Damon and Sora

Story by NekoGirl2014 on SoFurry

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#1 of Non-Sexual

This is a story I had started with a friend of mine. If anyone likes it, I will post more :D

It was a new school year at a new school for Sora Chi she didnt know what this year was going to be like she hoped it would be much better than at her old school where no one really liked her. She was a very shy girl around pretty much everyone she had ever met but she had a very good feeling about this year and that something might change all that...Little did she know.

Sora was walking into her new school she looked around then at the little paper in her hand then around at the school once more unsure of where her class was, she seen a young man run into a class room she made her way over to the class room, she looked at the numbers on the door then at the little paper in her hand. She smiled opening the door slowly looking at the man standing at the front of the room the teacher talking to him saying "Damon you are late for my class once again...Ill let you off now but next time you will be in trouble. Now go sit down." Sora steped into the room the teacher looked over at her and took the paper in her hand and then looked at it turning to the class saying "Class this is Sora Chi she is new here so please be nice to her..Go take a seat." She looked around then only seat open was the one in front of the boy. She went over to the seat sitting down in it she felt like everyone was watching her.

She felt him tap on her shoulder she turned her head some and to see he had a note for her she took it and opened it "Pretty boring here right...?" She smiled a little and wrote on it and pasted it back to him, he opend it and smiled seeing her write "Yes its very boring..." he wrote on it and passed it back. She opened it and smiled once again seeing "Wanna get out of here?" She turned her head nodding seeing him smiling. Sora raised her hand, the teacher called on her she said "May I use the bathroom, sir?" He nodded and gave her a pass, class was almost over so she just grabed her things and went to the bathroom. As she left the class room heading to the rest room, Damon asked his friend to play a long with what he was about to do, He nodded Damon raised his hand up, the teacher looked at him saying "What Damon?" Damon said back "I think Alex is gonna get sick sir! May I take him to the bathroom?!" Alex started to gag and act like he was about to throw up the teacher nodded and opened the door as the two ran out of the class once the door was shut they laughed slowing down. Sora was standing at the end of the hall way by the school doors, Alex ran off to meet some of his friends and Damon came up to her and smiled saying "Hello there" Sora smiled wide and said back "Hey"

Damon looked around pushing the door open as they walked out asking "Wanna go out to the foot ball field?" Sora smiled and nodded at him meaning yes he smiled taking her arm in his as they walked out to the feild, Damon and Sora walked though the gate to the feild Damon closed the gate then looked to Sora, "Hope you don't mind skipping your first day." He laughed softly and set her things down on a nearby set of bleachers. He stepped towards her offering his arm to her, "So, what did you do in your shitty little town for fun?" He said in a joking manner as they stepped to the middle of the field arm in arm smiling at her. Sora laughed softly and looked at him saying "Well...I mostly did my art work while everyone else was doing all these sports and such."Damon smiled again, "Well I'd like to see it sometime." On pure instinct he leaned over to Sora then kissed her deeply for a moment, his hand sliding softly over her cheek and he turned over on her. His other hand went to her hip, his lips still firmly pressed again hers.