An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 2-Saturday Morning

Story by Tyro619 on SoFurry

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#2 of An Anthro's Tale

14 year old Seth Allen is trying to keep his head down long enough to survive high school,he has an insane crush on a girl way out of his leauge and he loves cars and loves to work on them. He has his own company,Draconian Customs,their slogan is:"If you can dream it,we can build it." Seth and his friends have the lofty dream of seeing one of their cars on the 128 Miles of Road America. And it looks like that dream may come true when four men from Delton Motorsports commission them for a Pontiac GTO Hardtop for the 128 mile endurance race. Seth,however,is hiding a secret.

The sun shone through the window of my bedroom. The yellow and orange rays pierced my curtains and brightly lit my entire room. I could smell Dad cooking the pancakes and sausage. It was a smell I'd come to love. I pushed aside the covers and stretched as I sat up. Looking around my room. It was quite clean,(i've always been a bit of a neat freak) and it smelled of the outside,due to the fact that I always had the window open. Mom and Dad never nagged at me to close it,and I thanked them for it. I got out of bed and dressed as quickly as I could. I usually wore a blue T-shirt and tan cargo shorts,it helped to keep me cool,especially during the summer. I darted out of my room and slid down the stairs,my mouth starting to water as the smell grew more intense. When I got down to the kitchen,it was a maelstrom of chaos,as always. My older brothers and younger sister were darting around. My oldest brother,James,was seventeen and a metal loving punk. Normally dressing in all black with spiky hair. He stood a good foot and a quarter taller than me and could pound me into the dirt at his own will. It sometimes seems like his icy blue eyes can look straight into your soul. My second brother,Will,was sixteen and a great guy to talk to if your not in the best of moods. He was around a foot or so taller than me at six feet. His red hair and green eyes weird out most people,but they work for him. My sister,Taylor,was only five,and can be a huge trouble maker at times,she has blond hair and blue eyes,and is a bit shy. My name's Seth. I stand at around 5'2,with some other features I'll tell you about in a minute. Right now,the sausages frying on the stove are my only concern. "Seth,my Dad said looking down at me,"your up early." My Dad was thirty nine. He stood at around 6'11 and had brown hair and eyes. He had a well trimmed face and a pair of sunglasses always sat in his hair. "I take it you just want the pancakes and not the meat?" I felt my ears flop against my neck and a frown cross my face. "Relax son,Dad said,"I'm just teasing." Dad gave me four of the sausages and two of the pancakes,pouring the sticky maple syrup over it all,just the way I liked it. I sat down at the table and began scarfing down the sticky,sweet tasting food. Now for the features I said I'd tell you about. I stand around 5'2,with jet black scales on my back,tail,wings and head. The dark crimson scales on my neck,chest and stomach perfectly complement the black ones that cover the rest of me. My two horns protrude backwards about a foot and half at the top of my head,with several,smaller spikes going down the length of my snout and the sides of my face. Did my self description scare you? Really? It didn't? Cool. But I know what your thinking,how,can an Anthro Dragon,possibly belong to human parents,with human brothers and sisters? Let me save you the trouble. I wasn't always like this,a dragon I mean. I woke up one morning like this. I don't know what happened,or how,but I do know that it was a good thing for me. My senses are better than they used to be,i can see colors,smell smells,and hear sounds that I never even knew existed. Flying is cool too,the few friends I have are jealous of it. The best perk of being an Anthro though,is my fire breath. Yeah,you heard that right,I can breathe fire. I don't much though,Mom and Dad hardly ever let me,and for good reasons. I've been told by one of my friends(a hardline military kid,one of the best friends I have)that my scales should be able to stop anything up to something called a 20mm. He rambled on for a while,but after the first few minutes,I always tune him out because I never understand a thing he's saying. "Seth,my Mom said walking in. My Mom stood at only five eleven,weighed 101 pounds(compared to my 143) and had deep green eyes. "Seth,are you going anywhere today?" "Yeah,I said,I was planing on meeting my friends to help Jack work on that old I-ROC,were putting a beefy V-12 under the hood and a wide Telso exhaust on it." "Seth,my Mom said,you know I don't understand a thing about cars." "I know,I said,but I can't help but talk about it." "How long are you going to be gone?" "All day probably",I said scarfing down my last sausage. "Curfew is ten",Mom said sternly. "I know Mom",I said.I stood and walked into the kitchen.After washing off my plate,I went into my room. Things I never left home without were my backpack,my Ipod,journal and a