Stranger Part 5B

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#6 of Stranger

Soon Kora was finished with the song. He was blushing quite a bit and he felt warm; he wasn't used to singing in front of anyone, and he wondered if his voice really was as good as his parents told him it was.

"That was...beautiful..." Atti said, in a daze. Ms. Silverman applauded, smiling heartily. "Great job! I'd love to put you in Choir, and with that voice, you could be a soloist..."

Kora's eyes lit up and began to water a little. "T-Thanks!" was all he could bring himself to say. 'That had to be one of the most embarrassing moments of my life... but I'm glad they liked it...!'

Atti smiled cutely. "You're welcome, Kora. Very welcome." Suddenly, the bell rang, breaking the moment. "Oh, looks like it's time for class!" Atti said, and turned to exit. "See you two in Music." Ms. Silverman said as Atti and Kora walked out the door.

The bell rang a second time just as the two boys made their way into the art classroom, with many other students now sitting at some of the tables strewn about the room. The teacher's face was beaming when he saw the two walk into the room. "Nice to see you again!"

"Likewise." Atti replied, and then looked around for two seats. 'Hmmm...' He spotted a kid alone at a table, and soon figured out why. He was wearing a 'Pride' pin. Atti walked right to the table and sat down next to him.

Kora plopped down in the seat right next to Atti as the teacher made his announcement about their first class since coming back from vacation. A lot of the students were too busy fooling around to listen however.

"Hi there," Atti said to the loner. "I'm Atti. I know why you're sitting alone. People don't like you and they don't respect you." The kid looked up. "How would you know?" Atti smiled. "Because I'm like you." He whispered. "And so is my boyfriend."

Kora cocked his head to the side at Atti's mentioning him. Finally he noticed the pin hanging on the guy's shirt and realization dawned on him. "Oh!" He said out loud before he covered his mouth, realizing he was being loud in the middle of class. "Are you that or a supporter...?" He whispered covertly this time.

"Oh, I'm definitely a tail-raiser..." the kid said. "I got kicked out onto the street for it." With that, he went back to looking at the floor dejectedly.

Kit's ears drooped in sympathy as he looked at the kid. "I guess you could say the same thing happened to me and my brother... We both started here today..." He hoped he would help the guy feel better.

He smiled sadly. "It's good to know that at least someone can be nice to me." Atti made a sympathetic face. "Don't worry...a lot of people here are nice." "By the way, my name's Randall." the kid said. "Nice to meet you. Okay, we should start paying attention." Atti replied.

"Okay, Class! Listen up! Today we will be learning about Cubism." the teacher looked around at all the kids with a smile on his face. "Can anyone tell me which artist made that style famous?" he looked around at everyone expectantly.

Atti's hand shot up into the air. "Picasso?"

The teacher's face beamed as he looked over at Atti. "That's correct! Erm... I don't think I got your name... or your friends' names either, now that I think of it." Kora gulped. "Do I have to say my full name...?" The teacher chuckled in response. "Not at all!"

"I'm Atti Chalfant, and this is Kora Sayre. Oh, and this is Randall..." "Raines." Atti looked at the teacher inquisitively, as if challenging him to the next question

The teacher logged the names away. "Okay, then. The next step is really just finding your inspiration for your individual pictures, really... Though certain things will be easier than others." He chuckled. "Wouldn't want to try for the Sistine Chapel on your first day, right?" He guffawed.

"Now who would I paint? I wonder..." Atti said, mock-perplexed. He looked at Kora, who was making an 'Earth to dipshit!' face. "Ding ding ding! We have a winner!"

Kora grinned roguishly as the teacher chuckled a little as well. "Eh, I can let you guys off the hook for a while, I suppose... Why not? You're new, after all, so do what you want for today." He winked as he ambled over to the other students.

Atti grinned. "Thanks, Mr. Love." Randall glanced at Atti. "Are you two really dating?" "Yes, and we love each other." Atti said back, but quietly. "I just wanted to make sure, because I saw the way you two looked at each other."

Kora nodded affirmatively. "Yeah, I can understand that." He responded with a grin. "Assumptions can be dangerous..." He was making a loose reference to when he and Atti first met.

