Burning desires

Story by Shadowmaker7734 on SoFurry

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#1 of Pokemorph Adventures

After his devastating defeat in the Hoenn elite four challenge, Mark decides to go back and finish what he started and finds love where he least expected it. Follow him on his journey to become a Pokemorph master! Female Pokemorph harem with some human girls.

It's been two years after his defeat in the Elite Four challenge and Mark has devoted himself to training and... Not much else really. But a meeting with old friends will make him rethink his feelings for his girls and what to do next.

Chapter 1: Burning desires

Somewhere around Viridian City in the house of Pokemon trainer Mark. The trainer was practicing martial arts with Sheng, a Hitmonlee. They bowed to each other respectfully and got into battle stance.

"You ready Sheng?" asked the trainer.

"Yes." answered Sheng in a calm manner.

"Begin!" shouted Mark and began his attack. Now, you may think „How can a human keep up with a Hitmonlee?" Well he can. Mark was very well built. He was trained by the greatest ninja/assassin master in the world (think hardcore Batman training) . Koga. After his parents death, Koga took him in at the age of seven as he was a very close friend of his father. Mark showed great potential in martial arts and was among his top students by the age of fifteen (he's twenty now), alongside Koga's daughter, Janine. They were like brother and sister. Mark was around 6' 4" and was 194 pound of muscle. For his build he was very flexible and agile, thanks to his training. He had shoulder length blond hair, bright blue eyes and a stubble that went perfectly with his looks. He looked like those dangerous, yet very attractive men, that women swooned over. His left arm had a magnificent Rayquaza tattoo on it, in honor of his master whose family used the legendary creature on their family crest, and his right had nordic and celtic symbols and knots, in the honor of his parents. As the duo exchanged blows and kicks two figures were watching them,more specifically him, from the porch of the beautiful and enormous house he inherited from his parents. That and a lot of money. Money was never a problem as he was also Kanto's and Johto's champion so he had regular income.

"Would you just look at him? How can you NOT get wet?" asked a female Blaziken her companion. The Blaziken had long blond hair with two fringes going over her face which had beautiful lips on her soft beak. She was wearing a short, tight, black tank top that accented her C cup breasts and matching shorts that went tightly around her bottom. Black tape was wrapped around her forearms and calves.

"I never said I didn't, Rei. " replied a Ninetales, peacefully sipping her green tea and watching the fighting duo. Like her friend, she also had long blonde hair but had more fringes covering her beautiful face. She wore a long, white summer dress that swayed lightly with every breeze. The dress showed a tasteful amount of cleavage of her D cup breasts.

"Nina! That's a first!" exclaimed Rei in astonishment and looked at her friend.

"What? You know how I feel about him, correction, how we ALL feel about him. " Nina replied calmly.

"I just wish we can do something about it." Nina opened her mouth to speak but Rei cut her off "And don't tell me again that Pokeality is illegal and that we'll get into trouble and be taken away from him. You said it only, like, a gazillion times by now. " said Rei and rested her head in her palm looking sad. „It's really bad you know. "

"Heat again?"

"Yes! But not just now! All the time! I just want to jump him and have my way with him. But yes, heat is especially bad... " sighed Rei.

"You know we can't do that. Besides, we don't even know how he feels about us. " explained Nina.

"Yes we do! He loves us! He told us so many times!" exclaimed Rei while throwing her hand in the air.

"I think he means it in a family kind of way. " replied Nina while taking another sip of her tea.

"Right... But I just want him to know how I really feel! I've kept this inside me for so long! I don't know how much longer I can do it!"

"Your nipples are showing again. " commented Nina with a smirk.

"I know!" shouted Rei and crossed her arms over her chest to hide them. Just then, a golden Pidgeot landed beside them carrying shopping bags. She wore a black, sleeveless t-shirt that was ripped at the back for her wings and blue jeans that showed off her beautiful long legs and shaped bottom. Her breasts were also a nice D cup. She watched her trainer and bit the nail on her thumb (note: she has separate wings and arms like every other bird Pokemorph from here on out) .

"I see they're at it again." she said as she sat down with her friends.

"You're just in time, Kay! They just started. How was work?" asked Rei her flying friend.

"Pretty good. Turned some heads and got neat stuff. " said Kay and winked to her friend. Kay was a model. How? Well Pokemorphs needed clothes and stuff too so they had models to show them off in magazines. Pokemorphs acted no different than humans did but the morph/trainer relation remained unchanged. The models were also well payed, just like their human collegues. And having a perfect figure also helped.

"But it seems you can never turn the right one. "

"Seems that way." replied Kay. They both sighed.

Meanwhile, the two fighters went at it like pro's. Spinning kicks, precise punches, astounding acrobatics. They meant buisness. Very few punches and kicks actually connected as they were both very good. They continued for another few minutes when a Snorlax, wearing a chef's uniform and sporting a small black mustache, came out of the house.

"Enfants! Lunch iz served!" informed the Snorlax with a French accent. Mark's head shot towards him at his announcement.

"Food?" said Mark before a powerfull spin kick connected to his head and sent him crashing down. All three girls jumped up from their seats, ready to help him when Mark quickly jumped back up. "Owwwww! That hurt! Nice kick by the way. " praised Mark as he rubbed his now VERY sore jaw.

"I am sorry master, but you were distracted. I took my chance for a finishing blow. " said Sheng and walked up to him.

"Good thinking. It was my fault I got distracted. " said Mark and they once again bowed at each other "We'll be right there, Jacques. " said Mark and walked towards the porch. His sweaty body glittered in the Sun and the girls tried to hide their blushes as best as they could. "Man that hurt. " said Mark still rubbing his jaw. A Miltank came from behind Jacques and handed Mark an ice pack. She wore an apron over her pink shirt and black sweat pants. Her short black hair went to her jaw line. She was a rather large girl and carried a G cup.

"Thanks, Paola. " thanked Mark and put the ice pack on his hurting jaw.

"Prego. Dis always happenz' ven' you fight! And do be more careful. " said Paola with a concerned tone and an italian accent. She turned to Jacques and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and walked back inside. Those two were a couple for as long as Mark can rember. He grew up with them in Koga's fort. They were like parents he never had. When he decided to move into his parents old house they decided to follow. Mark shiffed himself and then Sheng.

"We smell like two Muk's. Better go take a shower. " said Mark to his friend and he nodded.

"Mind if I join?" said Rei with a quiet voice, hoping they won't hear.

"Maybe some other time Rei. " said Mark and winked at her causing her to blush like mad. Mark and the others who were present laughed. After the fighters went inside Rei sighed.

"See? Just a simple teasing makes me burn up!" said Rei in frustration. Jacques decied to calm her.

"Oui, mon ami. I understand. But be patient. I fell your time vill' come. " assured Jacques in a comforting manner. He really was like a father to them all.

"Thanks, dad. " said Rei and smiled at him. He nodded and went inside. Kay spoke up.

"You think it's true? Will our time really come?" she asked her friends. A sudden gust of wind starteled them.

