Tale Of The Apprentice: Chapter Eleven.

Story by Andalite on SoFurry

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One more down, many, many more to go. And well, yeah, the tags. Speaking of the tags, if anyone would care to put their own tags forwards I'd appreciate it, as I'm... not that great with tagging. Or rather, I just keep it simple and don't go flooding the page with tags, I suppose. Regardless, do enjoy the chapter and don't be afraid to voice your opinions. Unless they're negative; you can keep those to yourselves! But no, enjoy.

P.S: Don't forget to hit all the buttons!... Except un-watch... and report. Don't go hitting those.

Chapter Eleven

Falren dreamed again. But they weren't some twisted amalgamations of the past this time, nor nightmares trying to instill fear in him during the night. Rather, they were dreams of his time growing up, calm scenes instead of angry or chaotic ones. It was... strange. His master was there, that familiar scarred visage set in a neutral expression of regard, those red eyes always watching in intent evaluation. He saw other faces, some he knew and some he recognized in passing.

Yet, beyond all that, beyond his master and the scene around him, there was one person he'd never seen in his unconscious recollections before. That hooded Sergal, the one always present in the background that would appear at his master's summons. Even with all the time that Sergal had spent around him, he couldn't remember a single word being spoken between them. He didn't even know if it was a male, or a female. Merely, always there to attend to him, or guide him in other tasks that his master couldn't.

He'd never had that Sergal appear before, despite how much he'd been around it. Perhaps it was because he couldn't put a face to the Sergal, its face always hidden beneath the shadowed hood. But... as he dreamed, he did begin to remember wisps of a memory, a time when he'd once gotten a look into that hood... It was such a faint fragment, the singular thing that stuck out to him being the expression the Sergal had given him, that odd spark in its eyes...

That memory disappeared as quickly as a candle in the breeze however, his mind deciding to pull him out of sleep's miasma and into the waking realm. For a moment he wondered why, but he didn't wonder long; as soon as he opened his eyes it was quite obvious. A pair of amber eyes peered down at him in amusement, Velanis perched over him with ears perked curiously. She grinned when his eyes opened, bending down to nuzzle him as he looked around. It still looked early, meaning that they were at least awake at the right time.

"Hello Vel..." He muttered, gingerly bringing a hand up to stroke the side of her head.

"Hi." She chuckled in response. "I was waiting to see when you'd wake up."

"Ah." He aired, looking down at her as she sat on him. "I was... dreaming."

"Bad ones, or good?" She asked, cocking her head at him.

"Good, I suppose." He replied with a frown. "They were of someone I... don't remember."

"How do you dream of them but not remember?" Velanis prodded, still sitting over him.

"Because, there was nothing to remember." He stated. "No face, no name, they were always just there."

"Ah." She muttered, licking at his jaw. "Is it time we get up?"

"We should start getting ready, yes." He said slowly. "Why do you ask?"

"I just, well... never mind." She answered with a flick of her ears, climbing off him.

"Alright." He said flatly, giving her a frown.

She wanted something, he could tell that much very clearly. He also had his hunches about what that may have been. But, whatever it was, she didn't force the issue and kept it to herself as he swung his legs off the bed. He rolled his shoulders a bit, working the stiffness out of his left; he'd cleaned it well enough, now it just needed time to heal. He climbed to his feet after, casting a look back at Velanis. She still sat on the bed, ears sitting a bit lower than normal.

"I'm going to heat some water to just clean up a bit before we get ready." He said back to her. "Why don't you get something to eat while you wait?"

She gave a grunt, standing up herself and walking over to him. He raised a hand to her after a moment, resting it on the back of her neck and rubbing the spot where it rested. She cast him a small smile as he did so, lowering her head to nuzzle at him.

"I'll be downstairs then." She said, making her way out of the room in a slightly better mood.

After she'd left he briefly set about laying his "normal" clothes on the bed, namely being his mail-lined pants and shirt. He'd keep the pieces of plate off for their time through the more inhabited parts of Rindal, and then he'd don them once they started into the wilder areas. Lastly he placed his sword belt along side them, pulling the blade partway free to give it a glance. Not because he was worried about its condition, but rather to find some reassurance in the familiar metal.

Sliding it back home into its sheath, he set it down and turned to the door. The first day of the journey was usually the most interesting, at least that's how he saw it anyway. Because of that he preferred to get started early in an attempt to avoid any hassles that may arise. With a glance at the case lying nearby he ducked out of the door, heading to heat a bucket as he'd mentioned.


"Did you sleep well, Vel?" Melan asked, setting a plate of food down in front of her.