"Like when you 'assumed' I was a statue?" Atti remarked, and giggled. Randall just looked at him blankly. "What are you talking about?"

Kora chuckled. "Yeah, hoped you'd catch on." He saw Randall's confused look and smiled, before recounting the story. "The first time I saw him was in the museum: He was posing as an -erm- 'Interesting' Statue." He hinted as he gave a wink towards Atti.

Randall burst out laughing. "No way! You were the statue at the museum?! I'm so pissed at myself for not noticing!" Atti giggled. "Yeah, Kora made the same mistake." "Also...when I saw you as the statue, I...erm...let's just say I had to 'readjust myself' afterward." Randall blushed.

Kora laughed a little before joking around with him. "I can forgive it; we weren't together yet." He chuckled jokingly. "He's so hot when he's nearly naked, isn't he?"

Atti blushed. "As much as I adore compliments like that, I think we should get started with the art." He walked over to one of the closets lining the wall, avoiding the crush of students trying to get materials. He pulled out a small stack of paper, art pencils and a couple erasers.

Kora lined up right behind him, grabbing a large piece of paper and a set of pastels as well as an artist pencil. He had an idea as to what he wanted to do, and he figured it would be perfect in pastels.

Atti turned and walked back to the table. He handed a couple pencils and sheets of paper to Randall. "Here ya go." "Oh, thanks." Atti waited until Kora sat back down, then put his pencil to the paper and started drawing. A rough drawing of a head started to take shape. "There's something about drawing that just helps me relax." He said, almost to himself.

Kora set to work as soon as he sat down, the pencil whipping from side to side around the paper. A rough outline of a large landscape took place with two bodies starting to form in the center. He had his tongue clenched in his teeth as he worked, and soon one could pick out a large forest looming behind rolling hills and a mountain in the distance.

Gradually, details began to take shape. Ears took shape, eyes were drawn in, and fur was beautifully rendered. Now anyone could see that it was Kora depicted on the paper. 'Looks good so far...' Atti thought. Meanwhile, Randall was lost in his own drawing, the images in his head flowing onto the paper. A tall, muscular lion with piercing blue eyes and a small smile was what he was picturing, and it was transferred beautifully to the paper. 'If only...if only...'

Kora suddenly stopped drawing for a moment and looked around at his surroundings. He saw a snippet of Atti's drawing of him and smiled warmly, and then his eyes dropped to Randall's drawing and something just seemed familiar about the subject of the drawing, but he just couldn't place it.

Atti started to clean up his drawing, erasing guidelines and shading in shadows. He added the last line, then wrote 'To my love.' on the back. He relaxed in his chair, and spied Randall's drawing. 'Is that...?'

Kora was just about done with the base drawing, and planned to use the pastels if he had time or wait until tomorrow. Which brought him back to the drawing. 'I know I've seen that somewhere before... but where could I possibly have...' it was then that realization hit him. 'Jav's friend!' he gave off a cute smile as he noticed it. 'Maybe I'll let it be a surprise when he sees the guy though...'

"Alright you want to see it?" Kora nodded frantically as a reply. "Okay..." Atti said, and turned the drawing towards Kora.

"Oh, my, Atti! That's such a great picture!" Kora was aglow as he saw the flawless drawing in front of him. He looked at his picture which was completely lined, but not colored in yet and wished he had been able to finish more of it, but he shook it from his mind as he lifted it up for Atti and Randall to see. A drawing of Atti and Kora standing together in the landscape stared back at them.

"'re good at landscapes." Randall remarked. "I just like drawing people...but you wouldn't want to see my drawing." "Why not?" Atti asked. "It''s personal." "We don't mind. You should show us if you think your work is good." Atti put a hand on Randall's shoulder to reassure him. "Well...okay..." he said, and showed them both the drawing. In the short time since Atti last saw it, he had added beautiful and detailed color, and some shading in the background.

Kora giggled to himself. "Maybe I'll have to recruit you two for making things for my games that I'll be making in the future..." He was only partially joking, too. Now that he had seen the picture in more detail he could say without a doubt that it was the guy he had seen after he tackled his brother.

