My Hero and Me: My Greatest Adventure Ever 8: Hiding

Story by Eric and Kimahri on SoFurry

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#8 of My Hero and Me: My Greatest Adventure Ever

Chapter 8: Hiding

The room is quiet and not a sound was made. Only one man sat there on the seat in his desk, mindlessly staring at it. Only to look back at the three windows behind him once or twice about every hour. He looked around his room in shame of his failure. The name George W. Bush was shown laying at his desk. The president just sat there, realizing that he failed on what he tried to accomplish. He failed to capture the terrorists and the war in Iraq is still raging on. The silence was finally broken when a military general came in with a couple files in his hand.

"Mr. President!" He said to him.

"Yes?" Was his reply.

"We've just got a report on another person's mysterious disappearance!" He said. "And it's a repeat of the Ryan Lewis case." President Bush was shocked from the news.

"Have you got any traces of this one this time?" He asked.

"Yes we have!" The general stated as he put one of the files on his desk and opened them, showing a picture of a young teenager. "The missing child is named Eric Lewis sir! He's an identical twin brother of Ryan, who was the previous one who disappeared. Also." The general then switched pages and went to a picture of a burnt black skeleton and a bloody corpse who's face was buried in a bloodstained fountain. "He appeared to have been ambushed by a gang before he disappeared. When police arrived, two of them we're found dead. No one knows where Eric is yet, or exactly how these two kids we're killed, but." Then he scrolled through to yet another picture of one of the dead kids, but this time at a closer view.

"Police have found that this one was stabbed in the head by some kind of weapon, preferably judging from the markings is a kind of a spear." The president looked even more confused.

"How is this even possible?" He asked. "Last time, his twin disappeared, but he had no traces left from him. Have we got any others for Eric this time?" The military general nodded.

"Yes we have sir." He then handed them the other file with documents featuring some unknown person hidden in the shadows. "The surviving accomplices of the gang had been arrested and interrogated by the police, and they revealed that the killer was somebody in what they saw was a costume of a blue Lion-like creature. One even saw him for a quick second jumping through trees and rooftops holding someone in his arms, unknown if he's kidnapping him. It could be Eric sir, but the CSI are still investigating on this." President Bush then looked at the documents in front of him with great intensity. Half surprised, half confused, he looked back up at the general and the two marines in front of him and stated.

"This has to be revealed in the media! We won't lose this kid like we did with his brother." The general nodded.

"Yes sir!" He shouted, and moved out of the office, leaving him by himself again. He sat back down at his chair and turned to look at the window in front of him.

"Blue Lion? Twin brothers? Murdering and Kidnapping? What the hell is going on here?"


The woods was longer than I had expected and trekked through it with Kimahri standing by my side. It was easy for me to get across any tree stumps on the ground and across any rock beds on a few rivers. On the other stuff I needed Kimahri's help with. We'd stop occasionally for me to rest while Kimahri went to hunt for food for us. Some of the stuff he killed and cooked actually kind of tasted good, though some we would have done without, especially for me. I kept any of the remaining water bottles with me and refilled any of the empty bottles from the rivers. Might as well get used to that water for a while, I thought. After dinner during the night, we would do another sparring session and magic session to refreshing my skills. The sparring session was a little hard though because my new Keyblade added some extra weight.

I could just compare myself now from then, and the results of my experience shows it. The next day we made it out of the gruesome forest and saw the entrance to the town. I wasn't sure what town this is because the sign was faded out. Kimahri put a hand on my shoulder and I looked at him, smiling as he was about to talk again.

"Eric. Kimahri taught you everything needed to know, and Eric ready to survive on own. From here, you walk alone."

"But." I replied with a sad tone and I didn't want to be alone still.

"No sadness. Kimahri watch and protect you. Eric not see or hear Kimahri, but Kimahri always watching, waiting, protecting. Kimahri come when Eric in final moment of peril, and only at then. Understand?" I hesitated to speak and felt nervous in the stomach since I won't feel protected by the Ronso Guardian/Mate's protective aura. But I managed a reply.

"Yes." And nodded.

"Good. See you next time." I nodded and looked at the town again, I only made one step but stopped.

