Heat 14

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#32 of Heat

This story is the final installment for Eric the wolf with the tortured past. For those who don't remember him, he was the gunner for John the racer pilot from Trapped heat. He is a tortured individual blaming himself for a massacre he could not had prevented. That lead him to lead a rather promiscuous lifestyle, until he saw a chance at redemption. This is the story of that redemption and resolution. I hope you all enjoy, only 2 more chapters of heat to go the the new heat series will begin with all new characters and a long story arch.

"That's all of them," Eric announced giving a sigh of relief and resting back in his flightseat. He wiped the sweat away from his eyes and began running a quick check on systems. "Gold leader to gold three form up on my wing and let's get back to the transports." It had been one long and hellish escort duty for the wolf and his squadron.

Eric had quit the races and signed up with the lapine navy several months earlier. The rabbits had been totally unprepared for the dragos war. Their tiny military had been pushed to its limits and beyond, they were desperately recruiting anyone willing to fly and fight. For a former combat pilot and a long time racer the wolf had been snapped up no questions asked. The rank of captain had been thrown at him along with his own squadron. Nine other alien pilots and the best fighter craft the lapine military could supply. His squadron could be split into two groups, those looking for revenge and those too addicted to fighting to stop.

Of course for Eric it had been perfect, he'd wanted so badly to go back and to face up to his past. However he knew he could never have gone back to the Canine Alliance military, not after what had happened at Rydel. Trying to prove that he wasn't the coward he felt like ever since the fifth fleet had refused to engage the dragos and the human Rydel colony was wiped out.

In a way it had worked, he was too focused on the fighting the war to worry about his past. His nightmares about the Rydel raid had stopped, although they had been replaced with nightmares from the Dragos Wars. Twelve good pilots had died under his command so far, four had died in this mission alone. The forces allied against the dragos had been spread pretty thin while they tried to break the blockade around Prime, as well as the land wars on two other allied worlds and patrolling a huge boarder in case of further invasion.

They had been hit four times so far, the troop transport had to make stops every few hundred light years to recharge their engines and re-plot their course. The wolf suspected that the dragos had gotten hold of their scheduled route. His squadron had started out ten strong, but six fighter craft had gone done, only two green lights.

It had seemed funny to him the first time he heard the protocol, if a pilot ejects a signal is automatically sent to the squad leader. Who then announced LIG light is green or LIR light is red. It had amused him right up until he lost his first pilot, suddenly those three letters became all important and encompassing. He remembered staring at the board waiting for the light to come up on more than thirty occasions now. Each time the entire universe seemed to slow down, his body fought on automatic while he waited to see if he had failed another pilot. One little letter spelled the difference between life and death, between laughing with your friend over a close call and standing by an empty coffin, stoically holding back tears while speaking of your former friends virtues.

The teardrop shaped ships swept into a close flying formation and made a direct line back to the transports. Gold six and nine were still flying close escort, in case of further surprise attacks. He and gold three had lead the dragos away from the transports, making sure they protected the troopships was their top priority. Five thousand troops in a huge vessel with only light armour. A proper escort for it should have been three full squadrons and a destroyer, but with their forces stretched beyond capacity they had to make do. Green squadron was making the first run with another troop ship, once they reached their destination they were to head back along the course and provide backup. They couldn't get there fast enough for Eric, just four fighters left and the way this trip had run more dragos would be coming.

As if to confirm his fears alarms on his ship started screaming at him, "ships, incoming!" He shouted over the comm channel, as he pulled on his stick, there was no way to know the final destination of the incoming ships, putting some space between himself and his wingman reduced the odds of a catastrophe. As the ships suddenly shot into view and decelerated Eric's sharp eyes made out the dagger shapes of dragos fighter craft. "Five long range fighters, weapons hot." As the reached a stop the wolf saw gold three was far too close to them, the dragos opened fire immediately. "Eject gold three ej..." His desperate shouts were ended by a flash as the tiny fightercraft blew itself apart.

He was next and he knew it, too far from gold six and nine for them to support him. Twisting his stick he dove, weapons firing half wild half aimed into the dragos' tight formation. He was rewarded with a definite hit on one fighter as it spun suddenly out of control and off away from the fight, limping for deep space. A second dragos took a few hits but showed no sign of damage, the squadron broke up, two of them strafing to his port the wolf felt the his fighter shudder as he took some damage. Flipping his ship into a corkscrew dive to try and force them off his tail. Every direction he pulled he found one or more of them ready to face him.

"Gold leader we are on our way." Gold six announced, he was an excitable tiger named Brice. He was wild on the stick and a very talented pilot, however, he took orders badly and in any other military would have been booted long ago.

"Stay there, I've just lost my starboard engine, I can hold these guys for a few more seconds, Green Squad are on their way. Protect the transport at all costs, do you understand? Stay with the transport!"

One engine down his speed and manoeuvrability were just not going to be good enough to have a prayer of lasting more than half a minute. His eyes glanced at the ejection system, the red light flashing letting him know that it was down. No way out, he had to fight. His eyes dragged to the board for the tiniest fraction of the second, "LIR." He muttered over the comm.

Carol, a human pilot and a damned good one. Husband lost to the dragos in the human dragos wars. Refused entranced to the republic military because of her age, signed up with the lapine forces the day war was announced. Two children, now orphans, aged twelve and fourteen named Cara and Neil. One red light, one lost life, two lives ruined, one more failure to add to his list.

Growling with sudden rage the wolf activated his afterburners, they were meant for short bursts and would burn out in a matter of minutes, but they would give him enough boost to make up for his lost engine and would keep him going for now. Spinning into a dive he found a dragos ship coming right for him, instead of dodging he opened fire with his dual cannons, screaming with rage down the comm as he got a lock and let loose a missile. Pulling to the starboard and curling around, he heard his ships alarms screaming of an incoming missile. Dropping flares he crossed his fingers, praying to whoever was listening. Just a few more seconds, just a little longer in the fight.

There was a dragos fighter right on his tail, his canopy lit up with the near miss fire from the dragos. Cursing under his breath Eric spun into a diving loop, and then pulled out halfway through, pressing down on the stick suddenly performing another corkscrew dive before pulling hard to port. However, the dragos was hot on his tail throughout, firing every chance he got. It was just a matter of time before he got a clear shot or one of the other two pilots caught him from some unexpected angle.

Then he saw them, the other two dragos pilots performing a classic pincer, the fighter behind him driving him into their waiting arms. It was done and he knew it, either the fighter behind him would take him, or the other two would catch him in their crossfire. He sighed seeing no way out. His lungs filled with smoke as his afterburner finally burnt out, he switched it off before it exploded and his fighter slowed, the controls becoming sluggish.