"I think it will. " said an Arcanine that appeared out of thin air. She wore an outfit like Rei did but without the tapes on her arms and legs. Her lion like hair swayed in the wind. She carried a D cup as well.

"Arceus dammit, Roxy! Just because you can use Extreme Speed now, doesen't mean you can scare us to death all the time!" yelled Rei at her friend. Roxy smirked.

"What you gonna' do about it? Can't touch me if you can't catch me!" said Roxy in a playfull tone and stuck her tongue out. Rei hated when she did that. She jumped at her but missed.

"So close, but no. Too slow. Nuh-uh! C'mon chicken little, is that the best you got?" taunted Roxy with every try. Rei tried a couple more times until she finally caught her, resulting in a cat fight. She'll pay for calling her chicken little.

The table in the dining room was filled with delicious food that Jacques and Paola made. Today was french/italian food time. They always fought about lunch choices as they were both masters in their respective field. Mark managed to get them to compromise every now and then. He was seated between Rei and Nina, as always. They went through a lot together. Rei was his first Pokemorph he received from Koga at age twelve as a Torchic and they both met Nina at the beginning of their journey when she was still a Vulpix. After lunch Mark decided to relax and sleep a little. His definition of relaxing was listening to power metal, which told only of the bravest warriors and the greatest of adventures and battles. Koga said he inherited his taste in music from his father. After that he went to meet his longtime friends he grew up with. Sam and Luke. Sam was a few inches shorter than Mark and Luke but had the same well built body. He had wild, jet black hair that refused to obey any form of hair styling.His eyes were a deep green. His face looked youthful, almost child like, but he was still considered as hot by the female population. Luke was as tall as Mark and built the same. He had shoulder lenght brown hair and matching colored eyes. People often mistook the two of them for brothers, but they felt like brothers anyway so they didn't deny it. The three of them were Koga's top students along with Janine. He changed into blue jeans, a black t-shirt with a black leather jacket over it and simple black sport shoes. Sam and Luke picked him up at his home and the trio went to Viridian City. They entered their favorite pub around nine. They got into a secluded booth as always and ordered beer. The cool thing was, they served it in wooden pints. After two hours and two more pints each, Sam began to get pale.

"Umm, guys?" he asked while staring at his half-empty pint.

"Sam? You ok? You're really pale. " asked Luke his friend.

"No, I'm fine... Just... No, you wouldn't understand... " said Sam sadly and took a large swing from his pint.

"Understand what?" asked Mark, now confused.

"You'll think I'm sick in the head or something. " said Sam.

"We already do. " replied both Luke and Mark with a smirk. That seemed to cheer him up a little.

"Okay, you guys... Promise not laugh or ridicule me and so on?" asked Sam now worried.

"Cross our hearts and hope to die. " said Mark while doing the gesture together with Luke.

"Okay... Well... I - I'm in love with Nariko. " said Sam, taking another swing from his pint. Mark and Luke looked at each other.

"Nariko? Who's Nariko?" asked Luke his friend with a confused look.

"You know... Nariko... The Nariko. How many Nariko's do you know of?" answered Sam. They thought hard and then it clicked.

"THE Nariko? Your Raichu?" they both exclaimed in unison.

"Shhh! Quiet down! Yes, her!" he said aggravated.

"How'd that happen?" asked Mark.

"I dunno. It just, did. One thing we were training and the next we were humping each others brains out. And she told me she loved me. And then it hit me, I love her too. We've been together for so long it just came natural for me to say it. " explained Sam. Mark looked at him in surprise while Luke just nodded.

"I know how you feel. It's the same with me and Annie. " said Luke nonchalantly. Both Sam and Mark looked at him.

"WHAT?" they both exclaimed.

"Oh, for a while now. A few months actually. She was in heat and she BEGGED me to help her, begged, mind you. So I did. And then we did it again, and again, and again and let me tell you, a Persian in heat is a roller coaster! After a while we realized we loved each other and became a secret couple. " explained Luke, smiling all the time. Mark and Sam couldn't believe it. He kept it a secret for that long? Then again, Luke was the best at hiding and stealth so this wasn't much of a surprise.

"Nariko's no better either. She's an electric type so that adds a certain spark to it, pun intended! And she's so hot! That long red hair with yellow tips and those tits and ass! It's just... Wow! But that's not all! It feels so much better doing it with her than a human girl. I don't know how to explain it. " Sam explained happily, color returning to his face by now. Luke smiled widely.

"I know right? It's just so raw and animal like! You can let loose and be wild! It feels incredible!" replied Luke. The two of them talked, completely ignoring Mark who was now deep in thought. This was HUGE! Pokeality was illegal, they could get into so much trouble. But it got him thinking. How is it really? It was unexplored territory, something new and mysterious. And most importantly, how did the girls feel about him? Sure, he loved them and they loved him, but it was like friends, not in a lovers kind of way. At least to him, he wasn't so sure about them now. He notices the looks they give him but decides to ignore them, thinking they are just teasing him. The more he thinks about it the more sense it begins to make. They love him love him. But does he love them the same way. He was snapped out of thought by Luke.

"Yo! Mark! You there?" asked Luke, snapping his fingers in front of him.

"Yeah I'm there. Just... Processing. " replied Mark.

"So... Did you do it with any of your girls?" asked Sam.

"What? No! They're like my family! Besides, I don't think of them that way!" replied Mark defensively.

"Really? Too bad. Annie told me how they want to hump your brains out. " said Luke with a smirk and Mark almost choked on his beer.


"Suuure. You didn't know? Oh man, they've been throwing themselves at you like crazy! Don't say you never noticed?" asked Luke with an amused look on his face.

"No... " replied Mark.

"Really? Not even when Nina accidentally walked in on you in the shower, naked? Or when Rei climbed into your bed at night wearing nothing but her lingerie?" asked Luke smirking.

"No... " he gave the same reply.

"Dude! You're denser than a Slowpoke!" teased Sam his friend.

"I just never thought of them that way! And it's forbidden... " said Mark, not really sure in his words right now.

"It's forbidden to throw trash on the ground but everyone still does it. " came Sam's comparison. It didn't help much.

"So you're telling me, you have four willing and smokin' hot girls in your house that want to fuck you, and you do nothing? You fail as a man right now. " said Luke, trying to sound disappointed but he understood his friends fears and confused feelings. He had them as well.

"Yeah... " said Mark quietly.

"When was the last time you had sex?" asked Luke again. The look on Mark's face was answer enough.

"Oh hell no! Two years? You gotta' be kidding me! You're still hung up on May, aren't you?" exclaimed Luke, now evidently frowning.

"What? No! I'm over her! It's just... After her, I started to train more to keep my mind off of her and kinda forgot about finding a new girlfriend. " explained Mark. Truth was, he had lots of chances. Girls were practically throwing themselves at the three. But Mark rejected them as he saw they were only after him for his fame, money and good looks. None of them cared who he really was. May was different. They met in Hoenn during his travels. She didn't know who he was and that worked perfectly. Until she cheated on him with Drew. They went separate ways for a couple of months to complete their goals of being a Hoenn champion and top coordinator. Before facing the elite four, Mark got a call from May saying she slept with Drew at the celebration party after she won the cup. She got drunk and it happened, he could forgive that somehow. Then she told him they did it a couple of times sober and that ended it. He was heartbroken.