"That's too good of a drawing to be just made up on the it of anyone?" Atti asked. "No!'s not of anyone..." Randall replied and looked down at the floor again. 'If only they knew.'

Kora was beginning to wonder if he should just tell Randall about the guy he had seen, but he didn't want to ruin the surprise that much... Still he didn't like to see the guy troubled... "Say... Randall...?" He began to say.


"..." Kora was thinking about how to say what he wanted to without breaking the surprise all together. "Cheer up... you'd be surprised what a new place can bring... right?" He hoped he wasn't sounding too annoying, but he knew the person was real.

"I hope so." Atti looked at him. "Hey, a new place brought me Kora...maybe it can bring you someone." "You really think so?" Atti smiled knowingly. "I know so."

Kora clapped his hands together. "Right! You'll always be surprised what can happen at any given moment!"

Atti stood up and walked over to the teacher. "After you grade our work, can we take it home? I think someone I know would want it on their wall..."

"I hope I can find a frame..." Atti joked.

The class had ended and after a few other classes they were allowed to the cafeteria for lunch. The mass of students filing into the long rooms had definitely looked ready to eat, and the people in the lunch line definitely looked enthused to be there. Kora, Atti, and Randall all found each other miraculously and also settled into the line.

"Okay, you two have money, right?" Randall nodded, and Kora held up a roll of singles. "I really need some coffee right now..." Atti remarked. "Or something similarly caffeinated."

Kora chuckled and responded, "Need your fix already?" He eyed the different foods before grabbing a cappuccino with a big grin on his face. "Me too, actually!" he laughed.

Atti smirked. "Takes one to know one, eh?" He snagged an iced coffee out of the cooler, picked up a sandwich and a banana, and edged along towards the cash register.

"Always love the coffee." Kora muttered aloud as he grabbed hold of a slice of pizza and a fruit cup. "I always hated the stuff they pack this in..."

Atti pointed a finger at him. "That's why sharp claws are good. Self-defense and opening shrink-wrapped food!"

He giggled in response. "Wonder if Kit and everyone else are around here now?" He asked as he looked from table to table.

"Oh, they're probably outside, where they were in the morning." He said. "You want to come with, Randall?" "Would they like me?" Atti gave another knowing smile. "I know one of them would *adore* you."

Finally reaching the sort of courtyard that they all found each other at the beginning of the day; Kora looked around at the benches trying to ferret out where his brother might be sitting. There were a few good places underneath some large trees to sit as well, but he was having trouble finding anyone.

"Hmmmm...where are they?" Atti wondered. Without warning, he was tackled to the ground by someone behind him. "YAH!" Jav screamed. "Whatinthefreakinhell?!" Atti responded.

Kora whipped around but not fast enough as a pair of arms clutched around his chest and kept his arms stock still. "Agh! Kit! C-Can't breathe!" He started to laugh while still struggling a little to breathe as Kit grinned maliciously at his brother. "Payback!"

Behind them, Randall covered his hand with his mouth to smother a laugh. "Classic!" He managed to blurt out. "Very funny, Jav. Now get off of me!" Atti said and Jav obliged. "You have to admit, that was hilarious." "Oh, fine."

Kora swatted at Kits arm with his hands and soon Kit dropped him, but then scooped him up in a normal hug. "You fell for that marvelously." He stated as Kora rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah... love you too, bro."

Atti stood up. "Ugh...I think you made me pull a muscle." Jav snorted. "The only muscle you'd ever be able to pull is...erm...oh, you know." Atti blushed. "I sort of knew that..." Randall said.

Matt had been looking around the courtyard for quite some time, and had finally found the group he was really looking for. The two girls giggling and twirling their hair in their fingers were really just publicity; he had no intention to lead either of them on. "Excuse me, ladies." He said as he waved his two fingers at them, making them blush.

Jav shook his head. 'He's so unlucky to be a gay *jock*...'

Walking up just behind the three little ones he waved at Jav and Kit and smiled before he started talking. "Well, its about time I found you all!" He laughed smoothly.

Randall glanced at the newcomer, and then did a double take. His eyes bugged out. 'Ohmigod! It's him!' He stammered, trying to say something. "Uh...err...hi!"

