Running in the Rain pt 2

Story by Allaver on SoFurry

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#2 of Running in the Rain

Part two of Running in the Rain. Ryker meets his pawsible werewolf pack mates and they celebrate. Ryker then has a Romeo and Juliet moment, but will it play out like they did?

Scene 4

Lights come up on an abandoned athletic building. RYKER is lying unconscious, surrounded by numerous older kids, including LEO, TAYA, AVER, and CADE. They mutter a bit, ad libbing conversation.

AVER. Is he gonna sleep all day?

TAYA. Well you can hardly blame him. If I remember right, didn't you sleep a whole two days after you got turned?

CADE. Ayo!!

AVER. (Elbows CADE) Shut up! (To TAYA): Well, how long has this kid been out?

TAYA. Um, I think he got here around four.

AVER. Oh, he's only been here a few hours? He won't be up anytime soon. Why'd you call us here?

TAYA. Thought you'd like to see our new recruit.

CADE. POSSIBLE new recruit. He could have not been affected at all.

AVER. Very true. We almost thought you weren't, eh Taya? Then you damn near bit my ear off.

TAYA.Yeah, sorry about that. You still have the scar?

AVER. Yup. (Shows her)

TAYA. Mm...sorry.

CADE. Where'd you find this kid anyway? Looks like he got sent through the spin cycle one too many times.

TAYA. Once through a spin cycle is too many!

CADE. Yeah, and...?

(TAYA mock punches him)

TAYA. Um, I think Leo found him. Leo! Hey, where'd you find this one?

LEO. (turning to them) Ryan found him while coming back from the market. He was laying on the side of the road, deserted, near the bushes.

AVER. Did Ryan see who attacked him?

LEO. No, whoever attacked him got away before that. Ryan!

(RYAN runs up eagerly)

RYAN. Yes, sir?

LEO. Please tell us once more what you saw. Before he wakes, I would rather like to know what happened, and whether he wiLl be one of us or not.

RYAN. Well...I was walking down Everstay drive, carrying my bag box thing with the milk in it, when I heard a rustling in the bushes near me. Thinking it nothing, I kept going. But then I heard a soft spooky bass line and more rustling, so I thought I'd check it out. I set down the milk and walked over. I saw this kid lying there. It looked like his house was a little ways away, since there were no others nearby. From this I would assume that he tried to run away from his attacker, but was overcome. Right, sir?

LEO. I came up with the same conclusion. Continue.

RYAN. Well, he looked to be in pretty bad shape. His shirt and shorts were torn quite a bit. I put something on over him before bringing him to you, obviously. But, he looked like he was bleeding from numerous scratches and cuts. The claw marks looked to be quite deep I places, but they weren't lethal. I only saw one bite mark, and that was on his back, up near his neck. He seemed to be breathing normally, and he seemed fine, as in not needing immediate medical attention. Just unconscious. So, I called some guys and we hauled him over here. We got him here an hour ago, and he's just been laying here ever since.

LEO. And how long do you think he was unconscious until you found him?

RYAN. It can't have been that long...maybe a half hour? An hour tops?

LEO. Not that bad then. I do, however, wonder who attacked him. You say you heard rustling?

RYAN. Yes, sir! That's what attracted me to him! I mean...the noise...caught my attention...!

(CADE snickers. TAYA slaps him lightly)

LEO. Who might that have been then? The attacker?

TAYA. But then why would they have been there for so long?

LEO. I don't know...but it is irrelevant. He is here now. (LEO moves away. RYAN looks expectantly at TAYA)

TAYA. What?

AVER. You know, just cause you're half canine doesn't mean you have to act like an attention-starved puppy.

RYAN. I...what?

RYKER stirs.

TAYA. Look! He's getting up!

ALL become quiet and watch. RYKER sits up groggily.

LEO. (Stepping forward) Are you okay?

RYKER. (Looking around) Where...where am I?