"I did, yes." Velanis replied with a nod.

"That's good." She stated, taking her own seat. "You seem in a better mood. Not upset with Falren anymore, I take it?"

She parted her jaws a bit, quirking her ear. "No..." She replied slowly.

"Ah, that's fortunate then." The woman said with a smile. "Can't imagine it would have been pleasant travelling together if you were upset."

"I suppose not..." She mumbled, biting a mouthful from the soft bread on her plate.

"Well, I guess you'll be leaving our company today." Melan pointed out solemnly.

"It seems so, yes." She agreed.

"Couldn't really expect different from your lot though. You don't like to stay in the same places too long." She said with a chuckle. "Aemon will be down soon so he can see you both off no doubt."

She gave a hum, focusing on the meal before her. Once Falren finished and brought his packs down, they would indeed be setting off, she figured. There really wasn't much point in wasting light when they were already determined to make the journey anyway. It was just a matter of how soon they would be leaving.

Which, as she worked on her food, reminded her that she would need to get her own things put in place. She had picked up some new additions after all. That brought a grin to her face; it would be a surprise to her mother undoubtedly. Although, she couldn't decide if it would be more of a surprise than the fact that she had befriended a human. She frowned a little at that; perhaps more than just befriended... It would be an interesting story to tell her nevertheless.

She was looking forward to going back there, actually, as it meant that she'd be the one to be able to show someone around the familiar places. While it wasn't exactly as interesting a place as Amara she thought, there were some things she'd like to show him when they arrived. It would be fun in a way, to show Falren around all the spots she'd grown up with and explored.

"Vel?" Melan asked, shaking her from the wanderings.

"Yes?" She answered, blinking up from the empty plate.

"You were just staring off is all." She replied with a smile. "All done?"

"Ah, yes." Velanis said, flicking her ears. "Sorry."

"Nothing to be sorry about, I'll take that for you." Melan dismissed, standing up and retrieving the empty dish.

"Thank you." She offered as Melan took the plate, bringing it to deposit in the kitchen.

She gave a quiet sigh down at the table, pushing to her feet as she decided that she might as well go don her armor. Or at least the mail part of it; if it wasn't strictly needed she preferred to keep it off. She padded out of the eating area, making her way down the hall to the stairs. Falren seemed to be taking awhile, she mused, and she wondered what he was doing. She soon arrived at the door, reaching out a hand to squeeze the latch. It wasn't as though she was in a hurry; he usually just didn't take very long to be ready...

She stepped into the room, head down as she closed the door behind her. Because she wasn't paying attention, it came as a surprise to her when she heard the slight rustle of clothing. She jerked her head around, ears perked up in startlement as her eyes fell upon Falren. He had his bare back turned to her, looking as though he was just in the process of getting dressed.

"Sometimes it is best to knock first, hmm?" Falren said over his shoulder, the slight glint in his eye suggesting he wasn't entirely serious.

"I thought you were still bathing." She replied with a snort, standing up from the unconscious posture she had taken.

"No..." He said, reaching out and picking up his shirt. "Was just looking some things over."

"Ah." She muttered; going to the chair her own attire was draped on. "Will we be leaving soon?"

"Aye." Falren nodded to her as she set about putting her mail on. "Get something to eat and saddle my horse, after that we just need to wait for Naleen before we depart."

She gave a hum as she maneuvered her tail through the pants, pulling them up once she'd done so. The shirt was easy to put on as well, especially now that her movement wasn't muddled by drink. The special piece for her tail, however, was a bit of a hassle to get on by herself, until she got used to it. She gave a growl, working on threading her tail through the sleeve of mail.

"Here, I'll help you with that." Falren stated, apparently seeing her frustration.

She grunted as he walked over to her, holding her tail out so he could pull the mail over it. His hands drifted along the appendage's length as he pulled it up, her tail twitching slightly at the touch. He quickly had it donned for her, securing it at the base with the buckles.

"Thanks." She said to him, waving her tail around experimentally.

"Of course." Came his natural reply. "I'm going to bring my bags out to my horse, if you want to come take a look at the map while I do."

"Ah, alright." She agreed, taking her sword belt and buckling it around her waist.

Falren hefted the bags in question onto a shoulder once she was finished, making his way over to the door. She promptly followed behind him as he ducked out the door, moving to descend the stairs. When they arrived back at the main room he turned away and led her to the back of the house, towards a different door to the outside. This one led to the area behind the house where she hadn't yet been; a little open space walled by the gray stone.

