Breaking Social Norms (Teaser)

Story by Dakota Packsley on SoFurry

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Hi all here is my first post of any stories or collaborations I will be posting! This particular post has been written by myself and Lukas Moonfang.

The story idea had come from a friend of mine who had been reading some collaborations of mine and friends.. My friend was looking for a kind of Romeo and Juliet type of romance and approached me to write something up. The social etiquette has been taken from "the help" by Kathryn Stockett from when there was segregation of the black and white community, only in this case it is the segregation of furs and humans, from there I am hoping to find some grounds for the Romeo and Juliet romance.

Hopefully my friend and you enjoy the teaser of "Breaking Social Norms"

Dakota sighed as she tugged at the front of her maids dress, adjusting it yet again as her breasts some how managed to pull the dress out of place again, "Great... going to have to let this out again..." She muttered under her breath as she placed the tea set on the luxurious mahogany dining table; with the freshly toasted and baked bread and scones, poached eggs and bacon. She stretched and yawned, frowning as her dress rode up a little at the front. Pulling it back down and smoothing her white fur, she gazed about the room. The dining table was polished immaculately and could seat sixteen, the walls painted a beautiful ivory with a gold and crystal chandelier hanging from the roof; the matching cream persian carpet with its sweet, clean scent from the cleaning the day before. Feeling that her mornings dusting in the dining room kept the other various mahogany shining spotlessly, she quickly closed the silverware cupboard and prepared herself for her day of serving the Moon family.

Being a maid wouldn't have been the first choice that Kota would have chosen as a career, but being an anthro its was just how the world worked. Anthro's were seen as lower class citizens. Kota knew that her mother had worked hard for the Moon's and gave her the best life that she could, but becoming a domestic worker like her mother was bound to happen. Anthro's weren't given the same opportunities and lifestyles as the humans. Kota's ear drooped a little at the memory of her mother. She missed her scent, her soft grey fur and her friendly smile. No matter what seemed to go wrong in life her mother always smiled for Dakota, never wanting her to see the struggle of growing up in the world. Though when Dakota's mother got older and her illness got worse, Dakota dropped out of school and began working as a maid to help pay the ever rising rent and electricity bills as the world around them advanced.

On the other side of the coin Lukas had never struggled for anything in his life, if he asked for something he got it more often than not. Being a human came with privileges though he never really liked to take advantage of them, as with most human children he had been raised by the servants of the house. He was always the last to rise of his family but that was generally due to his late nights drawing up his next engine design. The walls of his room were covered in pictures of engines schematics and all other assortments of car paraphernalia, much to his mother's disgust but his father's pride.

As Lukas was the eldest and only son of the moon family it would have been very distressing if he did not have a love for cars, the Moon family was the largest producers of cars and other kinds of motorized vehicles on the eastern seaboard. The soft sound of a bell went unnoticed by the male, though the accompanying smell of food roused him from his slumber. Slowly he exited his bed and the room it was housed in, not bothering to dress himself properly clothed only in his sleeping pants. He made his way through the house down into the dining room, as he stepped into the doorway he was greeted with a series of gasps. "Lukas!" Came the shrill voice of his mother. Still half asleep the twenty year old male straightened his half naked body and looked at the crowded breakfast room, obviously they had company. "Go get dressed boy, we have guests."

Lukas looked at his mother then to the others about the room realisation coming slowly to his sleep addled brain as he realised that his well muscled half naked body was now the focus of everyone's eyes.

The shrillness of Miss Moon's surprise alerted Kota to the situation outside, sighing she placed the silver she was polishing onto the marble counter top in the kitchen and opened the door joining to the dining room. Quickly taking charge of the situation she walked over and turn the drowsy twenty year old and began leading him back along the hallway to his room, apologizing to the guest's and her employers. Gently ushering and trying to keep her face blank and expressionless, she lead Lukas to him room but to her annoyance a twitch in her left ear betrayed her.

"Now Master Lukas, you really should have remembered that you had guests," She spoke calmly opening the door, "Quickly now, Ill fetch you a coffee when you return." She closed the door and chewed her lip as she returned to the dining room, bowing to the guests and the Moon's before exiting to the kitchen to make Lukas's coffee.

Lukas half stumbled as he was ushered back to his room. He shook his head slowly and stretched out as he moved over to the cupboard, god did he hate these morning gatherings. All it was good in Lukas's mind was for the 'upstanding' members of society to brag about all their achievements and their daughter to try and get their money hungry claws into the most available man that their mother 'approves' of. Shaking his head Lukas ran his hair through his short hair pushing the meager fringe off his forehead only for it to settle right back. He grunted in disapproval and pulled open his dresser before grabbing a pair of nice black slacks and a soft blue button down shirt. Pulling the clothes on and making sure it was all proper he locked the cuffs in with some links while furnishing his waist with a simple black leather belt.

After he was satisfied with his look and that his mother wouldn't scream at him again, he left his room and made his way back past the dining room and straight into the kitchen. He stood there and looked about for a few seconds, "Coffee?" He asked kindly as one of the older ladies pointed to Kota. "Ah Dakota, is it ready?" Lukas came up behind the wolfess all the while staring at her tail, he had this urge to grab it but resisted it.

Kota continued polishing the spoon in her hand and nodded towards the far end off the marble bench, "I wasn't sure whether to place it on the table or not, you seem reluctant to make and appearance at the moment so I left it here." She studied the spoon for a moment, satisfied she placed it with the other shining silverware and picked up a knife before turning to face him, "Is there anything else I can do for you? Also what would you prefer for lunch today?"

Lukas reached out and pulled the knife from her hand, "Firstly, stop pointing sharp objects at me. Secondly, keep being yourself the world wouldn't be anywhere near as fun." He put the knife down on the table for her to pick up again. "As for lunch, how about something a little spicy, like umm.... curried fries," He gave a shit eating grin before picking up his coffee and exiting back through the door he came in quickly. He spent the next few hours playing nice with the 'upper crust' before excusing himself as he wanted to check on the special order car in his workshop.<