A Heated Dance Lesson To Remember (Art by GothBunnyBoy)

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Picture originally posted here.

A picture commissioned by me from IB: GothBunnyBoy around Christmas and completed shortly afterward, and a story to go with it. Most of the story has been written since a week later, but needed revision, and I needed help with a major element.IB: Laggerzback gladly stepped in to answer my pleas, heavily helping to write the first half of the sex scene (which ended up quite a bit longer than either of us had expected) and even writing the second half mostly on his own. Be sure to give his gallery a thorough perusal when you're done here.

A big thank you goes out to these two and to all the others who helped GothBunny create Parfait and gave me their input on my story, including:IB: Desphiria IB: Ketzio11 IB: Kemosabe IB: Masterful IB: Atagal IB: Kamperkiller IB: Squirrelliness IB: KNIFE IB: AvaBun IB: BlueberryBaby

...and the relatives and two dogs who kept dragging me out of my apartment in the uncomfortably cold (or worse) weather at all hours of day and night.

Story originally posted to InkBunny on Mar 17, 2014

A Heated Dance Lesson to Remember



The teacher finished passing out a condom to each of the sixth graders and returned to the front of the room. "Now, I hope none of you kids are active yet, but the School Board finally listened to our complaints about some of your older peers who started early and decided to enact a few precautions. I shouldn't have to tell you what these are on your desks, since we've already covered that a few weeks ago in Chapter One..." The students laughed awkwardly, a few of them jostling each other in their desks. "Yes, yes...unfortunately, we're out of time today, so I can't show you the material instructing you how to properly put them on. Just...those of you who are active...please make sure you use them - or that your partners do."

He looked at the clock and saw he had just enough time to give them their assignment. "Okay, between the midterm break and the holiday on Monday, you lot have a long weekend ahead of you, so your homework for Tuesday is to bring me a five-paragraph essay covering what you know about estrus cycles and safe practices. I'd also like you to read the next chapter in your textbooks so we can go over the questions in class without the usual nonsense. Class dismissed!" The bell rang just as he finished saying this, and the students all hurried to grab their books and rush for their lockers. Thankfully for his sanity, they all took the foil-wrapped rubber 'gloves' with them - none of them wanted to deal with the embarrassment if he had to hunt them down and return the sensitive materials.

He slumped over the desk, resting his forehead on some papers and wishing the windows in this room opened. "Just two more hours, and then I can take these plugs out and breathe again... Why did I ever agree to this job?" He massaged his snout, careful to avoid dislodging the device the district required all staff to wear who were most directly surrounded by the pheromones of horny kids first experiencing heat and rut.

Parfait ran from the sex-ed classroom with a furious blush, shoving her books into her bag and the offending item into the front zippered pocket as soon as she had her locker open. She was looking forward to the weekend. With any luck she'd be able to find a couple of good raves to attend even without her brother's help. The big jerk was gonna be out of town with some friends.

The young beaver girl squirmed as she swung the backpack over her shoulders. Her panties had been itching and chafing oddly since a few minutes into last period, and it had only gotten worse once they started going over the day's lesson. The material soaking through did not make it more comfortable. Hopefully, her brother would be ready to take her home when he got out, because she really needed to change clothes.

Parfait dodged and skipped around her peers as she ran through the halls, out the door and off the school's property. It took her only a few minutes to reach her older brother's school, and she couldn't help but smile as she recognized the strains of Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites when she entered the courtyard. Her smile grew wider when she saw someone dancing to it.

Claws Canidae was enjoying himself in the warm, bright weather. While he found the paperwork and lecture aspects of high school as boring as everyone else did, he had found several benefits to the more 'modern' worlds where he got stuck attending as a student. A constant social life with people who were still mostly vibrant in personality, easy access to books and gyms, fewer apocalyptic encounters.... Best of all, when he had a younger body (the current world had molded him and his local history so he was sixteen), nobody looked at him too oddly or derisively for carrying a backpack everywhere or for losing himself in the flow of some freshman's or senior's latest attempt at making a dance mix.

Which is what he was doing now. No matter the world, it was always hard to find a remix for any song that both did the original justice and got him moving freely. His last class of the day had been canceled when the teacher got called away at the last minute, and one of his classmates had given him a copy and asked for his opinion.

The remix ended and Claws stretched, bowed to the small group watching him from the tables and walked over to his classmate. "Hey, man. I'd say it's pretty good. You kind of jarred me when you changed styles for a few seconds right in the middle there, but I like it."

"Thanks; I'll take a look at it this weekend and see if I can't fix that. Peace, out, dude!"

"Ha! Rock on, man. Rock on." Claws glanced around the courtyard. Leaning against a tree was a cute beaver girl with brown and pink hair in shorts and a striped hoodie. She was staring at him with a smile, but seemed a bit zoned out, so he went over to join her. "Hey. I'm Claws. You okay?"

