Plans and Preparations

Story by Yogoloth on SoFurry

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#26 of Yogoloth's Chronicles

Revenge is on Yogoloth's mind but careful preparations are needed. It would do well not to forget the subject on your wrath too...

Part 1

This part of the forest was as ancient as forests could be. Untouched by the developments of the civilised races and with a dense canopy of trees that made it hard to spot anything from the air. Plants grew wild and untamed here, their branches and roots entwined together in a vast web of tangled wood. Fallen trees and disturbed rocks were rapidly covered in moss and lichen, the air hung heavy with pollen and spores. Nature ruled here and Yogoloth felt right at home; at least, at first.

As the half dragon padded slowly along an ancient path, heavily overgrown between the twisted trunks, he had felt more and more uneasy. Bird song had ceased, no small insects annoyed his ears and the gentle pulse of life, that would normally saturate a place like this, grew thinner and more stretched out. Against his better judgement, he headed in the direction from where the feeling of dread seemed to emanate.

He had been searching for the ruin, which the poacher had described, for a few hours now. It was a probably about two week's travel out of Stone Haven by road or dirt track. For a time, Yogoloth doubted the ruins even existed. Perhaps the poacher had managed to deceive him after all. Soon his senses had tingled and he just had to investigate. This feeling reminded him of the stone circle he had discovered being used by Blood Mages back in the Gretish Nations. Yogoloth shivered involuntarily, this place must also date back to the time of the Scarlet Feathers.

Through the undergrowth, he eventually came to the ruin. It was weather worn, broken and had clearly been that way for centuries. A wide carved doorway lead into a stony out-crop of a cliff and disappeared into darkness. Trees grew from the stony doorway, their roots running through the rocks no different than they would through dirt. Yogoloth could smell stagnant water and the faint reek of decay from the darkened passage.

The young hybrid investigated the outside of the ruin first, up on top of the short cliff and also all around the base. Partly to ensure there were no others nearby, partly to get a lay of the land, but mostly in hopes that he wouldn't have to venture inside. But apart from what looked like the remains of an old fire pit, there were no obvious signs of any equipment or goods having been left here.

"The ghosts of old Scarlet Feathers cannot hurt me.", Yogoloth muttered as he finally headed into the darkened passage.

Although Yogoloth could have easily created sufficient light to see by, he was thankful that there was enough dim light filtering through from outside to not need to. He felt slightly wary of using magic here. Not that he had any reason to think anything bad would come of it; but this place made him feel uncomfortable.

The small ruin consisted of a short entryway that lead straight from the doorway, and three rooms which branched off either side. One larger room, large enough for maybe three gryphons to sleep in and two smaller, one probably for supplies and the other perhaps for a higher ranking gryphon. The larger room had clearly been used more recently by civilised races, evidenced by a couple of bed rolls, a barrel, an old wooden chest, a pair of stools and a crudely made table with some wooden mugs.

Yogoloth was able to identify the source of the scent of decay. The barrel had been used to store salted meat; but salt could only preserve perishables for so long before they spoiled anyway. The chest had some old leather straps and rusted iron tools. Part of one of the smaller rooms had been breached by tree roots and rain water had found its way in. The water was filthy, fetid and stank.

It was obvious that the poachers hadn't been here for months, but that didn't mean that they wouldn't be back in the future. Yogoloth stepped back out into the patchy light, which filtered down from the canopy, and took a deep breath. He formed some familiar shapes from his magical reserves, spoke a few words, wrapped them together and set them carefully into a large rock near the entrance to the ruin.

From below the canopy, Yogoloth could see a safe place that was easily large enough for him to fly through. He spread his feathery wings and jumped into the air. The leaves and a few thin branches came loose as he launched himself through and into the light of the afternoon. He breathed a sigh of relief, he was just glad to be away from that place.

Part 2

Broad feathery wings rode the thermals that rose from the sun parched ground as easily as ships ride upon the waves. Summer evenings were wonderful times for just taking to the air and flying, just for the sake of flying. Even as the light began to fade, it was a joy to be free in the skies, taking in the fresh salty air that rose eagerly from the sea. The breeze coming in from the waters was a beautifully cool contrast to the warmth from the land.