"You know,for such a big, strong and scary looking guy, you're actually a Teddiursa deep inside. " commented Luke with a smirk.

"Shut up... " said Mark while agreeing with his friend mentally.

"So what are you gonna' do about them?" asked Sam.

"I suggest you just do them. " said Luke nonchalantly and taking a sip of beer.

"I can't just do them! I don't know how they feel. Well I do, thanks to you and Annie, but I want to find out for myself. And I don't know how I feel about them." reasoned Mark.

"Trust me my friend, you love them. And if you're having trouble deciding how you feel, just kiss them. Trust me, one kiss is all it takes. " said Luke a matter of factly.

"That's true. " said Sam while nodding.

"Right... We'll see... " said Mark meekly.

"Oh just man up you big wuss! Here! I propose a toast! To Mark, so he may confess his true feelings and FINALLY get laid after two years!" said Luke rather loudly as the waitress passed by. She heard them and winked at Mark.

"You know, I can help if you want. " she said seductively. She was hot by the way. Long black hair, hourglass figure, large breasts, beautiful face. Every man's dream.

"Sorry girl, he's taken!" said Luke and patted his friends slumped shoulders.

"Oh that's too bad... Here's my number in case you change your mind. " she wrote down her number on a piece of paper and handed it to him. He smiled and took it, not actually wanting to call her. She winked again and mouthed Call me.

"You devil, you! To Mark!" said Luke and they brought their pints together.

"Hear, hear!" said Sam with a huge smile. Mark was a little less enthusiastic but decided to amuse them. After finishing their pints they decided it was time to go. Luke offered Mark to drop him off at home, but Mark declined saying he needed time to think so he would walk. It was two hours of walking though. He took out his phone, connected his earphones and went through his mp3 list and searched for something good. Orden Ogan. He let the music kill the silence around him as he walked. A black sky above... No! Focus! You have to deal with this now! But how? First find out how they feel. I know how they feel, Luke told me. there was this other voice in his head and it was like an argument inside. He and his friends sometimes joked he had multiple personalities. You could say it's partly true. T rue, but can you really trust him? Yes! He's my oldest friend! Even after the Clair incident? Well... Luke told Mark that Clair had the hots for him. Apparently Jasmine told him so, who was a good friend of Clair's. He kissed her at his Champion celebration. He landed on his back with a bleeding nose. Luke was cracking up and Mark chased him half around Indigo Plateau. That wasn't the only time he did that so Mark got very suspicious about him at those moments. _ Exactly! You better make sure now, just to be on the safe side. They are MUCH stronger and fiercer than Claire. A broken nose would be the least of our problems. I know. Now, how do you feel? You know how, you're me. I want you to say it! Or think it anyway. I feel... I don't know. T hen don't look at them as Pokemorphs. Look at them as human girls. Heck, don't even think of their looks, just them. Now? Well... I could see myself dating them. I mean, they're great right? And look wise, they're hot aren't they? There you go. But they're morphs, it's just weird. Would you bang Neytiri from Avatar? Or the Asari's from Mass Effect? Or Aayala from Star Wars? Or- Yeah, yeah I get it, and yes I would. In a heartbeat. So what's the problem with morphs? Because they're real! It's nice to fantasize about something that's not. You're not looked at with disgust, you're looked at with that „What a geek" look. And nobody judges you for it as they do it as well. This - this is more intense. Since when do you care what people think? I don't - Yeah you kinda do. It's forbidden so I can't anyway . Keep tellin' yourself that. But the League would take them from me! I don't want that to happen! You really think the Legaue could separate them from you? I think they'd reduce the place to dust just to get back to you. And I love them for it. Oh, you do?... Hello? Anyone there? Well, besides me. Yeah I'm here. So you do love them. You know I love them. Not in the trainer/morph/family love them. I wanna kiss/date/fuck them love them. I... Umm... Yeah, I guess I do. Finally! So what are you gonna' do now? Give it a moment to let it sink in._ After an hour the voice called again _ Did it sink in yet? No._ Another hour passed and he was at the front door. _ Now? Not yet. I gotta' do something first._ He opened the door and heard voices from the kitchen. He was about to enter the kitchen when he heard something interesting and hid behind the wall.

"I bet he's hung like a Tauros. " said Roxy. Kay had a different opinion.

"No, no, no. Tauros are hung like him!" everyone laughed at that while blushing. Jacques and Paola were in their bedroom fast asleep, thank Arceus.

"That is true. " replied Nina calmly. Everyone looked at her, mouths wide open.

"WHAT?!" they all yelled in unison.

"You do remember I ''accidentally'' walked in on him in the shower. It was morning, mind you. " replied Nina. She what? Looks like Luke wasn't lying. Looks like it. He wanted to go in but the voice stopped him Stay put! Let's listen some more. and Mark leaned to the wall again.

"Really? That big?" asked Rei blushing like mad.

"Yes. What, you think May screamed like that when they had sex for fun?" replied Nina.

"Ah yes. The Bitch. " said Rei through gritted teeth.

"The nickname fits I'd say. " said Kay while taking out a mago berry juice, her favorite. Nickname? How long were they calling her that?

"Don't get me wrong, she was nice. But after what she did to him she deserves it. He was so heartbroken, we never made it past Sidney in the elite four challenge! " replied Rei in a sad tone. It was true. He just couldn't concentrate. He received the news a day before and couldn't sleep the whole night. In the morning he was so tired his concentration dropped to a minimum and Sidney made quick work of him. It surprised the dark-type master as he heard great stories about him. After that Mark left Hoenn and never tried to take them on again. It was too painful to go back there. He loved her and then she cheated on him.

"And I'm safe to assume you had nothing to do with burning her and Drew's stuff to a crisp when we saw them in Goldenrod?" asked Nina with a smirk on her face. Rei replied with her own.

"Maybe... They did deserve it though!"

"Exactly! He was so depressed it broke my heart! And there was nothing we could do." said Roxy, also saddened at the memory.

"We were just there for him when he needed us. I think it meant a lot to him. " commented Nina, taking a sip from her cup of tea. _It sure did._smiled Mark and listened on.

"Do you think he loves us? You know, like we love him?" aked Rei in a sad voice.

"Hard to tell. I followed him closely these past few years and never ONCE did I notice he looked at us the way we did at him. " commented Nina. The girls were disheartened by that.

"Well, maybe - maybe he's just good at hiding it! He is a trained ninja after all. " said Rei trying to encourage her friends and herself.

"I don't know about that, but I do know that he's scared of the league. He loves us too much to risk losing us. " reasoned Nina, sipping her tea.

"I just wished he loved us loved us. This isn't enough. I feel a part of me is missing and I can't fill that part. It has to be him! Him and noone else!" said Kay, pouring her heart out to her friends.

"True. " they all said in unison. _Wow. I know right. Well there you have it! You know what to do next. I do. I'll listen just a bit more. Not a bad idea actually. _

"So... Let's say Jacques words come true. Let's say pokeality becomes legal. Then what? Do we just jump him or we start more direct flirting or... What do we do exactly?" asked Rei her friends.