Suddenly the dragos behind him exploded and he heard Gold three shouting down his comm. "Gold leader pull up on a nine two vector, I got you covered, " Brice shouted.

"I gave you an order, the transport..." Eric snarled as he followed the vector. Two to two, the odds had suddenly gone entirely in their favour.

"Snowy's got the transport, now calm down old dog and lets take out these greenskins." Brice snorted down the comm channel.

"Incoming vessels!" Snowy cut in suddenly, and Eric felt cold dread gripping his heart. They were far too far from the transport to help defend it and even if he had engines and afterburners ready the dragos they were engaged with were unlikely to let him and Brice rejoin Snowy.

"Brice use your afterburners get back to Snowy, we need to protect the transports!" He snapped quickly spinning his fighter and rolling around managing to get a few shots off at one of the remaining dragos fighters. As another five decelerated right next to the transport and the lone defender.

"I can't, I used up the last of my afterburner fuel getting out here to help you." The tiger informed him as he managed to get a missile lock and dispatched one of the fighters. Two on one, Eric took his mind off their own fight watching snowy, the equine pilot had engaged all five. He had taken a couple of hits and the wolf could see he was trying to draw them away from the transport.

"I... I can't hold them." The voice was the desperate pleading tone of someone who knows their life expectancy is measured in seconds. " They've got lock, flares away. Afterburners gone...I can't... I've just got to..." A small flash lit up space for a moment, and the wolf's eyes went to the board. His breath caught in his throat and then a little red light flashed up under number nine.

"LIR," Snowy was a good boy, only just old enough to sign up. He'd made up for his inexperience with enthusiasm, he'd followed every order he was given, worked hard every day, hit the simulators twice as hard as any other pilot. Showing more dedication than almost any pilot he'd know, he'd lost a brother to dragos slavers years ago and nothing had been able to keep him away from the war. He wrote to his parents every week and Eric thought the young man might have had a bit of a crush on him. He'd given some serious thought about finding out, he was glad he hadn't now, it stung enough.

"Incoming vessels." Brice announced as the dragos they were facing suddenly jumped out leaving them clear. They both set a heading for the transport. Snowy had drawn the dragos away a small distance, the transport had made as much a run for it as the slow vessels engines could manage.

"Green leader to Gold leader, sorry we are late had some greenskin trouble of our own." The wolf heaved a huge sigh of relief, faced with six incoming ships the dragos pilots turned tail and ran.

"Gold leader to Green Leader, thanks for the rescue. Gold six form up on my wing and stay there." Eric said as they returned to the transport.

The rest of the escort was uneventful, just two more jumps and they arrived at their destination, Talos a canine Alliance colony, with half a million dragos troops engaged in a fighting retreat.

Their charge safely delivered the lapine fighters headed for their home carrier, the Harrier, one of only four lapine carrier ships. Although there were dozens of new warships now under construction. Landing with an audible gasp of relief, the dark furred wolf opened his canopy and pulled himself to his feet.

"Hey, welcome back wolf, how many marks?" Asked a light grey rabbit as he helped Eric out of the cockpit. Harrington, one of the top flight engineers on the ship and something of a fan of the canine pilot.

"Eight," Eric muttered and shook his head adding, "It was a rough one Harri, me and Brice made it, Kurt and Talia got green lights, but the rest..."

"Shit, sorry." The rabbit replied putting a friendly paw on the wolf's shoulder. However, the last thing Eric wanted was sympathy. He was their captain, they were his responsibility and they died because he wasn't good enough.

"Yeah, see you in the bar later." Drinking to the fallen had become a ritual on board ship, observed far too often for Eric's tastes. Turning away from his damaged fighter the wolf stalked across the flightdeck to his squad's locker-room, entering it he looked at a row of lockers. Six of which he knew would be cleared out in a few hours, their contents mailed to the next of kin of six good, brave, pilots. What was worse he knew that he would have to write a letter to accompany each of them. 'He died bravely, he fought with honour, she gave her life to save others', hollow empty meaningless words, stupid phrases meant to make up for the fact someone loved was never coming back. They would hold a memorial on the ship and shoot six symbolic empty coffins off into space.

Unable to think of anything but the pilots he lost that day, the wolf snarled with pent up impotent rage. As the door closed and he was finally alone something inside him snapped his helmet hit his locker door so hard it left a huge dent. A fist and then a second followed as he howled and bellowed in impotent fury, so many lives and he had been powerless to save them.

It was at this inopportune moment that Brice entered the locker-room. His jaw dropped as he watched his Captain kicking and screaming at his locker. He cleared his throat to warn Eric that he wasn't alone. Which in retrospect was a mistake the wolf rounded his eyes, full of fury, catching sight of the tiger. He leapt across the room, his fist swinging and landing cleanly in the tiger's stomach. "You were his wingman!" Eric screamed as the tiger bent over to meet the wolf's rising knee as it smashed into his jaw. "You left him alone!"

Grabbing the tiger's shoulders with both paws, he threw him across the room, the dazed feline slamming into the lockers, with such force the air was expelled from his lungs. "He trusted you!" Eric bellowed as he let loose with another couple of jabs to the tiger's face. Brice slid to the floor nose and lips bleeding, putting his arms up to protect his head and whimpering pitifully.

Eric snarled with unbridled fury as he towered over the fallen tiger, he raised his fist again. Only for a hand to grasp his wrist, turning with a snarl to face the new opponent he found himself face to face with the leader of Green squad. A human named William, a former ace pilot for the HumanRepublic until he lost his left arm in a dogfight. The robotic replacement was twice as strong as his natural one, as the wolf currently in his vicelike grip could testify to, the human navy took him out of the cockpit. He'd signed up with the Lapine Free Peoples navy the next day.

"I think a reprimand on his record would be the normal punishment for disobeying an order, maybe a court martial." William stated calmly as he stared the enraged wolf in the eyes, unblinking as he slowly forced Eric's paw down.

Eric deflated in a second and slumped down on the bench, his paws cradling his head as he rocked back and forth. The human, knelt down next to the tiger, he looked over his face and wounds. "Looks like a few tender bruises but no permanent damage. Why don't you go recover and get a shower in the Green locker room?"

Brice didn't need any more encouragement, the tiger scrambled to his feet with the help of the human and left. William sat down next to the wolf, Eric's face was wet with tears. "So, not a good run huh?"

"I just can't do it... six pilots, six people," whimpered the wolf as the tears continued to flow. "Snowy, Carol, Kale, Neil, Patrick and Coal... I killed them."

"Ah... you made the wrong calls then?" The human asked his voice just as calm and passive as ever.

"People died... " Started Eric but he didn't get far before the human cut him off.

"Not what I asked," the human inserted his tone still annoyingly calm as he continued. "Looking back on this run, what orders did you give that were not correct?"