She stepped down from the door's threshold, feet coming down onto the ground as she crossed out into the early morning sun. She looked around, eyes coming to rest on some kind of roofed construction off to the side. It did serve to explain where Falren had been keeping his horse, as she saw the creature standing under that roofed confine. They walked over to the small building, Falren greeting the horse in the fashion she was accustomed. It glanced at them both with a dark eye as he threw the bags back onto the saddle, before returning to munching on its hay.

After Falren had secured those, he flipped open one of the bags and pulled out a tan colored roll. She stepped up beside him as he waved her over to a short bench against the wall, holding a small collection of tools. He laid out the hide, she realized, and unrolled it across the surface, baring the pattern of dark lines open its face. She could plainly recognize the depictions of forests and rivers, as well as lines that seemed to be roads. Amara was an obvious symbol resting beside what could only be the lake, three thick lines running in the different directions from its mark.

All in all the land of Rindal sat on the middle-left side of the map, with the right side of it stretching out to represent the lands beyond. The thick forest they had ventured through was apparent to her, and past that there were the mountains sitting along the top most part. She noted that the farther the map went from Rindal, the vaguer it became; the finer details lessening in favor of more apparent landmarks.

She studied the area where her clan should be, looking for things that may give it away. She knew that a fair enough river had flowed out of their valley, winding its way down into some flat lands she had crossed. She... thought she may have seen something akin to her memory. There was a river that flowed between two mountain illustrations, and then down into flat ground. She thought it was flat ground anyway; the map left the area a mostly flat tone, which to her suggested it was a plains sort of affair. She couldn't say she was very good at deciphering human maps though.

"So, do you see anything that might be familiar?" Falren asked, leaning on the table as she studied the map.

"Sort of..." She muttered, placing a claw on the area of the map that seemed to spark her memory. "There was a river that more or less flowed between two of the mountains out of our valley, and I followed it down into some lowlands."

Falren gave a hum, bending over to look it over.

"I'm... not entirely sure though. I've never used a map before." She added.

"Ah, well... I would show you a more detailed map, but there are few that go so far away from Rindal." Falren said to her. "I'm sure we can find the path you took before though, and just follow it back from there."

"Perhaps." She mumbled.

"It does give us a general direction though, regardless." He stated, taking the hide map and rerolling it. "I don't doubt your memory."

"Ah... thanks." She said, ears twitching. "I wouldn't know until I saw it, really."

"Don't worry about it too much, we'll get there." Falren shrugged, stowing the map back in the saddlebag. "I'm not completely unfamiliar with the area, anyway."

She hummed, watching him thoughtfully.

"But for now, I'm going to eat something" He said, moving to leave the mock stable. "And then once Naleen shows we can set off."

"Okay." She said in affirmation, following him back to the den's door.

They both stepped into the home once more, coming to the living area. It was little different in comparison, save for one small detail...

"Hello Vel, Falren!" Aemon called to them as they entered.

"Aemon." Falren responded as he sat down, she pulling out her own chair to sit beside him.

"Did you already eat?" The man asked.

"Vel did, yes, but I've yet to." Falren answered.

"Ah, let's fix that shall we?" Aemon chuckled; giving call to Melan, presumably, that Falren was now present.

She noticed that Falren had continued to call her by her shortened name;not that she really minded. She liked him calling her that; to her it meant he was opening up more. With an inward grin she snaked her tail up, resting it lightly in his lap. If he was surprised by the action he didn't show it, but to her glee she did feel a hand stroke part of her tail gently. Melan soon brought out the aforementioned food though, causing him to cease his motions as the plate was set down for him.

"Thank you." He nodded to her, to which she simply smiled.

"When will you be leaving lad?" Aemon asked as Falren ate.

"Soon, once Naleen shows up." He answered, well versed in that response now she imagined.

"Ah." The man aired, folding his hands. "Not long then, I'd imagine."

"No, I'd think not." Falren hummed, chewing his food.

Aemon seemed somber as they sat, as if he couldn't really find anything to say. It was much the same way her mother had been when she'd decided to leave; not wanting it, but knowing there wasn't much that could sway her from her decision. And now she'd be returning, only to leave on a much longer journey. Velanis frowned; she wasn't sure how her mother would feel about that, but it was what she was determined to do now...

"Is there anything you need before you leave?" Aemon asked, breaking the silence.

"No, you've done quite enough already." Falren dismissed, brushing his hands off. "We have everything in order."

"Aye, wouldn't expect you not to." He nodded. "Suppose there's no sense in delaying though, so how 'bout we get ready to see you off?"

"We may as well." He said, turning to her. "Let's go grab the last of our things."