"The best we can do is wait. If he feels the same then let him make the first move. If we do it we might scare him away. " answered Nina, always being the wise one. It came with the species. As did the incredible sex drive.

"You're right, as always. " pouted Rei. Nina smiled at his friend.

"And then let's say it happens. But all of us here love him and there's even more girls in our team that feel the same way. Does only one of us get him or do we share? Personally I'm good with sharing. I'll have him anyway I can. " stated Kay.

"Me too! I don't wanna' spend ''lonely nights'' thinking he's with someone else. It was bad enough with May. " said Roxy remembering.

"I thought you liked our ''lonely nights''. " said Nina seductively and ran one of her tails from Roxy's crotch up to her chin. Roxy blushed madly.

"I never said I didn't! It's just... You know... Like... " Roxy stumbled over her words and Nina put her tail around her shoulders in a comforting manner.

"I know. Besides, we ALL know who he would pick. " said Nina and all of them looked at Rei.

"What? Me? Why me? You're all hotter than me?" asked Rei confused.

"Don't be ridiculous! You're as hot as the rest of us! Every time I'm at work someone asks me ''Who's that hot Blaziken we see you with every now and then'' and then ask me to set up a date. There were even a few girls among them. I must admit I was kinda jealous. " encouraged Kay her friend.

"Besides, you've know each other for eight years now and spent a lot of time together. If he decides to pick only one, I'm betting ALL of my tails it's gonna be you. " said Nina with a smile.

"Thanks... " said Rei, blushing like mad.

"The real question though, would YOU be willing to share him?" asked Roxy. Rei's reply came instantly.

"Of course! You're my best friends! And I couldn't just do that to you after all of our ''lonely nights'' together. I think adding him to it would be a lot more fun than usual. " said Rei with a playful smirk.

"True again. " came the reply of the group.

"I still think it would be fair you get first pick. " said Roxy and rubbed Rei's shoulder.

"Thanks Roxy, that's nice of you." smiled Rei at her friend.

"And then I'm next!" said Roxy excitedly.

"Yeah, umm, no. If anyone's next it's me. " replied Nina in a non-negotiable way. The argument now exploded with every girl trying to get her ''number''. They even mentioned the girls that weren't here so that added up to quite the show. _Okay, I don't think we'll get anything more useful now. I agree, time to move in. _ Mark got up, walked into the kitchen and greeted the girls who immediately stopped arguing.

"MARK! You're back!" they all said in unison and wondering if he heard their discussion.

"Yeah, I just came in, heard you were in here." replied Mark _ Liar, liar, pants on fire... Shut up!_

"How was it?" asked Kay.

"It was... Nice... Sam and Luke had some new... Ideas. They said hello. " answered Mark.

"What kind of ideas?" asked Rei.

"Well that's why I want to talk to you Rei. Come with me please. " siaid Mark and motioned her to follow him.

"Okay. " said Rei a bit disappointed. Their talks were mostly about training and random stuff so she didn't expect much when he called her to talk. They entered the living room and she closed the door behind them.

"So what's this new train-mmph!" she couldn't even finish her sentence as he crashed his lips against her's, pulling her in a heated, passionate kiss. Her eyes widened in shock but she quickly let herself melt into the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck. It felt so good! She waited for this for years and now it was finally happening! A small tear of happiness escaped her. Mark ended the kiss and looked straight into her eyes. She felt like he was looking directly at her heart, her soul.

"Mark! What-? Why-?" she couldn't form complete sentences because of the initial shock that was quickly replaced by overflowing happiness.

"Shut up and listen. Luke actually gave me good advice today. I thought a lot about it and I realized I was acting stupid. I was so scared of the league that I ignored my, and more importantly, your feelings and hurt you. All of you. I'm sorry, it won't happen again. I love you all too much to do that again. I want to be with you. All of you. I can't just pick one. You all mean too much to me." Rei couldn't believe what she was hearing. The moment she dreamed of was happening right now and she couldn't believe it.

"I hope that's okay with you?" asked Mark, worried why she was so quiet. Rei jumped at him wrapping her arms and legs around him, pulling him into another passionate kiss. She could feel his hardness poking her as well as he could feel her wetness. They broke apart.

"Yes! Yes! It's okay! You have no idea how long I-we waited for this day!" exclaimed Rei, happier than she ever was. Mark sighed in relief. _Great, we won't get burned to a crisp. Awesome! Now take her upstairs and do her like a crossword puzzle! You know I'm bad at those. Really? Now? You're right, sorry._He brought his head closer to her and whispered in her ear with a low, husky voice.

"Let's go upstairs. " it wasn't a question. She shivered at the sound of his voice and nodded in confirmation. She let him go and they made their way to the kitchen. She was redder than a tomato if that was possible. They passed the kitchen.

"Hey, we're gonna go to sleep. We've got hard training in the morning. Good night!" said Mark with a smile. Rei was hiding behind him. They left the kitchen and Mark picked her up bridal style and carried her to his room. She wrapped her arms around his neck and savored the moment.

"That was weird. " said Kay, sipping on her juice. Nina raised an eyebrow, sniffed the air and smiled.

"Lucky girl... " she said and took a sip of tea.

"What?" asked Kay confused.

„Seems their training involves ''nightly activities''. " answered Nina. Roxy noticed what she did before and she too sniffed the air. Her eyes went wide and her mouth fell open.

"NO! WAY!" exclaimed Roxy. Nina nodded. Kay was looking at the two when it finally clicked.

"NO! WAY!"

Mark carried Rei upstairs into his room. It was actually the master bedroom, the former bedroom of his parents which he redecorated. The room was big but also very simple: a king-size bed, closet, desk with his laptop on it and a few shelves. Mark made his way towards the bed and gently laid Rei on it, placing her underneath him. He lowered his head and they began kissing again. Even though Rei had a beak it didn't bother him. It actually felt really good. Rei was hugging him tightly, running her hands through his hair. I can't believe this is finally happening! Wait, no thinking, doing! and she slid her tongue into his mouth. Mark was a bit surprised but then he put his tongue to good work too. His right hand grabbed her left breast over her tank top and began squeezing it and massaging it. She felt his hand and shuddered at the touch, letting a small gasp escape her. It was over the shirt but it still felt so good. But she wanted more. She grabbed his hand and slid it under her top. Mark felt that her breast were firm but also somehow soft. He enjoyed the feel of her fur covered body. Feathers only adorned her face, the chest area above her breasts, her short tail and were covering her feet that were actually talons. Rei's hands were now exploring his toned body over his shirt. She was getting even more wet. Speaking of which, Mark felt her wetness on his leg that was on her crotch. He decided to tease her a little and rubbed his leg against her wetness. This sent a wave of pleasure through her as his leg rubbed against her clit. She moaned in pleasure and ripped his shirt off.