"I... dunno, but people..." Eric started again.

"Yes people died, it's what happens in war. I've seen the figures, you guys were hit repeatedly and yes you lost some fine pilots. However, you achieved the objective." The calm explanation was starting to have the desired effect. "So apart from beating one of your pilots to a bloody pulp, what mistakes did you make today?"

"I guess, none really." Admitted the wolf, his breathing had calmed and the fog of his rage had lifted, leaving nothing but embarrassment and guilt over what he had done.

"So you kicked the shit out of your locker and one of your squad because?" William asked calmly, his tone and inflection perfectly judged.

Shoulders dropping his paws reaching up to grasp his head, "because I'm a stupid worthless fuck, because I should have been better. I should have been able to stop them, it's my fault do you understand, MY FAULT!"

Reaching out his artificial hand the human rubbed his shoulder reassuringly. "You know, back before I was a military pilot I used to run shuttles for a mining installation on a human colony. I never wanted to do anything but fly and I had no stomach for combat. Until one day, one day the dragos came and attacked... " The human's voice lowered and even in his self absorbed grief Eric could hear the strain in his voice. "We had no warning, no weapons and their fighters were everywhere. I was lucky and on the ground when the attack hit, all airborn craft were shot down. Then they started bombing runs, on everything, Rydel was a thriving colony." Eric stiffed at the mention of the name and his entire body trembled as he realised why the human was so determined to fight.

"They were killing everyone, no mercy, no reason, just because we were there. I jumped on a mining laser turned the thing towards the sky and started to fight back. It was hopeless but I like to think I did something, took out two ships before they hit me and blew a hole in my chest." Grasping his chest with his real hand the human gasped softly as he continued. "Then their troops landed to make sure of the job, they... they were killing everyone, no matter how many begged, they accepted no surrender and gave no quarter. I remember there had been a school trip visiting the mining camp that day. The foreman of the mine had a bright idea he sealed his men and the kids inside. Using explosives to bury themselves alive."

Brushing a tear off his cheek the human continued to stroke the wolf's shoulder as he recounted his tale. "I was outside and injured, the dragos... they saw me and they just walked past. I guess they figured I didn't have long left. They dug them out, spent an hour excavating rock for no reason but to kill them, the workers, the children... all died in front of my eyes. You know I think that's why I survived, love can lift you up but hatred, pure unadulterated rage... that can keep you going when Nothing else can. For years I blamed myself, if only I'd fought harder, taken out a few more. If I'd blown the mining station up, set fire to the tunnels... something, anything that could have stopped them."

Turning and fixing his gaze on the wolf, Eric could feel the human's eyes on him and see through his fingers the expression on his face. "However, one day I realised, I wasn't to blame, it was they who chose to come that day, who chose to kill, who chose to show no mercy. It was the Dragos who attacked us then and now. Nothing that happened then or today is my fault or your fault. It is theirs, now all we can do is fight the best we can. You make the calls the best you can, as you see them, and don't blame anyone but them for the lives that fall."

"Stop blaming yourself for what happened on my colony, it wasn't your fault, it was theirs." The human almost whispered the words, the wolf's ears shot up and he gasped in shock. "Do you think you are the only disgraced member of the fifth fleet that I have met? I am still in contact with most of the survivors and we don't blame you, so stop blaming yourself."

"I... " Eric tried to reply tears flooding his face, "I wrote a letter to Phil McBride Jr... I wanted to say sorry, but I never had the courage to send it." Eric whispered, his voice almost pleading

"Send it then and put it behind you, as much as you can anyway." William replied as he stood up and patted the wolf's shoulder. "Stop blaming yourself and get your head fully in the fight. I hope I never have to pull you off another officer ever again. Now get cleaned up and I'll see you in the bar in an hour."

As the human walked towards the door Eric stood up and nodded, "William, thank you."

Turning the human gave a little salute, "it's Bill, to my friends." Then he left and the wolf was alone again. Opening his locker he pulled out his personal comm unit pulled up the draft letter to McBride. His father had been in the communications centre of Rydel the day the dragos hit, he'd sent out the distress signal, begged for help and as a pilot on patrol Eric had listened to the man beg, and in the end die.

He'd spent years editing and re-editing the message to the man's son, he'd had a friend hack in to the comm system to hunt down the address. Dozens of times over the years he had wrestled with the decision on if he should send it. He briefly read through and made a few edits, pausing for a moment he took a deep breath and then he hit send and breathed out slowly. It was done for better or worse his apology was sent, he stripped and showered, washing clean his tears.

Feeling like a new wolf he stepped out of the shower and dried himself. Pulling on a clean jumpsuit he headed to the crew decks. He knocked on Brice's cabin door, the tiger answered and took a step back on instinct as he saw the wolf.

"I came to apologise," Eric stated quickly and continued just as quickly to add, "I had no right to assault you like that. If you want to bring me up on charges I... I wouldn't blame you and I would tell the truth at any hearing."

For a long moment the tiger just stood their looking back at the wolf before eventually breaking the silence he replied. "No, I deserved it, I disobeyed orders and Snowy is dead because of it."

"No Snowy is dead because the dragos killed him. You can't change that and if you'd stayed with him... you could just as easily have died as well." Eric stepped forward and placed a friendly paw on the tiger's shoulder, noting with regret the young male wincing and almost ducking. "Let's go drink to his memory."

Brice smiled and nodded, "yes Sir!"

Moaning with exhaustion Eric flopped into his bunk. it had been a long day, he was mentally and physically exhausted. His head was buzzing with the effects of the drinks he had imbibed, so many good men and women toasted to. Brice had loosened up a little around him as the evening had went on and he had been advised his squadron would be back up to full strength within a week.

Sleep began to embrace him, like a tender lover it pulled him into it's embrace. The warmth filling his body and his mind, only to be snatched away by a knock at the door. Growling with frustration the wolf stood up, he was in nothing but his boxers but there was no way he was going to get dressed again.

He stumbled to the door and opened it snarling, "the ship had god damned better be on fire or I'll... " The words died on his lips as he found himself looking up at a horse almost seven foot tall, with pure white fur and a mane wild and scraggy. Hazel eyes with a worried look and a flight suit with his name just above his firmly muscled left peck, 'Lt. Peters 'Snowy'.

"Hi Captain, I... thought I should report in to you," the pony mumbled his cheeks flushing pink. "I should have waited until OOOF!" He didn't get to finish his sentence as a strong wolf hit him hard in the chest, arms going around his broad frame and hugging tightly. He could feel a slight moisture on his chest and guessed that Eric was shedding a few tears.

"I thought you were dead !" The wolf whimpered nuzzling the strong broad chest happily and taking a step backwards pulling the pony into his cabin, the door shutting after them.

