Story by ShingetsuMoon on SoFurry

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#30 of National Poetry Writing Month

Wrote this poem with a specific friend in mind. We don't talk as much as we used to, but they will always have a special place in my heart. And with this National Poetry Writing Month is complete! I finished a poem each and every day and I am so proud of myself for doing so!

I see no reason to stop though so look forward to more poems in the future! Maybe not as rapidly as this but still hopefully rather frequently.

What is it that defines a best friend? What separates them and sets them apart from all of the other people who have entered and left our lives?

Why are we drawn to them and why do we hold onto them while letting others drift in and out our lives?

Is it because they are so different from us? Or because they are just like us?

Is it the way they listen to us without talking? Or the way they talk all the time so that we don't have to?

Is it their loyalty? Their kindness? Our history together?

Maybe it is something we once knew but can no longer define or put into words.

Maybe we've been friends for so long that we don't remember why we still are.

We just know that we could not live a single day without them in our lives.

Even if you don't talk that often or see each other more then a few times a year.

There is still that unspoken bond between you.

All the times you fell apart and they were there to pick you up again.

Sometimes with kind words. Sometimes with a much needed dose of reality.

All the fights you had. Or the times you had to fight in order to keep them in your life.

Maybe we don't talk like we used to. Or see each other like we used to.

But you are and always will be my best friend. You've saved me in so many ways. Ways that I will never forget.

Ways that I cannot thank you enough for.

You have been there to help me, to support me even when you couldn't begin to understand what I was going through or why I was so angry.

To me a best friend is someone you know you can always count on.

Maybe they aren't there by your side 24/7 but when it really counts. When you really need them the most they have never and will never fail to be there for you.

To me a best friend isn't someone who is there for you every minute of every day.

You don't have to speak to them every day or even every week. You don't have to see them all the time or hang out with them every weekend.

Maybe they aren't there every day. But they will always be there when it counts.