Parfait watched in awe as the blue-furred canid with the silver streaks in his hair danced to the music like he was opening the floor at a rave party. The wind ruffled his hair as he spun and arced, and carried his scent to her nose, making her shiver in response. As her mind strayed, she found herself imagining what he looked like under those clothes that the exertion plastered to his form. Her thighs clenched as her arousal built up, and she cursed her sex-ed teacher for filling her with these thoughts at the end of the day.

When Parfait came back to herself, she was breathing heavily and found the boy walking toward her. Her lips and mouth suddenly seemed very dry, except for her tongue, so she licked her lips and swallowed.

"Hey. I'm Claws. You okay?"

"P-Parfait. I'm just waiting for my brother to come out and take me home."

"P-Parfait. I'm just waiting for my brother to come out and take me home."

"Oh, cool. Nice to meet you Parfait. Did you like the show?"

"That was amazing! Can you teach me to dance like that?" Claws grinned as Parfait gushed, watching her eyes go wide in joyful hope.

"Why not? Though you should know that the best way to learn to dance like that is to learn a strip dance." She had quite the attractive blush, he decided then.

Her laughter was nice, as well. "Are you gonna teach me to dance on your pole, too?"

A sudden shift in the wind brought Parfait's scent to Claws' nose, and he caught a hint of arousal and spice. With his blood still surging from the earlier activity, he responded to her apparent joke without thinking it through. "Yeah, sure!"

"...learn a strip dance." Parfait could feel the heat rising to her cheeks. Her earlier daydreams mixed with thoughts of stripping naked in front of this older boy.

She sent him a teasing grin to hide her body's reactions and giggled. "Are you gonna teach me to dance on your pole, too?" As soon as she said that, her eyes shot wide and she slapped her paws in front of her maw, shocked at herself.

"Yeah, sure!" Even though she realized he was joking along, Parfait nearly walked away right there from nerves. Then she thought of the thing in her bag, how she probably wouldn't be able to find any good raves without her brother and how he always kept an eye on her when she went to one, and she steeled her determination.

"Okay. How's this weekend?"

"How's this weekend?" Claws thought about it for a moment, then nodded and took a pen and some scratch paper from his pocket.

"This weekend should work. Lemme give you my info."

"That's alright." Parfait reached into her hoodie and pulled out an ipod. "Okay, I'm ready."


He recognized that giggle. His sister was already here and waiting for him. Again.

"That should be easy for me to remember...it's my birthday!"

He let the door close behind him and looked around the courtyard.

"Alright. Just give me a call when you're ready for me to help. Looks like your brother's here."

There she was, talking to that guy who sometimes danced out here when people brought out their tunes. Of course.

"Okay! See you later, Claws! And thanks!"

"Hey, Fay. Ready to go home?"

"Am I ever! I really--Ew! What happened to you?"

"Someone set off a stink bomb in class a couple periods ago. None of us can smell anything anymore, but the science teacher says that should wear off by tonight. Is it still that bad?"

"Seriously, Bro. You stink worse than usual."


"Bye, Bro! Have fun this weekend!" Parfait waved at her brother from the driveway as he drove off to meet his friends, having packed everything before school.

As soon as he was out of sight, she wrinkled her nose and ran inside. Boys. He should have at least come in and showered first - but he was in too much of a hurry. Out of habit, she picked up the phone on her way to her room and dialed a familiar number.

"Your call has been forwarde--" Parfait rolled her eyes and hit a couple more buttons to skip the greeting.

"Hi Mom. Made it home okay. Bro already left for his...whatever. I'm gonna spend the weekend celebrating with a friend from school. See you when I get ba--" The voicemail beeped at her, telling her that there was no more space to record. She sighed in exasperation and hung up after confirming that what did get recorded was saved.

Up in her room, Parfait dumped the books out of her bag. Since she had been hoping to go out raving, the only class she wasn't ahead in was the one still making her uncomfortable - and that was only because the teacher kept assigning essays for the weekends and only telling them the topic on Friday - or Wednesday, this time. "Who the hell teaches with essays anymore?" Putting the unneeded books on her desk, she put the sex ed text back in her bag with a notebook and pencils, then grabbed some clothes and threw them in.

"Ugh. Stupid panties keep chafing...I'm never wearing this pair again!" Taking off her shoes, Parfait threw her pants and her shorts in the hamper, wrinkling her nose as she did so. Then she sighed.

"I better take a shower before I go." At a naughty thought, she giggled to herself. "Oh, he'd never get here that quick...and I'm kinda afraid we'd get caught if he did."

Staring at the phone with a blush for a moment, Parfait looked to either side as if feeling guilty, then picked up the phone and dialed the number Claws gave her.