"Alright." She said, removing her tail from his lap and climbing from the chair.

She followed him back upstairs, entering the room one last time to retrieve their remaining things. For her part she went to collect the pieces of armor she hadn't donned, taking hold of the stacked plates of metal. She made sure to take the cloak Falren had given her as well, draping it over an arm. Meanwhile Falren put his leather-backed mail on over the linen shirt, taking a pack of his and stowing his own armor into it. He also picked up the case containing that special weapon, placing it on some thick canvas wrapping that he tied closed around it.

"Oh Vel," He started, grabbing another pack she hadn't noticed and tossing it to her, "That will come of use, I'm sure."

She caught the leather container with her free hand, looking it over. It was straightforward; a simple, well-made bundle of stitched together leather with a closable top and straps. She did notice that there was a roll of some material clasped to the bottom, looking quite like the bedroll that Falren had.

"Thanks..." Velanis offered, flipping it open and tucking her armor into its confines.

"You'll need something to keep your own supplies and whatnot in." Falren stated, throwing his own pack onto a shoulder. "As well as anything you may collect along the way."

"It is helpful." She agreed, swinging it on in a likewise fashion. "I... suppose we are ready to leave then?"

"Aye, I'll go bring my horse around to the front." Falren said, walking back to the door with pack on his shoulders and the case under an arm. "I'll meet you there, and then hopefully Naleen will arrive."

"Alright." She concurred, moving after him.

When they reached the bottom of the stairs Falren parted from her, going out the back to retrieve his horse as he said and leaving her to make her way to the front. Aemon and Melan were both waiting in the front room when she arrived, standing by the front door.

"All ready?" The man asked her.

"Yes." She said with a nod. "Falren is just getting his horse."

"Well then," He said, pulling the door open, "After you."

She ducked under the doorframe, stepping out into the morning light. The day was still young thanks to their early awakening, leaving them plenty of light left to start their journey with. The pair of humans came out after her, closing the door with a dull thud. Falren wasn't there with them quite yet, still not having come around to the street...

"Ah, well hello Velanis." Came a familiar feminine voice from her side, making her turn her head around with ears perked.

Were it not for her recognizing the voice, and the color of her fur, she might not have known the Sergal that stood leaning against the wall. Naleen was dressed from neck to toe in layers of a darkish material she assumed to be leather, sections of it worked to form a scale-like layer on parts of her body and down her tail. Propped next to her on the wall was a long spear, the haft an almost black wood capped by a pointed spearhead. To finish it off she did have a sword at her waist, a bit shorter and not quite as thick as the blades she'd seen this far.

"Hello Naleen..." She said back.

"Do not look so surprised youngling." Naleen said with a chuckle, giving a smile. "Did you expect me to come along with you unarmed and unprotected, hmm?"

"Ah... no." Velanis replied, flicking her ear. "Just... unexpected."

"Many things are, yes?" She stated with a grin, picking up her own pack from the ground and looking over to the two humans. "And hello to you, Aemon and Melan."

"Ello, Naleen." Melan responded, waving to the Sergal.

"Will Falren be joining us?" Naleen asked, quirking her had at Velanis sarcastically.

"Yes, he's just getting his horse." She responded, ear twitching. "Actually..."

She turned her head around to look at the side of the building, seeing the man in question emerging out onto the street. He seemed to have secured the case to the saddle, the canvas wrapping appearing no more than just another bundle. Falren looked up at them as he walked over, not looking taken aback in the slightest at Naleen's state of dress.

"Good, you're here." Falren nodded to the female, stopping near them with his horse. "I trust you're all ready to depart then?"

"Indeed." Naleen smiled. "I trust the same for you, yes?"

"Aye, will just need to pick up one last thing before we leave the city though." He informed, turning his head to the others with them. "Aemon, Melan, I suppose it's that time."

"Aye lad, I suppose it is." The man said with a nod, stepping up to Falren and clapping him on the shoulder, taking his forearm in a grip as he did so. "Don't go disappearing on us, alright?"

"I'll... try." Falren responded, a wince visible on his face from Aemon's slap on the shoulder she'd bitten.

"Aye..." He stated, releasing his arm and turning to her, holding out a hand. "Little lady."

She gave him a glare at the nickname, but made sure to grab his arm equally as hard as he'd shown her that first day. Aemon gave a laugh at that, giving a firm shake of her arm before he let go. Melan's goodbyes came next, but hers were much more subdued than the large man's, merely consisting of a friendly hug to each of them. For Velanis' part it was more a pat on the shoulder, considering their difference in height.

"Thank you, for everything." She said to the pair after Melan had released her.

