Kiss My Arse 6 - Goodbye Hope

Story by SPAMZZKRR on SoFurry

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#6 of Kiss My Arse

Blood splattered across the floor as he laid another right hook across my face. The whole craft shook and shacked as the powerful engines rocked the whole chassis back and forth. With two more hooks and a jab, my head fell limp; too stricken to be of any use or strength. "You're a sick fuck you know that right?" the large bulldog asked me. He wore grey combat trousers and a black shirt. He was of a very large stature with huge muscles and fists like cannonballs. "There is nothing I hate more," I said as I spat out the excess blood, "Than a crooked police fuck like you." "Get used to it. The IDFF doesn't work like the police you know on earth." I strained and tensed my arms, forcing the hard, cold metal chains to weaken. "Save your strength," chuckled the mighty bulldog, "Those chains are unbreakable." I sighed and looked back at my attack, "So since I can't break these chains and twist your neck into an amusing shape, how about we talk? What does the IDFF shit stand for?" He rubbed his red knuckles and leaned against a near-by table. "We are the Inter-Dimensional Federal Forces. We monitor the many dimensions for suspects that have escaped from their own dimension to another. With first degree murder under you name, it was unwise to leave the first dimension." "But then I wouldn't have had the opportunity to meet such an interesting fellow like yourself." With another sharp hook to my face, I shook the pain away and regained my composure. "Well, now I know not to compliment you..." "Your twisted little game stops here. We know what you're up to and we plan to stop it. 'Project Sword' has failed." I stared at him in curiosity, "'Project Sword'? What do you know about 'Project Sword'?" Before he could answer me, a large knocking interrupted us. "Sir, one of the generals needs to speak to you. It's an emergence." He snuffed and looked back at me. "Looks like you got off lucky..." With another heavy blow to the face I faded into darkness. It took me several moments to regain some consciousness but all I remember was being dragged down a long corridor. The two guards either side of me and threw me to the ground. The sound of a large gate locking echoed behind me as the two guards walked off. "A new bitch to play with? Fresh fuckin' meat, huh boys?" Opening my sore and swollen eyes, I found a large gorilla staring down at me. He wore an orange prison suit with a number on the chest. I pulled myself to my feet and rubbed my bleeding head. "Where am I?" I asked the crowd gathering around me. "In a very bad place, boy." The crowd pointed and sniggered at me. "Hey," called the gorilla in his deep voice, "Nice coat." He jumped at me and pulled off the coat as he swung into around like a piece of rag. "Monkey boy, you rip that and I take you down." Looking over at me with contempt, he placed his mitts on the back. He tore a piece of the fabric down the back. Springing into action, I slid across the yard and, with both feet, kicked both his legs from underneath him and, as he fell to his knees, finished him off with a powerful uppercut. I breathed heavily as I picked my coat and dusted it off. "Any of you fucks wanna go?" I taunted to the crowd. Each one slowly dispersed; looking at the beaten gorilla and walking away with their tails between their legs. I took a position on a table in the corner of the enclosed area that was the prisoner yard. Lying down, I closed my eyes and concentrated; hoping my teleportation powers would fire up again. "Excuse me?" I heard a voice ask politely. I opened my eyes expecting a larger foe for me to fight. Fortunately, the soft voice seemed to be sourced from a small dragon with white scales and red hair. For such an eccentric looking dragon, he seemed quite polite and calm. "I must admire your strength back there. I would like to form a friendship with you; although for some protection purposes mostly because you seem like an aloof, astute fellow." I sat up on the table and faced him. "Mitch," I offered my hand to him. "Orilia, Ryan Orilia," he replied sensibly with a sensible smile and sensible handshake. "You seem like quite a nice guy," I stated, "Why are you in here?" I patted the piece of table next to me as if to offer him a seat. He jumped up on the table and began to recall his story, "Unfortunately I was wrongly accused of a crime that I could not have thought worse off. I was born on Reyona Mountain range to a single mother. Me and her were very so close and, although she was old and sick, she did all she could for me. I returned from a trek through the woods one day to find a stranger knocking at my door. Eager to know if I could help, I approached him along for him to knock me out. As I awoke, I found that the house had been burned to the ground and the stranger had disappeared. The police turned up and cuffed me without investigation. I had spent most of my time in the Runcorn Prison but it seems we are being transferred." I fell silent and looked down with solemn respect. "I...I'm sorry..." He gave a deep breath and sighed, "It matters not now... Time has healed most of my wounds. What about you?" he enquired. "I used to live in the main world as a human. Soon, however, I transformed into this wolf form. I awoke from police capture with a dead scientist in my cell with me. I was blamed for the murder and hunted down." "So did you murder that scientist?" "I think so, yes. However, I did not mean for it to happen that way..." He nodded in agreement. The craft shook and rocked violently. "We are coming in to land. I do hope things turn out good for you. If you are every found to be just please visit. My next prison is Renlap on the Crosm Planet." I gave him a reassuring smile and shook his hand again, "I'll do that." Then on the other side of the fence a blur caught my eye. A white fox, long tail, beautiful long hair. I rushed to the fence and shook it frantically, "CHLOE!!! CHLOE!!!" She soon walked out of sight. Though, she must have heard me from that distance. Why did she ignore me? At least, I was sure it was Chloe. But what was she doing her? Before I could say anymore, electric probes were fired into my back and I fell back into the same unconsciousness.

