College Experiences

Story by Pasurojiti on SoFurry

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Coming from a religious town, being gay was very much frowned upon. It was not until I moved over to the United States for college did I find out that frankly, my home community was just a jerk.

Being in college, you'd expect to have a roommate to do things and hang out with, or whatever the flip roommates do together. It came as much of a surprise for me, because as I said, religious community. My roommate was a wolf with grey fur that was at least twice as big as me, and at first he seems really intimidating but I quickly learned that he was quite a nice guy. That's the kind of people where at first they seem scary but then they smile and they manage to look harmless, even a little goofy.

So, as you might have guessed, I myself was gay. Religious community, blah blah blah, but the main point was that I didn't want to admit I was gay. I thought that I would get bashed on like they do back in my home town. Boy, was I dead wrong, and thank the gods for that.

The first few weeks of sleeping at college was rather weird. I mean, I wasn't really used to sleeping with some stranger in the same room. The Elder back home forbade anything of that sort. So even if you had a brother, or two, or five because you work on the farm or something, everyone slept in separate rooms, save the married couples.

However, there's an old saying that goes all things, no matter how bizarre become normal through time. And certainly it was true as I quickly got used to how things worked here in the US, like fast food, the *ahem* imperial measurement system, the drinking fountains, and even the more frowned-upon things like changing rooms and sleeping together that my would make the Elder wrinkle his snout in disgust.

I quickly became friends with my canine roommate (whom I learned was called Derek) and we spent a lot of time together, just talking or hanging out like people do. Looking back, I'm pretty sure he liked me in a more-than-friends kind of way straight from the start, but either he was really bad at it or I didn't notice. Didn't _want_to notice, for fear that everyone would hate me for my sexuality.

I was quite the quiet fur, and usually kept to myself. I'll admit, I'm quite an antisocial introvert, so Derek managed to spend a lot of time with me. I don't even remember how he was able to get through, and convince me that we should be friends and all that. Well, being roommates helped, I guess. Also, he smiled a lot, with that goofy grin that made him look like a little pup who just found out they were going to Disneyland. (Derek, if you're reading this, you know it's true; don't deny it. Also, stop poking into my private documents.)

It was about four months after school started that Derek really tried to take our relationship to the next level. It was a nice, quiet Friday night, and the stars were probably shining but I couldn't see due to light pollution, and the air was fresh if not for all the cars racing by filling the air with carbon monoxide, plus term one exams were coming up...okay, maybe not so lovely a night, but at least it was a Friday.

Derek told me to come home early because of this new film that he wanted to show me. The title slips my memory, but honestly the movie wasn't that good. The plot was about some guy who wants to get a girlfriend, but he never found one that he liked, until he discovered that he liked males. I have a sneaking suspicion Derek chose this film on purpose.

So there we were, both sitting on a couch with the lights off and the TV playing a mediocre video. Halfway through Derek leaned over to me and said, "So how come you never have a girlfriend?" Subtlety was not in his vocabulary.

"Well, I've kind of been busy with schoolwork." That wasn't a complete lie; there was a lot of studying to do. Derek gave a snort. "Bull. I've never seen you do anything, just sit there and play games all day."

"I wasn't playing games, it was a bit of...a break!"

"Alright, let's assume you're taking breaks. Have you got anyone in mind?"

The question took me by surprise. I did say he wasn't very subtle. "Sorry, what?"

"Is there anyone that you've taken a fancy to?"


"Well, what do you like in a woman? Independent? Rich? Clever? Sex?" Derek raised one eyebrow. How did he even do that? Maybe he just squinted his other eye.

"Well, I, um..."

At that moment the TV decided to declare its homosexuality. Well, not the TV, it was the speakers broadcasting sound from the film. You know what, that's not the important thing right now.

Derek made an "of course" face, as if the thought just entered his mind. "Oh, I get it! You like women without the W, or the O!"


"You like men, amirite?"

"No!" I said much too quickly. Derek shuffled closer to me. "Come on, Dave, don't lie. I can see you blushing." Apparently I was. "It's in here." It was a feeble excuse, I know.