Claws looked up from what he was reading as his phone rang. He didn't recognize the number, but it had a local area code. "Hello?"


"Oh, hi Parfait. That was quick."

"I was wondering if I can come by tonight? Can you pick me up?"

"What about your brother?"

"He left as soon as he dropped me at home. Some weekend party with his friends."

"Sure, I'll be right over."

"Can you make it half an hour? I want to shower first..."

"Alright, see you then, Parfait."

"Bye, Claws."


Parfait panted as the shower rained water down around her. She removed her paw slowly from between her legs...


Parfait jumped as she was startled by the alarm on her ipod. "Oh, shit!" Frantically, she finished rinsing off and turned off the shower head, then started toweling herself dry as she grabbed her ipod and ran back to her room. She grabbed a clean pair of shorts and threw them on the bed, then opened her underwear drawer. "Oh, God...really?" Shaking her head and blushing furiously, she pulled out the only remaining contents and pulled them up her legs. "You don't buy black underwear unless you want somebody to see it...why did I ever listen to that movie...?"

Looking over before she stood back up, Parfait saw that the condom had fallen out of her backpack and reached for it.

The doorbell rang.

"He's here!"

Foregoing a shirt, Parfait grabbed her favorite hoodie and shoved the ipod and condom into a pocket before pulling it on and zipping it closed. Then she picked up her bag and ran to answer the front door.

"Hey, Fay. Ready to go? You look a bit breathless..."

"I'm...fine...just lost track of time. Let's go."

"First you have to feel the song. Close your eyes and listen. Find a pattern in it that speaks to you."

They were in his room. In his bedroom. Parfait hadn't quite expected that...and the whole room smelled just like him.

"You're too tense. Relax. I'm gonna start the music."

She closed her eyes and breathed in through her nose. Bad idea. She locked her jaw and choked back a whimper as her thighs quivered. Then she heard the opening notes of a familiar happy hardcore song and felt her pulse race even higher.


She listened. She listened, and she smelled, and...

"Good. Now move."

His paws were on her hips and they both moved, taking a step to the left. Swaying to the right. More steps. More swaying. Now bowing, and her spinning with his paws on her arms...

"Open your eyes." His face was right in front of hers, and her breath caught for a moment. Then his hair swept across her muzzle in a caress and he leaned back in time with the bass. "Keep moving."

Soon Parfait was lost in the music again, bending over and teasing her shorts down her hips, then back up and spinning away as Claws bumped against her, grinding into her tail. In return she saw him spin in place, flashing the hems of his pants and underpants down low in front with his tail concealing everything.

She rolled forward, slipping off her shorts, and threw them past Claws' head as she stood back up. He caught them at the edge of his reach and made a show of whipping them past his face.

His tail caressed her face and Parfait followed its path with her nose, drawing down the zipper on her hoodie and baring her flat breasts and midriff.

Claws fell to his hands and crawled up to her, then somersaulted backward and kipped to his feet. Parfait gripped the waistband of her panties as he leaned on the bed and raised his shirt hem to his chest.

He leaned in as if to kiss her, then dodged back as she did the same, letting her fall to the floor. She rolled over and found his shirt fluttering down to cover her face.

As Parfait rose back up after pulling off her drenched black panties, she found Claws laying on his side, bare but for a grin and kept decent only by the fluff of his tail. In the same movement, she slung the sodden article at his face and mooned him just as the song finished playing.

"Parfait, you're a natural at this." Claws reached up to pull the panties from across his eyes. "A bit more practice and... you..." He trailed off in surprise.

Parfait stood there blushing, with the collar of her hoodie fallen past her shoulders, one paw nervously holding the other arm above the elbow. In her other paw she held up a condom, still in its foil wrapper.

His nose flared and he sat up, his face covered in her scent from the thrown and drenched panties. "...I thought you were joking about that!"

"I... please... I want this. I'll never get to otherwise; my brother always stops me from doing any of the really fun stuff at the raves."

"...come here." Claws waited until Parfait was next to him on the bed, then he pulled her close in a hug. "No girl should lose her virginity without being kissed first." With that said, he placed his paw on the back of her head and kissed her deeply, directly on her maw.

Parfait startled and moaned as Claws pulled her into a kiss and onto his lap. Their every breath was filled with each other's breath and scent as the music drove their passion higher. Falling back into the rhythm's spell as she melted into his arms, Parfait rolled her hips, rocking back and forth against Claws, rubbing her lips against the length of his cock.

The feel of her smooth, silken fur and supple flesh grinding against his hard, stiffening member and squeezing it against his stomach set Claws on edge as he caressed her tail and kneaded her rump. Parfait moaned louder, arching into his searing sheath as he bucked against her middle, dribbling a sticky trail of precum across his lower abdomen. He broke the kiss and grabbed Parfait by the hips, holding her in place as he caught his breath, his thick, meaty cock twitching in place. "Damn, Fay," he moaned. "You've got some good moves already, kid. Almost made me cream right there!"