"Any time, Vel." The woman answered.

"Alright, well, I guess you better get going." Aemon concluded. "Long trip and the days a wasting after all. Take care of yourselves you two, and you as well Naleen."

"The same to you, human." The female responded. "I will do my best, I think."

"And don't be afraid to stop on back when you get bored out there." Melan added, giving them a smile.

"We'll try." Falren stated, taking his horse's reins and starting to walk.

Velanis settled the pack on her shoulders and made after him, half turning to give the pair of humans a wave as they walked down the street. She faced back ahead after they'd both waved back, falling into step besides Falren with her ears lowered. She would miss their company in a way, but she imagined they'd eventually return some day. Naleen walked near them, her spear nestled in the crook of her arm.

"So, just picking up these last 'things', yes?" The female questioned.

"Yes, then we head to the west gate to leave the city." Falren agreed. "And from there we follow the main road for as long as we can."

"Hmm, alright." Naleen replied, seemingly content with that answer.

Velanis herself remained quiet as they walked, conceding to the fact that she had the start of another long venture ahead of her...


After they'd made their stop by the market to pick up some provisions, it had been a quick walk across the heart of the city to the western gate. The hour had still been early, leaving them little delays on their way. As such they had quickly found themselves at the looming wall, passing through its mouth and into the world beyond. The road outside the walls was hard-packed dirt, the amount of maintenance involved to keep the long stretch of road paved simply too much. It hardly impeded their progress any though, and they made a steady pace down the dirt lane. Nothing of significance truly happened in those few hours they spent departing the city, beyond the odd glances the two Sergals drew from passerby's.

Falren didn't truly pay the passing scenery and people much mind, as it was all a familiar sight to him by now. Velanis observed it as they passed, occasionally asking him the odd question, but otherwise staying quiet. And Naleen... well, she remained her usual self, content to follow alongside them. Her change in appearance was a different one, though hardly unexpected. He knew she was no stranger to fighting, despite how she may have come off, and her attire just seemed to fit that.

All in all, the start of their day was relatively smooth, no issues to speak of, at least for now. Things had a habit of happening unexpectedly though, if they were going to. But there was no sense to dwell on what may happen, best to just trek onwards and deal with it as it came, he supposed. Which did bring up a point of interest that had to be settled...

"So," He started, getting the attention of his companions, "Would you two prefer to camp by the road, or to find an inn?"

"It does not matter to me." Naleen said with a small shrug. "Though setting up camp seems a simpler route than finding an inn, yes?"

He hummed at that, looking over to Velanis.

"Vel?" He prompted, seeking her opinion.

"Well..." She replied, flicking an ear. "I'd quite like to stay by the lakeside, if we could."

"Alright." He nodded. "That's fine. We can always attempt an inn if the weather happens to start looking bad."

He didn't mind it either way, and it probably was a simpler route than trying to find lodging for two Sergals... even if one of them would have been sharing the same room. But he was no stranger to staying outside, and they would probably avoid any possible altercations like the last time they'd used an inn.

"Will there be many towns along the way?" Velanis asked as they walked.

"There will be, yes. This is a major route of travel, so a number will be set up along its length." He told her. "But, there is still quite a bit of unsettled land in between."

"Ah." She muttered, looking around.

Despite the proximity to the capital, the surrounding land was left relatively untouched. Not to say Man hadn't left their mark, but as they walked it wasn't as though they had cleared away the forests either. Trees flanked the road they trod on either side, Mirror Lake peeking through the trunks on their right. If he turned he could still spot Amara behind them, though that sight slowly but surely lessened over time as the number of trees between them and it increased. It would be an easy enough task to find some shelter for the night beneath their limbs.

But that wouldn't be for some time yet, the sun hanging around noon now that they'd departed the city and were out on the road. The day was passing steadily to the methodic rhythm of their footfalls though, their feet counting the time slowly...


So it was that their first day of the journey neared the end, the next hours seeing the sun sink lower from its peak until it cast an ebbing light. It was then that he decided to bring their little company to a halt, breaking off from the road in favor of the trees embrace. They'd need the remaining light to set up their camp before complete darkness fell. He led them a distance into the trees that ran between the lake and the road, finding a small open area amongst the trunks that would serve them well enough.

He loosely tied his horse's reins to a branch there, and then set about prepping a fire for the night. Velanis and Naleen did take it upon themselves to help him in gathering wood, so that task didn't take very long at all. After their supply had been piled, he crouched down and worked on building the fire, going through the familiar motions. Within a few minutes he'd given a spark to the tinder, beginning to feed the flames more substantial wood.