bottle of fire starter as I called it. It was 95 percent pure alcohol. I had to drink the stuff to keep the fire which burned inside of me alight,if it went out,it'd be like getting shot in the head,it could kill me very,very easily. Thankfully though,it takes a long time for it to die down enough to really put me on thin ice,but I carry the stuff just in case. As I walked out the door,the snet of the summer air filled my nose. I took a deep breath,just smelling the smells around me,as I often did. The birds were chirping and the wind was blowing high in the sky. I spread my twelve foot wings,deciding to skip the walking and fly to Jack's house. Normally,I was carefull about where I flew,because I'd been caught a few times,and it never ended well for us. But Jack's parents knew me,and had promised not to turn me in. I took off,the wind in my wings was a great feeling,one others will never know. It felt great to be up in the sky on my own power. As I flew along,the sent of gas and grease began to carry on the air. I smirked as my paws hit the concrete driveway of Jack's house. He was under the Camaro,my guess was he was trying to cut on the engine mounts. "Your early Seth,Jack said sliding out from under the car,DJ,Tristan and Josh won't be here for a while. DJ was a level headed sixteen year old who seemed to know everything there was to know about cars. She was the one who'd picked out this I-ROC in the first place,It turned out to be a good use of five hundred bucks. As we stood,we were around three grand into the car and DJ said it'd likely be worth six times that to the right buyer. We'd made tons of money off these builds and most of it went into the stash we had at our hideout in the woods. Tristan was seventeen and a huge car audio guy. He'd dumped a freakin ton of speakers into a Ford GT-40 build we'd done a while back for a street racer. It was so loud I thought my ear drums were going to explode. We'd banked ten grand off that one,it was the single best day of our lives when the guy handed us the check. Josh was thirteen and the hard line military kid I mentioned earlier. His specialty was body work and drivetrains. He'd done a sick flame decal for a friend of my Dad's and we'd cashed out three grand payday. He was really good at drive trains. We'd done a 1992 Toyota Supra 2.0 GT Twin Turbo build a while back for a Delton Motorsports driver and he had asked for an AWD conversion. Josh had done it in less than an hour. My specialty was engines. I'd done the engine swap for the DM guy's Toyota for the Class R3 World Tour,he'd been told by his mechanics the car would not be competitive,and we had shown them up. Our client took first place and won close to a million dollars,sharing a decnt sized chunk of it with us. His mechanics did not find being out done by a few teenagers as amusing as we did. That was probably our best build ever. "I know,I replied folding my wings in,but I just can't keep away from this car." "Have the headers come in yet?" "Yeah,Jack said wiping the sweat from his face,there in the garage." I darted over to the garage,sitting on the table,was a set of Teslo Motorsports 22 Spec Titanium ceramic lined Race Headers,it was a thing of beauty. "Dude,I said as a wide smile crossed my muzzle and I ran my paws over the smooth,sandblasted Titanium,this build is gonna be EPIC!" "Just wait till the Motgie Racing Tracklites get here,Jack said smiling,then we'll really be getting somewhere." DJ's truck pulled in. It was a 2012 Saleen F-150 style Raptor with a custom grill and light bar. It was custom job from all of us as a gift for her birthday last year. The truck pulled to a stop and the others piled out. "Guess what,I said smirking,the headers came in." "About time,DJ said. "Let's get to work guys,Tristan said as we gathered around the car. We all set to work. Tristan in the car,doing the sound system DJ and Josh on the suspension,and me and Jack installing the headers. The sound of the music blaring in the garage kept us all focused on the car. Over the past two years,we'd done around a hundred or so builds,one to two a week. It'd gone from a hobby,to a full company,Draconian Customs. We were well known all over Mississippi,as well as most of the country,people had brought us everything from '57 Chevy's to R1 Prototypes. It was fun work,and we all loved each other's compony. "Heheh,I laughed as I tightened the last bolt,"there in!" I wiped the sweat from my snout,seeing the shiny headers resting on the beefy,fuel injected twin turbo and twin supercharged V-12 Vedeon engine sent a wave of satisfaction through me. "We gotta start this monster,I said smirking,"I gotta hear it run!" Jack gave me the keys,"Your build,you do the honors." I smirked and felt a wide smile cover my muzzle as I sat in the custom racing seat. There was hardly any room for my tail,so I had to let it hang out,I could feel myself sweeping it across the ground as I stuck the key into the Delton Motorsports Race Ignition,and turned it. The Camaro roared to life,it sounded like an F-16. The sound echoed in my ears,it was so loud. Tristan made a motion with his fingers,"Oh hell yeah!",he screamed over the engine. I