Chapter One: Answer The Call, Enter A Coma

Story by ScrambledCrackers on SoFurry

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#2 of Protecting Harmony Book 1: Pathfinding

Hard to believe I've been working on this story and attendant verse for two years now, after starting with a random lark idea for 'human arrives this way' and going from there. When I'd first started, I hadn't done much of any creative writing in ten years. For whatever reason, I wanted to write MLP fanfiction several months after coming into the fandom. Life is weird sometimes.

Fans of this verse should keep this first book on their tracking list, as verse-wide update blogs are going to be linked to this first book. This includes announcing additional side stories along the way.

And speaking of additional stories, the verse has two at present:

The Wonderbolts Initiative - Focused on the Wonderbolts (obviously) and what pegasi are capable of. There's a rundown of pegasus flight magic, as well as a few little hints about the verse in a battle that Spitfire was involved in.

To Earn Our Equality - Ongoing story (Mar 8, 2016) - This is a complex story with other factors, but in short, TEOE is the tale of how earth ponies rose above being seen as lesser ponies by unicorns and pegasi, as well as some of the cultural shifts that made it possible for the three tribes to eventually unite. Updated mostly in alternation with Protecting Harmony until the story is completed.

Editing provided by: stupidhand14 from

Major revision fix: Mar 9, 2016

"I see you have woken up again. Feeling a little stronger than last time, I presume?"

The first thing I noticed upon my return to the waking world was the now familiar feminine voice of one of my two mystery visitors, and the only other company I've had for my short waking moments, other than doctors or nurses. The second thing I noticed was how sluggish and weak I felt, which had become unpleasantly normal of late, when I attempted to shift around a little in hopes of reducing the stiffness in my body from being in one position for too long. I didn't bother attempting to sit up.

My response, while steady, was a little slow and tired. "Somewhat... At least my arms don't feel like they weigh as much as a house this time. Hope I actually stay awake longer, too. Each time does feel a little longer than before." However small, I was glad I could discern some improvement, though there was still no change to the white blur of my vision. Troubling and unnerving as that was, I recalled being told it was temporary.

The biggest question hanging before me was how I had been injured or sickened in the first place. I couldn't recall anything that could explain me getting hurt in some way, much less why I was in a hospital. Or the tremendous sense of exhaustion I felt whenever I did wake up for a time. It also didn't help that I couldn't recall more than bits and pieces of anything said from one conscious period to the next, though that too was steadily improving, if only by small steps each time. I had no idea who my two consistent visitors were, assuming they'd previously introduced themselves in the first place.

"Your recovery pattern suggests you should remain conscious for a reasonable length this time. You appear to be doing well enough, so perhaps you might tell me what happened before you found yourself here. Anything you might tell us of what you remember, no matter how inconsequential events may have seemed up to a few hours before you woke up here, would help us start figuring out what has taken place. Even the boring everyday details may help, so please do not hesitate to to share anything that comes to mind," came the soothing tones of my mysterious visitor. Whomever she was, at least she was easy on the ears. Knowing my luck, that lovely voice of hers probably included her being older than me, hot enough to be a centerfold, and married.

Not like landing in a hospital was going to change my luck in love all of a sudden. At least my exes got to be happy together after the breakup five years ago, once they stopped feeling guilty for it. My end of things, I just never seemed to make any headway myself since, until I finally got fed up and took a break from trying last year. Wish I knew what kept making me feel like something was off or missing every time, but I stopped letting my mind wander and focused back on the present.

"Last few hours I can remember... I suppose you'll be interested in the weird stuff too, even though I know it's going to sound strange. I'm still questioning things myself, and the second part still doesn't even make sense to me," I said in the same tired voice, then took a deep breath before I began. "I was just starting my hike into some deep woods on a four-day weekend..."


