Star Dragon race reff sheet

Story by wolftwins17 on SoFurry

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So this is what I have been working on for weeks, an orginal dragon race I have come up with! Please tell me what you think and such in a comment, if you have any queastions I'll try and answer those too to the best of my abillites! ^^

Star Dragon race (c) to me Wolftwins17. Do not steal or repost. Show me that respect at least! X3

Draconis Stellae - Star Dragons

Backstory: A highly advanced race of anthropomorphic dragons living in the Milky Way along with the planet Earth. A race that has under thousands of years been exposed to strong radiation from their white sun, which their home planet Patreia orbits around. The millennia's of exposure to the white rays, made them living vessels of energy, and made them develop powerful abilities as a result. A highly intelligent race, their natural powers also collaborates with a high intelligence .


Body and difference between the sexes:

Born androgynous, their gender starts to develop when they hit puppetry. The male develop a nose horn, and the females, much like human women, starts to grow curvier and also starts to grow a pair of breasts. The males are tall and has often very easy to build muscle, and the females are only a few inches shorter, and lack the big musculature. The colour of scales varies, brown and dark green being the most usual ones, and red and black being one of the rarer ones, as is blue and other lighter shades. All dragons also start to grow two horns on their head once they reach puppetry. The horn comes in a variant of shapes. They walk upright on two legs like humans, and keep balance with help of their tail, which is long and graceful, but also powerful.

Eyes: Their eye-colour is varied; one dragon may have dark eyes while another have light eyes. Gold, blue and lilac are some of the rarer ones, while black and brown are a bit more common. They have exceptionally good depth perception, as well as the birds of prey on Earth.

Hands: Their hands have five fingers on each hand, a retractable claw on each finger. Most dragons, however, keep them nicely filed, since long claws are seen as slightly primal and uncivilized.

Wings: Like the mythological beast, Star Dragons do possess wings, a pair of flexible muscles and a membrane between it, like the wings of a bat. Star dragons wings are so flexible that they can fold them along their back and wear clothes over it, with only slight discomfort.

Organs and special bodily properties: They have a pair of big lungs, to help them take in oxygen when they are flying at high speeds; this also helps them when they need to fly where there is little air to breath. Thanks to long exposure to radiation from the white sun, their body, along with their organs, are 'hollow' when it comes to radiation of any kind, instead of being harmed by it, the rays passes through their tissues without harm, this also makes them more powerful in time. Their blood contains a complex kind of plasma that gives their bodies burning temperatures. Their organs are literally on fire. If one was to cut a Star dragon up, they would see that their organs flicker with pale flames. However, thanks to their powers, and their advanced biology, they have learned to regulate their bodily temperatures to none-lethal levels for social interactions with other people. They have a big heart, a big one is needed to pump blood to the wings while flying, and also needed to sustain the big brain.

Social life and Family: Star Dragons are very much social in nature and enjoy talking and being in each other's company. Having a Star Dragon as a friend is having a friend for life. The males enjoy brawling, friendly, among each other. Most youths are very rash and hot-headed, but grow more tactical and thoughtful with age. The females, surprisingly too, enjoys sparing with each other. Both sexes are usually very interested in ascetics and art.

Military life and Social interaction: Most Star Dragons serves in the military for all their life and it would be very strange and almost frowned upon if there was an individual who refused to do so. That being said, most dragons who join the military find that there isn't much that they aren't allowed to do.

Drinking is allowed, as long as it doesn't interfere with the activeness or performance on missions. Sexual activities are allowed too, even with those of higher rank, it is actually none-verbally encouraged to get to know once superior that way, since it often strengthens the trust the individuals has for each other, making teamwork that much easier, yet not everyone participate in it .

Take note, however, that it is in bad taste to go kiss and tell about it, and should be refrained from doing so. What you do with you CO or other dragon doesn't need to be known by anyone else but you and the other individual. It is not at all unusual for a squad of close individuals to sleep with it each other. It is noted often that after a particularly stressful event or mission that the squad retires for a few hours to just be with each other, it is done to display affection and a sort of pat- on-the-back-for -job -well done. Please take heed that it doesn't need to be sexual in nature every time; Massage and grooming are also preferred.

Religion and Rites: The Draconis Stellae believes in three different dragon gods. They used to believe in many more, but most of them have been forgotten since the ancient times. Some have even changed religion to some of the human ones; Hinduism and Christianity are some of the usual ones.

Kazira: A war goddess that brings luck to soldiers and generals, and is often prayed to on the eve of battle.

Salomea: A healing goddess said to have feathered wings instead of membrane ones, protector of doctors and small children. Associated with water.

Arzurh: Believed to be the creator god of the Draconis Stellae race, he is also called the Father of All. Like God in Christianity, he is thought to have made the Star Dragons in his own image.