When the fire was going well enough on its own he stood and walked over to his horse, flipping open a bag and digging around for a bundle of the provisions he'd brought. Once he'd found it he returned to the fireside, sitting down onto the ground as his companions did the same. He passed the bundle around to them, sharing a sparing meal with them. Velanis gave a familiar grimace at the dried rations, tearing a chunk off the meat. Naleen for her part just gave it a curious sniff, before biting into it without complaint.

They finished it quickly enough, leaving them a small window of light left as the day and night repeated their constant struggle. He returned the bundle of rations to his saddle, packing it away securely in the leather bags. Velanis walked over to his side as he did so, reaching down a hand to gently grasp his wrist. He quirked a questioning brow at her, the Sergal giving him a meek grin.

"Will you, ah... come to the lake with me?" She asked him.

"Now?" He questioned, to which she nodded. "Well... I suppose there's time."

Her grin widened a bit, and she began to tug him in the direction of the water. He cast a glance back at where Naleen sat with her spear across her lap, the female looking up at them.

"Do not worry about me." She said to them dismissively, smiling. "I will wait here, yes?"

Velanis didn't leave him much room to respond, quickly leading him into the trees. He was a bit cautious as to what she actually intended to do, but decided to let her have her way for now.

"I can follow you just fine, you know." He stated pointedly as she still held his wrist.

"Oh, sorry." She said; ears drooping as she let go of his wrist.

"It's alright." He told her, walking beside her now that his wrist was free. "You just don't have to tug me along, that's all."

Velanis flicked her ears as they walked between the tree trunks, drawing nearer to the lake and whatever it was she had planned.

"What is it you want to do, anyway?" He questioned, spotting glimpses of the water's reflective surface in the distance.

"I want to swim." She supplied, casting a grin at him.

"Ah..." He muttered, giving a frown.

Falren kept quiet for the rest of the walk, residing himself to her wanderings. It wasn't long before the came to the shore of the lake, the sheet of water stretching out before them. It was quiet, not a soul in sight in either direction. Velanis promptly strode down the mossy dirt and rocks to the edge of the water, quickly setting about removing her mail to lay it down next to her. He stood beside her as she did so, even aiding her in removing the armor from her tail, until she was completely free of it.

He expected her to go into the water then, but rather than that she turned to him and lifted her hands to start fiddling with his own mail.

"Vel?" He prompted slowly, distracting her attention. "What are you doing?"

"Come swim with me." She stated simply, watching him intently. "Please?"

"I, ah..." He started, looking up at her as she stared. "...Alright."

Relenting, he set his own hands about removing his mail, working on this buckles until his shirt joined Velanis's. The rest of his attire joined it after a bit of hesitation, leaving him standing in the simple linen breeches he wore underneath, deciding that he'd be keeping those on. The Sergal grabbed his wrist again, pulling him towards the water. It was a bit cold as it touched his feet, but Velanis continued to drag him forwards until the water was up to their relative waists...


Velanis grinned to herself as she swam in the cool water, diving down below the surface to swim back up again and shake the water from her eyes. It had been awhile since she'd swum, and it felt nice to relax in the water again. Falren didn't seem quite as enthusiastic about it though, as all he really did was stand in the water and watch her. A mischievous grin spread her features as a thought crossed her mind, quickly deciding that she would act on it.

She took a breath and ducked below the water again, pushing herself through the liquid towards where he stood. When she was close enough she leapt from the water and wrapped her arms around his chest, dragging him down with a splash. She gave him a quick nuzzle below the water, before pulling him up with her to break out into the air again. He gave a small sputter as he wiped the water from his face, blinking his eyes to give her a slight glare.

"Funny." Falren muttered, to which she simply pressed up against him in the water and wrapped her arms around him.

"Come on, we should get out and start getting dried off." He stated, nudging her towards the shore.

"Alright." She agreed, supposing that they had spent enough time already.

They waded to shore, stepping back onto the mossy dirt. She shook herself, ridding as much of the water as she could. The sun still hung low in the sky, casting a warm orange light onto them. It was just enough that she'd be able to let it dry her fur actually, and with that in mind she sat down onto the moss to let it do just that; for a small time at least. Falren joined her after a moment, sitting next to her to let it do the same for him. She pulled him into her side, nuzzling the top of his head until he eventually put an arm around her waist.

"Thank you, Falren." She said to him.

"Ah, yeah... Of course." He muttered in reply.

"I just wanted to swim in the lake while I could." She said in explanation. "I wasn't sure how long I'd have the chance to."

