Harem Harlot Prelude, Pt 2

Story by Lucidum on SoFurry

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#8 of Lucidum: Harem Harlot

A bit of an explanation for this one. This is part 2 of a two-part sequence explaining how Lucidum came to be the way she is in my later stories, I will be uploading part 1 soon, but this one was what I started with. This story heavily features a man near-and-dear to my heart, the great Keva Stonemane (http://www.furaffinity.net/user/kevastonemane). If you don't know of him, check out his stories, he's an incredibly talented writer.

A lion graced the lavishly-decorated entryway to the local sultan's palace. Rippling with muscle, toned and taught with youth, he was clad only in light travel garb- merely a loincloth and leather harness, a pauldron of fine Northern steel adorned one of his wide shoulders. He was impatient...political nonsense was so unnecessary, yet he was traveling through another lord's province, and law demanded he pay tribute before continuing on his journey.

"The great Keva Stonemane, truly it is I who is honored by your presence, rather than the other way around" a voice creaked out from the shadows of the balcony above. The lion's gaze travelled upwards, but was met with only two gleaming silver orbs peering down at him. Long, taloned fingers stroked over the handrail as those eyes moved towards the sloped steps that led to Keva's level, never once wavering from the feline's gaze as his host sized him up, unblinking and cryptic.

Finally, his host stepped into the light, and what he saw nearly took his breath away. The young lion stared, enraptured, as the most gorgeous woman he had ever lain eyes on strode out of the gloom, stalking down the stairs, each footfall met with the clacking of her talons upon the hard stone. Lucidum, the highest noble of this desert hellscape, was a creature of beauty so unlike the environ she resided in, young and nubile, her slender body was unfortunately hidden from view, yet the lion's eyes did not go wanting as her conservative garb- a tight leather corset and a flowing silken skirt that glittered like stardust- clung to her thighs and hips and amplified her bust alluringly.

The raven blushed, crossing her arms over her buxom chest and casting her eyes to the side. "You gonna keep staring? Or is there something I can help you with, cat?" Her cawing voice cut into that final word, making the lion bare his eyetooth with a slight sneer and a grunt of defiance. He stood a full half-meter over the impudent avian, and crossed his arms over his broad chest, looking down at her. "Is my presence disturbing you, my lady?" he grumbled, the audible reverberations of his deep voice rumbling through her rib cage.

Her reaction was surprising. She didn't strike him, didn't raise her gaze, but instead, whimpered, blushing several shades deeper and clenching her thighs together, a shudder running through her as she nearly bucked her wide hips at the sound of his thunderous voice. Her eyes glanced at him sideways, and she responded "you owe me tribute, these are my lands you cross through," her tone was sullen, resentful, with a quiver to it that he suspected came from fear. He could not have been more wrong.

"So that's all you want from a fellow noble then? Gold? Jewels? Slaves? Feh! You provincial rulers are all the same, greedy, petty. I could lay waste to your entire desert hell-hole with you in it, you ought to bow before me, not the other way around!" She didn't slap him then, she mounted him. The lion's tirade was cut short by 50 kilos of bird pinning him to the hard stone floor. The raven straddled him, surprisingly toned thighs squeezing either side of his hips, feeling the steady throb of her clitoris against his toned abs as her groin pressed against his stomach. She looked down at him, meeting his gaze at last, her long-fingered hands upon his chest, talons digging into his fur and pin-pricking at his skin. If he hadn't been in a combination of outrage and shock, he might have pulled her into a kiss, her beauty was even more apparent up close...though her haughty attitude and lower-caste speech left much to be desired. No matter, he would break her, leave this southern avian bitch in a puddle of lust and missed opportunities, maybe a coin or two for the whore-queen's efforts, he jokingly thought to himself.

"My my my, maybe you're not so like your fellow lords after all, my lady," he purred up at her, feeling the heat of her groin as that deep rumble played havoc with her lust. She looked down at him, wincing slightly, breath coming in ragged gasps as her buxom chest heaved, the deep swells of her breasts making the leather corset she wore creak and strain. "Ngghh...it...isn't treasure I value, lord Keva, despite your indiscretion, I still find myself in need of tribute...your seed will do until I can find a real man to quell my lust." Her tone struck a nerve once more, who was this woman to address another lord in such a manner? She spoke like some young, hotheaded lad, perhaps her station wasn't earned so much as stolen?