"But Kimahri?" I asked looking back, and he was not here, not with me at least. I guess he meant it, but no matter if he's with me or not, I'm sure that he'll protect me either way. As long as he's around, I will always have courage. I then proceeded into the town, completely unaware of Kimahri's close presence hiding in the shadows of the trees, moving in everywhere I'm going unseen. But I didn't mind so much, but I wished that I could call my Keyblade away and back again when I needed it, just like Sora. I then thought, maybe I should try it, and before I knew it, the blade was gone in a flash of light. It looked like I didn't have a weapon now, but I still posses one. I arrived in town and none of the citizens there seemed to notice me so I just went about my way. I stopped across a bank and then I remembered the gold that I got from defeating the ghosts. Back in the forest I had counted and I've got about one hundred and twenty eight pieces, and it was a lot to carry.

Maybe a banker can tell me how much these are worth, I thought, it's worth a try and hopefully news hasn't gotten around about me. I stopped by the bank and managed to talk to someone and scheduled me an appointment with their manager. I was third in line so it took a while, after about an hour and forty minutes of boredom, it was finally my turn. The manager was an extremely nice guy with a warm smile that can possibly be liked by anyone. We shook hands and then we went down to business. I showed him the gold and he then inspected it, He looked at one of the pieces closely while I just sat there quietly. Ten minutes later, he finished his inspection.

"Interesting..." He said.

"What is it?" I asked. Again he looked at the coin and replied.

"This is an unusual but valuable coin. It's made of solid gold, and it has a strange emblem that I can't tell what it is."

"Really?" Was my astonishment, and he nodded.

"Have a look." He smiled and handed me the gold piece I then examined the coin and noticed the unusual emblem. The emblem consisted of what looked like a type of dragon inside a square of some kind. I think I've seen this symbol before, I thought, it was at my favorite computer program but what? I handed the coin back at him and said.

"Interesting. Do you know how much it's worth?" I asked.

"This is the most valuable coin I've ever seen myself. Where did you find this?"

"At an abandoned church somewhere in the outskirts of town."

"Hmmmm..." He hummed in interest. "Lets see, it's made out of solid gold, and made with this emblem, found in the old church. The value would have to be... $20 per piece you have." Astonishment came to me. 128 gold pieces for $20.00 each? I asked myself, Do the math and it's about 2,560.00, take the deal man what are you waiting for?

"That's the perfect deal sir, and here's the pieces I have." I gave him all of the gold I had and he was speechless, shocked, and bewildered. The bankers then traded all of my gold and I got the 2,560 in cash. Then I went about my business and explored more of the town.

There didn't seem to be anything to do in this town except get me a new pair of clothes. I looked at myself and saw my clothing completely trashed. It was finished and it's been weeks since I had mom wash my laundry last time. So I went to a clothes shop to find a new pair, and looked for one that was perfect for me for a long fifteen minutes. But since I got bored really quickly, it felt like two hours. I found a few things and tried it on. I looked really retarded in those ones and found another one and tried it on. This one always suited me, a red polo shirt with a long pair of blue jean shorts. I also put on a cool pair of black gloves with no fingers on them to compliment my personal style along with a new pair of black shoes and a black belt to go with it. I went with that and with the shoes it all cost me about $160.00. I made the payment and went to the dressing room. I took off my old ragged clothes and put on my new garments. I looked at myself in the mirror and I saw myself extremely different.

I looked great with this outfit, but I also sported a change from my own body itself. I started to gain a little muscle and I adapted more smarts. If I we're in school still I'd be passing everything I come across, and I felt more magic energy within. It's a change I'm experiencing both inside and out. To think I'd be like this when I turn 18 would be awesome. I left the store with only 2,400 left to spend. It was about time I kept moving on but where would I go that Kimahri could follow? When I continued on, Kimahri was silent and stealthy on the roof of the clothes shop looking at me and smiled in admiration. He liked my new clothing and thought it was kind of cute. The Ronso for some what reason always found me cute in red, couldn't blame him though since we're mates after all. I kept going across the city past streets and strangers trying to find transportation. I saw what then was the ticket, literally. I saw some stairs leading to the underground and wondered If I should go down. I went downstairs and saw a local subway, with tiles in the ceiling, walls and floors going across horizontally and crowds of people waiting for their trains. I saw the ticket booth at one end of the station and figured where I should go.

I felt something hit me in the head very lightly and looked back at it. I could have sworn somebody threw something at me and ran off. Probably some stupid person with nothing better to do. I looked down and saw a piece of paper kind of crumbled up, but it had my name on it. What could that be? I thought and picked up the paper, and the message was written neatly and told me.


Go to next town, hide there for a while. No one suspect yet.

Meet there,


(PS: I love you.)

I love you too Kimahri, I said to myself. Smiling with renewed hope, I quickly went up to the ticket booth. I tried to figure out where to go, and when one option was out of my mind, I went with it. After three people in front of me, it was my turn.