"Yeah it was a system error I got picked up by the next transport," the embarrassed horse replied, he had been eyeing up the dark furred wolf for as long as he had been in the squad. Many a night in his cabin he had dreamed of the wolf holding him and then taking him. To feel his warmth against him was just too much he couldn't control his body's natural reaction.

Wolf ears shot up as he felt it against his stomach, a firm growing bulge pressing into his fur. Looking up at Snowy in surprise his mind filled with a lethal mixture of relief, grief, exhaustion and alcohol he couldn't stop himself. His paw's slid up the pony's neck and pulled Snowy's head down. Their lips met and that was all that either of them needed. Rank, regulations, the war none of it mattered, all that mattered was the moment and each other.

Tongues danced in sweet union, the wolf's paws unfastening the pony's jumpsuit, peeling the cloth away from the hot flesh. The body beneath the cloth was so warm, Eric could feel the heat radiating into his paws as he slid them down, pushing the cloth away with them. Wondering at the feel of the hot, toned, body under the clothing, his fingers tracing over the smooth flowing lines of muscle, dancing through the fur.

He pulled the young stallion forward letting him step out of the puddle of cloth that had been his clothing. Then he gently pushed Snowy until he sat down on his bed, looking over him with lustful eyes. Eighteen, fit, horny with a cock at least a foot long, mottled pink and black flesh. Pure snowy white fur covering every inch except his cock and balls. His two huge orbs were covered with thick heavy black leather and he could scent them. Horse musk, thick and heavy, sweet as honey and as tempting as chocolate filled his muzzle. Tyler slipped out of his own boxers, exposing his own long and thick cock, his knot already partially formed.

Snowy in turn looked him over, thick flowing black fur and the stark contrast of his white chest. His well toned and muscled body from years of working out, his eyes hungry. The horse licked his lips tasting the musky lupine scent in the air, hot and heady like mulled wine. He eyed the cock hungrily, how long he had dreamt of this, had he been hoping for the wolf to show him affection? Since about five minutes after he had been assigned to Eric's squadron.

Stepping forward the wolf placed his paw on the pony's head and pulled him forward guiding Snowy's lips to his cocktip. Snowy needed no more guidance he pushed his mouth forward. His thick velvet lips spreading slowly around the hot meat, as the powerful flavour of the shaft in his maw made his own cock drool rivers of pre. Pushing his muzzle forward the eager pony swallowed the thick wolf cock right to the hilt. His long equine muzzle proving a wonderful advantage.

Gasping at the feeling of the warmth moist maw sucking his cock down, the feel of the thick lively tongue caressing every inch of his maleness. He'd slept with many species over the years but he had never bedded an equine, right then he had no idea why he would miss out such a wonderful sexy people. Such thoughts rapidly disappeared from his mind as Snowy bobbed his long muzzle on the wolf's shaft. Eric moaned in bliss as he felt those velvet lips caressing his meat, the suction so wonderful, he couldn't help but thrust back into those thick full lips. It had been too long since he had last enjoyed the touch of another, months of stress he was desperate just for relief and release.

Moaning deeply around the thrusting cock and burning with lustful need, his eyes look up at the wolf, standing above him so beautiful and perfect, bathed in the slightly green light favoured by the lapines for their vessels. Moaning with delight he nuzzled against the two rough wolf paws as his muzzle was caressed, he could feel the love in the touch and his heart swelled with joy.

Letting his fingers wander the wolf explored the equines face, feeling the wonderful velvet texture of his lower muzzle. Running through the thicker hair of his long flowing mane, stroking his erect ears, running his fingers lightly around the flicking warm flaps. Snowy was beautiful he couldn't help but admit, even more so with the wolf's thick cock sliding back and forth between those wonderful lips. Eric knew it was going to be weird in the morning when they would have to go back to being squadmates only, still that was a problem to think of tomorrow. That was the price of a one night stand, the morning after, however, he was an expert at paying it.

Eagerly the pony bobbed faster and faster, the feel of the hot shaft on his lips was amazing. Hard as steel and yet warm and smooth as silk, flesh yielding just a little, the heat in his maw was amazing, but nothing compared to the burning lust in his own loins. As he glanced up his eyes locked with Eric's and for a second he could see the love in his eyes.

Catching the pony's eye Eric glanced at the bed, he was loving the feel of the pony's muzzle, however, his cock was begging for him to tie with someone. It had been months since his last good lay and right then he needed Snowy's taught ass around his swelling knot more than he had needed anyone for along time. Pulling his cock fully out of the equine's maw, Snowy's nicker of protest music to his ears, he gestured to the bed. "Please, I need you." His voice was strained and slightly desperate to his ears, yet the pony could only blush and smile.

Unable to contain himself the pony crawled back onto the bed, lifting up his tail for the wolf. His love needed him and he knew he had to be there for him, it was what lovers did. Still he was a little nervous, he'd never taken a lover before, yet he knew this was right, he had wanted the wolf from the moment he saw him. Kismet, love at first sight, he was glorious and beautiful and yet dark both in colour and character. Yet the light hearted youth had only been drawn closer by the wolf's attempts to distance him. Now that he had finally been accepted, his heart was racing, pounding so hard he worried it might break. Then he felt the bed dip as Eric climbed on behind him.

Knowing that the pony was young and probably not that experienced Eric realised he would need to be gentle. Fortunately he had been with many males and this was far from his first one night stand. Letting his paws gently caress the pony's rear he heard the young male gasp and felt him jump a little. Definitely a nervous inexperienced male, he knew he would need to get Snowy to relax fully or the horse might find mating too painful.

Snowy cried out in shock as he felt a wonderful warm moist tongue lap over his perineum and then to his pucker. Eric moaned at the taste, the pony had been in his flight suit all day. The wolf lapped up the sweaty taint, tasting every emotion the pony had been through that day, fear, stress, elation and most recently, also now very strong arousal. Then his tonguetip found the musky doughnut he was seeking, teasing around the ring in circles. He felt the muscle flex as the pony clenched on instinct. His paws reached out stroking Snowy's flanks trying to calm him down as his tongue swirled around in lazy circles.

Flexing the tight ring of muscle relaxed slowly, sensing it the wolf gently thrust his tongue forward, every so lightly teasing the warm quivering ring. Applying a little more pressure the lupine muscle managed to stretch Snowy's ring just a little, the tip slipping inside. His paws continued to stroke the younger male's flanks, trying to keep him calm and reassured, as his tongue got more adventurous. Snowy's ass was perfectly toned, due to the young male's excessive training, Eric loved the feeling of nuzzling between those pert cheeks. Warm musky flesh pressing against his muzzle from all sides, the delicious musky and tangy scents teasing his nose. His cock was singing to him, begging him to bury it inside the musky mound and he soothed it with the reassuring notion that he would soon. However, first he planned to show the young stud just how much pleasure an experienced wolf could provide.