Derek shuffled close again, A few more inches and he'd be on my lap. "It's winter, bud! How can it be hot? Unless you've got the hots for me?" Oh gods, lame pun.

"That doesn't even make sense." I say. Derek's response was to grin even wider. Dare I say it was reaching the point of being seductive?

"Dave, I can see that you're gay. It's painfully obvious."

"How?" I blurt out without thinking. "I mean, I'm not gay!"

"I've known you for four months, I can see you giving off the little hints." Derek put a paw on my shoulder. "You keep sneaking glimpses at other men, but never women. You always hang out near the showers. Once I dropped my towel changing, and I know you were gawking at me. Hiding your face behind a book, but you hadn't turned the page for 5 minutes."

I could feel myself blushing even more. I wanted to say something, anything, make up some excuses for all of that, but before I could react, he leaned in real close and whispered, "You know the biggest hint that you're attracted to men?"

I didn't answer, so he just went on, "You're still here. Hadn't even pushed me away." What did he mean by that - oh. Derek was pretty much on top of me. I admitted defeat. He'd got me, and he knew it.

"Maybe I am a bit interested..." I look down, not wanting to meet his eyes. A closely guarded secret I kept for 15 years, and now Derek knew... I think he knew he struck a nerve, for he used his paw to gently lift my head up. "Dave, it's okay to like men."

"It is?"

"Look, I do know a bit about your background. Your village frowns on people who are gay. But they're wrong. Being gay is something you can't change. It's not a choice, like they say, and it certainly isn't a sin."

I couldn't think of a reply, so I didn't speak. Instead I just wrapped my arms around his paw. You know, his fur felt so soft and cuddly, and - woah, hey, what?

Derek's other paw, the one on my shoulder, had trailed down towards my chest, giving my nipple a good rub before moving on and laying on my stomach. He then brought it down to give me a few strokes on my thigh before laying it - oh gods- directly on my crotch. That was the first time anyone had touched me there, and it was like I've been shocked.

"See, Dave? Pretending to be something you're not is the worst thing in the world."

"It is?" Apparently I was now the one with limited vocabulary.

"Sure, it is, haven't you seen the movie Frozen?" With that, he whistled a few notes from the song Let It Go. Was that really what the song was bout?

"Very funny, Derek." I frowned before my eyes widened again as Derek gave me a few rubs on my sheath. Sneaking a claw into the waistband of my pants, he looked to me for permission. All I could do was nod.

After a bit of fumbling about, he'd managed to undo the button holding my trousers together and pulled them down, revealing my bright red boxer shorts with hearts that I really should get it rid of. If I'd known what was going to happen today...

Derek didn't say anything but simply used a claw to tear my boxers into pieces. Well, that solves the issue, I guess. "Hey!" I managed to cry out, but whatever I wanted to say next never came out of my muzzle as Derek had wrapped his paw around my already rock-hard sheath, which was dripping pre.

Slowly, Derek began to paw me off, and I couldn't help but moan in delight as he worked on me. This couldn't have been his first time doing this. Pretty soon I felt the familiar pressure inside me, but before I could ejaculate, Derek gripped my sheath tightly so that only a drop came out.

"Why'd you stop!" I whimpered. "Now, you wouldn't want to miss the good part now, would you?" He smirked before dipping down and wrapping his muzzle around my sheath. Oh, boy. I didn't have any experience to speak from but I could tell he was good at this. At times he pulled out and licked the tip lightly, making me shiver.

I exploded into his muzzle, and he swallowed down most of it, a little semen running back down onto me. Pulling out, he murmured, "You taste good," Making me blush again. We laid there for a while, not saying anything, just enjoying each other's company.

"Well, how was that?" Derek nipped my neck slightly. "Told you it was better to let it go." I hit him playfully as a response. And that was how my life changed. Everything I knew had been turned upside-down but Derek was always there to support me. I still recall the many experiences I've had with him after, but that's a story for another day.