We can Coincide Chapter 2: Master

Story by liltenhead on SoFurry

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#2 of We can Coincide

I spent a good six or so hours writing this on Monday, and about five on Sunday.

I tried to cut the length a little, but I over did myself.

Also my formatting didn't save?

Chapter 2: Master

I woke up the next day with my entire body covered from head to toe in blankets. I don't remember going to sleep like this. But it felt oddly comfortable despite the heat. Even though I was fully awake, I couldn't will myself to get up. I turned over on my side to look at my pokeball alarm clock to check the time. Ah crap I forgot it was unplugged! "Well there goes my morning!" I said to myself angrily still hiding underneath the blankets.

While I was staring at the wall, I could feel the blanket on the other side of me start to slide off the bed. "Hey, you gonna wake up master?"

I froze in place, not wanting to turn to the other side. Who the hell is that?! It was a rather deep, but soothing voice, one that I've never heard before. And did I just hear the word master? Before I managed to fully rotate, the blanket hit the ground and I felt a leathery paw placed on my shoulder. I turned to look Lucario right in the eye.

He smiled, "Good morning master."

I didn't know how to react, so I just froze in place staring at him. "You... you can talk?" I couldn't think of anything else to say, so I just stated the obvious.

"Well, not like I could talk to anyone while I was alone. I also learned a lot from the previous people that rejected me."

I smiled in absolute amazement, "yeah, and I seem to learn something new every minute you're around,Oh and one more thing."

he withdrew his paw off my shoulder, "Yes master?"

I took a deep breath to start my speech, "I'm not your master bud, and no one ever should of been, you are a free willed being who can make your own decisions. I don't have the 'right' to claim I own you. Hell you are free to walk off now and go live by yourself." I climbed out of bed and grabbed the pokeball I put on my nightstand previously. I looked at Lucario with a sincere look, and smashed the pokeball on the ground, turning the ball into fragments. "You can call me Sarah." I hope that got my point across.

"Well as you said before Sarah, you're stuck with me now," Lucario said partially blushing, but smiling nonetheless. We both quickly embraced, carrying out our new bonding moment together. I didn't expect Lucario to be so considerate with his choice of words, considering he probably hasn't ever been talked to as an equal. We let go of our embrace, neither one of us really wanting to let go.

"Oh lu, did you put the blankets on me last night?"

"Well yeah, you looked cold after all, I felt bad considering you were shivering in the car ride too. I'm sorry if I..."

I cut him off there with a small kiss on his cheek, "you don't have to look out for me, like I said, you aren't my slave. If you don't want to do something, then don't. I won't EVER force you to do something alright?"

He blushed again and simply said, "thanks."

"Alright I need to get dressed will quick so we can go eat or something." I guess the thought of food made something tick in his mind since he started to wag his tail. Or maybe just the fact we were doing something together made him happy. Either way I didn't care, as long as he was happy, I was happy. I waited from him to start looking out my window before I started to change. I honestly wouldn't of cared if he looked or not but still, it's a subconscious thing. I changed into blue shorts and a blue-red t-shirt.

"Is blue your favorite color or something?" Lucario's voice made me jump a little bit.

"Were you watching me change?" I asked in a coy manner.

"What! no I was uhh..." He was trying not to make eye contact. "I was just curious to see what you were doing, that's all."

"To answer your question, yes blue is my favorite color. Also, if I really cared that you saw me dressing, I would of went to another room." As weird as it sounds, this was probably the first time I wasn't insulted for my body. Hell even my friends make fun of me when I go swimming all over a stupid scar from a previous surgery when I was a little girl.

"You look nice." He said, noticing me checking myself out in the mirror. Once again probably the first time I was ever complimented for my looks. "I'm glad you don't care about my appearance," he muttered looking down at his chest.

"Well you don't look so bad yourself mister. You won't be needing that spike as long as you live with me, alright?" I guess those were the right words again since he quickly ran up to me, jumping into my arms.

"Thank you Sarah," he seemed to tear up, but it wasn't over despair, instead an act of acceptance. "You are the first person I've ever met to make me feel normal, and treat me like I actually exist." I could feel him start to slip and fall to the ground, so I quickly reacted by holding him up. "Even my own parents told me I was trash..."

