Something weird

Story by forgotpassword on SoFurry

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#1 of Dreams I forget

I feel guilty if I don't contribute something to this cool little crevice in the internet

I wake up forget my dreams and I do things. Then I go back to sleep.

and then, well I dream things to forget...

A human sits outside my window, its hands still in defiance of the night's chill.

A possum climbs up on the human's back seemingly unaware of the knife thats cradled by the humans fingers.

The possum climbs further upwards until it reaches the summit on the humans head curling into a ball of war fur so close to its death but in sleepy bliss it waits.

I scream silent warnings held in by fear.

The knifeless hand reaches upward and I know it too late to help so I close my beady black eyes and try to find that sleepy bliss once again. At least tomorrow I'll have a new friend.