"I need a ticket to Los Angeles please." I said, then the lady working at the booth was typing on her computer, she stopped to ask me.

"What time?"

"When's the closest time?" I asked and she type on the keys for another second and stated.

"3:30." I looked at my watch that I was wearing and saw that the time was about 3:00 on the dot.

"I'll take it then, how much?" I asked, though it wasn't necessary. She once again worked on her computer and she told me once she finished.

"That'll be about $72.86." That's very expensive for a subway ticket but I had enough money to pay it and did so. I got my ticket and sat down on one of the dark green chairs to wait for the train to come by. They had a TV in there so I wouldn't be too bored, A sitcom was on that I wasn't very familiar with but was interrupted with a Breaking News flashed from a local news program. It then showed the anchorman about to announce the news, and I was quite curious and listened intently.

"Another person has been gone missing! One by the name Eric Lewis!" Then the TV showed my high school photo and it was just as I feared. "Information about him says he's the identical twin brother of the currently missing Ryan Lewis, no traces of where either of them went but police have found some evidence. Shortly before Eric's disappearance about a week ago, police have found two dead bodies at a local park somewhere in St. George. The survivors we're identified to be..." Then their names we're mentioned but I was afraid to listen. "Members of a gang of rapists that went out in the middle of the night getting drunk and killing anyone that went into their way of getting to one Susan Earl. Police also found a torn down Nissan Sentra which happened to be Lewis's before his disappearance." One by one each picture of the days a week past has went by, and I couldn't swallow or breath from fear. "Surviving gang members have been arrested by police and gave information that a guy in a blue lion costume came and killed them with a type of spear like weapon and then Kidnapped Eric and took him away." I was mad at this thinking, Kimahri didn't kidnap me! He rescued me! Those stalkers are retarded, annoying douche bags.

"One person has caught a shadow of the supposed kidnapper from his digital camera." Then the picture next to him was what looked like a blurred shot of Kimahri holding me going past a tree covered in shadows. The boy was never seen after that, in other news, a local grocery store had been robbed, twice. No suspects have been found but police have gotten one piece of evidence. A strand of white hair was found an hour after the second robbery, and the stolen items have been lead back to an abandoned church somewhere in the outskirts of town." You're kidding right?! I thought. "We now go live to the blond lady in the brown fur coat." The camera shifted to the 'blond lady in the brown fur coat', who's name happens to be Savanna according to the screen.

"Thanks Tom, I'm standing out in front of an old abandoned church which inside, the police have found grocery bags, half eaten food and dozens of empty water bottles. Police are shocked to find this and had this to say." The camera went to one of the cops.

"All of this started to happen when poor Eric disappeared. Some what reason, we feel that this had to link to him." I didn't pay attention to anymore of the news after that, scared out of hell realizing that I'm screwed. I'll bet Kimahri would need to improve his skills more to prevent being caught himself, I thought, It's an even greater risk now. After that I kept looking down at the ground very intently to make sure no one else watched the news too and recognized me until the train for Los Angeles had arrived and I quickly showed my ticket to one of the guys in charge and hurried on in. Everyone else who we're to be on the same train as me came in too and after ten minutes of worry, the train finally left.

Nobody seemed to acknowledge me on the train so I felt a little relieved but a little bit scared. Don't worry bud, I told myself. It'll be all right, you got Kimahri on your back so don't be discouraged. I breathed a sigh in relief once again and calmed down a little, and leaned my head against the seat and closed my eyes. I enjoyed the quiet and then my eyes tensed and opened from a bright light of the evening sunsetting sky. I looked back and saw the cities now behind me, now that the police are behind us once again. Everything was quiet until I heard a little kid started screaming and crying and looked back puzzled. The kid looked about five or six years old and was in front of a purple balloon that popped into shreds. I figured it probably got caught by something from the ceiling because he let go of it. The mother of the child grabbed him and took him out of the car into another room, making the place quiet again. I couldn't stand watching children being miserable and sad like this so I had to do something, but what?

I got up and walked to the balloon and looked at all of the pieces I took a look at this and felt something from it. I wish I could fix this with magic, I thought. I always wanted to help people like this, but how? Then I got a flash back, it was back in the forest when I was traveling with Kimahri and the night that we camped, he had given me one piece of advice to further my training.

