Showdown at Dolepez

Story by ScyStorm on SoFurry

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Showdown at Dolepez

Original Furry Fiction

By: Scy Storm

FIC BACK STORY: In one of the last battles of the global war against the dark sorceror and his followers, Sir Izael led a force of his lord's army to Dolepez, an old and abandoned castle on the outskirts of kingdom known as Frayar. It was learned that a force was being harbored and built there in secret, in preparation for a sudden assault on Frayar. Izael led his men there to find the force of soldiers and orcs was being led by one of the Dark One's generals, Ristar, one that had been a thorn in Izael's side for a long time. War between the two forces raged on the plains outside the manor, Izael and Ristar eventually coming to solo blows. After enough of Izael's assault, Ristar fled into the castle. Izael gave command of his forces to one of his elite warriors and ran in after his foe, encountering a smaller force inside in wait while Ristar fled to higher levels.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Wrote this in rough draft on paper while visiting my boyfriend and observing the D&D game he was playing with his new group. It features two characters you'll be seeing in an upcoming story, a very long one. So consider this a little prelude to the big one.

INEVITABLE DISCLAIMER: Violence and death :D

"Fiend! Cease your flee! Face me now and accept your fate!"

The gray wolf yells these words before his sword slices clean through a lowly orcish warrior. The bodies of many others lay around and behind him, always more flying toward him like lemmings over a cliff. A crude axe of one warrior slams into Izael's armor - or what's left of it - doing nothing at all, the axe itself nearly breaking. Izael's red eyes flash as his large sword strikes the axe and sends it flying, the sword immediately slashing downward and bisecting the beast. Izael rears his head back and roars into the air, the muscles on his exposed body and left arm flexing. The roar causes the few orcs coming at him to stop and stumble backward, startled. Izael brings his face back down, and turns, staring. A long stone stairway leading up from this old ballroom of sorts he's in. "Ristar!! Your soldiers cannot stop me!"

The body-littered room is of a long dead and abandoned castle, a small one. It's a few floors up from the ground floor, and looks well worse. The staircase to the single stone tower awaits, and one whole wall of the staircase is long gone. Rain pours onto the staircase from outside, lightning crashing in the darkness beyond. But the wolf could care less about the weather, as he begins to ascend the stone steps, both of his hands retaining a firm grip on his blade. The orcs behind him snap out of their stupor, and pursue. Izael stops, growling and squeezing his blade hilt tight. He spins around suddenly with a roar, his sword slicing through three of the orcs and narrowly missing a fourth. The fourth stumbles from the close shave, and Izael kicks him in the chest, sending him flying out of the missing wall and plummeting to his death. The wolf glares at the orcs left, wind and rain pelting his face. "Get away from me, you fools... Or you will not live this day!" He yells.

He kicks half of an orc body at the remaining warriors, whom back away in fear. The wolf immediately continues ascending the stairs. The destroyed wall ends as he reaches a small storage area in the middle of the stairway up. And there he sees his foe, down on his knees and panting by the continuing staircase. "No more running!" Izael yells, "Our battle continues now!"

The black-furred wolf looks back at him, his dark emerald eyes conveying anger and fear. The gray raises his sword and charges through the old room, intent on a blow, his eyes glaring forth. Ristar grabs his two blades off the floor and quickly begins ascending more stairs. And he also leaps upward, one of his blades slicing a wire Izael never noticed. Izael stops abruptly, hearing the sound of wood scraping wood. He only has time to look up as two spears fly into him. One digs underneath what's left of his armor, knocking it partially off his body. The other spear manages to break flesh, digging into his exposed left side, narrowly missing his stomach. He groans in pain, his sword thumping on the ground, held by only one hand. He uses his left hand to yank the spear out of him. He looks at the crude head of it for just a moment before tossing it away. The other spear falls to the ground on it's own accord from his further ruined armor. He looks at his armor, and growls, grabbing a part of it and tearing it off his body. Only his tattered and bloody clothing remains under, only covering his chest partially from one strip of the fabric hanging over his right shoulder. He takes his sword in both hands once more and dashes up the steps.

It doesn't take too long before rain is hitting him again. He's in the room at the top of the tower - or that's what it used to be. The top of the tower is completely gone, along with most of the stone that made the walls of the room. Anything that used to be in the room is now gone, or old unidentifiable debris scattered on the ground to face the unforgiving weather. Izael can see Ristar at the opposite end of the 'room,' looking down off the tower. The gray wolf growls. "There's nowhere to run anymore, Ristar..." He says, calmly, his voice brimming with hatred.