CADE. You're at our headq-! (LEO kicks him.)

CADE. (Aside to AVER) Why is everyone hurting me today...?

LEO. We just found you on the street over there. You were unconscious and you looked a little beat up, so...

RYKER. (Looking down and seeing scratches on his arms and legs) A little beat up?! What the hell happened to me?!

LEO. Well...what do you remember?

RYKER. Well...I was sitting on my porch...and then I heard a rustling sound in the bushes. And it kept getting closer. So...I started, leave. And then something attacked me...and now I'm here. Did you see what it was?!

LEO. Unfortunately, no. But you look relatively unscathed. But, just to be sure, maybe we should have someone look at you...

RYKER. Um, that's alright-

LEO. No, I insist. Ashley!

(ASHLEY walks briskly towards him and examines him. His back, arms, legs and head. Numerous scratch marks cover his body, and there is a bite mark at the base of his neck. ASHLEY goes back and talks to LEO quietly. RYKER does not hear)

LEO. Is there a possibility that he...

ASHLEY. It's definitely possible. All I can find are scratches, except for one bite at the back of his neck. Which is probably the worst place it could be. Whoever it was knew that they were doing.

RYAN. Exactly as I said, sir!

LEO. Yes, thank you Ryan. So, he's most likely going to change?

ASHLEY. I would bet so, sir.

LEO. We have about two weeks until the full.

AVER. (Breaking in) I would tell him what he is, sir.

LEO. I know what I'm doing, Aver.

(ALL address RYKER)

LEO. The thing that attacked you...was definitely a person.

RYKER. A person did this?!

LEO. Do not interrupt. It was a person. But...also an animal. He-

CADE. To cut to the chase, you were bitten by a werewolf. Yes, I know. It sounds ridiculous. But it's true.

LEO. And there's very real possibility that you will become a werewolf come the next full moon.

AVER. But don't worry. You'll have all of us to help you. Speaking of which, you don't even know our names, do you?

TAYA. How rude of you.

AVER. Of me?! What about you?

RYKER. That's the least of my troubles right now...

TAYA. I'm Taya. Nice to meet you.

CADE. I'm Cade, and this freak over here is Aver.

AVER. Hey! But yeah. I'm Aver. Cade and I have tons of fun when we transform. Oh the havoc we wreak...

CADE. By combining our names you get Cadaver. That's our nickname.

RYKER. I hate to think why...

LEO. And I am Leo. Pack leader.

RYKER. (suppressing a nervous smile) Let me get this straight. You're- supposedly- the leader of a pack of werewolves. WereWOLVES. And your name is Leo?!

AVER. Yeah, it's a bit of a joke among our pack. The lion leader of a wolf pack.

LEO. I happen to like it.

TAYA. Of course you do. These are there rest of our pack then. Youll meet them eventually. And you are?

RYKER. Ryker. Ryker Young.'re werewolves.

CADE. Yup.

RYKER. am I.

AVER. Maybe. We're not sure yet. Either of two things happen.

TAYA. One, the bite didn't take. That more than often happens. The werewolf saliva didn't get where it needed to, or your body rejects it.

RYKER. And two?

TAYA. Well, the bite took. And you'd be a werewolf.

RYKER. How will we know what happens?

AVER. We will in a few days, don't you worry.

LEO. There are ways to check, but we do have to wait. For your body to sort itself out.

CADE. It's not painful or anything. I mean, your first change will sting a bit, but you'll pull through it. If it happens at all.

RYKER. So what happens if I am a werewolf?

TAYA. Well, you'll change every full moon for awhile, and you won't be able to control yourself for a bit. But you'll learn to.

LEO. You will live with us and like us. You will adhere by our rules-

CADE. Which aren't that bad, by the way.

LEO. You will only kill when necessary and not any more so. You will not age, so you will be expected to detach yourself from your present life.

RYKER. Wait. I won't age if I'm a werewolf?