Whinnying softly the young equine blushed in embarrassment, he had never felt anything so wonderful and his body was no longer in control of his voice. Grabbing the pillow he pulled it under his chin and rested his muzzle, closing his eyes and just basked in the feelings as Eric's tongue wormed it's way deeper inside him. Then he felt something new, an electric shock ran right up his body, teasing every single nerve, making them sing out in pure bliss, rushing back down and along his full cocklength. Neighing at the top of his lungs the pony's body begged for more.

Suppressing a whimper the wolf paused as tight, toned pony ass muscle clenched down around his invading tongue squeezing it like a vice. Knowing he had found the pony's sweet nut he was very glad he had decided to take the time to prepare the pony first. However, part of him couldn't help but imagine just how tight the pony would clench around his knot, that same part drooled pre onto the grubby rumpled sheets of his bed.

As he felt the muscle begin to relax his tongue started to move again, this time he didn't thrust into the sensitive nub, of the pony's little nut, he just stroked against it gingerly and the response was a soft moan of delight. Taking one paw off the pony's flanks he shifted his body a little and slid the paw under Snowy, running gently up his thighs until his knuckles bumped into the thick leathery skin of an equine nut sack.

Gasping at the feel of velvet pads on his huge orbs, and then a warm palm lightly hefting his nuts Snowy tried to suppress the whinny of pleasure, that escaped his lips anyway, the pony pushed his rear back against the wolf. The pleasures of the eager tongue dancing inside him and the paw, that was now sliding up and down his huge cock, began to overwhelm him.

Desperate pleading moans and whimpers filled the room and the wolf grinned to himself. Pressing home his advantage the wolf firmed up his grasp on the pony's huge sabre and started jerking it, working the hot thick meat desperately wanting to feel it throb in his fingers. Pressing his muzzle forward the wolf buried his tongue deeper inside the pony's assaulting the little nut inside without mercy, his tongue digging against it like he was trying to excavate some sweet treat.

It was all too much for the horse, he whinnied out louder than he had ever done before, lost in the throes of his orgasm. Like a geyser his cock erupted, warm white fluid spraying up his body and soaking the bed, as the wolf continued to milk his cock with one paw and his sweet nut with his tongue. Stretching out the orgasm as long as he could, and after his time on Lapros the wolf was an expert at stretching things out, following his almost daily one night stands.

Eventually as the streams of cum slowed to drops he pulled his tongue out of the young equines ass and chuckled. "Oh man, my bed is going to stink of horse spunk forever now."

Snowy burned alive with pure embarrassment as he gasped and panted, he felt like he had just run a marathon and yes infinitely better at the same time. "I... sorry, I just... I."

"Shhh, hush now sweet stud, first ones a freebee," Eric whispered leaning over to place a tender kiss on the pony's lips, the taste of pony ass still on his lips and tongue. "I just needed to get it out of you and get you ready so that you didn't cum really early when I mount you."

Calming down at the feel of the wolf's lips and feeling slightly strange as his own flavour was thrust into his mouth, Snowy relaxed and rolled onto his back. He kept to the far side of the bed away from the puddle of horse spunk that was slowly soaking right through the blanket and sheets and into the mattress. "I... I think I'm ready for that now, Sir."

Chuckling the wolf crawled over the pony, slipping between Snowy's legs and spreading them around his waist. "Oh come on Snowy, my mouth tastes of your ass, I think you can drop the formalities and just call me Eric while we enjoy each others' bodies."

Ear's fully erect, cheeks burning with heat, and his heart just so full of love he couldn't believe it hadn't burst inside him the pony replied, "ok... Eric." he savoured the taste of that word on his lips, the intimacy that came with it, the dropping of rank and acceptance of him as a lover.

"That's better, now I am going to push into you in a moment, I know you are new to this. If it hurts too much just squeeze my shoulders and I'll stop." Advised the wolf, as he took the pony's hands and put them around his neck, his other paw guiding his cock down under the pony's balls and to the dripping puckered entrance.

"Why... can't I just tell you to ommmph," Snowy began to ask before the wolf sealed his lips with a kiss. Not just any kiss a desperate and passionate one, his tongue thrusting into Snowy's mouth, tasting the sweetness of youth, enjoying the warmth and the vibrations of the young male's moans and gasps. Drinking in the sweet taste, like fresh cut grass, the warmth of the pony's eager tongue as it danced inexpertly with his.

Snowy returned the kiss with all the passion he had, his paws holding around the wolf's shoulders. Nickering softly as he felt something warm press to his pucker. The lupine tongue working in your mouth, kept him distracted and relaxed enough that the spear-like tip, soaked in pre, was able to slip right into the pucker. Gasping the pony felt his tight ring spreading wider, yet there was no pain just a wonderful warmth and a feeling of fullness.

Feeling the tight horse doughnut stretched around his cock the wolf moaned deeply in pleasure. Knowing that he should wait to let the pony adjust, Eric couldn't stop himself thrusting a little deeper and then deeper. Snowy's ass seemed to be sucking on his meat, it was so warm and tight, he thrust more and more, working his meat deeper and deeper.

Whimpering softly Snowy felt the thrusting cock continue, the pain free entrance was one thing, however with no time to adjust the thrusting was growing painful and as the cock was almost halfway inside him, he felt a sharp pain inside him. Squeezing the wolf's shoulders with both paws he was grateful when Eric stopped thrusting.

This time it was the wolf who was embarrassed, he chided himself for his impatience and whispered, "sorry, you feel so good around me, I should have been more gentle."

Snowy gasped and panted softly as the kiss was broken, the pain inside him faded quickly leaving only the warm fullness that was strangely pleasant. "It's ok, I've just never taken a lover before. If I'd known would be sharing your bed so soon I would have properly prepared myself."

Eric had assumed the young male was inexperienced but to have it confirmed that he was the first inside this virgin was more than he expected. Feeling like an absolute bastard for not being gentle he whispered, "I will be even more gentle with you promise, I will make sure your first time is a good memory."

"It is my first time with you, how could the memory be anything but wonderful?" The pony whispered in reply nuzzling into the wolf's strong neck and shoulders before adding. "Of course I'm sure every time with you will be wonderful too."

Eric's brow wrinkled in confusion at those words, he was Snowy's commanding officer, this was a one night affair. He contemplated saying something, confirming it with the pony, but he knew there was a chance that Snowy would want him to stop. With his cock surrounded by warm moist equine walls, kissing and caressing his meat, he really didn't want to pull out. However, he knew he had to say something, "Snowy I..."

"I'm ready, I need you deeper," Snowy whispered softly nuzzling the wolf's ear.

