Soul Mates

Story by ShingetsuMoon on SoFurry

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#10 of National Poetry Writing Month

Poem #10 for National Poetry Month. Pretty much what the title says.

When you hear the word soul mate most people think of the person they were meant to be with. The one they are supposed to marry and grow old with. Their other half. Their lover. The one person in life who gets them and completes them.

Everyone gets so caught up in soul mates only being about romance when in reality they are meant to be so much more.

I saw someone say once that soul mates are about so much more then love or marriage.

A soul mate can be all of those things, but they can also be a friend. An acquaintance. A person who comes into our life but doesn't necessarily stay in it forever.

They said that a soul mate is someone who teaches you something in such a way that your life is better because of it. They teach you something that changes you, alters you so much that you cannot go back to who you were before.

And if they stay then you're life is so much better because of their presence but if they do not then they are never forgotten. Their impact on your life remains with you until the day you die and you cannot think of who you have become without thinking of the impact that they had in getting you there.

They said that you can have more then one soul mate. You can have a person who is just and only a friend as a soul mate and still have someone to love and grow old with because both of them have taught you in different ways.

I don't know if I'll ever meet that romantic soul mate. That person I love with all my heart and grow older with side by side, but I do know that I have met you now and you have been a friend unlike any other.

You are my best friend, my sister, my soul mate. Because out of all the lessons you have taught me there is one that has left me forever changed. A lesson that I will never forget.

More so than all other things you taught me how to live again.