As I breathed in the air of the undisturbed natural surroundings I was slowly making my way through, I let my mind wander to why I felt the need to take these trips so much._ By most people's standards, Barry was right; I am weird. Though that never did much to discourage me from the things I decided to do in anything else I did, either._

The forest air was comfortably cool beneath the shade of the trees, streaks of sunlight visible around me as it filtered through leaves and branches. The soft muffled crunching under my combat boots and the gentle rustle of my gear played against the chirping birds. A slight whispering breeze was blowing, causing strands of my long brown hair wander. My left hand was resting comfortably on the pommel of the broadsword hung at my side Though it was partly for protection in case I ran into anything that might actually want to harass me, it was primarily for practicing forms, drills, and cutting_ once I settled in at a place to camp. I also had a three-section staff holstered on my right thigh, and while it might have better reach I could never decide how much help it would be in an actual fight. The three-section staff might be fun, but the reliability of a sword in a practiced hand was as versatile as it was dangerous._

Rolling my shoulders, I shifted the weight of my pack and acoustic guitar case. With most of the weight attributed to the books in my pack, the guitar did little to offset my balance. Still hadn't decided what kind of magic I wanted to practice on this trip, but at the very least I would take time for a few rituals to commune with nature. Though I had barely started and knew there was a couple hours of hiking ahead of me, the forest already felt happy and welcoming, like it was glad I had come. Perhaps some time in meditation after making camp would give me hints as to why that feeling kept slowly getting stronger.

High above the trees, the sky was clear. The forecast called for clear weather the whole trip, so I shouldn't need to worry about rain or storms. The black with yellow highlights of the kung fu uniform I was wearing, my school's cantonese emblem over my heart and across my back, was at odds with the combat boots and beat up old brown fedora I wore. Of course, I did have my kung fu shoes tucked away in my pack for later once I'd made camp, as they weren't exactly well suited for hiking into forested mountain terrain.

My wandering thoughts shifted to a mental checklist for a moment, once more reviewing the rest of of my gear. I would try to gather some edible plants, but I had four MREs to provide a base for meals. The two extra uniforms, a small tent and sleeping bag, first aid kit and compass formed the basics. Aside from the books I brought, there was also a blank notepad and my smartphone with a solar charger so I had a GPS if necessary._ While I wouldn't have much real use for my phone out here, the onboard GPS was a safety for Barry to give to rescue services in case something happened and I didn't show up at the scheduled pickup spot in a few days._

Everything I would have needed to bring was there. My mind then wandered into where I'd be making camp and...


A faint question from my mysterious visitor made me pause. If the oddity hadn't caught my attention, I probably would have ignored it. A quick query for clarification made me more confused.

"Why no food or water? What is GPS or an MRE? What is a smartphone?" My sightless eyes blinked in her general direction.

"Huh... Well, I did have a canteen of water on me, I just neglected to mention it. Part of the challenge for myself was knowing where to obtain more water in the wild. MRE just stands for Meal Ready to Eat and was developed for the military. It's a compact, easily portable meal that won't spoil. Even has a special pouch you just add water to and it can even heat itself. Assuming I get all my gear back after this hospital stay finally ends, I can show you one if you want."

"I would appreciate that." She gave a soft hum and I imagined her nodding. "What about your 'GPS' and 'smartphone' things?"

I frowned at the lack of such basic awareness. "Kinda figured everyone knew about those by now. Explaining it all would take a while, so for now I'll just say the GPS on my smartphone is an advanced tracking system able to pinpoint my location to within a few paces from anywhere in the world, so long as I was above ground. If I got hurt on the trip, a rescue team could find me pretty fast that way."


After what I figured had been around three hours or so of hiking in the direction I felt interested in going, I began to ponder if I'd end up in a spot I'd camped before, or if I'd wander to a new spot. At the same time, I caught on to the earlier nagging sense of the forest around me, that it was aware and glad I had come, had now grown much stronger._ Now, it held a distinct urge behind it, and I realized that I'd been following that whisper of guidance since I started my hike._

While part of my magical practice for the trip was listening carefully to my intuition, everything I felt from the forest and from within, the feel was growing easier to follow. Unlike what I'd usually felt before, it was an almost clear feeling of direction now. A smile came to my face as the realization grew; knowing this trip was looking better than ever now. In the past, the more clear my intuition got, the more fulfilling my time would be, and so I focused on it with even more direct intent than before, eager to start learning why I felt it.