Eric's will wavered, he'd done some bad things in the name of lust before. He'd once manipulated a rabbit into taking him into heat with him, he'd thought it would calm his guilt. It had worked for a week and then he'd felt his old guilt return with the new crime adding to it. All in all he felt he was a worthless wolf, this sexy young male would never have shared his bed if he knew the truth.

"I... I want to... but I can't," Eric whispered softly and pulled out of the pony's rear and rolled away to sit on the edge of the bed.

The pony's face was a pure mask of confusion and hurt, he opened his mouth but couldn't think of anything to say but, "what did I do wrong?"

"Nothing, you are perfect, sweet and sexy and just perfect. It's me, I'm the one who's screwed up." Replied the wolf without turning around. "Look I was just.... I dunno relieved, drunk and really up for some fun... I'm not looking for a happily ever after, guys like me don't get happily ever afters."

Blinking back tears the pony tried to reach out for the wolf, placing a paw on his shoulder. Eric stood up in response and the young equine looked up at him. "I don't understand."

"I'm no good for you, for anyone, I'm a wreck, I was just looking for an evenings fun. I can't give you what you want," Eric muttered he couldn't turn around, he knew the young male was crying and he knew that he couldn't take seeing that.

"But you're so nice and even under combat situations you hold things together. You don't seem like a wreck to me, if I did something wrong just say and I'll learn how to do it right," Snowy's voice was strained and high pitched, the wolf could hear some sobbing behind him. Cursing himself for his own stupidity, getting sexually involved with a junior officer and an equine no less, everyone knew they were all about love and relationships.

"Snowy I... come on you know everyone here has a story..." Eric started to explain.

"Yes and I know yours, the Fifth fleet, the massacre, racing the... " Snowy paused as he thought of the best way to phrase the next item. "The sexual promiscuity. All of it, but... I mean I... you..." His voice trailed off as he ran out of arguments. "I thought you liked me."

"I do!" Eric exclaimed and turned around, his heart breaking as he saw the wet streams or tears running down the pony's face. "You're smart, sexy and brave especially for someone so young. Don't you understand you deserve someone better than me? I'm so screwed up, I spent years on lapros fucking a different guy every single night, do you know what that means... I can't even remember half of their faces let alone names! I can't sleep alone without nightmares, I can't be in a relationship."

"I could sleep with you, keep the nightmares away!" The pony's voice was desperate, his tone was that of a begging man trying to save himself.

Eric reached out his fingers stroking the pony's face, the wetness of his tears soaking the wolf's palm. "You could, and others have tried... it didn't work, eventually I drove them away. Hurt them far more than I'm hurting you right now. Slept with others, drank too much, took drugs... I'm totally fucked up. I don't want to hurt you."

"Like you're not hurting me now?" The pony half spat those words and internally Eric was glad, Snowy should be mad at him, he was such a worthless fuckwit.

"Not like it would hurt then, after a year or two, when you find me fucking your best friend, or father, totally off my head on god knows what," Eric half snarled in response taking away his paw, he needed the pony's justified anger right now. "I've done that you know and I'd do it again. This didn't mean anything, you were just... a convenient lay when my balls were a bit tight, now get out."

Too stunned to reply, or even feel the anger he knew he should, Snowy stumbled to his feet. His head felt light, like he was half drunk, he grabbed his flightsuit and pulled it on. "I'm gone... I'll put in for a transfer request to another squadron tomorrow." Wiping the tears away from his eyes the pony left, he didn't even look back.

Eric stood there for a moment, the air in his room still thick with the powerful scent of pony cum. The trembles began in his legs and then spread to his body, slipping to his knees as tears started to flow he whispered after the pony. "I don't deserve anyone."

The next few days passed in a blur, Snowy asked for a transfer and was moved to Green squadron when the latest batch of replacements were drafted in. Eric did all he could to maintain what he hoped looked like a professional distance from his squadron. Learning their names but little else about any of them, his only company was Bill and the technician Harri. Brice tried to be friendly with him however, Eric pushed him away as politely as possible. Spending all his free time locked in his room on a mattress that still had the stale smell of old horse spunk.

Snowy didn't speak a word to him and avoided his presence at all times. Eric did his best to help the pony avoid him by keeping clear of the mess at meal times and eating alone in his room. This worked fine for a few weeks until one evening when someone knocked on his door. Eric considered just ignoring it hoping the person behind it would just go away, however a few seconds later he heard a much louder and determined knock. Opening it he found William standing on the other side with a frown on his face and a bottle in his hand.

"Talia, Kurt and Brice send their regards but we felt your little dungeon might be a bit crammed with all five of us." The human didn't wait for an invite he just barged in, pulled the cork out of the bottle and took a swig before offering it to Eric.

"Look, I don't know what this is all about but..." Eric started but the human didn't let him get far.

"Please don't insult my intelligence by lying to me, we both know this is about you fucking Snowy, or not fucking him, the opinion is divided on the subject and the white bastard is being as forthcoming as you are." There was a growling edge to the human's voice as he pressed the bottle against the wolf's chest he added. "Now take a swig and sit down or I'll hold you down and force this very fine scotch whiskey down your throat. I will keep doing it until you tell me what the fuck is going on."

Taking the bottle Eric took a deep draught from the bottle, the liquid burning in his throat and stomach. "This is swill," he coughed so violently he ended up bent over.

"Nonsense this must have been aged for at least a half hour somewhere within visual range of an oak cask." The human replied with a laugh taking the bottle and pushing the wolf down until he sat on the bed. "Your room stinks of spunk, they sell air fresheners in the shop you know." William took another swig of the very cheap whiskey and passed it back to the wolf.

"Yeah, I don't really feel like shopping..."

"Or eating, drinking, talking, walking or being alive in anyway. Please tell me this isn't the same crap we talked about after the transport escort." Interrupted the human as he forced the bottle back into Eric's paws.

"It's more complicated than that Bill, I don't know how to explain it." Eric sighed taking a second deep swig, this time the liquid burned much less and he felt a warm feeling spreading out from his stomach. The welcome fuzziness of intoxication began to spread. "I just... I'm poison, you know. I had so many relationships that I fucked up, so many people I hurt."

"Ah so this time you thought you'd skip the fun early days of the relationship and rip the guys heart out up front?" William asked with a snort before his next swig.

"No, not exactly. I stopped myself before we... went too far. I just wanted to protect him from me." Sighed the wolf as he took another swig of the now almost half empty bottle.

"Ah! An interesting way you have of protecting your friends, please know that I am a very strong guy, I don't need your protection." William's words were slightly slurred as he spoke and his pupils were beginning to dilate.

