Saving Earth

Story by ShingetsuMoon on SoFurry

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#20 of National Poetry Writing Month

ALIENS. Because why not? Not entirely pleased with how this one turned out but with 30 poems in 30 days you can't expect a winner every time right?

Movies. Books. TV shows. Video games. Stories upon stories.

The aliens come. Mankind is decimated. Mankind makes a stand. Earth is defended.

But stories aren't reality. Fiction isn't real. Dreams do not come true and there are no more hero's.

Where were the armies when their bombs leveled city after city?

Where was that grand defense we were promised?

Where was our aid when the power cut off leaving us in darkness?

Where was the hero who survives until the end to take out the alien's and free earth once and for all?

Movies always show the world uniting as one to save the day.

They don't show them bickering like children while the innocent starve and fight like animals.

They don't show the politicians abandoning their people to save themselves.

They don't show a broken government falling to pieces in front of your eyes.

There is no help. There are no hero's. There is no final attempt. There is no saving earth.