He fell completely limp in my arms, sobbing uncontrollably. I sat down on my bed, holding Lucario in the same manner you would hold a new born child. "It's alright buddy, you won't hear anything like that anymore." I wiped a tear from his eye, trying to calm things down once again. "If anything happens to you, it happens to me as well alright?"

He shifted around in my arms a little bit trying to get a better look on me. His big red eyes fixated on mine, "I love you Sarah."

Those words came in a bit of a shock to me. No one has ever said that to me, other than my parents on a rare occasion. The only thing I did was give some comforting words. "Well Lu, I just so happen to love you as well. Heh you look so cute like this," I said to him while laughing.

Lucario climbed out of my arms and pulled me out of the bed onto my feet. We headed down stairs towards the kitchen, both of us equally hungry. I didn't really know what to make us, so I just went with some sausage and scrambled eggs. I wasn't exactly a good cook, but I could work my way around a kitchen pretty well. Considering my parent's were typically at work so I would have to make my own food. Lucario the entire time was just looking at all the motions I made preparing the food, like I was some professional dancer or something. We didn't really say much, both of us just ready to eat something. I set the table with two plates, and two sets of silver ware, and of course a napkin. "Hey I'm not exactly a good cook, so If you don't like it just say so alright?"

"It smells pretty good to me!" He seemed quite happy as I filled both of our plates with food. I pulled out a chair and sat down, and he repeated my motion on the opposite side of the table.

"Have you ever eaten with silverware?" I had to ask, just incase he needed some tips or something.

"No, but I've seen some people at the pokecenter eating with utensils."

"Okay, so you wanna grab your fork," I grabbed the fork and held it in the air to show him which one I was talking about. I did give him a knife as well, but I typically didn't use it, so I doubted a canine would need it. "And simply poke your food with the pronged end. It's pretty simple honestly." I watched him as he stabbed the plate, nearly cracking it in half. I couldn't help but laugh as he looked at the plate in amazement of how hard he just stabbed it. "You don't have to try murdering it, just push hard enough to keep the food on it."

"Oh..." I couldn't help but giggle at his embarrassment. I grabbed another plate for him, and slid it underneath the nearly broken one. The rest of the the breakfast went with ease, and I even received a compliment for my cooking. I thought it tasted average, but to each their own right?

I started to clean up when Lucario said, "Hey thanks for the food, I haven't had a meal with a person my entire life."

"Anytime you want some food you can just ask alright? I don't know if my parent's would agree with me, but they'll get over it some time." It took me a few minutes to fully clean up, but Lucario waited rather patiently. "Alright, all done!" I looked at Lucario and said, "wanna go to the park and walk around or something?"

"Sure, sounds like fun." He seemed quite happy to be leaving the house with just the two of us. I put on my tennis shoes and opened the front door to head out. I was about to grab Lucario's hand, but he took the initiative and grabbed mine instead. We both walked out the front door hand in hand smiling.

As we made our way down my driveway and to the sidewalk, a small question came to mind. "Hey Lucario?"

He looked up towards me and replied, "yeah?"

"When we hold hands or hug, do you feel uncomfortable?" I don't know why I asked it in that specific manner, but I figured it was appropriate timing.

I looked at him just in time to see him blush and look down at the ground. He took a deep breath and began, "no not at all, It just makes me feel like I'm normal you know? You're like the missing piece to a puzzle I could never solve alone. I understand my type is designed to fight, but ever since I've met you, I've never felt so complete. So I certainly enjoy it. You gave me the freedom to choose my own path, and I chose to stay with you. And if that means holding hands, then so be it." His beautiful red eyes showed nothing but pure love and extreme loyalty. I've never felt so protected in my life.

"I'm practically the same way. As soon as I laid eyes upon you, the insecurity inside me dissipated. Heh, you are the first creature on this earth to compliment me based on my looks. I mean I don't dress to impress, but that one compliment made my day. Hell not even that. YOU made my day. Just having you around feels right, like something deep inside was finally quenched. I don't want to start another sob story here, but before I met you, I was majorly depressed. Waking up was a chore, but now I know there is someone waiting for me to get up. You practically saved my life..." I could feel my voice getting shaky but I tried to fight back the tears.