With the alcohol loosening his tongue, Eric began to open up. He talked about some of his past relationships, how he had sabotaged every single one. How he'd driven away everyone who was important to him, his family and friends. Every single one he'd managed to drive away until it was just him and a never ending string of one night stands. Meaningless sex for the sake of meaningless sex, then with his wit stolen away, by the thief that is alcohol, he let slip a secret he didn't even know he was keeping.

"I don't want to be alone, you know. I keep forcing people away and every time I say it's because I deserve it. Yet I still want someone, I want to have what I've seen other people have, but I've been doing the slut thing for too long to change." The empty bottle slipped from his paw and he wiped a tear away from his bleary eyes. "I'd just fuck it up though, fuck him up." Slurred the wolf with a whine yet part of him, a large part, wished that it wasn't so.

"You've got friends on Lapros right? You're pilot and his bumpy... boony... rabbit? You managed to keep that relationship for a couple of years without fucking... it up." William was barely able to keep his head up and his words came out slow and with many pauses. "You told me about all those things, all that bad stuff...that you..you did to those peoples and yets here you are fighting the good fight. You're a good... doggy and you've changed and stuff, with the thing and the letter. I don't blame you no-one does."

"I... wish I could believe you." Eric replied laying back on his bed with a deep sigh.

William struggled to his feet and then to focus his eyes on the wolf. "I... need to piss and you need to get over it and give it a go with Snowy, life's too short not to love someone who wants to fuck you or to... fuck with someone you love... or something profound like..." William blinked as he staggered to the small cubicle that held Eric's toilet and shower, as the sound of him pissing echoed around the cabin he shouted. "Just sort it out."

Eric fell asleep for a few minutes and the next thing he remember the human was shaking him. "You sort you're fucking shit out ok... or I'll be rot gut and come with another bottle of back to see to you see?"


"Good, now off to my own bed." William muttered before stumbling out of the room leaving the wolf snoozing on his bed.

The next morning Eric awoke with a tongue covered in what felt like tar and a headache that was all too familiar. However, his overfull bladder was his first concern and he rushed to the toilet. Once he had relieved himself he noticed he had received a new message on his comm. It was a letter, a rather short letter.

Dear Eric,

Thank you for your letter and apology. What happened to my father and people was not your fault. Vengeance and blame are a dark game and lead to nothing, but further cycles of vengeance and blame. My father did not believe in either of those things and I know he would have accepted your apology. I can't forgive you because you have committed no crime to forgive, still I accept your apology and suggest that if you really wish to honour my father you do so by putting the past behind you and by looking forward. It is what he taught me to do and a lesson I have tried very hard to follow.


Phil McBride Jr

Eric read the letter twice and then slowly stepped back into his toilet and threw up. After a few minutes his stomach was empty and his head was full. Unfortunately he wasn't given any time to contemplate the letter as a general alert was sounded. Grabbing his flightsuit and pulling it on as he hopped and struggled down the corridors of the Harrier. He had just managed to finish dressing when he reached the briefing room.

The briefing was short, the Harrier's battlegroup had been assigned to the next attempt to break through to the besieged lapine world prime. Their squadrons would be part of the first attack wave, taking the fight to the enemy for once. The ship had already jumped and it would only be a matter of hours before they would be in combat.

Those hours proved to be incredibly busy, briefing pilots, preparing his ship. Discussions with Harri on what his missile load out should be. All of it took his mind off the letter and Snowy. It wasn't until the five minute warning went and he headed out to his fighter craft that he saw the equine. The horse gave him a look and then turned away and climbed into his cockpit.

Eric didn't have time to think about it, he was in his cockpit a few seconds later, running through one last system check and giving orders to his squad. Paring them each up, he took Brice as his wingman. Then all too soon the command was given to launch.

With a rush the wolf's ship shot forward and out into the black sky. An amazing sight met his eyes, hundreds of war ships, thousands of fighters all forming up. The biggest fleet the allied forces had ever managed to assemble stretched for miles across the sky. Yet the dragos still had them outnumbered.

The breath caught in his throat as the sky suddenly became flooded with light as the warships began to fire. It wasn't long before his squadron was called into action, protecting a wing of bombers. The dragos hit them hard several times, and two of his squad went down, both with green lights. Three of the bombers didn't make it but those that did delivered a knockout blow to a dragos cruiser.

However, that was the last of his squadrons' good luck. The dragos hit them again and again, he lost three more fighters and only got one green light. Still orders kept coming, his squadron was thrown against the enemy again and again. Even to someone only seeing his tiny corner of the fight Eric knew the truth. They were losing the fight and it was only a matter of time before the enemy pushed home their advantage.

"Fighter command to Gold squad we have bombers on course to the battleship Exeter, head to these co-ordinates and intercept." A voice informed him over his comm.

"Confirmed fighter command, please be advised my squadron needs refuel and resupply as soon as this assignment is over." Eric replied as he set course for the location of the bomber squadron. The remnants of his squadron formed up on him as they dove towards their next fight.

"Understood Gold squad, once the bomber threat has been dealt with please proceed to the human carrier Renown for resupply." The voice informed him.

"Fighter command our nest is on the Harrier, why can't we refuel there?" Eric asked fearing the answer which came all too quickly.

"The Harrier is gone Gold squad your new nest is on the Renown." The voice informed him bluntly.

Eric could hear his squadron expressing their shock, "keep it under control guys, essential chatter only." He cut through, though his own mind was going back to everyone he had known on the Harrier, he wondered how many of them had made it to the escape pods.

Once again that day he didn't get a chance to think long as his squadron met the bombers fighter escort. He got lock on one target and let loose his last two missiles, taking out one of the fighters. Switching to his cannons he let loose a volley just as his squad broke up engaging the enemy fighters head on.

Eric latched on to the tail of one fighter and shot volley after volley of bolts, until he managed to score a hit.

"Look out gold leader, you got a greenskin on your tail!" Brice's voice informed him, alarms sounded in his ship as a missile was launched at him. He dropped his last set of flares and threw his ship into a loop. The dragos stuck right on his tail so close that he didn't see Brice coming in the other direction and with a whoop the tiger scored a direct hit.

"That's for the Harrier!" Snorted the tiger as he formed up back on the wolf's wing, they were passed the escort and the two opened up on the bombers.

Eric was about to say something when suddenly alarms in his cockpit began to ring. Another dragos fighter squadron had snuck up on them, his computer screamed an alarm on incoming missiles. He hit his flares only to realise he was out, hitting his boosters he took evasive action.

"Drop flares gold leader!" Brice shouted a him.

"I would if I had any." The wolf replied as he threw his ship into a corkscrew turn followed by a diving loop, the missile followed him relentlessly all the time gaining ground. "I can't shake it... "

"Eject gold leader, eject!" The tigers voice was desperate and Eric knew the missile must be almost on him, he only had seconds left. With no other options available he grabbed his ejection lever and pulled it.