"It's alright, I understand." He stated, rubbing her side slowly.

"Good." She replied, pulling him tighter.

"Vel?" He asked after a few breaths, to which she hummed. "What was it you wanted, this morning?"

"What I wanted?" She repeated, thinking back to the start of the day. She knew quite well what she'd wanted, but had restrained herself enough to let it pass. "Well, ah, I wanted to... mate again."

"I thought as much." Falren mumbled in response.

"But I knew you weren't ready for that." She said, ears drooping. "So... I didn't bring it up."

"Ah, I see." He replied, moving his hand to rub her belly. "Do you still want to Vel?"

"Do I still want to... mate?" She questioned quietly, blinking. "Well... yes..."

He didn't say anything to that, but his hand drifted lower down her belly, stroking over the still-damp fur as it came to rest on her thigh.

"Falren...?" She mumbled in a bit surprise, turning to look down at him.

His silver eyes faced out over the water, but she could see that look in them again, that same looked they'd had when he'd admitted that he thought her beautiful. She let out a breath as he lightly stroked her thigh, trailing her own claws down his side. His touches were bringing that want out again, and it was taking all her will to not just pounce on him. She growled into the top of his head, inching apart her legs a bit in the hope he got the message. To her surprise, he did...

She gave a startled yelp when Falren rolled over onto her, pressing her down into the soft moss covered ground. She stared up at him in wide-eyed surprised as he held her arms down, a tooth-filled smile slowly spreading across her face as she looked at those silver eyes. She lifted her head up to nuzzle him, flicking her tongue out to lick insistently at his neck. He released her forearms, and her hands quickly darted down to start removing the offensive garment blocking her way.

Falren placed his hands on the sides of her head as she did that, pulling her away from her attentions. She gave a whine, ceasing her hands' movements in the thought that she'd done something wrong. He didn't seem upset with her as he held her head though, instead simply staring into her eyes as if he was looking for something. Her ears twitched as she looked up at him, waiting as patiently as she could while his fingers slowly rubbed the sides of her head.

He didn't make her wait long at least, as he lowered himself down to press against her while supporting himself with an arm on ground besides her head. She curled her arms around his back, tail twitching on the ground as she felt a firmness against her entrance. She squeezed her arms tighter, trying to urge him on as he kept his eyes on hers. She wanted so badly to contest him for his position and have some fun, but she restrained herself due to the fact that he was the one initiating this with her. She would be content with that thrill, for now.

With a maddening slowness he pushed forwards, her own anatomy helping to guide him unhindered into her waiting depths. There was little resistance on her part, more then ready as she was for him to finally give her this. Ever so slowly she felt him slide within her, until his hips met hers. She nuzzled into his neck again, moving her legs apart wider as the instinctual urge to mate slowly muddled her thoughts. She gave a low growl as he withdrew from her, sinking back in slowly with an awkward motion.

Velanis chuckled quietly to herself at how clumsy and unsure he seemed, the otherwise calm and experienced air lost in such a baser act. She rested her head back down to look up at him, giving a predatory grin as she stared with hungry eyes.

"You won't hurt me, Falren." She stated in a half growl, trailing her claws down his torso. "Just do what feels good."

He stared down at her eyes again, bringing a hand up to stroke the side of her head and down an ear before he gave a nod of acknowledgement to her. With that he withdrew and thrust into her, picking up the pace a fraction more with each motion. She gave a happy growl, digging her claws in slightly as his connections became _just_enough that she could feel the movement of his hips touching hers. With each time he receded and delved into her warmth, she could see the need and want growing in his eyes. And that made her happy, happy that he let her see it and that he would share this act with her.

He was soon slipping in and out of her effortlessly, at a pace that jostled her a bit with each meeting. That suited her just fine; she was far from fragile, and it felt so good she didn't really care. Her mate's breath came shorter as they went on, and she wasn't afraid to give him a murmur or groan of her own. Eventually her eyes closed of their own volition, claws pressed against his back as she let herself go to the feeling. A part of her knew that there wasn't much left to their mating however; she could hear it in his breathing and his movements.

She was happy to ride it out regardless though, her tail unconsciously twinning around his leg. But... that predicted end didn't come when she'd thought it would, Falren still thrusting his hips against her. She blinked her eyes open, focusing them up at the human through the muddled haze. He too had his eyes squeezed shut, a look of determination on his face. It took her a moment to realize he was trying to hold back and she smiled at that, lifting her head to nuzzle into his shoulder as her hands clenched.