Yogoloth hugged the rocky coast closely, heading north from a small barren island that marked the boundary of where the small crevice he was looking for could be. The sun was still above the horizon and Yogoloth still had time. He hoped that Reinald wouldn't mind him dropping by unannounced later. He could have sent word to Thelekiin or his mate Lusunii, but then how would the gryphons explain how they had received the message in the first place. Either way, Yogoloth had to find this poacher stash first.

Prying the information out of the poacher originally had actually been rather easy. However, the young hybrid wasn't familiar with the names of the civilised settlements, roads and landmarks in the same way that the young man had been. So he had to make do with rough descriptions; north of this island, near a big forest, east of a small village with graveyard on a hill. It was vague, but serviceable.

It would have probably taken hours for a human to have found the small opening in the cliff face based on the imprecise instructions. Yogoloth was not human however, he had fast wings and keen sight that the civilised races could only dream of. As he flew low over the waters he soon spotted a narrow ledge that lead to a dark crack in the rock face and the young hybrid turned to land on the cliff above.

Although fairly remote, this place was much closer to Stone Haven, which was to the north, and the other civilised areas to the south and west. So Yogoloth had already applied his crude magical gryphon disguise. Which combined with the magical alarm he'd left at the ancient ruin, had left him dangerously drained of magic. Thankfully, he shouldn't require much magic once he found the stash itself.

His rough paws came down onto the dusty grass above the dark crack, which could be hiding the supplies that he was searching for. The dry bumpy ground and small rocks dug into his toes and the half dragon grunted at the mild annoyance. The dust settled as he folded his wings loosely against his flanks. His light panting, some sea birds and the waves crashing against the rocks below, were the only sounds. It was so warm that the ground seemed to waver as the heat rose from it. It made the cool sea air all the more pleasant.

Peering over the edge of the cliff, Yogoloth realised that the narrow ledge, which lead to the dark crevice, was far too narrow for him to use. It probably wouldn't have supported his weight either. So he looked around a little, trying to judge how deep the gap in the rocks was and how much purchase he could get with his claws. It was probably wide enough.

Without any further delay, Yogoloth turned and lowered his hind legs over the edge of the cliff. His wings spread again and gently pumped the air, providing a little lift and stabilising his descent. His hind claws dug easily between the rocks and his protracted fore claws did the same, as he lowered his body carefully. He looked down at the sea below and felt a little dizzy; which was more than a little foolish. He'd been flying most of his life, and now the height was bothering him. Even if he fell, he'd easily be able to kick away from the cliff and spread his wings.

A few rocks tumbled down and dashed themselves against the rocks and waves below. He soon found the large gap in the rock face and managed to manoeuvre his body around to get a better look inside. Although the passage did not go very deep, there was enough width and depth for Yogoloth to squeeze himself in. It was far from wide enough to turn around in, but there was little chance of getting stuck either. With his wings pulled in tight and his tail hanging over the edge, he pushed his head and body into the dim crevice.

The stash did not consist of much. Just a small wooden crate and a couple of oiled leather sacks, tied off tightly to keep out moisture and the sea air. It took the half dragon a while to get the sacks untied so he could peer inside. The poachers had hidden away a couple of small weapons, basic tools, horse shoes, materials for creating snares and surviving in the wilderness. There we're a few other bits of leather, wood or metal that Yogoloth didn't recognise, but something he did recognise were the small pouches of copper and silver coins.

If any of the poachers decided to flee the area, perhaps because a vengeful half gryphon was trying to kill them, the pouches would be taken first, then perhaps the weapons because of their value and practicality. So Yogoloth decided to mark those. Thankfully marking objects with magical signatures was a very easy and 'cheap' to do. The signatures would act very much like the signatures that all living creatures possess, although much easier to discover and able to be easily shared.

Where ever these pouches and weapons went, Yogoloth would be able to find them. He wouldn't be alerted if they moved, but he'd be able to track them down or even target magic directly at them of needed. He carefully placed them back into the sacks, struggling a little to tie them back up with his clumsy fore paws. This would have been so much easier with hands or the talons that true gryphons had. It would have also been easier if the sky hadn't have become so dull.