"This... is only... in... the way. " said Rei between moans and grabbed onto his shoulders as he was still rubbing her. Mark went to her neck and started kissing and licking it, leaving a few hickeys. She was shivering with his every touch. The fact that she was in heat made every touch twice as good. Mark was also pinching and twisting her nipple. She squirmed underneath him, now rubbing herself against his leg voluntarely. Her breathing was getting stronger and faster.

"Mmmm, yeess... It feels sooo goood.... " moaned Rei as Mark continued to work her neck and breast. He decided to see the whole package so he grabbed her top and pulled it off. When he took a look at her his heart skipped a beat. She just looked so beautiful.Can't believe how lucky I am. Yes, now get to work moron! the voice was still there. He didn't question ''himself'' and began to suck, lick and nibble on one of her nipples while twisting and pinching the other.They were a bright shade of red. The result was instantaneous.

"Oh Mark!" she moaned loudly. She thought ''lonely nights'' were good, but this, this was something else entirely. Something much more stimulating, much more pleasuring. Mark smirked, satisfied with her reaction. Rei noticed this and decided to strike back. She quickly rolled him over and was now on top of him, pinning his hands down. She lowered her head and began licking his neck. Now it was his turn to shiver.

"Rei... " he moaned.

"Yes?" she asked in a sweet voice, not stopping.

"Don't stop... " now it was Rei's turn to smirk. She kissed her way down to his chest. As she did that, her body slid backwards and she felt a rather big bulge. A moan escaped them both. Rei loved every moment of their exploring, but she needed release. Fast. She climbed off and unbuttoned his jeans, pulling them off together with his underwear. He looked at her and her beautiful bright blue eyes were staring back at him. When she pulled them off she stared at his full-blown erection "Wow. " She grabbed his member, stroking him gently and circling her finger on it's head.

"Now... What should I do with you?" she asked in a seductive voice, licking her beak in delight as she watched the cock in her hand. It was big. Almost nine inches. She brought her other hand towards her crotch and began rubbing herself.

"Well, staring at it won't help muUUUUCH!" groaned Mark in pleasure as she grabbed his member in a vice grip for his smart-ass remark.

"I guess I'll just to this then... " she said and began licking his tip. Mark closed his eyes as pleasure shot through him. She slowly began to take him into her mouth more and more, building up his pleasure almost to a breaking point. He grabbed her head with his hand and pulled on her hair. Rei was more than satisfied with the feedback she was receiving.

"Rei! I'm-I'm close! " he moaned as he was about to release his load but Rei suddenly pulled away, not allowing him release. She waved her finger at him.

"Nuh-huh! If you're gonna cum, then" she began to pull of her shorts "you cum inside me. " she said with a seductive voice and threw her shorts on the floor right besides Mark's. Before she could react Mark jumped her and she was once again underneath him. He had a look in his eyes that was so lustful, wild, feral. She never saw him like that. It was a big turn on. He rubbed his hardness against her wetness.

"Ooohhh... Mark... Please... " moaned and pleaded Rei as he teased her.

"Please, what?" asked Mark, now prodding her entrance. He wanted it also really bad but he wanted to tease her some more.

"Please... Stick it in... Take my virginity... Please!" begged Rei as she couldn't take it anymore. To hell with pride, she needed him.

"As you say, my love. " said Mark and kissed her deeply as he thrust into her, ripping her hymen. Rei was in a lot of battles but this pain was something else. She knew it would be painful but not this much. She was thankful Mark was kissing her as it made the pain more bearable. On the other hand, Mark was in a world of bliss. She was so warm, wet and soft inside it took every bit of restraint not to cum as soon as he entered her. She felt better than any human girl he ever slept with. Looks like Sam and Luke were right. He felt her tightening around him as she fought the pain of her virginity being taken. After a while her pain went away. She broke the kiss and looked at him with her beautiful blue eyes.

"You can move now... " she said in a quiet voice. He nodded and began to move slowly "Oooohhh... mmm... " moaned Rei with his every thrust. She was starting to feel good now, the pain gone. He increased the intensity of his movements and Rei now started to move with him, their bodies perfectly in sync. Her back was arched and Mark grabbed her waist which gave him a direct path to her G-spot "Oh my Arceus! That's the spot! Don't stop!" she moaned as he sent waves of pleasure through her entire body. Soon his thrusts became fast and hard, making her lose her mind. She was now clutching the sheets, ripping them with her sharp nails. He began sucking on her nipples making her moan even louder „Yes! YES! Harder! Faster!" she demanded as her eyes were rolling back from the pleasure. Mark was groaning as he was now pounding into her with all he had. He could feel hitting her cervix and noticed she enjoyed it very much when he did.

"Rei! I can't hold it much longer!" groaned Mark as he felt his climax coming close.

"Yes! Yes! Me too! Give it to me! Inside me!" she moaned loudly, feeling her orgasm knocking at the door. Mark thurstted a few more times before unleashing his hot load inside her. That sent Rei over the edge as her orgasm came hard and her juices spilled and mixed with his. Mark felt her pussy clenching tightly around him, trying to suck out every bit of cum he had. Her womb was now filled with his seed and her body was contracting from her orgasm. But Mark wasn't done. Rei felt as he got hard inside of her again and began thrusting once more "No! Wait! I just came! It's too much!" she scremed overwhelmed with pleasure. Mark just kept going "Oh yes! YES! YES! I'M CUMMING !!!" she scremed when another wave of orgasm hit her, harder than the first one. Mark still wasn't close to finishing as he continued and Rei's mind went blank "OH! MY! ARCEUS! I'M CUMMING AGAIIIIIIIN!!!" she scremed at the top of her lungs as a small flame stream escaped her mouth which Mark dodged in the last second. He found release once again and they climaxed at the same time. Mark fell down on her exhausted. Rei immediately pulled him into a loving and passionate kiss. Mark pulled out of her and they were now laying in bed,hugging, with Rei resting her head on his chest.

"That was... Wow... " said Mark in amazement. It really was something else.

"I know... " purred Rei quietly as she still felt her orgasm.

"Wait! I came inside of you! Won't you get pregnant?" panicked Mark First jump then think? Nice job, idiot.

"Don't worry, I won't. A morph can't get pregnant if they don't want to. " explained Rei. That calmed him down "I don't even know if morphs can get pregnant with a human... " Rei added quietly, sounding a little sad by that hought.

"Oh, okay... " sighed Mark in relief. Rei looked at his now flat member and smiled.

"You know, you're hung like a Tauros. " said Rei seductively, turning small circles with her finger on his abdomen.

"I thought Tauros were hung like me. " said Mark with a smirk. Rei's head shot up and she looked at him.

"You... You heard us?" asked Rei, a blush appearing on her face again.

"Sorry. I came home and looked for you and found you in the kitchen. I was debating whether or not to do what I did. Hearing you talk helped make my decision. " he said, smiling lovingly. Rei smiled back and gave him a loving kiss "I love you. " said Mark and Rei was caught off guard a bit but then she replied.

"I love you too. " and kissed him deeply. They fell asleep in each others arms.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Roxy and Kay were redder than a tomato. Nina had a small blush and was sipping her tea peacefully.

"Told you. " she said to them. Apparently the walls weren't that thick.