The air was knocked from his lungs as he shot up away from his ship in the small cockpit that formed the fighters escape pod. A half second later the remains of his fighter blew up. Sighing with a mixture of relief and resignation his flicked on his comm, "Brice you have command of the squadron, good luck." He announced and then switched off his squadrons comm channel, it was important that he keep off it, random chat with stranded pilots had cost a few good pilots their lives. Eric called up the fleet recovery team. "This is Gold leader, my tracking beacon id is 6785nst requesting escape pod retrieval."

"Negative Gold leader you are in a hot zone, we cannot retrieve you at this time, your location is noted and as soon as it is possible a retrieval shuttle will be dispatched." Growling with frustration and no small hint of fear the wolf mutter to himself as his escape pod drifted helpless and powerless while the battle raged on.

He had an unparalleled view of the battle and could see just how badly it was going, dozens of capital ships on both sides had been destroyed. The alliance ships seemed to be huddled together in a defensive formation. To Eric's eye they seemed to be pulling back and then he realised they were in a fighting retreat. Gulping softly as his heart began to race, he was far away from the alliance forces now and if they did pull out they would never come for him. He reached out to the comm console and then stopped, if they could get him they would, if not... begging for his life would get him nothing.

Deciding to keep what little dignity he had he stayed quiet and just watched, hoping for some miracle. Another allied cruiser went up and the fleet seemed so far away, and then he spotted something dragos capital ships, escorted by fighters, heading his way. Knowing he wasn't their target the wolf could only watch and pray that they were not going to pick him up or worse, dragos fighter pilots had been known to shoot down escape pods.

As he watched a couple of fightercraft peeled out of formation and his heart stopped as he noted their trajectory would take them right to him. Blinking back tears the wolf realised that this was it, the last few seconds of his life. He had perhaps thirty seconds before they would have him in weapons range. The cold oblivion of space was going to be his resting place, an empty coffin with his name was going to be dispatched in the future. He wondered who would say hollow words over it; William, Brice, Harri, Snowy... were they even still alive?

He'd joined up to show that he wasn't a coward, to make up for everything he should have done but didn't years ago. Had he made a difference? Several successful missions and more than forty confirmed kills, that seemed like a yes to him. Could he have done more or anything different? His mind went back to that night with Snowy, all those one night stands he'd had and the only one he thought of was the one where he'd at least shown some integrity. There was one thing he would have done different and he knew it. Ahh well one regret, that isn't too bad.

The fighters were in weapons range and he heard alerts screaming that a lock was being sought. He flicked the alarm off, there was nothing he could do, no reason the last thing his ears should hear would be screaming alarms. Ignoring the incoming fighters he opened up his personal comm and sent one last message.

"So do you have any plans?" Snowy asked Brice as they got off a shuttle onto Lapros. They had been given six weeks furlough following the loss of their home vessel and as they were members of the Lapine military they had been given passage to Lapros rather than their own homeworld.

"I dunno hang out here for a day or two until I can get passage back to Felious, spend a few weeks with my family." The tiger replied and then pulled out his comm device. "Hey I got a message from Harri, apparently he got off the Harrier just before she went up. There's a list of the crew he knows made it here too."

The two had been the only pilots from Gold and Green squadrons to land on the Renown. They had spent a lot of time trying to find out who else they knew had made it. However, once the polar had arrived everything had changed, the allied forces had been preparing to retreat instead they redoubled their attack. With their losses so heavy new squadrons were formed with whichever fighters just happened to be nearby. They had lost track of a lot of people, even two weeks after the battle they still didn't know what had happened to their friends and comrades. Fleet command was so swamped with queries that they had just stopped asking questions.

It had been the single biggest engagement for the last three hundred years and the cost in lives would not be known for months. Communications had been overwhelmed and personal comms were taking weeks to arrive and seemed to arrive in any random order. Snowy smiled at the thought the friendly engineer had made it, "good to hear, he say anything about our squads?"

"No, you get anything?" Brice asked as the equine pulled out his small comm device and checked.

"Yeah, I got a couple. One from Captain William, he says he's on a med ship. Shit he's waiting to get a cybernetic replacement for his left leg." The two pilot's shared a look and a shudder thinking on how lucky they had been to walk away with everything intact, before Snowy continued. "Hey this one's from Eric... he just says 'sorry, I shouldn't have destroyed my chances with you.'"

"That's certainly a unique, 'hey I'm not dead' message." Observed Brice as the two left the disembarkation lounge and he steered the pony over towards the spaceport bar. "Still good to know he made it, I know he got the green light on ejection but given how many pods were shot down by the damned greenskins I was kinda worried about the... " His choice trailed off as the pony's expression changed. "What?"

"The timestamp, he sent this before the polar showed up," revealed the pony, with a hint of awe in his voice. He realised the wolf sent this while in his escape pod.

"I wonder if he made it," mused the tiger as the two took a seat by the bar and ordered some drinks. Snowy didn't respond he was too busy wondering over the meaning of the message.

The two sat there drinking for a little while, the lapines love of aliens meant they both got several offers of some companionship. Brice eventually decided to take one lucky rabbit up on his offer and headed off. That left Snowy waiting for a shuttle home to Eqous sitting in the bar alone.

"Hey, can I buy you a drink?" The voice came from behind him it was familiar and yet the horse had been asked at least a dozen times since the tiger left and he wasn't in the mood.

"No thanks, I am happy with the one I have. I'm not interested I just want to sit here until my shuttle is ready and then go home. Ok?" Maybe he wasn't being polite but he was tired and emotionally drained. Being hit on by random rabbits wasn't fun for him, like all equines he was looking for love and took such things far more seriously than most species. Having come close he would take months or maybe a year or two before he could even think of anyone but the wolf.

"Ok, Snowy, I understand, no hard feelings I hope," the voice said and then the shadow over the pony left. It took him a full ten seconds before his brain screamed something at him. How did that guy know his name? The pony snapped around and caught a glimpse of a dark furred canine leaving the bar. He was dressed in a lapine naval uniform, just like he was.

Jumping out of his chair he ran out of the bar and chased the guy down. "Wait!" He yelled making half of the spaceport turn to look at him, including the wolf.

Eric turned to see the white horse charging him, he had been shocked to see him in the bar and saddened by the rejection, though he knew he could blame no-one but himself. Snowy didn't stop or slow down as he approached the wolf, Eric suddenly had the wind knocked out of him as he was scooped up in two power equine arms and squeezed tightly. Equine lips locked with his, kissing desperately, for a moment Eric was too stunned to respond then he returned the kiss, holding the pony tightly in his arms. Knowing he had made the right choice, he would never let the pony go.