The more I focused on the faint sense of direction I was getting, and the further I hiked along, the stronger it became. It wasn't long before I could no longer say it was faint, or merely an urge. As time passed, it grew into a rising need that was making my curiosity dance to it's tune, feeling almost compelled to follow where I was being led. Though I'd felt powerful moments of guidance in the past, this had far surpassed anything I'd ever felt before, and over the next few minutes, it only grew stronger and clearer than ever. It was almost like descriptions out of some of the fiction stories I liked to read, and I had_ to know what was calling to me now, even as I reminded myself to proceed with caution._

Remembering the general lay of the land from my map, I realized it was leading me towards a slope-sided ravine I hadn't visited before. Without a reason to resist, I made my way down into the ravine with care, feeling a growing excitement over the still rising sensation. And if it was a strong feeling before, the moment I reached the bottom of the ravine, it was like a wave crashing into me. It was so intense, I could almost see a metaphorical line to follow in the air before me.

As I went around a curve in the ravine less than a hundred feet later, I was surprised to see a faint glow ahead. Part of me wanted to run towards it with how strong the urge had become, but my wariness was reaching new highs at the same time as I knew such an event had to have power behind it. I really wouldn't want to deal with getting bespelled, or kidnapped by a faeries or something of a similar nature, unlikely as it was. And that was assuming mere mischief by the Seelie types. I didn't think I was sensing any of their tricks, assuming what I understood of the legends held true, nor would their kind be so interested when I was wearing cold iron. Hmm, talking to a wood nymph or other friendly creature could be fun though. This whole experience had me running everything I knew of magical creatures and effects, trying to ascertain some idea of what I was experiencing.

When I finally came up to the source of the glow, I saw what looked to be a small crystalline orb of some kind. Kneeling down to take a closer look, I noticed it was unnaturally polished, smooth and clean. Around the size of a small orange, the perfectly smooth translucent surface appeared to drift almost imperceptibly between pale pastels, holding no pattern or form as the colors mingled and changed like watching clouds shift in the sky.

Pausing to inspect the surroundings as I mentally pushed the orb's call aside for a minute, I noted there were no trails in sight. No evidence of any creature's passing the spot where the orb rested upon the ground, save my own. Even the small dry leaf it was resting on looked undisturbed, as if the orb was placed with slow care. Barring any other reasons, the lack of any dust from the forest around me said it couldn't have been present more than a few hours or so at most. All that was left was deciding to pick it up or not, kneeling there for a minute as I considered what was in front of me. The earlier sensation of guidance was still ringing through me, drawing me straight to the orb even from right beside it.

Though natural wariness of the unknown tempted me to simply get up and walk away, my curiosity was perhaps a bit louder. I stretched out a hand and held it close to the orb, but not yet touching it. Closing my eyes and focusing my inner_ senses, I tried to gather an impression. Sometimes such methods give me a good idea how to answer simple questions like I was now facing. I could pick it up, or leave it alone. A yes or no._

The sensation I got from the orb though... It was...

In a way, it was like the pull of a magnet. A distinct sense of an almost irresistible pull telling me to grab hold of the orb. Strong enough that it was unsettling the more I considered it. At the same time, the longer I spent trying to get a sense of the thing, the stronger the urge became, even as a separate nudge whispered beneath the first. _ It was like a soft pleading. Not too unlike the_ emotional sense you get when someone you know really needs help. And it was somehow seeking my specific help for whatever reason. It really didn't make much sense at all to me.

Withdrawing my hand, I simply stared at the orb for a minute as I weighed what I knew in my head. It was in many ways the experience of a lifetime already. Even if I walked away, I would never forget this moment. The orb radiated magical energies with a strength I had never believed possible on Earth anymore, if stories, myths, and legends were to be believed._ The urge to pick it up was yet another factor, and I had to ask why it felt like it wanted me, specifically, to put my hand on it._

I shook myself of that line of thinking after a moment, knowing it was just going to poke at the old wounds. Scanning my eyes carefully around the area once again for something to focus on, I took a few slow breaths. There was still the hanging question and choice before me.

