Introduction to Bloop the Alien

Story by RedGuy on SoFurry

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#1 of Bloop the Alien

This is an abstract (sort of) introduction to my main character, Bloop. Nothing sexy going on in this chapter, but next chapter most assuredly does!

TL;DR: Bloop is a red goo/gummy/gel thing. He's small and cute, and he meets a bear who he later shags. Cool.

Amid the thin red soup that this area seemed to consist of, there floated a small figure. No more than four feet tall when standing, the thing was rather cute. He was a gelatinous creature. Humanoid in shape, but unnatural in consistency. He seemed to be made of the same substance he was suspended in, only much more viscous and solid. He rather looked like a large gummy candy, up close.

However, up close, one could see this thing was very much a living being. His large eyes were closed, topped in a ridge, looking like eyebrows. His short, rounded arms and legs were spread out as he floated, his dainty mouth slightly agape. Inside his mouth, he didn't appear to have any teeth, though he did have a large, slightly pink tongue. His smooth torso rose and fell, gently, as the liquid he was suspended in flowed in and out of his mouth. He didn't appear to have a nose, so as he slept, he always had his mouth open. His head was round like a ball, and his various body parts followed a similar pattern. His limbs all had a rounded appearance, while still being lithe at the joints. He was completely opaque.

A great deal of time had passed since this figure arrived in this state. He was quite a special creature, indeed, though he himself was still rather inexperienced. He was new to being alone.

As he slept, gently breathing, his mind was reeling. Before this, he had always had help. His entire life had essentially been training up to this point. His people were a cold, unfeeling race, of emotionless goo beings. But not him.

He fidgeted and twitched occasionally. Nightmares raced through his inner thoughts and visions. He was caught in a battle between his ancestral duty and his unnatural morals. He was in this catatonic state as a way to process what he had recently experienced.

It was almost a week ago when he had received his first instructions. He was told to extract a member of the native population. Preferably someone young. He went forth, for his entire life, he had been taught to blindly follow his people's instructions. He knew why they wanted younglings. The youth were so full of life... And his people were not. He knew they planned to harvest them, in an attempt to prolong their own miserable existence. He knew his entire race was a mere parasite. But he followed instructions.

Until he encountered what he was after. While observing them, he witnessed the pure love, and joy. The emotions that these young humans possessed. It resonated within him. The first thing he felt, was confused. As he'd never felt anything before, it came as a shock, opening the gates to many other emotions. His confusion turned to fear. He feared what was happening to him, which in turn made him angry. He felt afraid, but didn't know where to run to. He became frustrated... depressed, excited, and happy. Everything whirled around inside of him.

The more he observed the various peoples of the planet, the more conflicted he became with what he'd been taught. The more he learned, the more he hated himself and his people.

And so, the small creature found himself here. It was the closest thing he had to home. He waited here. He knew his people were relying on him. So he waited them out. He slept, as his race had nothing left to leech. He let his race starve, as he slept. He knew it was for the best. His mind processed all of this, causing him inner terror. Until it finally ended.

Like a computer finishing a task, his nightmares ceased. His large, bright eyes slowly opened. His black pupils were surrounded by shockingly blue irises. The whites of his eyes glistened against the fluid he was suspended in. He looked around himself, turning his rounded head.

He gazed at his limbs as they were suspended, limply, as if seeing for the first time. His eyebrows furrowed lightly, creasing his smooth forehead, as he attempted to flex him limbs. With some effort, he was able to lift his right arm all the way up to his face. As his hand stopped, he could feel the flow of the liquid he'd created. It gently rippled and flowed across his face and eyes, tickling.

The creature examined its own hand, floating through the fluid. He counted four fingers, total. Three normal ones, and a fourth that looked somewhat like a thumb, if rounder. A slow glance showed the rest of his limbs followed suit. Satisfied, the gummy being lifted his head, craning back.

He floated there for a moment, with his head looking "up". He closed his eyes and tried to relax. Until something started to happen. It felt like he was falling backwards. It left a sickening pit in his belly, feeling as if he was rolling on a barrel. He hated it every time. Then the next thing he knew, his head was breaching the surface.

His bright red head splashed into the scene. As he broke the surface, he attempted to take a breath, partly out of surprise and partly out of instinct. He found the dry air impossible to breathe, after breathing liquid for so long. He choked, unable to inhale properly. In a panic, he sunk back beneath the surface. He wasn't where he thought he was.

He opened his large eyes, sputtering and flailing under the water. He saw he was in some sort of lake. There weren't any fish he could see, since it was so murky. The water was cold, dark, and cloudy.

He again tried to breathe, but found the water to be disgusting when it entered his mouth. He forced the revolting, dirty water from his mouth, still trying to get a hold of himself. He squeezed his eyes shut, his round limbs doing little to help him swim. His eyes stung, and his weak limbs ached. He didn't dare open his mouth again. He was quickly losing hope, and panicking.

Suddenly, he found himself being lifted out of the water by his right arm. With a forceful, yet gentle grip, a large bear paw had a hold of his forearm. Well, really, his entire arm, since the paw was so big.

When he broke the surface tension, he took another breath. Like before, the air was harsh, and caused him to cough.

"Whoa, easy there little guy, I gotcha! Don't you worry!" A booming and deep voice bellowed. Trying to breathe, the red gummy creature opened his eyes to see a huge humanoid bear. He was dressed in what he considered typical human fishing gear. Except this human was an anthropomorphic bear. And big.

With gentle, swift movements, the bear man swung him into the row boat he was sitting in, wrapped up the little guy in a towel, and started drying him off. "You'll be alright! Just keep breathing..." The bear assured him.

As his coughing slowed, and he acclimated to this strange environment, he suddenly felt very weak. He closed his eyes, resting in the bears strong arms. In moments he was unconscious.