The black wolf stares quietly down at the ground. Even all the falling rain can't stop some of the raging fire at the castle grounds. The battlegrounds far down below are littered with bodies. He can even see what is left of his troops being decimated by the lord's army under Izael's command. He bears his teeth slightly, before sighing. "There were never many places to run." The dark wolf states, his voice far more gruff and evil than the noble voice of his gray foe.

"And yet you retreat through this dead site and make me chase you?" Izael asks.

Ristar slowly turns around to face him. His arms that hold his curved scimitar blades hang loosely at his sides. Like his foe, his upper body armor has been destroyed from fighting. His clothing is shreds, hence his bare black-furred body shows above his armor leggings. His long silvery hair hangs wet down his shoulders. "We do desperate things sometimes, old friend. You know this." He replies.

Izael growls, his red eyes sparkled with hatred from behind the black locks of his hair hanging in front of them. "Silence your formalities! I have forsaken my past with you!" He states, his noble voice enflamed with his hatred.

Ristar spins his blades to point upward, holding them tighter at their hilts. "So I must be eliminated."

"My past with you is of no consequence. You have far more crimes against all of us, the greatest of which being joining Omulor originally."

The black wolf half-grins with a chuckle. "The Dark One is a far greater leader than your beloved dragon. I regret nothing I have done."

"You do not regret the killing of innocents in your storms across the countryside? All the good men who stood against your beasts, whom slaughtered women and children merc-"

Ristar interrupts him. "I said I regret nothing, Sir Izael! Those who oppose Omulor or myself, they die! No mercy for those unfaithful!"

Izael's fists clench tighter around his greatsword's hilt. "This is why you are forsaken from me! Your attitude and your choices condemn you to death!" He yells.

Ristar only grins, teeth baring much. They seem permanently stained with a shade of red. He suddenly dashes forward, blades sparkling under what shows of the moon above them in the night sky. A dark cloud passes in front of the moon, obscuring Ristar from sight. Izael spots one sword coming, his blade moving to clash against it as his body goes backward. It's a good thing he moves back, as the second blade barely lacerates his right shoulder, severing what fabric he still had keeping his clothing suspended. He stumbles backward with sword readied, his eyes beginning to adjust to the darkness. The cloud moves away from the moon at that moment, bringing Ristar back into sight. The black wolf stands still with his blades held out, acid-like eyes staring holes into the knight before him. Thunder and lightning crack in the sky far behind him. "It ends here, old friend. General Ristar of the Dark Legion decrees it!" He announces.

Those words make Izael twitch in anger, mainly the words "old friend." Ristar expects that momentarily lapse, and leaps forward. The gray wolf is more careful this time, as his large blade is struck by one scimitar swing. Izael then sidesteps a thrust from the second, curving his sword downward to send the blocked scimitar into the other. Immediately, he swings for the black wolf's face, but Ristar bends backward in dodge. Both his sword swing upward, knocking the greatsword away and nearly getting the gray wolf in the chest. Izael steps backward as Ristar spins himself off the double slash into a straight stance.

Their eyes catch each other's, both staring for a moment. Thunder claps once in the sky, and the two immediately leap forward at each other, steel clashing to a loud clang in the clamoring rain. Ristar swings his two blades one by one, only to have a greatsword blocking each swing, no matter where the swings come. Izael's speed and skill with a blade this large is unmatched by anyone in the world. After enough of blocking the dark wolf's offense, Izael abruptly swings after a block, striking the other blade. Ristar's arm flies in the direction, his blade nearly flying out of his hand. Izael thrusts his sword toward the black wolf's midsection, but the blow is dodged. Ristar immediately attacks with his sword that was not hit. Izael spins away from the blow, his sword swinging around in nearly a full circle to strike the black-furred canid. Ristar swings both scimitars up to block, the greatsword clanging onto the two blades loudly.

Ristar nearly falls backward from the force, taking a few steps backward to compose as his swords quiver. Izael stares at him as he fixes his stance. Ristar can only growl as the gray wolf's eyes and complexion have not changed. "It will indeed end here, Ristar..." Izael says.

The knight begins to advance to his dual-wielding foe. Ristar, unsure, readies his blades and takes a cautious step backward. Izael growls loudly. "You will pay for all you have done, and your death will resonate to Omulor himself!"