It mattered not, the lion would make her regret such an attitude, growling, he rolled over, pinning her on her back, his member hard beneath his loincloth, head dripping precum and dangerously near her entrance, her thighs spread, skirt draped between them. With a simple motion, the lion bared one claw, sliding it from the top of her corset to the bottom of her skirt. The corset burst open, revealing the raven woman's perky, B-cup breasts, ebon skin of her nipples already pert and erect. Her skirt fell apart with the lion's help, revealing Lucidum's slender abdomen and toned curves, all guiding his eyes to her glistening black lips, devoid of plumage as her bare pussy drooled with desire. He pinned her arms down and met her gaze once more, the head of his cock throbbing as his erection pushed the loincloth aside and kissed her wet entrance. "Well, my lady, you may regret it, but I will grant you the tribute you so clearly desire."

The raven's cries of indignation were quickly cut off by a mournful caw of pure, feminine ecstasy, the lion's 10 inch cock plunged into her in one heavy thrust, his hips bucking hard as that turgid member spread her virginally tight lips wide, moist passage rippling over his length until his head hit her cervix, heavy balls slapping against her rear. She shuddered, inwardly and out, an electric sensation jolting up her spine, a heat rising in her womb, and a tension in her chest as her meager B-cups began to swell with milk, her lactation flow kicking in as her body was stimulated beyond simple satisfaction.

"Do i -uhhn!- please you, my lady?" Keva grunted mockingly, teeth bared as he withdrew his thick length with tantalizing slowness before thrusting back into the woman roughly. The only answer he got was the hoarse, wordless squawking of the raven, to overcome with the sensation of being fucked like a whore to protest or retort. She squirmed and writhed below him, arching her back, the slender curves of her belly rubbing against his stony abs as she was helplessly claimed-- he could feel the ridge of his cock rising through the skin of her belly every time he hilted.

The raven had stamina, he would give her that. Despite her seemingly uncontrolled lust (perhaps she was in heat? Did avians have estrus he wondered?) she was holding her own against him, her long legs wrapped around the small of his back, keeping his cock locked inside her as he thrust repeatedly, each time the tight, moist depths of her passageway clamped around his length, practically suckling at his penis as if it hungered for his seed.

The tightness of her cunt was to be expected though, so many of these provincial "royals" were new to the throne, virgin women and unblooded men, elevated by noble birth or back-alley machinations. With this woman he suspected the latter, she spoke like a low-born. What truly amazed him though was her reaction to his presence. Her body and mind didn't seem to be on the same page, she spoke like a flippant young man...and yet her loins were dripping with lust, and even now her breasts swelled with milk as if she was pregnant and expecting. Who was this raven?

He had no time for an answer as his thoughts were interrupted by a loud squawk, pulled herself up, draping her arms over the lion's wide shoulders and kissing him deeply, sighing into his mouth as she came, the heat of her orgasm and the rippling overture of her tight cunt around his cock spurring his own on. He came hard, roaring with passion and bucking his hips, hilting into her as a load of thick, creamy seed coated her insides, spilling into Lucidum's womb. Their quaking passion was short but vibrant, culminating in a small spurt of milk from both of her now-swollen breasts, splattering his chest and resulting in a hearty chuckle from him, a deep blush from her.

Lucidum broke away quickly, covering herself with the tattered remains of her skirt and looking downcast at the now-stained stone of her abode. The lion stretched out on his back, keeping one eye on her and the other closed as he lounged in the afterglow. She seemed so at odds with herself. Clearly unaware that he was watching, the raven blushed, looking down at herself, cupping her newly engorged breasts with both hands- they were several cup sizes larger now, swollen with milk as her lactation flow continued unabated- in fact it seemed to have been initiated by their recent coupling.

"You're not all you appear to be, Lucidum," the lion half-whispered. She cocked her head toward him, sighing and pulling her knees up, wrapping her arms around them- looking quite awkward as her enlarged bust was squished in such a position. "I'm...different." she stated plainly.