Jahaliya : Young Wives Tale Chapter 2

Story by Gentry on SoFurry

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#2 of Jahaliya

The second installment in which Jasmine and Robin finally have a heart-to-heart.

Young Wives Tale

Chapter 2

The hooves dug into the deep lines of muscle in Robin's back. Moaning half in pain and half in pleasure, the wolfess' mouth was agape as the masseur worked on her.


The moose paused, withdrawing, hesitation in his bearing.

"Oh, no! It's fine, Renault. It was a good ouch." She reassured him.

Shrugging, Renault continued working his hooves into her back, admiring the curvature of her lower spine down to the tail. She had the most lovely buttocks.

"How was your training session today, m'lady?" he asked, rubbing a tender spot between her shoulderblades.

She hissed. "It was great! I feel like I've had my ass handed to me, but I'm improving. So, I'll just give them a taste of their own medicine tomorrow."

Renault chuckled and was about to make a remark on how he would like to handle her ass, but he was interrupted by a knock at the door. His head whipped in that direction sharply.

"Your pardon, m'lady." The moose walked over to see who was interrupting the massage.

"And stop with the 'm'lady' crap. I'm still Robin." She huffed a stray hair out of her eyes and looked behind her from the table.

Opening the door, Renault revealed Jasmine's maid, Sapphire, standing outside of it. The fennec fox smiled, her eyes heavy with mascara, at the tall moose, adjusting her maid's shift. She had taken to wearing a more Jahaliyan outfit ever since the ritual. His heavy cock swung between his legs and she worked to keep herself from looking. Her mistress seemed to be seriously distressed about the country and its strange customs. Perhaps, if she dressed this way as well, the Princess Jasmine would begin to feel more at home.

"Oh! Sapphire!" Robin propped herself up on one arm, casually resting the other across her hip. The pose displayed the maximum amount of fur and she could already see her masseur was very excited about that. "I haven't seen you in a while. What're you up to in the warrior's wing of the palace?"

The fennec looked from the moose to Robin, something was bothering her. "Oh, I didn't want to interrupt anything. My mistress wishes to speak with you. Now, if you have the time."

Now? Uh-oh. Robin felt a sinking feeling in her gut. If the princess was sending Saph to find her, this couldn't be good. She half-wanted to just enjoy the rest of the massage and deal with this later, but she knew herself. It would be better to get this over with, than worry about it.

"Alright, Saph. Let's head over to her chamber." She reached for the towel, then paused. Deciding instead to go with her usual frilly outfit, the wolfess slipped the fabric around her with the practiced ease of someone who could dress and undress quickly before following the lady-in-waiting.

The long walk from the barracks to the royal chambers grew tense with the silence. Sapphire was biting her lip and she kept inhaling as if to speak. Robin almost caught her a couple of times, but the fox remained silent. Hoping to break the ice, the wolfess' eyes settled on the new outfit.

"So, Saph, I see you're wearing a traditional Jahaliyan maid outfit. How's that working out for you?"

Sapphire smiled and her eyes lit up, the tension melting, as they traveled down the uniform. It was actually an older design that the maids no longer wore as it had gone out of style. It was the perfect halfway point for the non-native, though. The curves of cloth hugged her natural ones but still obscured certain special parts. The fennec was, of course, displaying copious amounts of fur, especially in the chest area. She did not have the largest breasts in the palace and it was more obvious standing next to the curvaceous beauty that Robin was. However, her smaller set was uniquely paraded to the public by some lacy cups. They were so inviting, even Robin wanted a sample.

"I'm actually enjoying it more than I thought I would." Sapphire ran a claw thoughtfully under her chin. "I was hoping that her Highness would see how comfortable I am with the culture here and that would make her feel like she can relax as well."

The two passed Eleanor playfully pulling Max into an alcove. They waved at the two of them before parting ways and letting them have a romp.

"That's an interesting idea." Robin's mind was back with Eleanor and Max. She steadied herself, though. This might be a serious situation and she could not afford to have her thoughts clouded. "Business before pleasure", it was the Jahaliyan way. "And...do you think it's helping?"

The fennec's eyes were downcast and it took her a minute before speaking. "I really don't know. Sometimes, I feel as if I were more blessed without sight. I could gain a better idea of how people were feeling through my other senses."

"Remember, you can always close your eyes." Robin replied and bumped her on the shoulder, a playful glint in her eye. The glee was not matched, however.

"I wish it were that easy."

The two finally reached the large doors to the princess' chambers. Putting a paw on Robin's shoulder, the handmaiden bade her to wait outside for a moment. She knocked, then opened the portal and slipped inside.

Robin waited outside. She hated waiting, especially when she did not know what was going on. Soon, Sapphire poked her head out and drew the door open farther, inviting the second wife in.

Princess Jasmine sat at her table with an elaborate tea set laid out. The delicate gold filigree set over blue enamel was a design from her home country and part of what she brought with her. It was aged, but shining with good care.

"So...you wanted to see me?" Robin padded closer to the table. In addition to the tea, it was laden with tarts, small cakes, jam, butter, and other treats.