Izael swings over and over as he yells those words, each strike blocked by a scimitar. The blades of the shadow wolf quiver to the point where he can barely hold them, and Izael finally scores a hit as his blade lashes across Ristar's stomach. Ristar stumbles backward, running into remnants of the room's stone wall. Izael continues staring at him, pausing for only a moment before attacking again. Ristar's emerald eyes narrow and he seems to disappear, rolling under the gray wolf. Izael's sword strikes stone, and he howls out in pain as Ristar's scimitars both lash over his back vertically. Izael quickly turns around as Ristar finishes a dexterous spin into a stance. The black wolf smirks. "Do not underestimate me, Izael, for I am and will continue to be superior." He taunts out.

Izael growls with teeth bared, and attacks. Steel clangs together again and again as lightning strikes ground in the distance in the middle of many thunderclaps. Ristar tries several times to trap Izael's sword with both of his, but cannot manage it. Izael's blade resonates a soft blue as it quickly strikes both scimitars away and gets Ristar across the chest. The black wolf growls loudly, his arm muscles bulging as his blades are held tight, the two of them striking Izael's blade many times. Izael fights not to drop his sword, before both scimitars strike it downward. One of Izael's hands slips off the hilt of his sword as it hits the ground, both of the dark's wolf's swords coming up immediately and gashing Izael's frontside. The gray wolf groans, backflipping to stop the attack and ending up standing straight with sword ready. Ristar is immediately on him, his swords crossed. Izael holds his sword up vertically, the two crossed scimitars striking and pushing against it. The blades resonate a light red glow to counteract the blue on his. Ristar leans into the gray wolf, close to him, blades nearly touching each other's bodies. Emerald eyes meet red eyes in a deadlock. "I will... have you pieces soon, old friend... Just sit down and allow it..." Ristar states.

The gray wolf narrows his eyes, and his sword explodes in energy. He easily begins to push Ristar away from him. Thinking quickly, Ristar leaps away, as the shining sword narrowly misses him in swing. Izael then yells out as he slams the sword downward, striking the stone floor and sending a blue blast across it. Ristar rolls to the side and watches as the blast blows away a piece of the leftover wall of the room. The black wolf growls low and looks back at his nemesis, seeming surprised. Izael's sword calms down a little bit as he stares down his foe. "I will destroy you, Ristar! The battle is mine on the ground and it is mine here!" Izael states with anger.

Ristar growls loudly in protest as he stands, seeing the gray wolf approaching fast. Izael swings and strikes one blade, and the dark wolf is unable to hold this time, the scimitar flying from his hand and clattering to the stone floor. Ristar clicks to attention, and quickly brings his other blade up, getting it held in both hands as the large sword strikes it, blue energy shining bright. Izael thrusts forward, causing Ristar to step backward. He attacks without hesitation, Ristar fighting hard to block each shot. A few stray slashes knick his arms in small cuts, growls emanating, before he falls backwards onto his behind. Izael, red eyes burning with hatred, swings his sword overhead, getting it blocked as Ristar brings his sword up, holding horizontally by the hilt and blade. The scimitar is quickly pushed lower, close to Ristar's face. The black wolf growls and tries to win the test of strength, Izael's eyes undeterring him. The dark one's growl grows louder and deeper, the pupils of his dark emerald eyes shrinking to slits. "NO!!!" He roars out.

An explosion of red energy erupts in a flash from his blade. Izael is stunned from the flash, backing away and trying to refocus. Almost immediately, three slashes come over him, two on his body and one over his neck. He howls loudly in pain, his sword coming up and starting to block more slashes that come. Ristar growls in an unearthly tone, rearing his sword back and slamming it into the gray knight's sword. Another explosion erupts, the force sending Izael flying. He spins slightly in midair, landing on his stomach and groaning in pain. Ristar holds his scimitar tight, panting, looking at the downed gray wolf with his pupils still slitted. Izael finds it hard to get up. The black wolf begins to laugh. "I told you, Izael! I am superior!"

Izael whimpers lightly as he tries to get up, feeling blood seep into his wet fur from the wound that got his neck. He manages to get up only slightly, his greatsword in his left hand, and right hand landing on something. He realizes it's Ristar's dropped scimitar. He also realizes that Ristar doesn't know he landed on it. The black wolf raises the sword he has and charges. "Time to DIE!" He yells.

The gray wolf takes a hold of the scimitar's hilt, and squeezes the hilt of his greatsword tight in his left hand. He closes his eyes and whispers. "Milord, please grant me strength..."

He opens his eyes again, feeling Ristar's presence closing in fast, a blade of red aura coming right for him. His left arm's muscles bulge and flex as he leaps awkwardly to his feet and spins his body around, sword swinging, held only with the one hand. The greatsword strikes the swung scimitar, fending the blow upward. Izael's right arm immediately shoots forward as part of his spin. Ristar barely is able to see what is happening before it's too late. His body locks up and his eyes go wide as the blade of his own scimitar now sticks out of his back, having entered at his midsection just over his stomach.

