Amnesia Chapter 1

Story by Kradnohikari143 on SoFurry

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_Disclaimer- _ I own Kale, however I do not own Dio or the XD project. Those both belong to RussianRoulette respectfully. This plot idea is mine though. :D

_Summary- _ Dio is a mysterious creature that Kale found outside of his mountain home one night. Without any memory of who he is or where he's from Dio decides to stay in the company of the man who saved him. Though life is never simple, and when you're a precious experiment who has escaped it's harder.

Pairing- Dio/Kale

_A/N: _ This is an older piece I started when I was in high school last year. Not much to the chapter, but don't worry the rest of the chapters will be longer. This was a try at describing scenery better, because I was and am still not the best at that. That is a weak point I have. XD This was not beta'd, but I did proofread it to the best of my abilities. If there are any mistakes left feel free to point them out and I'll edit the story to fix them. I really want to have my stories as error free as humanly possible. :D

Chapter 1

Winds battled in the frigid scenery, as snow gently fell onto the white rolling land below. Stones larger then the size of people jutted out of the white, as the little animal life hid for shelter amongst the caves they created. A forest was nestled in the peaceful landscape, the trees moving slightly, as the frost settled on the deep green needle like leaves.

Through the moving landscape a cloaked man moved, gloves covering his hands as they grabbed the sides of the dark material he wore. His feet sank into the freshly fallen flakes, the slush clinging to his clothing as he moved towards the forest. "Damn." He muttered, his voice deep and carrying off onto the winds.

Moving to the edge of the forest, he let his yellow gaze rest on what looked like the fluke of a dolphin. Dolphins did not venture into the mountains though. Confused the man ran to the fluke, dropping down. A slight chill ran through his body, but he ignored it. The hood that had covered his head had fallen off, revealing wavy locks of chocolate brown that ended well past the hood that was up in a messy ponytail. Some strands covered his right eye in a blanket, curling underneath his chin.

His skin was pale and a light flush of pink had taken residence on his face. "What the hell?" He whispered, pushing the snow away from the blue fluke. As he continued to move the cold, wet substance, it revealed the body of what looked like a man. Running his hands over the tanned flesh, he stared for a moment at the two large sets of fins on the child's pelvis and arms.

The creature seemed to be naked and night was settling in and with it colder weather. The man picked the other up out of the snow, exposing a stitched chest and a crescent moon scar. He noticed the line of stitches before the arms turned to a light teal blue and large clawed hands. Not paying attention to the rainbow colored hair and stitched mouth, he headed back towards the house that was nestled on the harsh mountain side.

The walk didn't take long and soon the man had burst through the door to a small wooden cottage. Closing the door behind them, he carried the creature to his bedroom. Entering the sparsely decorated room, he placed him down on the bed, and pulled the covers around the cold frame. He reached out a slowly ran a hand over the long ears that rested on the mysterious creatures head, he found the teal on the outside soft and the inside tougher. Sighing softly, the man left the room, letting his find get the rest he needed.


Days had passed and there was no sign of the creature waking up anytime soon. The man had come in and out at odd times during his various chores, growing worried when no signs of movement came. Sighing softly the man left once more closing the door softly behind him.

Twitching Dio opened a soft silver hue. Colors of blue instantly assaulted his vision, burring the shapes of the objects around him into blobs. A soft high pitched groaned escaped his lips, as he tried to remember where he was or how he had gotten here. His blue clawed hands clenched, as he sat up, his stomach growling softly from the lack of food. "Monster..." He whispered, his throat sore and dry. A pink forked tongue slipped out of his mouth, as he tried to find a liquid.

With his vision how it was, he couldn't find a thing. Memories floated around in his empty mind, as the silver hue closed for a long moment. "Focus on opening the other... To see in the human eye..." He told himself, unable to picture where he had learned such a thing. His fragile mind was coming up with a big blank. For the moment, this creature had amnesia, unable to remember anything more then his appearance, name, and body workings.

Opening the hue that rested underneath the bags of rainbow, he watched as the world changed to color, the blobs into objects. "Better..." Though he didn't know where he was. The stitched tail wrapped around his waist, as he leaned back into the comfortable mattress. Until someone came to see him, he would not leave, his body telling him not too, as his mind wondered why.

Time passed slowly for Dio and when he finally opened his hues, he found himself staring at a man that looked much different from himself. "Who are you? Where am I? How did I get here?" The questions left his lips before his mind caught up with him. His hands grabbed the blanket that covered him, pulling it closer as he rested on his side.

Blinking Kale moved to the bedside, extending his hand. "The name's Kale and I found you out in the Ziyara forest and brought you pack in. You're on a peak in the Zanto mountains in my winter home." He stated, answering the questions to the best of his abilities.

Dio looked at the hand, before slowly wrapping his larger one around it. Shaking, he nodded his head not really understand what the places were. "Dio. Uhm.. Why aren't you running in terror?" Letting his hand fall to the side, he shifted on the bed.

Pushing the loose strands out of his face, the mountain lover pulled up a chair, sitting down. "Why should I? You look odd, but it doesn't mean your evil. I could tell you weren't." He nodded his head slowly, offering the other a soft smile. Leaning to the side, he grabbed some food that he had placed outside of the door. Handing it to the other, he watched him. "Where are you from?" He figured this odd and scarred man had amnesia or some sort of memory loss from the confusion earlier.

"Not seem..." He picked at a stitch on his chest, sighing softly. "If you say so." The creature didn't believe it himself, but he let the other believe what he wanted. Taking the food, his stomach growled in hunger, reminding him of what his body needed to survive. Casting his gaze on the other, he grabbed the food, eating it.

The other leaned into the seat, wondering what would happen from here on out. "Dio, you never answered my question." He reminded, as he tapped his fingers against his legs.

Swallowing the chunk of food in his mouth, he shrugged. "It's a big blank. All I remember is escaping... Wanting to be normal... And anger." Looking down, he shifted on the bed, pushing the what he felt away. It depressed him slightly.

"Anger?" As far as he knew there was nothing out in the uncharted mountain ranges, but yet here was the creature. "I'll help you out." He nodded, leaving the other to his own devices. Chores needed to be done, and they wouldn't get done by themselves.

A/N: Comments are always welcomed.

simple, and when you're a precious experiment who has escaped it's harder.