Mark awoke in the morning around eight feeling rather good about last night. This feels right. Damn right it does! I deserve to be happy! And what about me? You are me. Oh, right. Mark was smiling like a mad man. He looked over to the sleeping beauty that was still close to him. They awoke in the same position they fell asleep. Mark stroked her hair gently, admiring her beauty. Rei shuffled in his arms and slowly woke up. She smiled when she saw him.

"Morning beautiful. " said Mark and gave her a kiss to her forehead.

"Morning to you too. Sleep well?" asked Rei and gave him a kiss.

"The best in a long time. " answered Mark and hugged her tighter. Rei giggled and squeezed closer to him. It was true. He usually woke up in a messed up bed in Arceus knows what position. Now he woke up the same as he did when he went to sleep and he felt great.

"Me too. Can we stay in bed a little longer? Please?" asked Rei giving him a look he couldn't possibly refuse.

"Of course. " he said and kissed her forehead again. After an hour Mark decided it was time to get ready for the day. Rei didn't like the idea but it had to be done. She went back to her room and Mark entered his bathroom. The bathroom was spacious and had a big shower he went into. He turned on the water and the hot stream relaxed him. Then he heard the bathroom door open. He smiled.

"Back for more?" he asked, the water still pouring over him so he didn't see who came in.

"More? When did I get any?" asked Nina smirking to herself.

"Nina?" asked Mark in surprise. What is she doing here? _ Like you don't know._

"Yes?" asked Nina, acting innocent.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to take a shower. Is that a problem?" asked Nina I dare you to say no. she thought menacingly. Somehow Mark felt that but he wasn't about to say no to her anyways.

"No, Not at all. Come in. The water's good. " answered Mark and opened the shower door to let her in. When he saw her his jaw almost hit the floor. She was standing before him stark naked. The first time she did this she was wrapped in a towel. He stared at the beautiful morph in front of him.

"You can continue staring once you let me in. " said Nina crossing her arms under her breasts making them appear even bigger. She caught eye of something else getting bigger and smiled.

"Oh! Um... Sorry. Here. " fumbled Mark over his words and let her in. As soon as she entered the shower the water poured over her, soaking her entirely and making her look even sexier. Mark was still staring at her. He knew it was rude but he couldn't help it. She just looked so damn sexy. As opposed to Rei who had a thinner and more toned build due to her fighting nature, Nina was very curvaceous. Her hourglass figure was just so inviting. I can't believe how my view of them changed so much so fast. he thought.

"Turn around, I'm gonna wash your back. " said Nina as she motioned for him to do it. He happily obliged. She poured showering gel over her hands and started washing his back. Her touch was so soft he was getting tingles all over. Suddenly Nina pressed herself against him and started rubbing her breast against his back and brought her hands in front, rubbing his chest and abs.

"Nina? What are you doing?" asked Mark, getting aroused by her movements.

"Washing you. Don't want to be dirty, right?" she teased and pulled herself even tighter to him. He suddenly turned and pressed her against the wall. She gasped at the action and felt his hardness prodding her stomach. He looked into her beautiful red eyes and leaned in closer to her ear.

"Only when I'm having sex. " he whispered with his husky voice. She shivered just like Rei did.

"That's what I like to hear. " she said and kissed him passionately, her arms wrapped around him and his kneading her ass. The kiss was very long and very passionate as they caressed each other. Mark took one of his hands and brought it to her clit and began rubbing it while nibbling her neck.

"Ooooooh... That's soo good... " she moaned into his shoulder. He also rubbed her entrance with another finger. "Mmmmmm, that's it... " she moaned louder, digging her nails into him, but not causing him to bleed. He started to lower himself, trailing kisses over her body, halting a bit to nibble and suck on her bright pink nipples. She loved what he was doing to her as she was already very wet. Mark reached her crotch and lifted her right leg over his shoulder and began licking her clit. She gasped as the sensation went though her. She parted her legs more to give him better access. He took advantage of the new gained space and closed in on her, sticking his tongue a little inside her „Ooohhh M-Mark! Don't stop!" she moaned and grabbed his head. His tongue was twirling and rotating inside her making her moan in pleasure. She removed her leg from his shoulder and pulled him up to another passionate kiss "I want you... Now... Here... " she said between breaths. He grabbed his cock and rubbed it against her " Stop teasing me and do iiit... " she moaned, wanting him inside her right now.

"Allright, you asked for it. " he said in a low voice and rammed inside her. Nina surpressed a cry. Mark knew immediately something was wrong. He looked down and saw the water had traces of blood in it. He looked at Nina with a worried look.

"How? But you told me-mmph..." Nina cut him off with a deep kiss that lasted until her pain faded.

"I'll explain later. Now screw me like the horny fox that I am!" demanded Nina and started moving her hips. Mark grabbed hold of her and started thrusting making her moan loudly "Mmmm, yes big boy, just like that. " she purred into his ear as he pounded into her. The he got an idea. He grabbed her ass and lifted her enabling him deeper penetration. Nina scremed in pleasure and wrapped her legs and tails around him immediately as the increase in pleasure was big "OH MY ARCEUS! You're in soooo deeeep!" Mark was kissing and nibbling her neck and she was clawing at his back, leaving trails with her nails. He loved the feeling of having his back clawed. He began pounding even harder into her and felt something warm around him. He lifted his head to see the tips of her tails glowing brightly. Mark heard that grabbing a tail could result in the Ninetales cursing you for a thousand years. He took his chances anyway and grabbed one of her tails tip, mesmerized by it's glow. Nina dug her nails into his skin now and screamed as pleasure shot up her spine.

"OOOOOOHHHHH!!!" she screamed and started panting as the pleasure was intense.

"Your tails are your weak spot?" asked Mark in wonder, not stopping his thrusts.

"Yes... Mmmmm... " replied Nina now moaning into his shoulder.

„Oh... And here I thought you were gonna curse me for a thousand years. " he said with a laugh.

"Only if you stop touching them... " moaned Nina. Not waiting another second he squeezed the tip tighter and rubbed it and an even stronger jolt of pleasure went through her spine "FUUUUCK!!!It feels sooooo daaamn gooood!!!" she moaned loudly. Seeing where this is going he quickly grabbed another tip and began pounding her hard and deep "MAAAAARK!!! I'M-I'M GONNA-GONNA CUUUUUUUUUM!!!" she yelled as her overwhelming orgasm came like a tsunami and a small stream of flame escaped her mouth. As he felt her gripping tightly around him, he was sent over the edge and unleashed his hot load inside her.

"AAAAARGH!!!" groaned Mark as he was still pounding into her. Nina's eyes were rolled back and her tongue was hanging out as another orgasm hit her when Mark released his load inside her and continued thrusting. Her pussy was squeezing him dry for every drop he had. He stopped and Nina unwrapped herself from him and slumped to the floor. Mark quickly followed and she hugged him tight when he joined her on the floor.

"That... Was... Something... Else... " panted Nina.

"No... Kidding... " Mark was in no better shape „ So... About... You know. The hymen thing?" asked Mark, now wondering.