She licked at his neck and along his jaw, letting him continue a little longer while he delayed the inevitable. Though... he most likely knew it was inevitable, but wanted to gain a bit time to their mating. She decided after a few more thrusts though, that he'd kept them waiting long enough.

"It's alright." She murmured into his ear. "You don't have to hold back."

Whether or not he registered her voice he kept going, but he increased his pace to a faster tempo instead. She clutched him tight as his thrusts rocked her on the moss, letting out ragged breaths as she pressed into his shoulder.

"There..." She managed to mutter out. "Take your mate."

She wasn't sure if that was her speaking, or her desire spurring him on, but it seemed to do the trick nevertheless. Falren's hips connected with hers one last time as he buried himself into her, giving a low groan against her neck. She returned it with a growling whine of her own, jaws clenched shut as she felt warm bliss. Her claws dug into his back, but unlike the last time she didn't feel the need to bite him, simply pressed against him as much as she could.

The warm afterglow of their coupling ebbed away slowly, leaving her to pant up at Falren as he leant over her with an arm still braced on the ground. She let out a playful growl as he opened his eyes to blink at her, stretching up to lick at his cheek. He stroked her head again, and she smiled up at him while she stared into his silver pools.

"Thank you, Falren." She said quietly, unwinding her tail from his leg.

"I, ah..." He said hoarsely, clearing his throat as he found his voice again. "Of course."

She chuckled, taking her arms from around his back. "I think we should go back to camp now." She stated.

Falren glanced up at the surroundings, taking in the time. They'd used up the daylight that had been left to them, the hour now hovering in the darkening twilight between night and day.

"Ah, you're right about that." He agreed, slipping free of her as he stood to his feet.

Velanis chuckled as he reached a hand down to her, which she took and hauled herself up to her own feet. She gave a large stretch, working out her muscles after the time on the ground and shaking any clinging debris free. She flicked Falren with her tongue before they quickly set about gathering and re-donning their gear.

"Not quite so clean now, hmm?" She said, grinning as she pulled her mail on.

"I... suppose not." Falren replied fatly, buckling his shirt on.

She walked up behind him; having replaced her mail, save for the tailpiece, and her sashes that she'd left to keep from getting soaked. She locked her arms around him, squeezing him tight in a hug.

"You enjoyed it, right?" She asked.

"Yes, Vel." He responded, glancing at her from the corner of his eye. "I enjoyed it a lot."

"Good." She stated, licking his ear. "My mate."

With that she let him go, giving the ground another look over to make sure she'd collected everything. Satisfied that she had, and after Falren had done the same, she turned away from the darkening surface of the water and made off back towards the trees with him. They didn't have to walk for long through the shadowy trees before the faint glow of a fire seeped through the foliage, Naleen still apparently tending to it while they were... gone. When they stepped into the firelight the female still sat with legs crossed, spear across her lap as she poked at the flames with a stick.

"Welcome back." Naleen greeted them, looking up at them. "Enjoy your side trip, yes?"

"We... did, yes." She replied, glancing at Falren.

He merely grunted in reply. "If you two want to get some sleep, I can keep watch." He declared to them, quickly diverting to another subject.

"Mmm, I shall take you up on that offer I think." Naleen said, reaching over to her pack and unbuckling a bedroll that clung to the side. "Do not be afraid to wake me if you wish to trade watches, yes?"

"I'll keep it in mind." Falren replied as Naleen spread the roll on the ground near the fire, laying herself down on it with her spear next to her.

"I'll get some sleep too then, I suppose." She said to him, nuzzling at his neck before she walked over to her own pack.

She took the roll of bedding that Falren had supplied her before they left, unrolling it onto the ground next to where he sat. She lied down, resting her head down to face him and giving a grin up at him. He reached a hand down to stroke her ear, making it twitch at the touch.

"Sleep easy, Vel." He mumbled down to her, taking his hand away.

She hummed, curling up and resting her head on her arm as she closed her eyes. It was a good end to their first day, and the surprise she'd received had left her happily content to sleep. She certainly hadn't expected Falren to give her that surprise, but she was glad he did. She grinned to herself; now maybe he'd continue to give them, though he still hadn't seemed quite as comfortable with it. But he _was_the one who'd started it, so to her that was a good sign.

Either way, she was feeling too tired now to think it over. They'd both enjoyed it and her chosen mate had lain with her, so that was enough for her. Now they just had to get through the rest of their journey to her clan, and then from there, Nel'Vrak. But, that was quite a number of days away now, so she'd just see the days through as they came. She let out a sigh, clearing the thoughts from her mind so she could sleep, the sounds of the fire crackling and the night's ambience the only sound as she drifted into sleep.