Matt looked down at the new boy in the group and couldn't help his eyes flashing for a second. 'He's cute...' "H-hi..." He responded. "What's your name, then? I'm Matt, by the way." He held out a hand.

Randall grasped Matt's hand shakily, and looked at his face. "...I'm Randall..." 'He's so HOT!' Randall shook his head and regained his composure. "Those girls are a handful, no?" 'I hope he's gay...please let him be...'

Matt shook his hand happily and chuckled at Randall's response. "Nice to meet you Randall... Yeah, they're always hanging off me... Too bad they can't have me, and I'll never tell them." He offhandedly stated before realizing too late that he had outed himself.

'Does that mean what I think it means?!' Randall thought excitedly. "What do you mean?" He asked Matt.

Matt blushed as he stammered "Heh..." He simply scoffed 'dammit... I had to open my fat mouth, didn't I...?' "Eh, just that I'm not interested really." He said in the same offhand tone.

"Oh, I see." 'I don't think that's the end...he definitely has more to him than he lets on.' "So...can I ask you a question?"

'Crap... he knows doesn't he...' He cleared his throat a little. "S-Sure... Why not?" 'Oh geez, oh geez, oh geez...'

Matt could tell he was falling further into a trap, but he couldn't bring himself to put up an act. "I... I don't mind it at all. Really, I don't..." He said with an air of finality. All the while thinking 'God, how I want to tell him... but I can't...'

"Good for you...there are so many ignorant idiots in athletics." 'God, I want to have him so bad!' "Sometimes I just want to kick them all out of the country." 'I need to get him alone...somehow...' "Oh crap!"

Matt jumped when he heard the yell. "What? What?" He cried out, thinking he had done something wrong. All the while worrying that he wasn't fooling the kid at all. He looked over at Jav who gave him a knowing smile, and he tried to calm down. It wasn't blaringly obvious... was it?

"I lost my watch...and it was expensive! This is NOT good."

"Oh, that's not good... Did you want to look for it around here, then?" Matt let his own sense of chivalry throw him headlong into the trap. Kora looked like he was about to mention not seeing a watch, but Atti quickly caught his attention with a tacklehug.

"I think I lost it while we were walking out here...right around there." He pointed at a stand of trees a short walk away. "Can you help me find it? Please?" He gave a cute, sad look.

It dawned on Kora what was really going on, and he smiled sadistically behind Matt's head as Matt nodded and followed along right behind Randall.

When they reached the trees, Randall turned to look at Matt. "I think we both know that I didn't lose a watch."

Matt was sweating in nervousness as he rubbed the back of his head. "I was hoping you weren't joking..." He mumbled more to himself than anyone else as he actually addressed Randall. "Yeah... I kinda figured as much... So you want to ask me something other than your last question."

Randall looked right into Matt's eyes. "I know you're gay. And I want to you like me as much as I like you?"

Matt gulped hard. "So it really _was_ obvious..." He said aloud. "Alright, no use hiding it anymore." He looked at the ground dejectedly. "Yeah... I'm gay. Hah, a gay jock, who'd've thunk it?" He joked weakly. In the back of his mind he was yelling at himself. 'He knows you're gay, he wants to know if you like him... What's the holdup?!' 'How much younger is he than me exactly...?' 'He can't be that far behind if you're both in highschool, right?!' Finally he shook back to reality and threw caution to the wind. "Y-You're really cute and good looking... Yes I do."

Randall looked at him with an astonished smile. 'I don't know what to say to him now...' With that dilemma in effect, there was only one thing he could do. 'I hope this doesn't blow it!' Randall thought, then drew himself up to full height (about a quarter-inch shorter than Matt) and planted a kiss on Matt's lips.

Matt was shocked and caught off guard by the kiss and was about to push Randall away when he realized something. 'I don't want to refuse it.' he thought to himself as he stood still in the glow of the kiss. 'It feels too good; too right...'

Randall steadily continued the kiss, his first. 'This isn't's what it should be. And I don't want it to stop...' Randall murred. 'It just feels so...right...'