Naming: The important rule to follow when naming your hatchling is that male names always ends with H and female names always end with A. Male names usually begins with the first letter of their father's name, and a female's usually with the first letter of their mother's name. If a dragon named Thaioh had a son he would maybe be named Tryonih. And the same is with a daughter, but reversed, you get the picture hopefully. A hatchling is named the first night after the day it was born; the ceremony is a simple ritual bath, very much like a human's christening. It takes place at midnight when the moon is highest, and afterwards there's a small feast with close friends and relatives.

*Rite of Illumination: * One of the most important rites in the dragon society, it happens once every hundred year, and is a big event that is welcomed with a big festival, so many dragons comes home to Patreia to celebrate it should they live off-world. So what is so important about the whole thing? Well, first off, it's like Christmas. And secondly, the white sun gives off flares that make a phenomenon like the Northern Lights break out all over Patreia's night sky, the Star dragons of old simply called this The Illumination, believing it to be a blessing from Arzurh. The solar flares also make small, glittering light particles fall from the sky, giving it the impression of snow, one of the most beautiful sites in the universe is to see the Temple of the Gods at dawn when the white sun makes the air shimmer with light and small ember-like particles.

Rite of Bonding: The marriage ceremony of the Star Dragon race, males are allowed to marry three females and one male, should he choose to, the same applies for the females. The wedding ceremony is very much like a human wedding: with a grand ceremony taking place in the Temple of the Gods, the only big difference is that instead of a priest, the Emperor leads the wedding rite.

Government and Monocracy: The Star Dragon community is led by both an Emperor and a Council, so that the Emperor may never have complete power over the military or the population. The Emperor is elected, very much like a president back on Earth. There is some requirement for the individual who wants to be chosen, however. He must have served in the military for most of his younger years, and no criminal records at all. The Emperor is a life-long appointment, and before the current Emperor feels that it is his time to die, he chooses a successor among his council members or outside of it. The emperor in ancient times was a scholar, warrior and battle-priest.

Rite of Novae: When a Star Dragon begins to enter the final years of their life, the individual gets an unexplainable urge or longing to go out into space. The urge is mostly biological in nature; the radiation and energy level of their bodies are staring to fluctuate.

The urge continues to grow until it can't be contained anymore; the dragon in question searches up the Council, gently explains the situation. After that, a quick ceremony takes place, and the dragon goes home to take farewell of his friends and family. After all the necessary proceedings, the dragon borders a small cruiser called a Void-Ship, and departs into space. The nature of this act is that as the plasma and energy of their bodies continues to grow more erratic and unfocused, it will continue until the dragon 'explodes' into a miniature supernova. Even though these novae aren't as disastrous as planetary ones, they are still dangerous and can cause wide destruction if left unchecked. So from having lived all of their lives in an affectionate community, each dragon is forced to die alone.

Rite of Knighthood: Once a soldier has proven his worth in battle, he will be knighted and has then entered the hierarchy of power in the Star Dragon society. The more impressive his actions on the field of battle, the higher the individual will rise in the hierarchy.

Breeding: Females go into heat and ovulation once every 10 year for a full month. Once they have been mated by a male, they will carry the offspring for 2 years. Seems like a really long time, doesn't it? Well, for a human it is, but for a star dragon it feels more like 25 months. When the females have birthed the egg, it is put in a special radiation chamber.

The chamber gives off weak radiation, so as to prepare the hatchling's immune system for the strong radiation from Patreia's sun. However, it is important that the radiation isn't too strong, since if it is the unborn dragon can get poisoned by it, since the 'immunity' only starts to develop after it has hatched. When the hatchling has arrived, whoever of the parents that serves in the military is granted a short leave to help the partner raise the child, should however there be complications, and the military active partner be unavailable to come home for the time, relatives or other spouses will help the female and the hatchling.

Powers: Powers are instinctively dormant and become available through age and radiation.

•Technopathy: The power to psionically control and affect technology, whether it be a computer or enemy weaponry. When a star dragon enters puberty, this is the first power that develops along with the individual's gender.

•Electro-Magnekinesis: The power to psionically control, create and shape electromagnetism, this ability allows the star dragons to generate light, heat and electricity as well as magnetism and all known radiation. They use this power offensively as well as defensively. They also use it to build their star ships. It is developed around the first hundred years or so of an individual's life.

•Ionikinesis: The psionic ability to manipulate highly ionized gas, also known as plasma. They use this primarily for offensive use: either to attack directly or to power up their plasma pistols and guns. This power is available for an individual who is 500 years or older, or has been exposed to a large amount of radiation.

•Cosmo-Atmokinesis: Only the oldest Star Dragons have the power to control and generate cosmic weather i.e. they can generate changes in the ambient plasma, magnetic fields, radiation, and other matter in space. They can create cosmic storms, solar flares, geomagnetic storms, cosmic rays and coronal mass ejection etc. However, while this power is very powerful and deadly, one single dragon would not be able to use it for any destructive means, and one would need a group of 5 or more powerful elders of the race to use it that way, and it still leaves the individuals heavily fatigued and exhausted. Useally an dragon will unlock this power at 3000 years or older.