He placed the sacks back where they had been and backed out of the crevice. His paws scrambling a little on the rocky ground as he had to use his claws again for purchase. Then with a deep breath, Yogoloth kicked away from the cliff face, turned in the air and spread his wings. He caught the air beneath his wings, soared over the water and flew into the darkening sky.

Part 3

"He's faring as well as can be expected.", Reinald said pouring some port from a decanter into a silver and pewter cup in his other hand. He put the decanter down and retrieved his cane before continuing. "He's rather lucky to be alive, so the surgeon said."

Yogoloth had made excellent time in getting to the Tylor estate. Although the sun had set, it was still quite bright and Reinald had been happy, if a little surprised, to see him. The old human had welcomed the half gryphon into his home and had offered him a drink. He'd had to decline, this stop would have to be kept brief.

The hybrid watched the old human take a sip before walking over to a padded chair and settling down. The half gryphon followed and stepped up onto one of the slightly raised platforms in the great hall of the Tylor estate manor. The gryphon rugs there were more comfortable than the rug at his lair. But his rug was a gift from Natanii, so he'd always prefer that one given half the chance. He settled down into the fibres but didn't feel especially comfortable.

"But they took the quarrel out? He's going to heal up?", Yogoloth asked.

"Oh yes. They were quite surprised at how much mess it had made for such a slender tip.", Reinald gestured to a folded cloth on the small table between them.

Normally this table would have sported a Xiangqi board and pieces, but it was late and neither of them we're in the mood for a game. Yogoloth could already sense the magical shape in the quarrel long before he reached over and unwrapped it. He had placed it there while it was still in Apples' chest to make its removal as easy as possible. He was glad the magic was still intact, if the tip had reverted back to its true shape while still in Reinald's possession, it would have been rather suspicious to say the least.

"Apples was very lucky indeed. The other quarrels had barbed heads on them, his was the only one which was just so.", the old human put his cup of port onto the table and sat back, his eyes meeting Yogoloth's as he continued. "The Stone Haven Constable has already taken a look, but it's a common enough quarrel. There was no need for him to take it."

Reinald had that look about him. The one when Yogoloth knew that his keen mind was figuring something out. The use of magic this way was so close to breaking the ancient laws that it was impossible to say which side of the line he walked anymore. Reinald had an incredibly sharp mind and yet he never seemed to have to pry to get the information he wanted.

"The Constable told me that the two humans and two foxes sounded very much like part of a small criminal gang which has been active around Stone Haven for quite some time now. Appeared a few years back and have been up to no good ever since.", Reinald reached for the port and took a sip. "Smuggling, burglary, poaching, even some banditry on one of the trade roads. Although nothing quite like this. They'd not actually hurt anyone seriously until now."

"Well now they have, and they'll wish they hadn't."

"Indeed.", Reinald said darkly as he sat back and watched the flames dance in the iron sconce that lit this part of the hall. "I do not fully agree with what I know you're going to do. However, I will not oppose you."

Yogoloth opened his jaws, ready to demand why Reinald would even have the right to get in his way and then the half dragon would have explained what would happen if the old man had tried. Instead, he took a deep breath and closed his snout. Reinald was used to crimes being dealt with in a very different way. This Constable seemed to be responsible for catching and punishing criminals on behalf of others in his area. Yogoloth understood the concept of a centralized crime and punishment system, but he didn't consider that it applied to him. The people who had attacked Apples and the others would pay with their lives... by tooth and claw if needed.

"I... thank you.", Yogoloth suddenly felt a little out of place. His feral nature had always been mitigated by the presence of gryphons on the estate. Now his true nature had been brought firmly into the light. He decided to change the subject. "I'll be in Stone Haven tomorrow following up some leads I have.", Yogoloth grinned as Reinald raised an eye brow. "Don't ask me how."

"Oh, I'm rather used to your... ah, unusual traits by now. At this point I'm quite certain you can become invisible at will and float through walls unseen!", Reinald laughed and the half gryphon joined him.

