Mirror, Mirror

Story by Luther-Bat on SoFurry

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Mirror, Mirror

By Luther

With a long yawn, a great blue dragon shook off the last vestiges of sleep. He had been curled up among his bed of silks and furs. Never did he really have to worry about them catching fire, he was not that sort of dragon. He stood and stretched, splaying his forelegs out in front of him while his haunches remained in the air, hind legs and tail extending somewhere behind him. His wings shook to either side, as if sleepiness were something one could knock from themselves, like ice or dust. At last, muscles sated and woken, he stepped from the soft and padded ring to take a quick look around his cavern.

Addradry was a collector of things, as most dragons were. Also like most dragons he had to occasionally stop and take stock, making sure that everything was still there as he remembered it in its rudimentarily organized fashion. The ways he came about these things were as varied as their histories, some of which have been sadly forgotten. Among the more recent to come into his possession were a set of odd hand mirrors that he still had resting on a vanity desk. He acquired them when a tunneling mole cartographer stumbled upon his mountainside cavern by digging up through the floor. He was soon in a fright having realized what he had done and bargained them in exchange for sparing his life.

Again, Addradry was not that sort of dragon.

So instead of taking the man's self-imposed ransom, he offered a trade. Addradry would take the mirrors and send him on his way if the mole took a small something of his and promised to make no record of any cave being here on any of his maps. It was simple enough. The mole took some small token trinket and patched the hole on his way back out.

The mirrors themselves were made of polished stones of different kind and shape. There were about six in all, whisper-smooth like glass but with none of the fragility, a quality he discovered when he accidentally dropped one of the relatively small things. According to the mole he had received them as part of his payment for a recent job. They were supposed to do something magical or otherwise extraordinary in the light of a full moon but, since the mole almost never walked the surface, he had little use for them.

So now they were in Addradry's possession and curiosity was starting to take hold. Tonight was the night of the first full moon of the year. He had taken a nap to make sure he would be fresh and carefully transported them outside to a flat rock where they waited for the moon.

The dragon waited, looking over the nearby cliff faces. Some good distance above him was the tree line. The sun was still sinking and he could see the sun's light of darkening orange retreat up the rocks as it disappeared behind the mountain range and the horizon beyond. He found himself yawning again by the time one could really say the moon was out, haloed by the foggy accumulations above.

"Come on now, clouds. Part away," he said.

Eventually they did so and the view was unobstructed. Silvery moonlight kissed them, casting odd and warped reflections of it across the stones all around. Each seemed to create a slightly different shade of that pearly glow.

But nothing happened.

The dragon gave it another minute. Still nothing. Either it was the slowest magic he had ever seen or they didn't do anything after all. With a nearly defeated sigh he approached them once more and picked one up. Maybe you had to tap them or something? He gabbed up an octagonal mirror of obsidian being with a multitude of traceries on the reverse side. He looked into it, only it was not his reflection that stared back at him, not entirely. It took him a few moments to realize this but the Addradry looking back was not quite him.

Then he felt something odd. He felt like something was pulling back on his neck, trying to draw it upward. Reflexively, he reared back onto his hind legs and, as he did so, caught a glimpse of what it was that seemed off to him in the mirror.

There was a sharp pull on his torso at about ninety degrees. A shiver ran along his spine as it changed, the basic shape altering to something new. Scales stretched and new ones formed to take the vacant space they left as he witnessed his point of view shift upward. As his front legs landed back on the ground with a thud, he felt the strangeness of this new extension jutting upward. He had a torso now -separate from the one he had before. It was a midsection much like the mole had, much like any of the tiny anthropomorphic creatures he had seen scurrying around down below had.

He looked over towards a vanity desk and the completely normal mirror it had mounted on it. He saw himself and how he had indeed changed! By pure reaction he grabbed his new chest with his hands. Hands? Yes, the tiny mirror had granted him arms, complete with hands, again much like those little anthro creatures had. Of course, this was probably a good thing. He would look even stranger without them. He had barely felt the twin points of pressure on his new shoulders that heralded the formation of his newest two articulations. Supposedly these arms were his newest forelimbs now? At least everything was properly proportioned and fairly well muscled. All in all, experimenting with unknown magic could have yielded a worse result.