AVER. Nope! You'll stay this away. Forever. You'll stay- how old are you, anyway?

RYKER. I'm sixteen. I just finished my junior year...I would've turned seventeen in July, but... (Getting visibly excited)

TAYA. Are you okay, kid?

RYKER. Yeah, just...the feeling of being this way forever, never growing up or's a lot to take in.

LEO. That's alright. You have to time to absorb everything you heard today.

AVER. Yeah, it's not every day a boy learns he might be a werewolf and stay eternally young!

CADE. We'll give you a little time to think about it. But tonight:

AVER. We drink!


TAYA. That's their thing.

CADE. We haven't had a new recruit in soooo long.

AVER. And we like to celebrate whenever we can. So tonight, we're taking you out.

RYKER. Drinking?

CADE. Why, is that a problem?

RYKER. Didn't you hear me? I'm only sixteen...

CADE. ...and...?

TAYA. (laughing) I don't think they care, Ryker.

CADE. C'mon, Aver, let's go get the preparations ready. Coming, Taya?

TAYA. Yeah, I guess. A night out with good old Cadaver...what could be better? See you in a bit, Ryker!

LEO. Yes, I think it best we all leave Ryker to think about all this.

ALL. Yes, sir. (WEREWOLVES exeunt joyfully, leaving RYKER alone.)

RYKER. Okay...that's a lot to take in. Do I even believe them? Let's say I do, for now. They're all werewolves. I might be too. But if I am...I never have to grow up. I never have to get older. (A smile starts to spread across his face). I can stay a child forever. I can keep running! I never have to stop! I never have to embrace anything! Nothing is coming cause it's all already here! (lays down in ecstasy). Never growing

The lights dim slowly to a blackout. Cheers are heard offstage.

Scene 5

Lights come up on a bar scene. TAYA, CADE, and AVER are sitting at the bar, while RYKER is nervously standing near. LEO is off to the side. OTHER WEREWOLVES are milling about, drinking and conversing.

AVER. Ryker! Get over here!

CADE. Yeah, come on, sit down.

RYKER. (hesitantly) I...I don't really know what I'm doing...

(CADE grabs him and forces him into a chair)

CADE. We'll show you! Aver and I have much experience in the art of drinking. We have much to share with our new student.

TAYA. Its okay, these guys are the masters of alcohol. Showed me everything I know, which admittedly, isn't much.

AVER. First, get a drink. What would you like to start with?

RYKER. Um...soda, I guess.

AVER. Beer! Good choice! Always good to start with the basics! Bartender! Four beers please!

RYKER. Are you sure about this?

CADE. Of course! See Rita over there? She's younger than you! Only, what Aver, fourteen when she got turned? Completely accidental of course. No one would intentionally turn someone that young. Not even fair to them.

RYKER. How old are-were you guys?

TAYA. 23.

AVER. 19.

CADE. 20.

RYKER. And Leo?

CADE. No one really knows. If had to guess, I'd say somewhere around 25.

RYKER. So you all get turned pretty young?

AVER. That's usually how it happens, yeah. You,'re a special one. Whoever bit you knew what they were doing. They were intentionally trying to turn you.

RYKER. [Aside] Whoever it was, they accidentally did me a big favor!

AVER. But, let's get to the big occasion! Drink up!

RYKER grimaces, but takes a few sips

RYKER. That tastes awful!

TAYA. It's an acquired taste. Everyone I've talked to says it tasted bad at first, but you get used to it. don't worry.

CADE. Keep going!

(His and Aver's are already gone; they order another. After a while, RYKER finishes his glass. ALL cheer)

AVER. So, how was it?

RYKER. How is this fun?

TAYA. It will be. Just you wait.

CADE. Wanna try something else?

RYKER. Sure. I've never had beer and that's not the way I'd planned on trying it. I also never want to do it again.