** Other powers:**

•Phasing: Some rare dragons are born with the ability to vibrate their molecules into a very high quantum frequency, which enables them to pass through solid objects such as walls or other structures. They can also pass through attacks, such as a sword swipe or a laser beam. However, they need to concentrate fully to be able to phase. Also called 'Ghosting'.

•Energy Absorption: Like the rarity of Phasing, the power to absorb energy is also rare. While all Star Dragons can absorb energy in the form of radiation, only those with Energy Absorption can absorb other types of energy. This ability grants the user the possibility to absorb other types of energy as well, ex the energy from a plasma pistol, or a lightning attack. The absorbed energy can then be stored inside the dragon's cells to act as amplifier; it can increase physical strength or give longer stamina. It can also be used to go longer without sleep or sustenance, however this is not advised.

The Four Clans of The Star Dragon Capital:

The clans of the Star Dragons are based primarily on scale colour, and the clans live in a big community but are split into separate families. Usually the clans have a primary colour and a secondary colour which lives in the same territory. Of course there can be a few spots of other colours here and there, but the primary and secondary colours are the majority of dragons inhabiting the clans.

Clan of the Red Sun:

•Primary colour: Red •Secondary colour: Yellow.

Clan of the Dark Star:

•Primary colour: Black. •Secondary colour: Light Brown

Clan of the Diamond Flower:

•Primary colour: Green. •Secondary colour: Dark Brown .

Clan of the Quasar Star:

•Primary colour: Blue •Secondary colour: Light purple.

**Genetic Defects:


Lilu-Electrium: A genetic condition that affects a indivuduals bioelectrical current. It isn't harmful for the individual, it does however, rob them of their ability to develop Electro-Magnekinesis. However, they develop another power as a result: Bio-Electrokinesis.

With this power the indivual can sense and manipulate other living beings bioelectric current; they can increase the current, often to letal levels. The downside of this power is that it also makes them able to absorb the bioelectric energy of others. It is a 'hunger' that often starts at puberty. It can be represed by taking medication. When they absorb others energy they become stronger, faster and more clever, and can heal themselves faster as a result.

As with all of the star dragon's power, Bio-Electrokinesis also grows with age and radiation intake. Star Dragons who are diagnosed with this condition is given the choice of takig represive medicaton or live with others with the same condition in isolation. The afflicted indivduals are recognizable by their striking, indidual violet markings.

Stealle Cerebrum : Rarer than the Lilu-Electrium condition, the Stellae Cerebrum develops while the hatchling is still in the radiation chamber. What happens is still up for debate, since none of the Star Dragons most briliant scientists can explain it fully as of yet. The most easiest of explenations is that the brain absorbs a high amount of radiation under a very short amount of time, and the brain 'turns' into a star. While small the star constantly gives out blinding light as well as heat strong enough to incinerate most other known beings and materials in the matter of seconds.

The indvidual is forced to therefor weare a helmet which keeps the star's energy in check by means of small electrical shocks to stimulate the brain, and a weak electromagnetic field to keep the heat and light contained to minimum leveles of danger. The brain works without any known problems despite the individuals condtion.

Those who have this condition will not enter the Rite of Novae. It is however a small comfort to someone who'll never see the world with their own eyes. Becuse they have this condtion they have limited electromagnetic abillites. But since they are not allowed to remove the helemt untill there is a way to stop them from killing another, most natrual abilites reamin dormant and unused. So far there are only four cases of this mutation.

The Difference of Western and Eastern Star Dragons:

The root of the Draconis Stellae specie is actully split in two core types, Western Star Dragons and Eastern Star Dragons. On the contrary to what the name says Eastern dragons aren't long, serpentine dragons like we humans belive them to be. They look almost exactly like their western kin, except that Western Star dragons are slightly taller.

Despite there being little diffrence in their general apperance biocally-speaking, the Weastern and Eastern dragon cultures are very diffrent from each other. For example, while the Western choses their Emporor, the Emporor of the Eeastern star dragons are so by birthright. Eastern star dragons are also black or a very dark brown, light colors are almost unheard of. The Eastern dragons also differ from the westerns becuse the actully have hair, that match their scale color.

The Eastern Star dragons live on the lower-half sphere of Patreia, while the Weastern live on the upper part. They have named their part of Patreia The land of the Moon, while the Westerns have named theirs The land of the Sun. There's a simple explantion for the names; The land of the Sun has more sunlight than The land of the Moon, while the second has more moonlight than sunlight.

The Eastern Star Dragons also have one diffrent power than the Eastern have. The three powers the two share are: Technopathy, Electro-Magnekinesis and Ionikinesis. The Easternes can develop either Cosmo-Atmokinesis or Aerokinesis. Why the diffrence in powers is still uknown and is up for debate.

The Eastern Empire's culture is almost identical with Asian culture back on Earth.

Now, this reff sheet and the information in it is bound to be updated and changed according to what twists and turn the story will take, so all of it is not set in stone as of yet. If you have any questions, please ask and I will to my best to answer! X3