For all intents and purposes he was now a taur-like creature, like the four legged horse people who lived on the plains in the far distance. His new scales were the same deep and royal blue as the rest of him. An immediate benefit of hands made itself apparent as the hair of his thick black main fell across his eyes. Instead of having to toss it back he could merely brush it aside with his new digits. He caught a sight of him doing so in that same mirror and saw that he was smiling.

A bit of an interruption followed. There was a tingling, a warmth spreading throughout him and his new form. It didn't take too much to recognize the familiar flush of arousal. Perhaps it was a secondary effect of the mirror, a device made by some hedonistic flesh-shaping wizard. Perhaps Addradry had nobody but himself to blame, the mere thought of such change was enough to do it. This was something new and exciting -and excite it did.

But whatever the reason was, there was that pressure he knew forming between his legs. The neat slit there was bulging outward, forming a swollen mound in the seconds before the pent up dragon flesh pushed its way out. A fat cockhead slipped out, a bulbous and tapering tip followed by an onrush of thick meat behind it, swiftly hardening to its full size. A second succeeded it, following after to bob beneath the first one in vertical alignment. Addradry grunted as a duo of billowing balls slipped from their encasement to dangle in their proper place, followed by another bloated pair to properly feed the second cock. There were a quadruplet of bouncing, swaying, heaving scaly orbs and two four-foot long throbbing pillars of dragon pride hanging below his undercarriage. Their ends flexed almost uncontrollably as he felt a wildfire build at their base. If he leaned or stretched the right way, they could easily threaten to drag along the ground.

Occasionally they came close or even managed to touch tip to the smooth rock and send a sharp but pleasurable jolt through him, a shocking feeling that never truly faded. Instead it turned to something else, almost like a resonant vibration that carried throughout his entire body.

Addradry searched about. He had to do something about this building need and his eyes settled on a massive and elongated object, like a five foot pole with a smooth cap. It was a brass totem marker of some sort from some plainsmen tribe. He had retained it in part due to its lewd shape and size and often used it for a quite different purpose. Now he had more need than ever to call upon it.

Practically galumphing across his lair, he hurried towards it and moved it into position on its side and backed it against the wall. One had to be clever when lacking fine manual dexterity, one of the trade-offs for being a giant, terrifying, flying lizard. His tail waved above the shining length as he pressed the giant icon-turned-toy against his rear. He braced himself and muttered a thank-you to the travelling hedge magician he similarly "spared" in exchange for placing a simple enchantment on the thing. Thanks to that it entered smoothly and perfectly, pushing open his tailhole without a hitch and sliding inward.

Now, he was a big dragon but this was a huge thing to take all at once and everything clenched. He relaxed and then grunted, panted, and worked his way along, slowly backing against the wall. His cocks flew to catapult stiffness, bobbing wildly the entire time in response to the ribbing-shaped engraving that covered it. Then he felt it bottom out, the cap of it forming a slight bulge in his stomach.

There was another jolting sensation after, similar to what he felt when those tips brushed the ground. He at first thought nothing of it but it just didn't stop. He couldn't stop it no matter how much he tried to steady himself. He reached up and grabbed hold of a nearby rock shelf. It was a shelf that was normally well above his head and the implications did not yet strike him. It wasn't until his grip shifted and he no longer needed to reach above himself that he took notice.

When was it that he got taller? He must have been so caught up in his obvious physical changes and gratification that he hadn't noticed. Not just taller, but wholly larger, as he shifted his stance and found the pole buried inside him far more manageable. As much bliss stemmed from it, growing and becoming greater in such a way echoed an equally amazing feeling across every inch of his hide.