"When a morph evolves... It's body regenerates... The hymen being part of it... It also get's renewed. " explained Nina, still short of breath. Her heart was beating wildly.

"Oh... " was all that Mark could say.

"Remember the first time we met?" she asked him.

"Of course. I'll never forget that day for as long as I live. " he said fondly.


It was a few weeks since Mark left his hometown Fuschia City to start his journey to become a Pokemorph master. He was fifteen and Koga allowed him to leave after his graduation ceremony. He was finally a man now. He and Rei (Combusken) were heading towards Vermilion City for their first gym battle. They were on Route 11 and made camp for the night. They were fast asleep in the tent (Rei didn't like being in her Pokeball all the time) when Mark's sharpened senses picked up movement outside. He nudged Rei awake.

"Someone's out there. " he whispered quietly, his voice unintentionally husky. She loved it. Truth was she was in love with him for two years now but couldnt do anything about it because of the stupid league. Of course she didn't tell him. She thought it would make things weird. She nodded and they slowly crawled out of the tent on the opposite side of where the intruder was. Putting their training to good use, Rei jumped the intruder and threw him at a tree as Mark threw two bolas at him that tied him to it.

"Owwww! That hurts!" the intruder cried out in pain. It was evident it was a girl. The duo approached the figure and saw a Vulpix. She was around Rei's height, standing at about 5'5'' and wore old, dirty and ripped clothes. Mark was towering over them having reached his peak at fourteen. He didnt have such big muscles as he does now but he was pretty toned. In the girls opinion, he looks way better now as he gives off a strong, manly aura.

"What are you doing here?" demanded Mark in a deep,intimidating voice, something he learned from Koga. The Vulpix yelped when she heard him speak.

"I'm-I'm sorry! I was looking for food and-and I smelled something good and came here!" explained the Vulpix and began crying, still hurt from the attack and out of fear.

"So, you were robbing us?!" shouted Mark. The Vulpix trembled with fear.

"I'm sorry! I'm just so tired and hungry! I'm really sorry! I won't do it again!" she pleaded and was still crying. Rei looked over to Mark, seeing a familiar gleam and a smirk on his face. She knew what followed.

"What's your name?" asked Mark, his tone the same. The Vulpix was sobbing hard. He asked again but this time louder and harsher "What's your name?!" demanded Mark.

"N-Nina! My name's Nina! Please don't hurt me! Please!" she cried hard. Mark pulled out a knife that was in it's holder, secured around his belt. Her eyes widened in horror.

"Well, Nina, since you tried to rob us of our food there's only one thing we can do. Rei, light a fire please, we're having dinner again. " he said and walked closer to Nina, knife in hand. She struggled to get free but with no success as the bolas were tightly wrapped around her.

"NO! NO, PLEASE! DON'T HURT ME!" she screamed for her life as Rei lit another fire and Mark was very close with the knife "NOOOOOO!!! SOMEBODY HELP!!! PLEEEASEEE!!! NOOO!!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. Nina already said goodbye to her life when she felt the ropes around her loosen up and fall to the ground. She looked at the human putting his knife back into it's holder. He walked towards the fire and she looked at him in confusion, her face still wet with tears.

"...What?" she asked confused.

"Hope you like beef stew. " said Mark with a smile as he pulled out a plastic bowl and poured it's contents into the metal one that was placed over the fire.

"...What?" Nina repeated. Rei walked over to her and crouched in front of her.

"I'm very sorry about him, Nina. His ninja instincts kick in in these situations. " explained Rei with a smile to a scared-to-death Nina.

"Ninja... Instincts?" asked Nina, wiping her tear stained face. Rei nodded.

"He's a trained ninja. One of the best actually. " said Rei with a smile. She stood up and extended her hand to her "C'mon, dinner will be ready soon. " she offered. Nina looked at her suspiciously but accepted her helping hand, seeing no evil intent in her eyes. They walked over to the fire where Mark was stirring the soup. They sat in silence for a while until Mark spoke.

"I'm sorry about earlier. Sometimes I get carried away. " apologized Mark. Nina was taken aback by this. His words were truthful, she heard it in his voice. It was the first time someone apologized to her. It felt nice.

"It's... Okay... " she said and gave him a small smile. He smiled back and for a moment her heart skipped a beat. He was shirtless and the shadows cast by the fire danced around his body. She thought he looked hot, for a human anyways.

"Soup's done!" exclaimed Mark happily. Rei sighed.

"We ate two hours ago. " she tried to reason with him.

"Yeah, and?" he asked not seeing her point. She sighed in defeat. He turned to Nina and handed her a plastic plate and spoon "Guests get first pick. " he said and smiled at her. She took the plate and looked at him in confusion. What's this? She gets first pick? Her old trainer never did that. She slowly took the ladle and put a small amount on her plate. Mark was curiously looking at her. She assumed he wanted her to take more. Truth be told she wanted all of it, being so hungry, but decided to be polite. She took another small scoop and poured it onto her plate. Mark frowned now.

"Okay, you either fill your plate to the rim or you get nothing. " he said to her in a way that meant that she could eat as much as she wanted. She wasted no time as she filled her plate almost to overflow and began eating fast "There you go. " said Mark with a smile and Rei handed her a loaf of bread. She took it and dipped it into the soup. The soup was so delicious, she hasn't eaten anything like that in a long time. A piece of meat made it's way down too early and she began coughing. Mark immediately handed her a bottle of water „Here you go. Try not to choke on the stew, there's still pudding later." he said with a smile as she gulped down the water. She couldn't believe her ears. Pudding? She never tasted it as her master never gave her any. She heard it was delicious. Nina ate three full plates of the stew. The metal bowl was empty now. It was only then she noticed that the two of them didn't eat anything. She was about to say something when Mark interrupted her "Don't worry about it. Like Rei said, we already ate. Besides, we'll reach Vermilion tomorrow so we'll buy more food. " said Mark so that she wouldn't worry about it. Mark then reached into his bag and pulled out a chocolate pudding. He handed the pudding to Nina who took it, not believing what was happening. She opened it and smelled the creamy substance. It smelled delicious and she dug in. The flavor was even better than the smell. In a matter of seconds the pudding was gone. Mark and Rei laughed, causing her to blush a little.

"So, Nina" began Rei "why are you out here all alone?" she asked and looked at her. Nina's ears dropped down and her eyes filled with tears again.

"My trainer... Abandoned me!" she started crying again. Rei pulled her into a hug and she cried into her shoulder "He said I was too weak! He said I was useless!" she cried harder. Rei was rubbing her back comfortingly, looking sad. Mark remained expresionless, but was angry inside.

"What made him do that?" asked Rei sadly. It took a while but Nina finally responded.

"We got into a battle with another trainer. He sent out a Sudowoodo! I didn't stand a chance! First I was beaten badly in the battle, then my trainer beat me afterwards and then-then... " she couldn't finish her sentence.

"Then?" Rei encouraged her. The girl needed to let it out. She finally cracked as her emotions overflowed her and she was now crying harder than before.

