Snake of the Apocalypse #1

Story by rocky9ax on SoFurry

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#1 of Apocalypse

There will be extreme in this series. You have been warned.

It was the year 2045, the zombie apocalypse has come upon the human race. The reason was because of human experiments in a top secret base in the arctic. They were experimenting with viruses, to see if they could use them to cure diseases faster. It went wrong when one of the viruses got loose. It started to kill humans there and then a boat took the sick ones to the U.S. to try a cure them. When they died, they were dead for a few weeks, then they came back. They started to turn everyone in the lab. They broke out and you can imagine how terrible the aftermath of that. Only one million humans survived.

One of those humans was David. He was six foot six inches, he had brown hair that was scruffy, blue eyes, and was some-what tan. All he had was a backpack with some water bottles, some stripes of meat, and bread in it. He also had a flashlight, a pistol with a clip in it, and a knife. He was walking through Washington D.C. near the pentagon. He thought he might as well see if he can get anything from it. He walked in to see that there were three zombies at the door. They still haven't noticed him. Typical, all the decay they went through tore at their senses. He snuck around them and entered the elevator. He pressed the lowest button and the doors closed as the zombies came running towards him.

"That was close," David said, "lets see what we got in here."

The elevator came to a stop, and David cocked his pistol making sure it was loaded. Then the doors opened and the lights came on and David looked around and check with his pistol. It was clear and it looked like a testing lab. He went through the many rooms and only found bits and pieces of tech.

Then he came to the last room. It was labeled GENETICS LAB. So he went in and found cages, needles, and blood everywhere. There was a body on the floor and it looked like one of the scientists. He had a needle in his hand and some protective gear on and he was near the last in wall cage. David looked around again, and then looked through every cage except the last one. Then he had no choice but to check the last one. He pointed his gun in then checked inside. What was in there was a blue, glowing snake. It was laying on the ground curled up, and it looked to be about six feet long. It stood up, looked at him, then laid back down. David wonder what they were doing with this creature.

"Why didn't they take this one with them?" Then he looked back at the body. It wasn't there any more. The snake started hissing. David looked around and saw the body came back to life. It was moving towards the snake but couldn't get through the bars. David shot it in the head and it exploded. The rest of the body fell down to the floor.

"Why did this human save me?" the snake thought, "the others pricked me with pointy things and they hurt me." She looked at the human and he was searching the other human's body. "What's happening out there? I killed that human three days ago. How did he come back to life?"

David searched the man's body. "Where are the keys?" he said. Then he found them in the man's pocket. "Here we are." He walked over to the cage and started to try and open the cage.

"Now he's coming in to probably hurt me," she was ready to strike, when he opened the cage. Then he did what she least expected, he put down the weapon he used to kill the dead human. It left her utterly confused as he dug through the thing on his back. "Why is he doing this?"

He looked through his backpack. He was looking for a strip of meat for the creature. Even if he was running low on on meat, but that didn't mind him, he wanted to know what the creature was and what it did. Then he found a piece of meat. "Here you go," he said as he through the piece to the creature. It landed on the floor in front of the creature. It just looked at it, and the creature looked confused. "What's wrong? Don't like meat?" The creature looked at him, still confused.

"Why? Why is he doing this? Who is he?" she thought. She hasn't eaten in three days, but she was so confused she didn't eat the meat.

"What's wrong? Don't like meat?" he asked.

She looked at him, and didn't know what to do. After a couple seconds, he sighed then walked out of of her cage, while she watched him walk out.

He went over to the computer near the cage. It was locked with a password and username combo. "Dammit!" he yelled causing the creature to look over. He looked around and saw that the dead scientist had a card with his name on it. David picked off the card and he typed the name. The password was still missing. He threw the card away.

She saw him throw the card on to the floor. She remembered the man that she killed always turned that card over and made some very faint noises when he was by the glowing section of the wall. She slithered over to the card and picked it up the card with her tail and placed it on the table in front of the man, then she used her tail to touch his shoulder.

David felt a light touch on his right shoulder. He looked over to see that the snake came out of its cage. It looked like it knew something. "What is it?" he asked. Then the snake pointed with its tail at the card he threw away. It had turned over, and there were some numbers on it. 54,62,01,223. "So, you knew the password?" he asked. The creature looked at him with confusion. It seemed to David that this creature showed some intelligence, but it still had a lot to learn. "Ok, then lets try this out," said as he typed in the numbers.

She watched him push some things and other things appeared on the glowing section. Then when he finished, a lot of symbols appeared on the section. She recoiled in surprise as a lot of symbols flashed by on the section.

"Here we go, now I can find out more about you," David said. He looked through the files and found one labeled INFO. He opened up the file and read through. The creature was experiment #365. It was a mix python, jellyfish, and human DNA. It was lab-grown and the files said that it could be the cure to this zombie disease. What it said to do in order for the cure of one human, you would have to drain it of its blood and mix it with the person's. David thought that it was cruel to make a creature then kill it. "What they were doing to you is horrible, and if they find you, they'll kill you!" he said to the creature, "why don't you come with me? I'll keep you safe."

She heard the kill part and hissed. She didn't want to die. He said, though, that he would try and keep her safe if she came with her. She nodded at him to say yes since she couldn't speak his language. Then she pointed with her tail at the card, which was showing the man's name in symbols.

David looked at where she was pointing, and saw that she was pointing at the man's name. It must have known the man's name and was trying to ask him his. "My name?" he asked. It nodded. "My name is David. Can you speak?" It shook it's head. "I wonder what your gender is?" He looked back at the screen and he found out that the creature was a female. "Ok, thats fine. Come on lets get out of here." Then she started to lean on him, then she started to wrap around his neck. "What are you doing!?!?" She continued to wrap around his neck until she settled loosely around his neck. For a snake her size, she was surprisingly light.

She hoped she didn't scare him by doing this, but when she had settled down on his shoulders, he calmed down. She could tell by how by his heart beat. Plus he was still standing, even with her weight on him. She thought that she might crush him. Then she heard him say, "How are you so light?" She kind of recoiled at this.

"How am I light? I'm almost as long as him." She thought. Then she heard him say, "You know what, it doesn't matter, we need to get moving."

David looked around one more time, this time he found a box labeled, SNAKE PILLS. He looked in the box and found two bottles with some capsules in them. One was labeled NORMAL. The other was labeled HUMAN LIKE. He didn't want to know what the second one did just yet, but he took them both and put them in his back-pack. The snake hissed at this. "Hey, I don't know what these do, but they might come in handy for you."

She had seen those things before. They would try and feed them to her but she always fought and ruined the little things. She didn't want this human to try and feed her those things. he said to her, "I won't give them to you if you don't want them, but I'm just going to keep them." She calmed down at this. "Fine," she thought, "keep them! I won't eat them!" Even though she knew he couldn't hear her she still smiled to herself at this.

"Well, this is going to be one hell of a journey," David said to himself and the snake. "I think I'll call you Sarah." He said to the snake while petting her head. Sarah pushed into his hand at that. "Sarah it is."