Technically he was free to reveal his ability to change into his two legged form. It wasn't magical after all, and the laws were only specific about revealing magic or dragons to the civilised races. Even Yogoloth's mother was hard pressed to explain the ability. Even with all of her powerful magic, she wasn't able to alter her size or weight. He estimated that this alternative form weighed a twentieth of his normal weight. It wasn't magic, but he had no idea what it actually was.

"Now wouldn't that be useful! No, nothing quite so dramatic. I'll show you one day.", Yogoloth teased. Reinald simply nodded and smiled as he finished his drink.

Part 4

"Well my friend, It's getting rather late. Although I expect Apples would like to see you as much as you would like to see him.", Reinald put the fancy cup on the table and retrieved his cane before getting carefully to his feet. "Sharli has been helping take care of him with Meesha. It's all just a matter of time at this point."

Yogoloth was more than happy to see Apples. It was all well and good to hear that he was healing well. But there was nothing quite like seeing something for yourself. It would also give him the chance to secretly slip a little more magic into his friend to help with the healing process. His reserves were pretty low, but he'd happy drain them again to ensure the young human had the best chance of healing quickly without long term problems. Yogoloth followed Reinald towards the back of the hall towards a door that the half gryphon had never been through before.

"Reinald, I don't think I'm going to fit through that door."

The old man hummed to himself and rubbed his chin. "You're probably right, but Apples is just inside anyway. You should be able to see him from out here and give him your blessings.", Reinald stopped just before the door, his hand on the handle but not quite opening it. "Ah... if you do see Sharli, it may be worth giving her a bit of space."

"Why? Is she alright?"

"Oh, yes, yes; she's fine.", Reinald seemed to think about his words for a moment. "She's not as accepting of your way of dealing with what happened as most of us are. Give her time."

Yogoloth remembered the energetic feline's reaction when she saw Apples injured for the first time. She was visibly upset and comforted him best she could. But she'd tried to dissuade the young hybrid from flying off in pursuit of the poachers. It was clear that Sharli was against any form of violence, even when it was as justified as it was now. Even after everything he'd learned about the civilised races, Yogoloth still kept being surprised... and frustrated.

The room beyond the small oaken door was much like any of the other rooms in the Tylor estate manor. Wrapped in stone, illuminated by an oil lamp and winter cold kept at bay by a small iron stove. However, it was summer now and warm enough to not require the stove. The room was not nearly big enough for Yogoloth to fit in comfortably though. That was not to say that he couldn't squeeze in and choose to be uncomfortable; which he did.

Apples lay sleeping on a wooden bed frame and Reinald walked up next to him as Yogoloth managed to free himself from the narrow door frame. It was clear that this room was a servants' sleeping quarters, but with the Tylor estate running with so few staff, it was much less crowded with furniture than it would otherwise have been. Just enough for two beds and an uncomfortable hybrid.

"Yog?", Apples said a little sleepily as he gently woke. His voice sounded both weary and a more than a little weak.

"How could you mistake me for anyone else?", Yogoloth asked with a smirk as he carefully laid himself down on the hard stone floor a little way from the bed. One of his hind legs bumped the other bed away and his tail knocked over a short stool. He shifted position in an attempt to avoid disturbing anything else, but nearly caught Reinald with a wing.

Reinald carefully stepped around the large half gryphon and headed towards the door they had both entered through. He stopped a moment to pick up a couple of Yogoloth's smaller feathers that had come loose as he'd squeezed himself into the room. They were only minor feathers, he was due for a moult anyway, summer always came around so fast.

"I have a tad of paperwork to do before I retire.", Reinald nodded to the both of them and left the room.

"I remember you.", Apples said and then shifted his position a little. The movement caused him to groan and close his eyes against the pain. Yogoloth felt rather helpless.

"Of course you do. You seduced me, remember?", the half gryphon smirked again.

"No. I mean, when I got injured. I remember you talking... but I don't remember what you said...", Apples looked a little crest-fallen.

"It's probably best your memories aren't too vivid. I don't remember much from the last time I was seriously hurt either.", Yogoloth said honestly, finding it rather too easy to share personal details with the young human. "Reinald says you're going to be fine though."

"What do you think?"