AVER. Aight, try this! (Offers him a different drink. RYKER drains it)

RYKER. That was good! What was it?

AVER. A little concoction Cade and I came up with. It's a secret what it's made of though.

RYKER. Well I'll have another please!

CADE. No need to be polite here, we're in a werewolf bar! Full of werewolves! You know, feral, unruly, rude, ferocious, awesome, hilarious werewolves! You'll never find a better pack than this one!

AVER. Here we've got awesome drinkers and partiers, like me and Cade here. We've got great people, (as opposed to wolves, you see) like Taya.

TAYA. We've got a great leader, if a bit old fashioned.

CADE. And we've got great friends here! There's no one here that you won't like, it's impossible! We got all kindsa canines here!

AVER. Like Ryan, the cute little lost puppy, or we got Autumn, the kinda aloof wolf. Lone wolf, so to speak.

TAYA. But we still love her. We love all of them here.

CADE. Okay, enough with the love now. Drink up! It's a great night! And it'll never come again!

AVER. The one night a kid is on the border between wolf and human, and doesn't know which way he'll fall!

(Music starts)

CADE. But either way, which good or bad, whichever way you'll fall, tonight is one you'll never get again like with us! Drink up!

AVER. See, isn't this fun? (He stumbles)

RYKER. Yeah, I is!

AVER. We should-

CADE. Take you out more often!

TAYA. I agree!

CADE. Well if TAYA agrees, I suppose we can't.

TAYA. And why is that?

CADE. Um...I don't know!

(RYKER laughs)

RYKER. So how much am I, uh, supposed to have?

AVER. As much as you like! (He falls. CADE helps AVER up. They both fall)

TAYA. Ah, just leave 'em...

AVER. No...

RYKER. Stay down there, ya dog!

(AVER barks)

TAYA. He is a dog,!

(AVER growls)

CADE. Yer not a dog yet!

(RYKER growls)

CADE. And neither 're you!

RYKER. (Happily) And when will I know if I am?

AVER. Well send your results in the mail!

CADE. Yeah! Like the ACT or somethin'...

TAYA. Speakin' of, what'd you get on your ACT?

CADE. Ah, what's it go up to?

AVER. thirty...two?

TAYA. Nah, it was higher...

AVER. Thirty five?

CADE. 36! It was 36!

TAYA. so what'd ya get?

CADE. Hell if I know. Doesn't matter much now, does it?

AVER. Probably a twelve or somethin'...

(CADE punches him hard)

AVER. Stop hurtin' me!

TAYA. Boys, boys, settle down! Don't want a fight or nothin'!

CADE. Yeah, so shuttup!

(RYKER laughs loudly)

AVER. first time out, I tell ya...

RYKER. Somethin' wrong with it?

AVER. No just you don' know how to do it.

TAYA. And I suppose you do??

AVER. As a matter of fact, um...yes!

CADE. Look at how drunk he is! Oh he is just hammered.

RYKER. Whassat even mean?!

AVER. (Laughing) He doesn't even know what it means! (Laughs harder)

(Suddenly, loud crashing noises are heard. ALEXEI, MIA, EMMA, LILY and others jump into the bar, having just broken in. Other werewolves instantly react, though some are still drunk)

LEO. Alexei! What do you think you are doing here? This is our turf and our bar!

ALEXEI. Everyone's here! What's the occasion, Leo?

LEO. None of your business. Leave. Now.

EMMA. Aw, c'mon Alexei, we're not leaving are we? I wanna have fun!

RYAN. (Suddenly assertive) You heard our leader. Leave.

ALEXEI. (Dropping his playful attitude, stares down RYAN) I don't know if you've noticed, puppy dog, but he is not our leader. I am. And though I don't command you, I do have the right to have a drink. (He approaches the bar and receives a drink. He drinks it slowly. After he's finished):

RYAN. Okay. You've has your drink. Now leave.