"Then he raped me!" she said and was crying into Rei's shoulder. Rei looked horrified. What kind of person would do that? Not a person, a monster! She looked over to Mark and knew exactly what he was thinking. His muscular arms were tightened to the point where his veins were clearly showing. He was furious. He was probably thinking of a hundred ways he could torture the bastard "I swear to Arceus, when I evolve, I'm going to curse him for a thousand years!" she swore and continued crying. After a few minutes Mark decided to change the subject.

"How come you lost?" he asked and Nina lifted her head to look at him.

"What do you mean? I was at a type disadvantage!" she exclaimed angrily. She knew he wanted to take her mind off the horrible experince with her trainer but she was still angry.

"That's no excuse. Rei beat a lot of water morphs. Besides, don't you know Iron Tail?" he asked her. She looked at the ground.

"No... " she mumbled.

"Wow, the guy really is an idiot. " Mark stated. Nina agreed with him "Want me to teach you?" he asked. Her head went up.

"What?" she asked in disbelief.

"I can teach you Iron Tail. " he repeated. She looked at Rei who nodded with a smile.

"Okay... " she said meekly.

"With that kind of attitude we won't get very far. " said Mark trying to get her into the spirit. It worked.

"YES!" Nina yelled at him. He smiled widely.

"Great! I suggest we go to sleep then, we have a lot of work tomorrow. " stated Mark and stood up "Why don't you two take the tent and I'll sleep here. " Nina protested.

"No! I couldn't possibly let you sleep outside after-" but Mark cut her off.

"You're still here?" he asked in a non negotiable tone, his look stern. Nina gulped. She slowly got up and walked towards the tent with Rei behind her. Rei hugged Mark goodnight and entered the tent. The gesture didn't go unnoticed by Nina. They laid down on the sleeping bags.

"Are you two... You know?" she asked Rei.

"What? No! We're just good friends. " answered Rei, her blush giving her away.

"That blush says otherwise. " teased Nina.

"Well... I'm in love with him. But he doesn't know that. I don't want to make things weird and I'm scared of what he would think. Besides, it's forbidden. " said Rei sadly.

"What if he heard you right now?" asked Nina. They were talking normally so it was possible. Rei shook her head.

"He didn't. Look outside. " said Rei. Nina did as told and saw Mark sprawled out in the grass with his headphones in his ears. He looked asleep already.

"That was fast. How did you know?" asked Nina as she got back into her sleeping bag. It was so warm and soft.

"I've known him for three years now. By now we both know how the other functions. " replied Rei. Then she looked at the Pokedex for the time. It was one in the morning "We better get some sleep. I bet training starts early. Good night. " she said and went to sleep.

"Good night. " replied Nina and also went to sleep.

Mark woke them up the next morning around nine. After a quick breakfast they began training. It was the hardest training session she ever had. Mark was a tough trainer but he was also very kind and patient. By the end of the day she could split rocks like they were paper. She was jumping with joy.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she screamed with joy and hugged Mark tightly "How can I ever repay you?"

"Well you can start by letting me go. You're stronger than you look. " said Mark sounding short of breath. She quickly released him and blushed with embarrassment. After an exhausting day, they went to bed early and woke up around seven a.m. to leave for Vermilion City. Mark and Rei packed their stuff and Mark turned towards Nina and extended his hand.

"Well it was nice meeting you Nina. Hope we see you again. " he said and she happily took his hand.

"Me too." she replied. The duo then turned and left. Then it hit her. She was alone again. She didn't want that. She had so much fun with them the past day she couldn't think of being alone. Before she knew what she was doing, Nina was running after them and calling them.

"Wait! WAIT!" she yelled. They stopped and turned towards her "I wanna come with you!" she stated. The duo looked at each other and nodded.

"Okay. " Mark said simply with a smile. He pulled out an empty Pokeball and held it out towards Nina. She smiled, closed her eyes and tapped her forhead on the button. A red light pulled her in and she became part of the team. Mark let her out and she gave him a thousand-watt smile "We gotta buy you some new clothes. And you need a bath, you smell. " said Mark with a smirk and she punched him playfully. It wasnt long after that she began to develop feelings for him. Eventually they met her previous trainer in a tournament. She made quick work of his entire team. He looked so miserable after his defeat she decided she won't curse him as a Ninetales. Him being like this was curse enough.


They were still sitting under the shower, the water still pouring over them. She was wrapped in his arms and felt safe and loved. Mark looked at the clock inside inside the shower and saw that they were in there for an hour.

"We should go downstairs. Breakfast is ready. " he said and released her. She wasn't happy about it but she knew they should make an appearance. Mark turned off the shower and they wiped themselves. Nina grabbed one of his over-sized t-shirts and pulled on her panties. They descended to the kitchen and saw that everyone was already there finishing their breakfast.

"Finally decided to come down I see. " said Rei with a smile, happy for her friend.

"Yeah, we thought you would never come down by the sound of it. The walls really are thin aren't they. " teased Roxy.

"Jelaous are we?" asked Nina with a smirk. Roxy's face went red "Thought so. Let's eat. " she sat down and grabbed some bread and jam. Just as Mark made his way to his seat Roxy jumped him and kissed him deeply. After a few seconds she broke the kiss.

"Mmmm, you're delicious. " she winked at him and left for her seat. Mark was about to say something when Kay did the same.

"You're right, he IS delicious. " said Kay seductively and went back to her seat. Mark sat next to Sheng.

"You finally got laid I see. " stated the fighter.

"Yeah. " replied Mark while making himself a sandwich.

"Excellent. Maybe now you won't be so uptight. " commented Sheng.

"What did you say?" asked Mark irritated.

"You heard me. "

"Yeah I did... " said Mark and smiled to himself. Nina couldn't keep it in any longer. She just had to say it. It was in her nature.

"Uh, girls. You do realize he was eating me out right before we came down here right?" asked Nina with an evil smirk. Roxy and Kay looked at her disbelievingly. A disgusted look appeared on their faces shortly after.

"EWW!" they both exclaimed and tried to clean their mouths with water. Everyone else just laughed.

The rest of the day went pretty normally, except the girls were now openly flirting with him. Mark noticed dark clouds were forming on the sky and decided they should go inside. Soon after, rain came. Mark decided they should rest today, Arceus knew he needed it after last night and this morning. Besides, they were training hard these past few days so the deserved it. It was around midnight when someone rang the door bell. Roxy jumped up and ran to the door.

"I'll get it!" she yelled back and opened the door. When she saw the visitor she wanted to smash his face in "You have some nerve coming here." she said growling, her face looking like she was ready to bite his head off.

"I'm sorry. Please let me in. I've been traveling the past few weeks and I'm tired and cold and-" but Roxy interrupted.

"Why should I? After what you did you're lucky I haven't ripped you to pieces already. " Roxy was still growling, her fists clenched tightly so she doesn't rip the visitor to pieces.

"Please! I just want to talk to him! I-" just then Mark walked into the hallway.

"Roxy, who's that?" asked Mark, not seeing the visitor as Roxy was standing in front of him.

"It's the little bitch. " said Roxy and moved away to reveal the visitor. Mark felt his stomach drop to his feet.