The two of them are dead still as their eyes meet, the emerald eyes showing horror as the opposite red eyes show hatred, slowly pooling away into a determined, more relaxed look. The black wolf's pupils pool back from slits to wider again, as his voice starts to gasp. Izael lets go of the blade, and Ristar finally moves, taking several steps backward. He looks down at the blade - his own- that has run him through, the red glow of the one he holds fading as it falls from his hand, clanking onto the ground. "No..." He mutters lowly as he falls to his knees, still staring at the blade.

Izael stands still, panting, his sword hanging limp in his hand, blade against the ground. He takes a few steps forward, standing in front of the black wolf. Ristar slowly looks up at him, blood seeping out of his panting jaws. He notes the rain is beginning to slow almost to no rainfall at all, as if the rain has responded to his enemy's victory. He has to smirk a bit at that, which is cut short as he coughs up blood, head falling down again as he does. Izael only stares at him silently, before he takes his glowing sword and raises it high over his head. "Goodbye... old friend..." The gray wolf states.

Before he does anything, a laugh starts to sound out from the black wolf. It grows louder gradually, Ristar's head raising slowly. "... What are you laughing about?" Izael asks.

Ristar looks up at him, grinning, his own blood still seeming out from between his teeth. His emerald eyes are growing gradually blank, a sign of his life fading. "If I... am to fall... I am taking you with me..." He answers.

Izael lowers his sword slowly, suppressing fear and glaring, curiosity evident in his eyes. "What do you speak of?"

Ristar chuckles weakly, coughing again, but keeping composure. "Those spears... were not my only trap... The castle is rigged..." He states.

Izael takes a few steps back, not readying his sword just yet. "Rigged? You're bluffing."

Ristar only chuckles again, staring at his nemesis. "As... my life fades... The incantation sets off... I die, but... you go with me..."

Izael stares at the wolf, eyes growing fearful. Could this be why Ristar ran to the castle? To catch Izael in a deathtrap on the event of his loss? The black wolf just grins widely and stares back at him, saying no more. Suddenly, a large explosion is heard somewhere at the base of the castle. Izael spins and looks in that direction, and another explosion rings out, followed by another. Ristar begins to laugh maniacally as the castle is collapsing all around them. Another explosion is heard, and the tower they are on begins shaking. Izael, thinking on a whim, dives for one of the ruined walls and climbs atop it, his sword held in one hand. The floor he was just standing on gives way, Ristar continuing to laugh as he plummets with the stone. Izael fights to hold on, but he can feel the tower falling, the fact that he's on it not helping anything. It begins collapsing under him. "No... Not this way!" He yells.

The old wall crumbles under his weight, the gray wolf yelling out as he falls. But suddenly, his descent abruptly stops as two semi-large bird feet clasp onto his shoulders. He looks up to see a familiar face of a white falcon girl, flapping her wingarms. "Hang on, Izael!!" She yells to him.

Izael weakly reaches up with his free hand, holding onto her ankle as she quickly flaps her way away from the devastation. Mere moments after she starts flying with him, a final explosion is heard, a massive one. She gasps and looks back, seeing the massive blast, centered at where the base of the tower was. The blast was definitely powerful enough to vaporize both the wolves should they have survived their fall. She sighs and looks away, focusing on getting her ally somewhere safe. After moments of flying away from the castle, she comes to a grassy hill on the edge of the battlefield, wet from the rain that has stopped falling. She lays Izael on his back and lands next to him, her wingarms reverting to hands. Izael looks at her, his panting harder. "Serua..." He mutters.

Serua smiles gently, bringing a hand to him. Her smile fades as she cringes at the wounds she sees over his body, namely the one on his neck. She holds back tears, choosing not to touch any wounds and instead bringing her hand to his cheek, sliding over it. "Sir... Please don't move... Help will be here soon..." She says with a slight stutter in her voice.

Izael just looks at her, and gently nods, closing his eyes and giving in to his fatigue. He rests still on the ground, Serua staying close and keeping her emotions in check, hand rubbing his cheek for another moment before coming off. He'll be okay. She turns and looks up at the ruined castle off in the middle of the battlefield. It's nothing but a cloud of dust now. The battle was close, but it was won. General Ristar has been defeated, and Omulor's faithful dwindle quickly in other battles elsewhere. The final showdown could not be far away. Serua closes her eyes, and sighs.


Characters & Locations © Me

~ Scy