(ALEXEI spins in his chair and slaps RYAN across the face)

ALEXEI. Do not tell me what to do, pup!!

LEO. (Grabbing ALEXEI'S wrist) And you do not injure my charges!!

(A fight breaks out. Ryker's pack and Lily's pack begin to punch, kick and bite each other. Shouts and other various fight sounds can be heard and improvised. LILY stands back reluctantly, while RYKER continues to be silly. Gradually, they look across the room and see each other. The lights suddenly black out and everyone onstage freezes, while two spotlights snap on to LILY and RYKER. They see each other and stare, RYKER completely devoid of his drunken state. The lights snap back on and the fight resumes as if nothing has happened)

CADE. Ryker! Get out of here, go!

RYKER. No, but-!

CADE. Go!!

(CADE pushes RYKER our of the door. MIA does likewise to LILY. Lights dim as right sounds continue until blackout.)

Scene 6

Outside the bar. RYKER stands sadly. Nighttime, the moon is shining on him. No one else is seen.

RYKER. Well that was an adventure...but who was that girl...? I think she saw me too. I definitely saw her. No- I'll never see her again. I won't. Milwaukee is huge, the odds are like, zero. But...she does live around here, I mean, she has to. She was here tonight, wasn't she? But that also means...she's a werewolf too...right? Cade and Aver said that that was a werewolf bar only. How do they get normal humans to not go there? It's right there...she was right there...if she's a werewolf, then she won't grow up. Right? I mean, I guess she won't...since she is I probably am. Am I? How do I even know? Maybe I will grow up and she'll stay forever...forever... That's a long time...forever...(He starts to walk slowly. Music starts. Snow begins to fall, lightly but visibly. RYKER sees it, intro begins)


RYKER. you...

(LILY sighs. BOTH sink down to their knees and sit as the snow falls. They gaze hopefully and dreamily into the distance, at each other, but do not see each other. The lights dim slowly as music softens and stops.)

Scene 7

Lights come up on the warehouse. It is now the next afternoon. RYKER sits alone, pensive. CADE enters.

CADE. Sup, Ryker?

RYKER. Nothing...

CADE. You can't last last night bother you. We had fun, right? Just cause we made you leave. We were only protecting you.

RYKER. No, I get that. Thanks.

CADE. Us fully changed wolves can use our claws, and our...canines, as it were.

(He smiles. RYKER also smiles a bit)

RYKER. Yeah...who were those guys?

CADE. I don't wanna say rival pack, but...a rival pack.

RYKER. So they were werewolves too?

CADE. Yep. All of 'em. Usually they don't crash our bar- I mean, that's usually just us. Sometimes, we do all hang out. But, I suppose Leo just was really not in the mood.

RYKER. Ams then he slapped Ryan...

CADE. Yeah, Leo did not like that at all. Alexei can sometimes be a bit of a douchebag.

RYKER. So, you know them?

CADE. Yeah, why?

RYKER. Well...there was this girl there...did you see her?

CADE. You're gonna have to be a bit more specific, buddy.

RYKER. She...(change lines to accurately describe Lily's actor's appearance)

CADE. Oh yeah, I saw her. But that was the first time I did, she must be new.

RYKER. Cade...d'you think she's a werewolf too?

CADE. I would think so, given she's in a werewolf pack.

RYKER. So...she won't grow up?

CADE. Wouldn't bet on it.

RYKER. Hm...

CADE. Why? Why are you so hung up on her? You saw her once. If you end up killing yourself. I'm not feeling sorry for you.

RYKER. What do,you mean?

CADE. If you find her you can have her. Just good luck finding her. It's a big city out there...

RYKER. Yeah...thanks!

(AVER and RYAN enter, excitedly)

AVER. Guess what! Ryker, guess what!

RYKER. What?

AVER. Results came back!


RYAN. You're a werewolf!

RYKER. Really?!

AVER. Yup! Now you can join Cadaver in their moonlit hunts!

