominion, which the Laona Trelansi were most grateful for.

One day, while the IES Chel-Sar Se'nika was in port during the setting up of the Mûr Tua'ansa embassy on Terra, James got a call from Admiral Donnelson.

[Adm. D.]: "James, we got an odd request from the Elendorian government--they specifically asked for your ship to help find some ancient artifact called 'The Heart of Élendor. They won't exactly say what it is, but they're mighty anxious to have the thing back--apparently it disappeared under unusual circumstances, and somebody put the bug in their ear that the crew of_Nightwing _can find it. I can't give you much to go on, but I'll send what I have. They'd like to keep this as low-key as possible, so they're only allowing you one extra small ship to assist if necessary."

[James]: "Who do I get to take with us on this mission?"

[Adm. D.]: "I'm going to leave that up to you. Give me a list of what you think you might need by the end of the week, and in the meantime, you might want to meet with Ambassador Ja'f'darwe--like tomorrow, for lunch, at his home, at eleven-forty-five. Sharp."

[James]: "Okay...I think I'll see if Ambassador Ja'f'darwe would like to meet for lunch tomorrow."

[Adm. D.]: "Good idea, James, I'm glad you thought of that. Let me know how it goes. Donnelson out."

/* "End Secure Transmission." */

"I hate it when he does that!"