Lucario stopped walking for a second and looked up at me. He quickly embraced me and said, "It's alright Sarah, I'm here now, and I owe my life to you as well. So the least I can do is be here for you." He gave me a slightly odd kiss on my cheek, but it just felt so nice.

I lifted him up into the air and gave a pretty rough squeeze, not enough to hurt him but enough to show my appreciation. We resumed holding hands and walked the rest of the distance to the park. With both of our questions answered, we could finally relax and just have a good time.

The park had a decent amount of people with their own Pokemon. However most of these people were training their Pokemon as I thought they would. While I'm walking around with my fighting type Lucario holding his hand as an equal, rather then a master. Like I've said earlier, I was against raising Pokemon to be fighters.

As we walked around the park pointing out little things such as a tree, or some person walking by. Yeah we got some odd looks considering most people kept their Pokemon in a ball, and I obviously didn't have one on me. Some people even scoffed at us, considering a Pokemon and trainer weren't considered equal in the area I lived in. But Lucario didn't seem to care, he was more content with holding my hand then to focus on those who didn't agree with us.

Eventually we strolled up to a park bench and we both sat down next to each other. Before I had time to even speak, he already had his arm wrapped around me, pulling me in closer. It was a surprise; a very pleasant surprise.

"This is a really beautiful place Sarah, thanks for taking me here."

"Hey lu, I have another question."

He shifted a little bit, making sure he could see me face fully. That was one thing I love about him already. "Yes Sarah?"

"How do you feel about the whole fighting business? Cause I sure as hell hate it, but everyone's different."

"Well for one, I wasn't very good at it. And two, I was never really fond of getting beat up for some stupid gain or something. And then just to get thrown in a tiny pokeball after I laid practically dead on the ground." I was kinda surprised at his reaction, I haven't seen him get angry. But he never retracted his arm from my side either, so I'm glad it wasn't directed towards me.

"Well I guess that's a good thing."

He looked at me with his expression slightly changing to a more happier one. I'm pretty sure he knew what I was gonna say next. "You won't ever have to fight again then Lu."

He gave a sigh of relief and squeezed me a little showing his appreciation. "However Sarah don't get me wrong here, If someone, or something tries to harm you, I will defend you without question alright?"

I gave a whole hearted smile, I felt truly safe and protected. Most of all, I felt loved. And I just hoped he knew I felt the same towards him. I reached over and grabbed his free paw and just held onto it. It was a minor action, but we held each other in total bliss, like the world was revolving around us.

A few minutes passed as we gazed into the sky, seemingly searching for the future. Multiple sets of people walked by us, none of the paying much attention to us. However the next person that came did just exactly that. I instantly recognized the girl as one of the girls who bullied me at school last year.

"Oh I see Sarah is getting intimate with animals now huh? You truly are pathetic you know that right?"

Oh that pissed me off beyond all belief, not what she said about me, but what she said about Lucario. I quickly stood up out of the bench, and stood straight up to her. She was at least 6 inches taller than me and probably weighed 70 more pounds. I felt quite threatened, but I wasn't going to stand for that comment. I saw Lucario starting to stand up too, but I motioned for him not to do anything. "Why don't you go off with your little group drug addicts and go fuck yourself alright? You have no right to call my friend here an animal!" I tried to act tough, but I don't think it phased her.

"Yeah and your mutt seems to already have that covered for me doesn't he? He even thinks your ugly too! Get the hell out of way!" She shoved her way past me knocking me to the ground. I waited for her to vanish completely out of sight before I broke out into tears.

"I'm... so... sorry." I couldn't finish the rest of my sentence before I felt myself being raised in the air, suddenly comforted by the warmness of fur.

"No Sarah, don't be sorry. I should of stopped her before she said anything." He was carrying me the same way he did earlier. "You might not believe it, but you really are beautiful. You don't have to be all dressed up to look nice."

I buried my head into his arm, just trying to hide from the outside world. I felt like I was in a tiny cocoon of comfort and protection. I'm starting to believe that Lucario is like a guardian angel sent directly from heaven to watch over my dumb ass. I was still teared up but managed to weakly squeak out, "I love you Lu." I didn't know any other way to thank him for getting me out of there. I just wanted to go home, crawl under the covers, and block the world out.