RYAN. And with me too!

AVER. (To CADE) You know, this Ryan kid's kinda growin' on me.

RYAN. Really?

AVER. Don't eavesdrop! But yeah. You're kinda cool.

RYAN. So, now that Ryker's a werewolf, what're we gonna do?

CADE. Well, obviously we've gotta get ready for his transformation. But...we have a few hours until then.

RYKER. So, Ryan...when did you get bit?

RYAN. Only a few months ago! November, I think!

RYKER. Oh, so you're pretty new here too?

RYAN. Yeah! But it's soooo fun!

RYKER. What's life like here?

RYAN. Well...mostly we just hang around here and talk and stuff. I mean, we can't transform unless it's a full moon, so we can't exactly go wolf and terrorize the citizens.

CADE. Aver's been practicing though! Like transforming without the moon. Show 'em!

(AVER concentrates)

CADE. I think one of your nails is longer. You've got a claw, congratulations!

RYKER. Can you really do that? Without the moon?

AVER. Theoretically, yes. But no one we know has actually done it.

CADE. Granted, the only ones we know are this pack and some of the wolves in Kristoff's pack.

RYKER. Where do they live?

CADE. Ryker, don't go chasing after them. Well...usually you'd be able to, but after what happened the other's not a good idea. Just wait, let it settle down a bit.

AVER. Besides, we don't even know where they are. They don't like to tell us. Ever since Kristoff took over, it's been weird. He's been so hostile towards us.

RYAN. But...why do you wanna know?

RYKER. Oh...I...

CADE. He saw a girl with them. One he likes. But I've never seen her before, she must be new.

RYAN. Oh, Ryker's got a crush! What's her name? What's she look like?

RYKER. Ryan, I don't know anything. I saw her for a few seconds...and if you guys don't know who she is, nothing's ever gonna happen. She might not even be a werewolf...but oh well. Nothing would ever happen anyway. I won't see her again. (Obviously doesn't believe his words)

RYAN. Oh...that's too bad...

AVER. Yeah, that really sucks, kid.

RYKER. It's okay. I'm over it. Really...

CADE. No, you're not. But it's okay. We're here for you. We'll help you get through it. That's what tonight's all about, isn't it? Becoming something new? And that new thing is Ryker getting over his Juliet that might not even be pretty. What if the light hit her just right? worse-what if she has an awful personality?

RYKER. Yes! I don't have to- (catches himself) uh, worry anymore!

CADE. Worry about what?

RYKER. Ah...guys, can I tell you a secret?

AVER. Sure.

RYKER. I'm...terrified of growing up. But now I don't have to! I am. Stay here with you guys! Forever!

CADE. Ryker, that's not-

AVER. Of course it is! He don't have to now, does he?

LEO. It is Ryker's decision. Know, however, that some of our pack have gone on to careers in the human world and remained werewolves. It can be done. But now is not the time for that. The full monks almost upon us. Ryker needs to be prepared. Cade, Aver, I'm counting on you to do this. I will send Taya over to assist you tomorrow night, and possibly Ryan as well.

AVER. Yeah, but cant we celebrate now? For now, At least? Now that we know-

LEO. (Fiercely) the full moon is tomorrow! Makes sure it does not go awry. Make sure.

AVER. Yes, sir. Of course, sir.

LEO. Now, Ryker. Listen to me. There is no need to fear tonight. Cade and Aver,despite their wild and seemingly careless demeanor, do know what they're doing. Trust them, and do not be afraid of yourself or what you will become.

RYKER. Yes. Thank you. I will.

(LEO exits)

RYKER. Were you two scared? Your first time?

CADE. I wasn't. Not one bit.

AVER. Bullshit! Course you were! You were terrified! (To RYKER): I'm a year on him, so I watched his first change. He was absolutely mortified. You look pretty calm though. You know, relatively.

