chapter 2

Story by Double_Trouble_1701 on SoFurry

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#2 of Hunger Games 2.0


As the wind blows through the trees, Delta raises his bow and aims at the deer in the bushes, 100 yards away. "FIRE!" he screams, the adrenaline rushing through his veins. Beside him, his sister shoots the arrow in her bow, and watches as it hits the eye of the deer, killing it instantly.

Behind them, their father watches as his children drag the game together and present it to him with pride. He begins to cry uncontrollably, as he thinks of his wife's tragic end, which had been a year to this day. "I'm sorry kids, it's just that, she would have been so proud!" he sobs. "It's fine daddy" "it's fine" said Marrissa, soothingly. "She will always be around us" said delta. Suddenly, a sound comes from the sky. "We should get ready. The reaping is happening soon" says Delta. "You're right. Let's get this home and then get changed" Peeta said. As they left the forest, a hovercraft moves over the trees, and a light shines on them, and a ladder drops from the belly of the air ship.

As they watch, a familiar face climbs down and walks towards them. It's Effie Trinket, the district 12 escort for the hunger games. The games soon returned after the death of the Mockingjay, Katniss Everdeen.

"My, my, my, how you two have grown since I last saw you!" Effie chirruped, beaming at Delta and Marrissa "you remind me so much of your mother, Marrissa!"

"Effie, I didn't know you were still doing the Reaping. I thought you were fired after the uprising" Peeta says.

"Strange thing about the capitol, you keep your job. And if I was on a higher district, I would've been demoted to the district below it" Effie chirped, in her usual bubbly demeanour.

The group walked silently towards the square without talking, and took their places. Marrissa stood in the 19 year old group, while Delta took his place with the 14 year olds.

After the airing of a Panem history broadcast, a giddy Effie trinket takes the stage and smiles so hard, her teeth looked like they would fall out at that very moment.

"Ladies first!" echoes Effie into the microphone. After Effie reached into the glass ball, that's when the hysterical pleas began.