revved it and watched the RPM needle hit ten thousand. We do custom MPH and RPM readouts for all our builds,because we almost always dump twin turbo and twin superchargers in,it was like our signature. The RPM red lined at 12,and the speedometer capped out at 270 MPH,and the car could likly go faster than that. I killed the engine and got out. "So what should we be asking for this monster?",Tristan asked glancing at me. "Every bit of thirty grand,I said smirking,"I'd just as soon keep this beast." I wrapped my snout with my paws to keep back a laugh that so desperately wanted to escape. "I wanna laugh so badly right now",i said keeping my paws warped around my muzzle. "I'm going to hate to see it go",Tristan said snapping a picture of the car with his phone,"but this is going to bring a lot of cash." "Changing the subject here,DJ said,I'm starved." "Same here",Josh said. "Me too",Tristan said. "Likewise,Jack said. "Seth?" "Nah,I said,"not really,I'm thirsty though." "Let's go get something to drink,Jack said wiping the sweat from his face,and then I'll order pizza." "I can get with that,Tristan said we started towards the house. Jack's Mom was in the kitchen,like she was waiting for us. She was nice and I liked her. She was around my Mom's height and weight with blue eyes and light brown hair. "You kids done on the car,she asked. "For now,Jack said,until the rims and the tweeter speakers get here." Jack opened his fridge and pulled out three sodas and a bottle of water for me. I couldn't drink the cokes because the carbonated water could put my fire out. The bottle was sweating and the little drops of water came off on my paws,they were hot and blistered from the working on the car,so it was welcomed. With our drinks in hand,we went out to Jack's deck. It was more of a small house,truth be told,complete with power,running water,a coffee table,couch and bean bag chairs. As always I crashed into the bean bag and poured the water down my throat,it was dry and scratchy,the water running down it helped a lot. Jack turned on the AC he fell onto the other bean bag chair,Josh sprawled on the floor and Tristan and DJ crashed on the couch. Jack dialed his cell phone out to the pizza place. "What do we want guys,he asked glancing at us. "Something with meat on it,I said,"other than that I don't care." "So pepperoni?",Tristan asked. "Shut up",I snarled. "Two large pepperonis,Jack said,and one large cheese." Jack talked for a few more minutes,then shoved his phone back into his pocket. "They said around forty five minutes",Jack said chugging his Sprite. "That's too long,I groaned,I'm starved!" "Your always starved Seth",DJ said. We sat in silence for a while,letting the Ac blow over us,then Tristan spoke up. "I can't wait for the speakers to get here,he said all jumpy,"30 inch tweeters in each door,it's gonna be epic!" "Please,I said,the real monster in that car is the engine. A 12 cylinder twin turbo and twin supercharged fuel injected Vedeon V block making 3,890 horsepower that exhales through Ceramic lined Titanium headers." "We have done nothing like it,Josh said,it's going to be our best build ever." "It already is",I replied reaching into my backpack and pulling out my fire starter. I could feel it starting to die down a bit and I was chilling with it. I pulled the cap off and took a drink,it didn't taste very good,but it does the job it's supposed to. I felt my flame flare up and I puffed a bit of smoke as I stuck the bottle back in my bag. When do you think the rims will get here,I asked glancing at Jack. "Not a clue,Jack replied,"they were in state last night." As we continued to talk,the sounds of two vehicles,one very large one and one smaller one,pulling into the driveway rattled the deck. I rubbed my paws together,"Pizza and rims",I smirked,"today is a good day." We got up and went to see if it was. Sure enough,two trucks,a UPS and a Domino's,sat in Jack's driveway. Jack went to sign for the rims while Josh payed for the pizza. After the drivers left,we gathered around the boxes,there were six,not four,two of the boxes had different logo's on them. Tristan cut them open,pulling out a single,30 inch Crimson red Tweeter speaker from each box. Tristan laughed,"This is gonna be good." "Not as good as this,Jack said lifting the jet black rims from their boxes. I smirked as I rubbed my paws together,"Let's get this stuff installed." The music came back on as we set to work,putting the final touches on the Camaro. It took us from noon,till six to get the stuff installed,we were all hot,sweaty and red in the face,but it was worth it. The jet black rims against the deep crimson of the rest of the car made it seem like it belonged in hell. The huge speakers in the doors made the entire car shake and rattle. "It reminds me of you,Tristan said putting his hand on my shoulder. "Except I'm mostly black,with crimson,that car is like the opposite of me." Jack's Dad came out. He was around six feet and ten inches,with red hair and blue eyes. He was built very well and could probably crush us all at once. "Is this what you kids have been doing?" He asked surprised. "Yeah Dad",Jack said. "Impressive job,he said