Kneeling there, staring again at the orb, I realized I was trapped from the moment I saw it. It was just too interesting an item for me to leave behind. Nor did I want to look back and regret not taking a chance at what could start me on an interesting adventure as I attempted to figure out the properties of the orb. Having made up my mind, I reached down to pick it up.

It was just as my hand closed around the orb and I began to lift it from the ground, when a massive surge of energy slammed through me with all the force of a tidal wave.


"...and then I bloody blacked out." I finished with the same sense of bewilderment I'd had since the experience in the woods. It should be an impossibility on Earth, yet that was what I recalled.

Taking moment between the parts I remembered before waking up here, I slowly reached a hand out to a cup of water I knew would be there on a tray beside my be from prior conscious periods. While I assumed the bulk of my body's requirements were being taken care of by the IV in my arm, my throat was still feeling parched. Despite it just being a cup of water though, my hands were beginning to tremble by the time I set it back down. It was rather unsettling to feel so weak and exhaust so easily for however long it had been since I was hospitalized. I hate feeling powerless.

Blinking my sightless eyes that could only see the difference between light and dark, I was also limited to my sense of touch and hearing for the most part. The doctor did say I would regain my sight within the next day or two, if my sense of time was tracking things right. Still thought it odd that he claimed it was essentially a residual magic effect, the medical jargon he used already forgotten, but after the experiences I'd had before waking up here, I figured it wasn't beyond the realm of possibilities until I could get a more concrete explanation. Add in trying to get my strength back, and I just lacked the energy to really question it.

Despite that acceptance, there was also something quite strange going on with the hospital I was in. One of the more notable oddities was my two regular visitors, clearly not medical staff themselves, being referred to by the staff as 'your highness' when addressed. I also didn't know why my two visitors gave me the strong impression of being equally interested in the roommate I seemed to have. Was there some kind of accident behind all this and someone else involved? Nor could I figure out why one of them was present around the clock without fail, with a vague sense they were trading shifts with sunrise and sunset.

The strange cadence of footfalls I kept hearing, the faint clopping sounds as the staff moved about or whenever someone walked around the room, and always in odd pairs, such things were just background noise I hardly noticed now. By this point, I was just chalking up the weird events to the drugs I was sure to be on, or something of that nature. So long as they weren't the freaky kind, having some hallucinations might even be kind of entertaining. Half of the weirdness was probably just that.

My two visitors themselves though, something about their voices rang a bell that I couldn't seem to place. While I didn't recognize their voices specifically, they seemed familiar in some way. I wish I could remember them introducing themselves or their names. They also seemed rather kindhearted and patient with me as I remembered just bits and pieces of previous conversations with them between periods of deep sleep.

We began to speak with some regularity once I started staying awake more than a minute at a time. It was only the conscious period I'd had this morning, the most recent time I'd been awake prior to the present, that I was told I'd gone into a coma six days ago. For the better part of the last two, I'd been in and out of consciousness, with gradual increases in the time I was awake, according to what I'd been told.

Since they had been very patient and polite, and it wasn't like I had anything else to do, I readily agreed to answer their questions to the best of my ability. At least, so long as I didn't pass out in the middle of a conversation like I suspect I've done a few times.

With the first part of what I recalled now conveyed, I gathered my memories ahead of relating the second, even stranger part of what came after blacking out in the forest.

Were it not for a lack of energy and motivation, I would have rubbed at my temple due to the very unusual sort of headache I'd had every time I woke up. Taking a slow, steadying breath against the encroaching weariness I felt, I let the words flow out again. "Next thing I can remember, I'm slowly coming around, though my mind felt like mud. Took me a bit just to realize it was a strong wind whipping my hair about..."


Why is the wind blowing so strong against my back? I wouldn't be standing after being unconscious. Am I sleepwalking in a storm somehow? Angle is... Huh, back and head are lower than my legs. Falling? Hard to think right now. I wasn't anywhere high. How did my hat not fall off?