Matt was practically purring through the kiss, and he didn't care who saw them kissing. Which was a good thing as all of his friends had certainly seen. Kora was laughing inwardly and actually feeling proud of himself for keeping the secret for as long as he did, and Kit was shocked and at the same time impressed that Randall had broken through like that.

Randall slowly pulled out of the kiss, then blushed and shrank back from Matt. "I-I shouldn't have done that..." he looked away.

Matt snapped back to reality as the kiss was over and his head shot back and forth. 'Crap, I hope no one was paying attention...' "I-I don't care..." He took a breath. "I enjoyed it. Maybe sometime we could..." He was nervous, and trying to ask Randall to hang out somewhere, but couldn't say it.

Randall looked back at him. "You did?" 'What was he going to say?'

Matt shook his head almost violently as he responded "Oh god, yes I loved it. And maybe sometime we could get together... and do it again..." Matt blushed heavily and hoped he wasn't showing it too much, in case someone was watching that he didn't want to see this.

Randall's jaw dropped almost audibly. " want to go out with me?! Ohmigod, YES! Of course!" He was he was blushing bright red, but smiling broadly at the same time.

"Well...I think we know the right people to get advice from." He nodded towards the others, who had snuck up when they were kissing. "Any suggestions?"

Every trace of a blush on Matt's face seemed to amplify as he looked back at his friends with a goofy grin on his face. "Yeah..." He muttered. Jav scratched the back of his head as he gave up an idea. "Kit and I met at the bookstore and ended up at the movies..." And Kora jumped in with his own idea. "I met Atti at the museum!" He neglected to mention any more for Matt, but Randall chuckled a little.

Randall shrugged. "I'm drawing a blank." "Hey, what kind of music do you guys like?" Atti asked. "Well, I'm into alt rock and electronica..." Randall responded

"Mostly rock, and every once in a while I'll listen to heavier stuff when I feel like it." Matt responded, wondering where this was going to go.

Matt grinned. "Alright! Then we have what we're going to do!" He smiled warmly at Randall and gave him a covert hug.

Randall smiled to himself. 'I can't believe it...just a couple hours ago I felt like no one liked I have a boyfriend!' "Thanks...thanks for not pushing me away." He said to Matt.

Randall beamed. "Awwww..." Atti grinned at them. "Thank some deity for the Leighton Act...otherwise this would be illegal." "I second that big time." Randall replied, then hugged Matt.

Kit smiled and couldn't help but grab Jav into a hug, and Matt was just as tempted to latch onto Randall as well.

The rest of the day went by in a blur, with all three of the couples giving subtle winks and secret kisses to each other when they passed in the halls.

With the day ended, Jav and Kit headed for Jav's car while Atti, Kora, and Randall all waited for the bus. Matt waved farewell to everyone as he swung his backpack over his shoulders and started out past the school grounds on his way home. He was thinking about Randall the whole way, and he had to walk slower than usual.

Kora giggled a little bit. "But we were just about the same thing! That museum was the best thing to happen to me, honestly." He gave Atti a hug and a peck on the cheek.

Atti smiled. "You say the sweetest things." He returned a kiss, but this time much more passionate. *murr*

Kora's tail stiffened again, wagging slightly as he murred in response. It was an automatic response; it seemed that his tail had a mind of its own from time to time.

Kora interrupted, though it killed him to do so. "We shouldn't be doing this in the middle of the school grounds... we keep this up and we'll lose control." He said as he was already getting to the point of no return as well.

Kora followed along behind Atti, covertly staring at Atti's behind as Randall brought up the rear into the bus. There were all sorts of other students clamoring around in the bus, and the bus driver looked a little disgruntled as they made their way to open seats.

Atti plopped down in a seat near the middle of the bus. Like commuter busses, this bus had doors in the middle as well as the front. "I wonder how long it'll take to get to the apartment?" He wondered as Kora and Randall sat down as well. "At least I don't have to wait long...the Charter House is only a mile away." Atti looked at him. "You don't have a place to stay?" Randall grimaced. "I told you...I got kicked out on the street."

Kora's ears fell again in response. "I'm still sorry to hear that..." He grimaced. "It bugs me that people have to be that mean..."