smiling,"have you taken it out for a test run?" "No,Jack said smiling,but were going to." Jack and I got into the car,him at the wheel,me as a passenger. Getting my tail into the thing was always difficult,but I managed. As Jack started the Camaro,it rattled,you could feel,and even smell the power the engine made just idling. Jack laughed as he drove to the end of the driveway. "Ready",he said looking at me. "Dude,I said smiling,I was born ready." Jack turned onto the street and then gunned it. I could feel the power as we roared down the street,screaming to a stop at the end. I felt like I was going to throw up,and I loved it. Jack was wide eyed and panting. "289 miles and hour,he said looking at me. We bumped fists,"Best build ever,I replied,let's take this monster back home." Jack turned the car around and drove back to his house. When we pulled in the driveway,Tristan,Josh and DJ were waiting fr us. Jack and I climbed out of the car. I stretched as Jack and Tristan started talking. "How fast,Tristan asked. Jack laughed,"289 miles an hour." "Oh god",Tristan replied. DJ and Josh could only laugh. Soon we were all laughing. After we had calmed ourselves down,we got the pizza out of the oven and went to the deck. The pizza was good,as usual. After we were done eating we got to talking. "What should be our next build,DJ asked. "Well,Tristan said,we have a couple of clients from Delton Motorsports who are looking for a blaze orange GTO Hardtop for the 128 Miles of Road America." "Can we even bump it up that high,I asked licking pizza sauce of my snout,those things are like A Class." "I think so,Tristan said,the Camaro dino's in at X 999." I laughed,"Okay then,Jack,give the DM guys a call,let's take the GTO build." Jack pulled his phone from his shorts pocket. "John,he said,this is Jack from Draconian Custom's,we'll take your GTO build,what was the budget you were looking at?" Jack's eyes went wide,"Okay,thank you." Jack threw his phone on the coffee table. "They are willing to pay us 230,000 dollars for the GTO." "Holy crap",DJ said. "Were going to be rich,"I said smirking. I looked at the clock,the hands were touching nine thirty. "Well guys,I said packing my stuff up and pulling my sweat soaked shirt back on,I gotta get home,my Mom will tear my claws out if I'm out past curfew again." "See ya Seth",Tristan said. I stepped out the door and flew for home. The night air carried a different smell than the day. The day smelled of heat,the night seemed cool and free. The wind in my wings was cool and moist,as opposed to hot and dry. The stars that light the night sky were bright and many,I could make out several constellations as I flew along. I softly touched down in my backyard. I could see my brothers and parents from where I was,the light slightly hurting my eyes. When i walked in,my Mom and my brothers were watching TV and my Dad was playing on the Xbox. "Your back Seth,Mom said,have a good day?" "Oh yeah,I said smiling,the car we built,it can go 289 miles an hour." "Wow",Will said,"that's fast." I smirked,"It's a lot faster than I can fly." "There's dinner for you in the fridge son,Dad said glancing from the screen at me. "I just ate,I said,"I'm going to take a shower and go to bed." "Were doing a GTO Hardtop for some Delton Motorsports guys tomorrow and I want to get as much sleep before then as I can." I went up to my room and threw my pack onto my desk. I threw off my sweaty clothes and showered off. The water and soap running down my scales carried the grease,oil and gasoline with it,leaving me with a refreshed feeling. I dried off and rolled into my bed. I never bothered to put anything on before I went to sleep. I liked the feeling of my bed against my bare scales. I'd come to love the large,dog bed that was made for a breed that was as large as a horse. I could stretch out to my full length,or ball up in the middle,or somewhere in the middle. Things I always kept by my beside were a bottle of fire starter and water,my cell phone,and a small clock that glowed a bright blue. The wind blew through my window,making the curtains sway and the smells of the night come in. I took a deep breath,filling my snout with the scents. It's been almost two years since I changed. In that time,my personality had changed too. I'd gone from an up tight and worried about everything,to carefree and laid back. I smiled as I stretched out as far as I could,letting my snout and the tip of my tail hang off the bed a bit. Believe it or not,I had a morbid fear of the "monster's under the bed",right up until I changed. I used to think that once the lights went out,if you so much as let a finger(or claw) hang off the bed,you'd be grabbed by the monsters,pulled under the bed and eaten. I laugh at it now,I guess it's because I am such a monster. I permitted myself a small grin as I recalled the days before I changed. I heard the door open and my Mom walk in and sit beside me. She started stroking my back and I smiled. It didn't matter how old I got,I liked it when Mom did that. "She did this for a few minutes and then stood to leave. "Good night Seth,she said softly as she left. I rolled onto my back and quickly fell asleep.