"Yes, Robin. Please have a seat." The princess indicated the other chair with a paw on the opposite side of the table. Robin noted the stiffness of her arm and posture. The formality of the affair grated on the wolfess, but she took a seat next to her, albeit with a similarly stiff neck and a barely hidden grimace.

Jasmine gazed at the outfit, similar in style to what Sapphire now adorned herself with, except much more revealing. While her handmaiden's had a harness, the second wife of Prince Ryoga was clothed in flowing sashes and although she was ill at ease, Robin sat with a straight back and a steady stare. She was confident, fierce, beautiful, and complete within herself.

And yet, I have none of those things. Happy that her attire hid her feelings, the princess shoved those thoughts back. They were polar opposites sitting a table length away, but it might as well have been a nation. They probably looked like the subject of some painting.

"...is there a problem?" Robin looked the princess up and down. It had been quite the silence that had stretched out. She tried to keep the irritation out of her tone.

"What? Oh, there isn't a problem and I'm sorry if it seemed that way." Jasmine waited with her paws folded her in lap as Sapphire poured tea for both of them. She plucked a full cup from the saucer and brought to her lips. The exotic blend smelled spicy with hints of cinnamon and clove.

"I'm actually in need of some assistance. Assistance that you would be able to help me with the best, I think." She took a sip of the hot liquid, letting the steam and warmth calm her down. "First, however, I'm quite curious if you received the same note I did--about Ryoga's departure?"

Robin let out some of the tension was still holding. So, the princess did not have a problem with her, at least not what she was thinking. Ever since the wedding, there was a seed of worry planted in her mind that Jasmine had something against her.

"Yes, actually." She picked up a teacup of her own. It felt odd and foreign in her grasp. Thankfully, she remembered her etiquette education under Sylvia back when she was Ms. Harrington.

"Are you okay with him leaving the country without you? And so soon?"

Looking out of the window into the sky, Robin pulled up the contents of the note in her mind. Apparently, a newly reached peninsula was found near the boundaries of their lands. He took Nell and Tina with him and he was going to do some reconnaissance. It was a routine mission, something quick to invigorate him.

"It's going to feel different without him here, but it does give us a chance to talk more. I love him, but he clouds things up sometimes when he's around. It's not his fault, though." Robin jested and took another sip.

The princess chuckled. She really liked Robin. Out of all of the others, her and John were the easiest to get along with.

"You wanted my assistance with something?"

Jasmine nodded. "Yes, I hope to continue my adjustment to this strange land. You've recently had to do the same yourself and I feel like I can trust you the most out of those I've spoken with."

Robin did not expect that.

"Really? I mean, I'm flattered. I was under the impression that you didn't like me." She sat back in her chair and set the teacup down. Sapphire scooped up a few treats from the dishes and placed an arrangement for the two to choose from at the leisure.

"I probably give off that feeling more than I try to do so." Jasmine picked up a tart and ate it with a few quick bites. "It's something that I have to work on, but no. I'm rather fond of you, even if our situation is strange."

Robin mentally agreed with that, but thought better to change the subject. "What were your preconceptions about Jahaliya anyhow? I had no idea what to expect when I was dropped here."

"I expected to be raped and humiliated, repeatedly." Jasmine replied flatly. Robin could tell through the folds of fabric that the jackal was remembering her own country again. She receded whenever it was brought up. Something awful must have happened to her.

"I expected public drunkenness as well. However, John enlightened me on the peculiar Jahaliyan thought process. I was going to request alcohol for our meeting, but there was none to be had. It's just for medicine and sterilization here. It was the one thing that this place and my homeland agree upon."

Robin smiled. "'Drink giveth the desire, but taketh away the performance.'" She quoted the Jahaliyan proverb. "I take it very seriously myself."

"It was a good thing that I wasn't able to acquire some then. I should have foreseen that." Jasmine indicated the tea set while berating herself. "I blame myself for cloistering in my chambers this entire time. You know that my isolation probably played a part in the--incident earlier." She did not have the strength to speak about the impotence crisis.

"I need to change my ways. Would you be able to help me? Please?"

"Of course! In any way that I can!" Robin found herself agreeing, rising in her seat in enthusiasm. She felt a kinship to the princess and could take this opportunity to get closer to her.

"I'm very flattered and again, I've been worried myself that there would be friction between us." Jasmine stood, matching the wolf's enthusiasm.

"Wonderful! Let's start now then. Would you give me a tour of the palace? I would like to be introduced to everyone as an equal."

The entire room seemed to brighten up. Sapphire cleared away some of the dishes as the two of them discussed where to go first.

"Let's head to the kitchen first. It's the closest section with the largest array of servants."

"Er...right now? The kitchen?" The wave of excitement had passed and the nerves were setting in. "Should we really be down there at the moment? Won't we be in the way?"

"Nonsense! As the wives of the Prince, we have every right to be down there. Besides, they're all terribly efficient and we can slip in and out before dinner plans are started. Now, come on! Before your nerves get the better of you!"