Strange. Falling like this is really bad. Nothing wants to move. Eyes won't open. Feel so groggy. Am I about to die? Maybe I already did and this is transition? Kind of scary, yet panic seems like so much work right now. Shouldn't I feel more fear from falling?

Must have been real high up to fall this long. High altitude maybe? Don't really feel hot or cold, just the rushing wind. Should I try to calculate the distance based on fall time? Nothing else to...

A sudden gasp reached my ears from not far away. It reminded me of a young woman by the sound it.

Moments later, I felt myself starting to slow down. At the same time, what was at first a gentle, soft pressure against my skin was quickly growing to an immense pressure from my own inner self as the pressure outside of me began to rush in, coupled with a swiftly growing scrambled sensation. In no time at all, I felt like my body and soul were made of dough or batter and things were being mixed together. Somehow, it all felt like the gathered parts didn't want to mix together at first. While the strange sensations gave no pain, it was extremely uncomfortable and unsettling.

A short time later, I felt myself settle gently on the ground, limp form draped atop my guitar case and backpack. Had I been able to move, I would have rolled out of the uncomfortable position, yet it was trouble enough just keeping myself aware of my surroundings as much as I was without passing out the rest of the way again.

The sound of a young woman's voice rang out in distress, possibly the same as the gasp I'd heard. Her tone was fearful as she seemed to shuffle along the ground before a muffled thump suggested she had collapsed. At first, I would have sworn she was speaking a foreign language, but it was one I'd never heard anything like it before. All the while, the scrambled sensations continued to worsen.

By this point, I noticed I was starting to slip away towards unconsciousness again. A clear thud of something of at least modest size impacting the ground nearby was immediately followed by second young woman's voice, much scratchier than the first and sounding full of worry. She asked someone named 'Twilight' what was wrong and why she'd collapsed. Why did both seem vaguely familiar?

As I sank further away into unconsciousness, I heard 'Twilight' quietly groan something I couldn't make out. The second woman quickly replied she was on it, followed by the sudden sound of flapping wings quickly vanishing like my awareness.


"...and that's everything I can recall before I started this bloody up and down here in this hospital. Probably wouldn't have even been able to recall that much if I wasn't used to meditative trances and knowing how to keep focused in that kind of mental state. If anything else comes to mind, I'll let you know. Hope it helps, weird as it all seems to me. Could be hallucinations from whatever drugs are in my system." My breath was a bit labored by now. "Please excuse me... Exhaustion is catching up again..."

Despite only talking for a few minutes, I felt drained and like I could sleep for a year by the time I was done. With the feel of my impending blackouts annoyingly familiar by now, I just shifted a little into a more comfortable position in the hospital bed and closed my sightless eyes.

"That is quite alright. We can speak more tomorrow, if needed. The remainder of the magical flux should hopefully be finished running it's course by then, as well." My mystery visitor responded in the same gentle tones as always. "I am actually rather surprised at how helpful this has been, to be honest. We were expecting far less information to help us understand what happened. For now though, please attend your rest."

My only response was a weak nod. The further curious mention of magic just an afterthought to my mind for now, expecting some sort of more normal medical sciency explanations once I had recovered enough, like always happens on Earth.

As my mind began to fade, the strangeness of the situation made me think of my parents, the way they seemed to have vanished, which was still an unsolved mystery. The memory always seems to come to mind when something weird happens in my life. Their car had gone off a bridge, yet there was no sign of them. Though I was adopted at birth, I couldn't have asked for better than they had been to me. With no proof either way, it still felt easier in a way to tell myself they died, rather than abandoned me at seventeen for whatever reason. Despite the years, I still felt the sting of loss.

When I added in the head games I went through after that by falling in with a bad crowd, not thinking clearly from the loss, it had been a very difficult time in my life.

Soon after that bit of memory flitted across my mind, the rising sleepiness ahead of deep slumber was quick to overtake me like a soothing blanket once more.