Dragged through another corridor, I felt completely different. The pain of my wounds still ached but there was a deeper pain, an inner pain. A slow ebbing of my life force pulled to the reaches of this dimension. Again I was thrust into a cold room but without the need of restraints. I clawed at the chilling concrete floor, trying desperately to pull myself onto my feet. With all my strength torn from me, my arms and legs had given up long ago and I just couldn't pull myself from the floor. The door opened behind me and a mysterious sole strolled in. He moved in front of me with his boots by my face. I grabbed for one but I still had little strength. "It's been a while," he said in a frighteningly familiar voice. "Six months wouldn't you say Mitch?" My mind lied to me, telling me it wasn't him yet my body burned to know the truth. Gaining new energy, I lifted my heavy corpse-like body from of floor. What I found realised all my fears. I collapsed with my back against the door, shaking my head slowly in disbelief. " can't be you...." "You missed me Mitch?" In front of me, with his callous smile and aloof stance was Henderson. "Missed me?" "Kiss my arse." I flung myself at him in an attempt disable him but he brandished a gun and I fell backwards and sat down by the door. "Attacking me would be an unwise decision." I could barely hear his voice. The pain burned deep inside of me, blurring my vision and hearing. I began to sweat as my limp head bobbed from side to side. He bent down to hold my head up by my chin while digging the barrel into my temple, "It could only take one movement and you would be dead; a trouble out of my life for good." Instead he hit me with the butt of the weapon and stood up. "I've been chasing you for so long time fucker and now you're here, helpless and half-dead. If I'm honest, it's quite pathetic..." While he was talking, I had slowly slipped into a state of mayhem, all my senses going wrong and disobeying my will. Henderson looked into my emotion eyes and tusked, "Poor little wolf."

"Where did he go?" Sonic Fox looked around in bewilderment at my missing presence. The celebrations quickly died down as the team began to scan the room in search of me. The portal quietly closed in the background. "Nikolas, do you think you could follow him?" "I'll try," replied Nikolas concentrating hard as he clenched his fists. "AH!" he cried as he held his head in pain, "Something is stopping me getting through. Whatever's taken Mitch, it's restraining me." The door was unlocked and a puzzled Mina Ortex standing at the door, "Why was the door locked?" The room began to break into panic as the most of the team rushed past her and into the control room with Fang and Dark following closes behind.

A sharp pain in my neck allowed me to awake from my painful sleep. My arms and legs were chained up to the floor and the ceiling and only my trousers were left on. The scientist walked out of the cell and the door was locked behind him. I was now in one of the cells of what seemed a prison corridor. Around me were cells containing mystified human prisoners, shocked at what they saw in me. "Is that thing a werewolf?" "That's a weird costume." "What a freak!" I just ignored them and surveyed the scene. Whatever that scientist gave me, I was wide awake. The deep pain was still there but I did not notice it as much. "Hey freak," called a rotund guard on the other side of the bars, "Get used to what you see, you're going to be here for a long time." "But I need to get back." "Like I give a shit." "Fuck off." The guard looked at me sharply. He opened the door and walked in as the prisoners around me cheered. "I'm going to enjoy this." Rolling up his sleeves, he gave me two sharp right hooks and a left. With a quick uppercut he preceded with a few more jabs. "What you gunna do about this, huh bitch?" he taunted. "Call me a bitch one more time and you'll regret it," I called through his strikes. He stopped and began to chuckle. "...Bitch..." A layer of fire covered my fur and my eyes burned with rage as the chains burst under my strength. With my hand outstretched, the policeman burst into flames and screamed with agony. Pulling my legs free, a red mist descended on my vision. Murderous rage and a blood-lust rushed through my veins. Flames burst from my hands as the bars of all the cells began to melt. What happened next was very hazy. A lot of screams and crying is all I remember. People begging for mercy and then dying. Gunshots. When a regained control I had a pistol and I was in the corridor leading up to a room. With two shots taking out the two guards, I rushed through the door where Henderson stood in horror. With a powerful barrage of punches and a kick to the face, I took him to the floor. Punch after punch brought him closer to death. "STOP!! MITCH STOP!!! MERCY!!!" I pulled myself off him and pointed the gun at his head. "WHEN DID YOU EVER SHOW ME MERCY, HUH?!?!?" I cried to him. He had no answer for his injustice. "Please," he begged, "I have a wife and children. You must calm down. Don't murder again." I looked deep into his eyes. I saw fear and honesty knowing he meant what he said. And then I remembered what he did to me. Firing three shots, his blood spread across the floor as he breathed his last breath. Dropping the gun, I took my leave.