RYKER. I mean, I don't- I'm not afraid. Of being a werewolf. I- I don't think it will hurt. I'd kind of just like to get it over with.

AVER. Then what're we waiting for? Let's go!

RYKER. Alright. Yeah, let's go.

All exeunt.

Scene 8

An outdoor park scene. It is late at night, and the next day, past midnight. Ryker has been prepared for this and is now ready to transform. A full moon can be seen in the sky.

AVER, RYAN, TAYA, and CADE enter, followed by RYKER.

CADE. Ah, the moons high in the sky and were ready to fly! Figuratively, of course. Wolves can't fly.

AVER. Says who?

CADE. Says I!

RYKER. Guys! do I start this?

AVER. It'll start on its own. Walk into the moonlight. You should start to feel it. It will, however, take awhile. The first change is a little...strange, I suppose.

CADE. What Aver is trying to say is that your body isn't used to turning into a wolf creature. It takes awhile for it to adjust to it, but you'll get there, trust me. Just, step into the moonlight. The light does have to hit you in order for it to work. Later, you will be able to just change on a whim, on the full moon only, of course. But now you have to bask in the moonlight, as it were. Don't be scared, don't run away, from us or yourself. Like Leo said, you have nothing to be afraid of. I know I used to be scared, especially the first time. But now I'm used to it, and you will be too. The first is always the worst. (Now just a standard encouraging pep talk) You can do it, I promise. We'll catch you after you transform, so you don't hurt anyone or anything. Tonight you'll only be allowed to roam the park, under our supervision, so we won't have any fun (groan from AVER). But we will be here with you. To help you.


RYKER. I can do it. I can do it.

CADE. You can do it. You can do it.

RYKER. Put me to, stick it through, will not go, can not go back!

So I just stand here and wait?

CADE. Yes, I promise it won't hurt.

RYKER. Oh, then why am I so scared?!

CADE. We'll be here for you.

RYKER. I am so scared of what's coming, what will happen next!

CADE. All you need is to prepare yourself

For the coming things you'll be

Yes, you'll need to control yourself.

Readiness is the key.

CHORUS. (TAYA, AVER, RYAN): The readiness is all. The readiness is all. (Continue sotto voce under CADE and RYKER)

CADE. Once you're done, you'll have four paws down!

Running across the ground.

You'll howl to your hearts content,

And hear it all around!

CADE and CHORUS. The readiness is all! The readiness is all!

CADE. When you go wolf, you won't think anything.

You'll just be a feral beast.

You'd best be ready when it comes,

And after that, you're free!

(CHORUS stops. Lights dim more than they already were and focus on RYKER)

RYKER. On a night like tonight,

I'll howl at the moon!

On a night like tonight,

I don't know if I'll see you soon...

I don't even know your name,

I won't ever see you again...

CADE. It's just a girl, Ryker! Just let her go!

RYAN. You're just a boy, Ryker! Got nothin' to show!

CADE. You won't see her again! That much is known!

RYAN. You're just a boy, Ryker! You're not alone!

BOTH. You're not alone!

CHORUS and CADE. The readiness is all! The readiness is all!

(CHORUS continues sotto voce, but a bit louder than before)

CADE. You just need to be ready

For the changes to take hold.

Just a few more minutes now,

Hold on, here it goes!

As music gets louder and faster, RYKER begins convulsing like he is transforming into a wolf. He hunches down, acts as if he is growing claws and canines and a snout. If you so desire, he could go through a costume change during the bridge to the end of the song into a full furry werewolf costume. Or he could just pretend.

On the third to last chord, he suddenly straightens up, and during the measure and a half rest for the orchestra, he howls into the air, loud, long and and triumphantly. On the final two chords and as the lights fade, he resumes his hunched position, and he and all other characters on stage exeunt, wildly, all acting like fully transformed werewolves, while making yells, whoops, growls, barks, howls etc. The lights fade quickly after all have exited.