"Some users can use same spells but for different purpose. Kimahri know this from Lulu." He assured me. Of course that made me remember the scene in Final Fantasy X with Yuna being kidnapped by the Al Bhed Psyches during the blitzball tournament and Lulu brought the party back with a warp spell. Of course that was different but that was what I was thinking about. I was brought back to reality with the balloon in hand, and figured that I should put this into the test. I looked back and made sure that no one was looking and walked back to my seat. I made sure I got every piece and set that and the string for it and put it all on my lap. My hands went around it and waited for the right energy channel, concentrating on repairing the balloon and making it float again, and when I felt it, I called it.

"Wind." Then a tiny gust of wind was wrapped in between my hands and the balloon pieces swirled around my hands. Then right before my eyes, the balloon was at its original state, the string was attached to the bottom and the magical wind gave it the helium it needs to stay afloat. It was my first try on converging spells for a different use and I succeeded. I wanted to give the kid his balloon back but had to wait a good twenty minutes until they finally returned. The kid was sad and silent and I couldn't move to get to him. I just sat there and stared still like a statue for a good ten minutes until I finally got up and put the balloon as I came up to him.

"Uh... Hi there..." The kid and his mom looked at me but didn't respond. "Umm.... Here..." I then showed him the balloon. "I got you this... Because... I didn't want you to be sad... So here you go." I smiled awkwardly but the Kid was gasping for joy and made me smile.

"Yay!" Was the kid's response and the mother was smiling rather warmly. As I was giving his balloon back, I remembered what would happen if it popped again.

"Oh yeah. One thing though, here, give me your wrist." I took the kid's wrist and tied the balloon string onto it in a perfect tie. Just tight enough for it to stay there. "There, now you won't lose it again." The kid and the mom we're extremely happy and she asked to the kid.

"What do you say to nice young man?"

"Thank you." He said. I nodded and replied.

"You're welcome." Then I turned and went back into my seat. I looked back at the family now happy and joyous. I just laid back and thought to myself, I helped someone out today already, I'm pretty sure that Kimahri would be proud of me. Meanwhile Kimahri was there standing on the roof of the train right above me with his hands behind his back and the spear stabbed perfectly still on the ground. He just held his pose and looked straight on to the distance with his stotic expression. Looking ahead towards our destination, streets of L.A.

Night was about to fall and the train has made it to the Los Angeles station at which I exited. Going along the station to upstairs until I was finally outside again. The sky was dark blue with pink clouds at distance where the remaining light from the sun was at the horizon. It was a huge city as I anticipated it with big buildings all lit up and it felt really exciting to see the sights. The Keyblade was with me completely visible but was being carried on my back with the help of my belt as I was going along the streets. I didn't mind having the blade exposed because anyone can just think it's a cosplay thing for the Kingdom Hearts fans, and I was definitely one. A real Keyblade of my own, I thought, I love this, so unbelievable. First Kimahri, then the spells, and now this! Can't wait to see what's next. I smiled and just went through the streets without any fear of police. Since Kimahri is always with me watching me whenever I'm not seeing or hearing him at all, he can get me out of anything. I heard my stomach growling and realized that I didn't eat much so I went to the nearest food place and ate there. It was good stuff and the price was worth it. After eating I went downwards through the street and found a quiet neighborhood alley. I stopped to look around and saw nothing around me. Not even any possible sounds and presences of any hoodlums or thieves. If there were my magical aura could have sensed them so I'm always alert.

But where am I supposed to go? I asked myself. Then something dropped onto my head, I looked up and saw nothing. Then I looked down and saw a crumbled piece of paper on the ground. I picked it up and opened it, reading a quick message from it.


Go down one block and go right. Vacant room behind alley, rest there. Kimahri come down for you. Sweet dreams,

Kimahri ;)

I blushed a little and carried on to the directions. It really was vacant there and dark too when I arrived. I took a good look around the room and saw a two person bed with a red blanket and white pillows. The floor had a red carpet, a TV with a VCR, and a bathroom on the left side of where I was standing. This seems like a good place to hide, in fact too good to be true. I walked in and shut the door and saw two closed blinds covering the windows. I didn't bother doing anything other than just going straight to bed because I was tired from walking all day and all of that hard crap. I took off my new shoes but left my socks on, and got under the covers. I set the Keyblade next to the bed on the small drawer holding some kind of lamp. As I was lying down on my bed, one question was eating my mind as I went to sleep. Ryan, where are you?

End of Chapter Results

Eric Lewis


Class: Freelancer

Lv. 4

Exp: 278

Next Lv: 183

HP: 347/347

SP: 34/34

G: 0 ($2319.04)