Where he started at eight feet in height from the ground to shoulder, he had to have at least doubled that! It was an easy thing to notice when he had to keep stepping forward from being backed against the wall. While the ever-present toy was a constant pleasure, it was only a temporary distraction from the fact that the ceiling was getting closer. Everything was getting closer!

So the problem became apparent that something was wrong. As nice as this was, he was rather partial to his home and what is the point of having one if he couldn't fit in it? His center of balance changed and caused him to stagger sideways into a pile of silks and knocking over a free-standing wardrobe. If ever this was reversed he wouldn't want to return to a former treasure trove of smashed things. He had to escape!

But that was easier in concept than practice. As he began to step towards the open cave mouth he felt the deep penetration shift inside him and wrest a gasp of unmitigated satisfaction that immediately stopped him in his tracks. His pair of achingly hard cocks ran across the flat and polished as he moved, they had grown as well, and he felt the coolness of his scaly orbs touch and begin resting on the floor. Now he had to drag those monsters behind him and they only felt like they were getting heavier. A quick look behind him and Addradry saw the pair in a stretched sac behind him that were half as tall as he was! Now it was a race to get out while he could still fit through the entrance.

He tried to move again but failed, held back by the desperate need that anchored him and refused to let go until it was sated. He felt himself well up, everything was reaching a critical mass for him that he couldn't possibly stop. Not that he wanted to stop it, exactly.

So he didn't. And with a single howling outcry he came with such a force as to nearly knock himself down. Twin jets of spunk shot again and again and again, creating a spread of sticky mess between him and the cave mouth. He fell, he tried to get back up but stumbled and slid towards the exit, covering himself with his own essence as produced more and more, adding to his own troubles. In his mad bid for escape he felt his toy slide from him and clatter to the ground, a casualty worth the price.

At last he managed to make his way over as it died off, one of the two dragonhoods determined to outdo the other, firing off a few times more than its brother. He had felt his massive dragon balls draw up closer to his body but part of him knew they were only satisfied for a short time, already on their way to refilling.

What a predicament! What could he do?

Then he thought of the mirrors once again. If they did this, maybe they could undo this! Plodding over to them, he quickly snatched up the obsidian one again. They were much tinier to him now and that much harder to hold, having to balance them between two claw tips but determination managed and he gazed intently into it. Nothing happened, nothing changed. A different one maybe? Setting it aside, he chose a new one, an oblong shape made of dark jade polished to perfection and shod in a copper fitting.

That did something! He felt like his insiders were twisting and turning, though not in an entirely bad way. Addradry felt stretched, drawn thin and long. He was still growing but he felt everything behind his humanoid torso began to thicken, followed by a curious loss of sensation. He couldn't feel his legs anymore. He didn't have legs anymore! The dragon looked back just in time to witness them retreat into his main body, melting into the sea of scales his new and snake-like posterior had grown into.

Reflexively he thought to kick to get away but that would not do at all. Instead he wound up thrashing his massive lower section, awkwardly propelling himself to the wide rock shelf outside his cave that overlooked the alpine valley below. He was no longer a dragon so much as a naga-like serpent creature. The vast majority of his body extended behind him and he would reluctantly say that it snaked back into his cave.

This would take some getting used to.

The new naga felt another twinge of odd discomfort near what he used to know as his crotch and looked down. At first he thought that his cocks had simply rearranged, now side by side instead of on top of one another. But then he noticed a second set above them, moved up along his body and similarly positioned at the base of his 'torso'. It would seem they had split into two, granting him four. Because if it one thing he had before, it was not enough cocks.

Not knowing what else to do, he brought his body up around himself and coiled up outside the entrance to his home. The naga grabbed his front two enormous cocks, thankful he still had arms, to move them aside so he could see past them. They had certainly not lost any size!

Sighing, Addradry pondered what he might do next as. The reverie might be short-lived however, as he felt himself drawing closer to orgasm once more. If he kept growing and changing like this, he felt sorry for the valley below!