Atti put his arm around Randall. "Hey, we'll always be your friends. You're welcome to stay with mom has a big loft." Randall looked at him. "Really?! You and Kora would be okay with that?"

Kora smiled "Oh absolutely! I think it'd be great to have you stay with us, the more the merrier, right?" He clapped Randall on the shoulder and gave him a thumbs-up.

Randall grinned and instantly felt better. "Thanks so much!" Atti patted his back. "Don't mention it!" He felt the bus slowing down to stop in front of the apartment building. "Oh, that didn't take long. Come on you two!" He stood up and moved out of Kora and Randall's way, then exited after them. "This is our building. My mom has a loft close to the top."

Kora bustled up the stairs excitedly. He wasn't expecting his first day of school to go this smoothly; and it was great to have found so many new friends, as well. Finally he reached the front door of his new home and grabbed on to the handle. "Hurry up, guys!" He called down the stairs to Atti and Randall.

Atti bounded up the rest of the way then waited for Randall. " many stairs..." Randall panted.

Kora laughed. "Not in the best of shape are ya?" He picked at Randall while waiting at the door alongside Atti. "Should we wait for him, or just go in now? He knows where the door is..." He continued before laughing again.

"Hrmph. While I might not be the best at running up stairs...I could whip your ass in a danceoff ANY day!" He replied. Atti looked at him with a sly grin and a raised eyebrow. "I doubt you could beat me at poledancing..."

"Heh, I'm not going out for sports anytime soon anyway." Kora stated. Atti's comment about poledancing just got him going even more as he imagined it, and he began to tent out a little bit. 'Gah... gotta keep it under control...' he closed his eyes and shook his head a little.

"Awwww, but you'd look so hot in those tight little jogging shorts!" Atti joked. "I have to agree." Randall added. "Alright, gotta see if my mom's home." Atti stepped in and called out "Mom?" When his voice entered the room, an intercom activated and played a recorded message. "Hi Atti, this is mom. I had to take a trip out two Three Tower City to meet with some art critic. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon!"

Kora openly blushed at the compliments and giggled a little. "Aww, thanks! Still, I don't have that big of an interest in sports, really... Being forced into tryouts didn't help that much." The door opened and they listened to the message, which made Kora grin lecherously, though nobody else saw, as far as he knew...

" might want to find something to do on this floor of the loft. Kora and I have some...stuff we need to...'attend to'" Atti said candidly. Randall blushed, getting the picture. "I understand perfectly." He said, and giggled.

Kora's ears perked up and he was practically vibrating with excitement as he heard what Atti said. He had a smile from ear to ear as he followed Atti to his bedroom, tail wagging ceaselessly with his hand around Atti's waist.

The door closed behind Atti with a click, and he pulled Kora into a passionate kiss. "Mmmmmm..."

*murr* "Mmmm..." Kora kissed back, pulling Atti in closer and letting his hands run free. Nothing else mattered; he was just focused on Atti and being in that room with him at that moment. 'I can't believe this is happening...' He thought to himself.

Atti reached his hands under Kora's shirt, feeling up his chest. He slid his hands up and down, each time getting closer toward Kora's waistline. 'I hope he can take some teasing...'

Kora moaned into the kiss, thinking to himself 'when are we going to breathe?' He was in heaven, and the teasing was just getting him more and more excited as he tried to follow along, pressing his tongue into the kiss and pulling away from time to time to kiss at Atti's cheeks, chest, and neck.

Atti gasped when Kora kissed his neck. "Mm! That's nice..." Atti smiled slyly at Kora. "Ready to lose some clothing?"

Kora nodded eagerly, seemingly mute with pleasure. He started out with pulling Atti's shirt over his head with a smile on his face. 'This is great...!'

Atti giggled. "I meant you!" He slid off Kora's shirt and kicked off his own shoes and socks. " what should I do?"

Kora smiled bashfully with his shirt off. He didn't know why, but he felt a little more exposed around Atti. It was a good feeling, though, and sitting there waiting for Atti to come to a decision was almost excruciating for him. 'Quick... choose something!' he silently egged Atti on in his thoughts.