Yogoloth blinked and his brows furrowed, unsure as to why Apples would care to ask him. But his magical senses secretly spread out and peered inside the prone human's body anyway, seeking out the injury. Even without having seen for himself, it was clear that the quarrel had been removed and the wound stitched closed. There was a tiny shard of the iron head of the quarrel still in the wound, but it was some way from his heart and lungs. Apples' body had already begun to isolate it with fluids and it was unlikely to cause any further harm where it as.

"I'm sure you'll be fine.", Yogoloth placed a comforting fore paw on the woollen blanket over Apples' legs. The half gryphon also carefully drained the rest of his magical reserves and formed a shape that would prevent the wound becoming infected for many weeks to come. Apples would no doubt make a full recovery; he would be left with quite a scar though.

"You're going to find them, aren't you?"

Yogoloth gave a predatory grin, his teeth glinting a little in the lamp light. "Yes."

"Good.", Apples coughed weakly.

Part 5

Apples licked his lips a little and looked over towards the table that stood next to his bed. Yogoloth's eyes followed and he saw a bucket of water and a wooden mug. The half gryphon carefully edged forward and helped the mug to Apples' lips, which wasn't easy without thumbs; but between the two of them the mug was drained, refilled and returned to the table. The young human sighed and closed his eyes.

"I'll have to think up something... I can do for you... as a thank you...", Apples spoke quietly as his mind began to drift towards sleep again. "Once I'm better..."

"I'm sure you will.", Yogoloth's jaws clenched with building anger and he carefully extracted himself from the room. It took more than a little concentration to keep himself calm as he did so.

Seeing Apples again only reinforced his desire to punish those who had done this. Yogoloth liked to think he was doing this for Thelekiin, Nigaal, everyone on the estate, not just Apples, but deep down he knew better. He was angry that people had hurt his other friends, but he was totally enraged at Apples' injures. The instinct to fight for a mate was strong in both gryphons and dragons. Although Apples wasn't strictly his mate, the desire for vengeance was still powerful.

The hybrid stepped out into the main hall of the manor, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Anger wasn't useful right now, it would cloud his judgement, exhaust him, cause him to make mistakes. He was about to enter the civilised world for an indeterminate amount of time and had to keep control.

"Yogoloth. Come to see Apples?", a voice spoke from one of the hallways nearby.

Yogoloth turned to see the grey wolf Ferden with a strange bronze rod with a large cup on the end. It didn't look like a weapon, but he young hybrid was baffled as to what it was for. He shook his head gently, partly to rid the puzzle from his mind but also in response to being reminded of Apples' condition

"Yes. He's going to be fine."

"Certainly hope so. Wounds can be tricky if they go bad.", the wolf replied as he reached up and snuffed out the flame from a sconce with the metal contraption before moving to the next.

Yogoloth realisation of what the wield bronze tool was far nearly made him smile. "I know he'll be fine. He's strong."

Ferden extinguished another flickering flame before turning around to face the half gryphon. "True that. Those neck wounds he got a few years back healed up a treat.", the wolf eyed Yogoloth briefly before moving to the next sconce. "Master Tylor spoke with him about it and he admitted he's into that sort of thing. He's a good lad, I try not to judge."

Yogoloth was both relieved and annoyed at himself. He'd got a little carried away when he'd taken Apples a few years back and had left quite a nice set of teeth marks on the back of the young human's neck. Even with the magical shapes he'd left in the wound to help it heal well and without infection, he'd still have been hard pressed to hide them. Yogoloth just wasn't used to these sorts of social structures.

People would have seen the injuries and have pried. They would have figured out what had happened. They'd have come to their own assumptions and interfered. All the safety and luxury that the civilised people had, seemed to cost them so much in privacy. No matter where you went, no matter what you did, no matter who you fucked, someone would talk and someone else would listen.

Yogoloth grimaced. "It's getting late, I have to go.", he said and Ferden grunted an acknowledgement.

The hybrid stopped briefly to scoop up the quarrel, which had been pulled out of Apples, from the table where he and Reinald had left it. He gripped it tight between his teeth and headed out into the mild darkened evening. A few birds were finishing up their songs and settling down in their nests. Some insects gathered in clouds that seemed to move as one; others hid out of sight and filled the air with their own sharp repetitive songs.