"Where is he?" The computer whirred and buzzed with life, scanning the universe for my bio-sign. The team stood around the colossal screen, fearing for my safety. The phone ran in the background and Mina rushed to answer it. After a few minutes, Mina approached the focused Krystal with a compassionate tone. " may want hear this..." Krystal picked up the phone, "Hello?" "'s Terra. Ye may wanna sit down, lass." "I don't have time for this Terra just tell me." "Fine...Cassandra didn't turn up for 'er concert last night. Then Naomi and Katie didna show up for their film shoot. Ruby missed her lecture the next mor'in. They're not answerin' their phones. We think they've been ki'napped, lass..." Krystal stood in silence with concern on her face. "Krystal.......Krystal are ye there?" She dropped the phone and fell to her knees. With her mouth open in shock, tears rolled slowly down her face. Fox and Sally rushed over the support her. "Krysy? What's wrong?" Krystal whispered in Sally's ear her fears. Sally pulled from the floor and hugged her hard, comforting her and stroking her hair. She did not cry; Sally had to be strong for Krystal.

The sirens and screech of police cars chasing me only edged me forward. The rough grass (having not seen me for a long time) scrapped me as I went past. Breaking through the tree layer, I made back to my original hideout. The ashes of the old fire that kept me company lay dead on the floor. My old shelter now wrecked by the police siege that night. I wanted out. Across the past six months all I wanted was to return here. I wanted my old life back. However, nothing was left for me here. The old human Mitch was dead and the new wolf version did not belong in this world. I had become more than just a 'person'; I had become important. I had made friends and that was something I just could leave behind. The sound of a large craft appeared in the background. "MITCH, THIS IS THE IDFF!!! SURRENDER!!! WE WILL FIND YOU!" They had followed me. A rustling in the bushes in front of me scared me. Chloe appeared from the thick brush. "Chloe, thank God you need to help me." I stumbled towards her. She drew her gun. "Chloe..." She began to tear, "You are under arrest of Section 24 of the Yono Oath of Act 134. You have the right to remain silent. Any action or voice you produce will be used as evidence against you in any galactic justice system." I looked at her badge to find she was apart of the IDFF. "" "I am apart of the IDFF. With my portal power, they can move from dimension to dimension. I am one of the top hunter officers. I tracked Might Dragon down and now I have tracked you down." "But we...I loved you..." She began to cry, "It's not that simple. 'Project Sword' is deeper than you can imagine. You must be taken into custody for your own good." I drew my gun and stared down at her from my sight. "Chloe, please..." "NO! It's either you or everything I hold dear!" The pain returned to my so suddenly I was not mentally prepared. I dropped the gun and fell to my knees; holding me thumping head. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!" "That," she revealed, "Is your body pulling you back to the other dimension. Our kind cannot survive here for long. We do not belong here. Let me take you back..." I grabbed the gun and took aim, "COME ANY CLOSER AND I'LL KILL YOU WHERE YOU STAND!!!" My eyes were blood-shot from the pain. My hand wavered and flowed from one side to another, incapacitating me and refrained me from getting a clear shot. Soon a portal opened and Nikolas appeared from behind me. He took a glance at Chloe before pulling me back to safety.

Waking up that day was the hardest thing I had to do. The pain was unbearable. The room was familiar and the bed was comfortable. My body was covered in blood soaked bandages and a hand cast. I had minor burns with some bullet wounds. My eyes slowly opened with difficulty as I pulled the heavy blanket off my chest. Dragging myself from the bed, a drink of water from the sink helped to refresh me. Telling from my hair and fur length, I was out for some time. Unlike most times alone, I found no-one with me. Leaving the room and stumbling down the corridor, I meet Nik down the hall. "You're up already?" he enquired. Before I could reply, my strength weakened and I fell to the floor. He supported me over his shoulder, "Whoa, you should even be out of bed, you'll burst your stitches." "I want to see everyone else," I replied meekly. He escorted me to the main deck where everyone sat that the main table. "How's it goin' guys?" I said in a jolly fashion. Some turned and gave me a weak smile, others just ignored me. "What's going on?" I asked, confused. Unable to hold her tears any longer, Krystal rushed out of the room with Sally following her closely. "Mitch," called Fang from the other end of the table, "You might wanna see this." On the table laid across in an arbitrary fashion. Each one showed Cassandra, Ruby and two other girls. They were crying with wounds, cuts and blood across their faces. "They've been kidnapped. We don't know who did it." Underneath one of the photos was a note. I pulled it out and read it to myself, "Want your four sluts back? Mitch, come and get me..." I tore up the note and walked away leaving the room in silence. Opening their bedroom door, I found Krystal on the bed with Sally holding her lovingly in her arms, unflinching to let her go. "Krystal," I said respectfully, "I will get them back. I promise they will pay." She pounced from the bed and hugged me tight. I stroked her hair and calmed her down as much as I could. She cried all night... (((This ones a bit of a downer and not a lot of characters have been added in this one. We see the return of the valiant Chloe who is Copyright of FireFox1234. These are just progressing the story but the last chapters are going to be GOLD!!! Please COMMENT as they do help a lot! Thanks and Merry Christmas!!!)))