Atti turned Kora around, then tackled him onto the bed. "Let's get a little more intimate..." he ground his crotch against Kora's, murring at the burst of pleasure.

"Woahoo... aah... A-Atti..." Kora was flush with pleasure from the grind, his tail wanting to wag, but being pressed into the bed, it of course couldn't move. Kora murred as he started kissing Atti's neck again. 'Oh god... I just want this to last forever.'

Atti moved down and licked Kora's chest. "You like this?"

Kora erupted in a moan, nearly blissful as he got licked. "Oh, god, Atti..." He called out pleasantly. In the midst of his pleasure blindness, he reached down and grabbed a handful of Atti gently. He murred as he looked Atti in the eyes. "Ready...?"

Atti moaned. "Fuck, I was ready when I first saw you!" He reached down and unzipped Kora's pants, then his own. Their boxers were tented out extremely, and slightly wet from pre.

Kora grinned as he saw Atti's tent. "My, my... you were...!" He slid out of his pants and planted a kiss on Atti while giving a couple of gropes to Atti's tented shaft. 'Mmm... oh yeah, I want that...!' he caught himself thinking hungrily.

"Ohhhhh..." Atti moaned. He took his own pants off and kicked them off the bed. "D-do you want me to...?" he indicated Kora's erection and licked his lips.

Kora's foxhood seemed to twitch at the offer, and his face flushed a little more as a large grin appeared on his face. "Y-Yeah...!" He accepted and got into a good position. 'Oh this'll be *good*, I can tell...!' Kora thought to himself.

Atti slipped down Kora's boxers, and his cock sprung up and smacked Atti's cheek. "Ah! Hehe..." He blushed brightly, then gave a tentative lick. 'Tastes good...'

Kora shuddered and murred at being licked. "Oooh..." He moaned aloud. 'Oh god, yeah...' Kora began to relax more waiting for more to happen. "Atti... aah..."

Atti took the tip of Kora's foxhood into his mouth, scraping it against his teeth lightly enough to cause pleasure. 'I can't believe it...I'm finally doing this!' He took more of the shaft into his mouth, and bobbed his head up and down a little.

Kora let out another moan as he felt Atti's throat around him. "Oouhh... God, that feels so good..." He subconsciously started to buck his hips in time, and he actually began to pant a little as well.

Atti bobbed faster, rotating his head a little. 'Fuck, I can't take this...' he reached down and began to paw himself. 'Ahhhh...feels good....' he put his other hand on Kora's knot and squeezed gently.

Kora bucked harder in response to having his knot squeezed. "Aaah!" He let out a whimpering sort of moan as he shot a gob of pre into Atti's mouth. "Fuck, that felt good..." He panted out as he began to hit the edge. He was trying his hardest to hold out for quite some time, but he didn't know how long that was going to be... "Ooh..."

Atti's adolescent sex drive was a quick one as well, and he felt himself starting to edge. 'Oh gods...I can't stop!' He pawed himself faster, and took all he could of Kora's cock into his mouth. 'He's big...'

Kora let out a yelp followed by a moan as he felt himself flowing. "Atti... get ready...!" He bucked hard, his back arching as the first shot came out, followed by another and another as he let out a long sigh. "Haa..."

Atti choked a little as a reflex, but then swallowed most of the cum. He took Kora's cock out of his mouth and stroked it a little, another spurt landing on his face. He pawed faster and faster, bringing himself to a climax. "Uhhhh...oh gods...AH!" He yelped, then shot onto Kora's chest. *murr*

Kora murred at the end of his climax and looked down at his chest, scooping come of the cum up and licking at it. 'Strange... but nice...' He thought as he ate it off his fingers before giving Atti a tired smile. "You were great! And you taste great, too..." He giggled in the afterglow.

Atti gave a happy sigh. "You're the love." He licked the remaining cum off of them, then snuggled up next to Kora. "I never want to leave your side."

"Me either, babe..." He mumbled somewhat sleepily. He kissed Atti and murred as he snuggled up against him, smiling serenely. "That was amazing..." He managed to say.

Atti put his head in the crook of Kora's neck. "Likewise..." he said, and closed his eyes.