Yogoloth took a deep breath and looked up at the twilight sky. A few of the brightest stars had already begun to penetrate the failing light of the day. He smiled around the quarrel in his jaws. It was going to be an interesting few days.

Part 6

Although the sun had long since given up its daily struggle, there was still enough light cast by the waning moon at least to fly by. The stars shone brightly to the dragon's eyes and the heat from the day was now simply rising up from the ground rather than beating down from the sky. The thermals caressed his feathery wings and he simply soared for a time. Although Yogoloth didn't have all the time in the world, he had time enough for this simple pleasure.

Yogoloth found calm in the short time that he flew. It was easy to think that he was the only living thing in the world. Wrapped in darkness, the air only seeming to move because we was gliding through. It was as though time itself had stopped still. He took a deep breath, slowly letting it out, and visualized how his breath would look condensing on a cold winter's morning. It was a relaxation technique his mother had taught him many years ago.

A little closer to Stone Haven and he started to descend. The moon light casting the ground in shades of black and depth of shadow. There was a dense woodland a little further out from the old gryphon pool, which Natanii had introduced him to. It was generally untouched by the civilised races and would give him somewhere to sleep that would be within walking distance of Stone Haven tomorrow.

Yogoloth fanned his wings out as he came in to land at a small clearing he had scouted a few years back. He was good enough in the air to make the landing, but smart enough to keep one fore leg free to guard against branches if he misjudged. His other fore leg held a pack tight to his chest plates. He landed quickly but softly and managed to disturb only a couple of birds who had been sleeping nearby.

He listened for a time, the subtle movements of nighttime creatures and the gentle touch of the wind in the trees were the only sounds. Soon, all was calm once more. He suddenly yawned, his purple tongue curling up in his toothy maw before the yawn finished in a silent snarl. Yogoloth licked his snout a couple of times and stretched his fore legs along the ground in front of him. The edge of the clearing would suffice, so he padded into the tree line and sniffed the ground. He turned circles a few times, testing the ground for hidden rocks and other uncomfortable objects before settling down on his side.

His wings fidgeted against his flanks. It was not the way of dragons to doubt themselves or their abilities. Blessed by powerful magic, born to rule the skies, strong bodies and with fiery breath which could reduce enemies to a blackened mess in seconds; what could they not do? But as Yogoloth settled down to sleep he was disturbed by doubts that subtly slid into his thoughts.

He was not an investigator, like the Constable Reinald had mentioned. He was about to play the civilised races at their own game in their own world. Finding the poachers would have been easy if they had stayed in the woods. Their scents and tracks would have given them away and Yogoloth could have torn them apart for their crimes.

But they hid in the one place Yogoloth could not technically go; at least not as a half-dragon. Instead, he would have to hunt them as a civilised lizard. He would have to be extra careful though, the last time he'd spent more than just a single day or night in a civilised town, he'd had Marrus to cover his back. Civilised lizards were rare in Stone Haven and any odd behaviour would probably be dismissed as mere cultural differences. The young hybrid shook the doubts from his mind and double checked the contents of his pack.

The pack contained various pieces of clothing, copper and silver coins, the quarrel, rope, some general trade goods, two belts, a thick woollen blanket, a hatchet, some slightly salted meat, a couple of skins of water, cotton bandages, flint and tinder, an iron knife, a broad oiled canvas and a slender bronze dagger called a stiletto. Apart from the meat and quarrel, they were all part of the supplies that he kept for when he changed into his two legged form. Marrus had initially put it together and Yogoloth had revised it slowly ever since.

Yogoloth yawned again, closed the pack and settled down to sleep. He quickly formed a couple of magical shapes and placed them into a nearby tree. Anything as large as a human or deer that strayed too close would trigger a loud screeching, which would startle them and wake him. It always paid to be at least a little cautious.

As Yogoloth slowly drifted from wakefulness into sleep, he grinned slightly at the anticipation of the hunt. It wasn't his usual kind of hunt, but it would be just as sweet once he caught and killed his prey.