He smiled seeming rather confident to be carrying me out of the park like a man this time. I guess it was his turn to take care of me. The entire way home he kept asking me how I was feeling. And you know what? I felt a little bit better each time he asked. By the time we reached the house, we were already gone for at least 6 hours.

"Your parents still aren't home Sarah?"

I shook my head no, "they sometimes work for a day or two before they even come home, It's pretty typical."

He carried me up the driveway and asked for the final time, "how you doin?"

"You know what? I'm feeling like a brand new person, thank you." I leaned in and gave a small kiss on his neck.

"Heh, your welcome Sarah." He put me down on the ground, and opened the door to the house. We both entered the house, and shut the door behind us. I quickly looked at the clock and it said 7:30.

"Wow we were actually gone for about 9 hours."

Lucario asked slightly confused, "Is that bad?"

I reassured him, "nah there's nothing wrong with that at all. Ready for a late dinner?"

He happily replied, "Yeah!"

A quickest way to a Lucario's heart is through his stomach. I didn't really go crazy on the cooking. I just microwaved some left overs from a few days ago, and he even seemed to enjoy that. His handy work around silverware improved significantly since last meal. "Hey at least you didn't break the plate like last time, I said while cleaning up the kitchen."

"Oh be quiet Sarah, not like I'm a serial plate killer or anything."

I giggled over his little joke, gotta enjoy the little things in life I guess. "Alright you can use the downstairs bathroom I'll head up."

He nodded and we split ways. I went upstairs and did my business, and decided I wanted to go to bed early. It's been a long day, and just wanted to lay down. I didn't really care about the whole sleeping thing, just wanted to relax. By the time I made it to my bedroom, Lucario was already sprinting up the stairs to catch up to me.

"Oh hey Lu, I was just getting ready to go to bed, If you wanna go outside or something, you can go right ahead."

"Nah I'm pretty beat too," he said in a rather sheepish voice.

"Alright well come on in then," I closed the door when he fully entered the room and turned the light on. I was tempted to change clothes, but I was already wearing shorts, so I didn't see the need to change. I flicked the ceiling fan on, and turned my nightstand lamp on. I climbed into bed and got comfortable underneath the covers. How the hell did I manage to forget to turn my light on my ceiling off? "Uhh hey Lu, mind turning the light off?"

"What did you forget or something?" He laughed at me as he turned the light off and quickly retreated to the window to get a view of the sun casting off its last rays of the day.

Even though I felt comfortable, I just felt like something wasn't right. I quickly sat up and looked right at Lucario, he seemed moderately upset sitting on the windowsill. I don't know if I'll get in trouble for this, but screw it. "Hey bud, wanna sleep with me tonight?" I don't know why but those few words just felt so right to say, like my entire soul wanted me to say those words.

Lucario was blushing at those words, but quickly jumped up and ran to the other side of the bed. I pulled the covers over for him, so he could slide into the bed. "Oh yeah, this is great." He sprawled out across the bed with a large smile on his face.

Yeah, this is how I wanted it. I didn't have to sleep alone anymore, instead I could now sleep next to the nicest being I've ever met in my life. Somehow, everything was turning out how my dreams envisioned it. Before I even got to turn to fully face him, he already was fully under the covers and looking straight at me. He slid over towards me to the point where our bodies were touching. His soft fur on my exposed skin felt oddly delightful. And to make things even better, he grabbed my left hand and held onto it. Hell I guess we trust each other enough now to sleep in the same bed now. I quickly squeezed his paw in return, to show I agreed with his action.

I was going to speak, but he spoke before I could once again, "I love how fate works. Just two days ago, both of us were sleeping alone, with no one to really turn to for comfort. But now, I'm sleeping the same bed with my new best friend."

"Yeah you're right, a few days ago I practically cried myself to sleep. I wished every night for someone to finally come into my life that knew how to work around my quirks. And well I guess dreams do come true." I turned the lamp off encasing the room in a soothing darkness. "Good night Lucario."

"Sleep well Sarah." I'm pretty sure he was waiting for me to fall asleep before he let himself go. But I have no proof considering I was practically out of it in just under a minute. Him holding me while I slept was probably the best experience I've EVER had in my life. Once again I could sense even more amazing dreams coming onto me.