Parfait was still entranced by the music, but felt a spike of glee at the compliment, blushing at the crude finish. A sudden tug at her nipples initiated another high, the beaver letting loose a high pitched shriek of pleasure as the canid nibbled her perky areolae. Claws once again had to hold her still for a moment so that her energetic response to the little love bite wouldn't cut her open on his teeth. Gently he began to suck the budding beaver's left breast, circling the tip of his tongue around her areola and flicking it across her nipple.

Claws kneaded Parfait's right breast, rolling it between the pads on his dew finger and index before tugging it roughly between them. "Y-you're not gonna get any-- ah! --any milk from th-there," she responded coyly between gasps and moans, recalling what her sex ed class said about the purpose of breasts. She felt she was able to understand the things her teacher taught about, even though the class always made her feel awkward. As her thoughts briefly turned to those lessons, she realized the itch she had mistaken for chafing earlier had grown to a dull burning of indefinable need.

Claws didn't mind the dearth of dairy coming from within the childish chest, simply enjoying the music the girl added to that around them as he massaged her mammaries with lips, tongue and paw. Noticing Parfait's growing awareness in her verbal response and as she slipped in and out of her memories and thoughts, Claws decided to go lower, savoring her scent as he sniffed her form, laying her across the bed as he leaned over her. Biting her lip, the young beaver girl moaned as she began anticipating what Claws would do to her as he reached her sensitive spots.

Reaching the apex of her legs, Claws breathed deeply of her arousal, gently rubbing her thighs as she tried to close them in embarrassment without pulling her legs from where they had remained wrapped around him since he pulled her into his lap. His next act elicited a needful whimper from her throat as he slid his paws up, spreading her between his dewclaws, and began to lick the lolita's lovely lips, finding the flavor worthy to be labeled delicious.

Parfait moaned as she felt Claws' long tongue prod and probe her sensitive nethers. The music's trance fell back over her, rendering her unable to speak more than unintelligible utterances that were nearly all drowned out by the deep bass of the new track. Claws could feel the tremors coming from her body as she locked her legs around his head, smothering him in the nubile beaver's other beaver. He responded to the unspoken invitation by shifting his snout upward to her clit, gently nipping and tugging it around. She cried out, almost sobbing as tears of exertion welled in her eyes, crying not in agony of pain, but in ecstasy of pleasure. Thus forewarned, Claws quickly pulled her legs from his head and withdrew his snout from the girl's snatch in time to watch a stream of clear, semi-viscous liquid erupt forth and flood his sheets. He sat back and released her legs, about to say something until she waved her paw in tired dismissal.

Parfait clenched her legs together, concealing her treasure as her body twitched and spasmed the way Claws' cock had done when he shot his pre-load earlier. "I-I'm f-fine..." she gasped out, still cumming and oozing sensuality from her nethers.

Claws murred a little, a seductive undertone to accent their actions. "You want me to continue, Fay?" he asked, wiping some of her fem-cum from his wet nose and licking it erotically. "Judging from the mess you're making on my bed, you want more." Parfait only nodded as she spread herself open, the furious blush seeming by now to be a permanent feature on her face. "Ah, ah, ah, my naughty Fay... There's something else I want to do with you first."

Claws picked up the little beaver, shifted himself underneath her and turned her rump to his face. "There's something I'd love for you to take care of for me..." he said, tickling her ass with a heart-shaped swipe along her firm cheeks. "If you can do this dance, I'll be sure to reward you again." Parfait nodded. "Do you know what to do, Fay?" Parfait turned her face to look at Claws', shaking her head as her beautiful brown butt wiggled with excitement.

Claws cleared his throat and swallowed, licking his suddenly-dry lips as he tried obviously to avert his attention from Parfait's distracting derriere. "J-just take my rod in your mouth and suck it. You know the way you suck a lollipop or a push pop."

"Oh, I just bite into them after three licks and a suck..." Parfait said in a playful tone. Claws shivered at her words. "Eep!" Parfait squeaked, jumping as Claws suddenly swatted her rump. Claws murred again and bit his lower lip at the sight of her ass reddening in response.

She stared a moment, then grabbed the ready rocket and took it in her mouth, the cock protruding into her cheek as it went in, avoiding her buck teeth. "HMOWF MHF ISH?" Parfait mumbled, her voice muffled as she shifted the cock around in her mouth.

"You're doing good, Fay," Claws said. "Now just keep sucking like a good girl." Parfait mumbled an agreement, trying to suck the raging rod like a Capri-Sun straw. "Mm...move your head up and down, too. Stroke me if it's too much to take in." She complied, bobbing her head up and down the shaft rhythmically as the music continued to play. She tried not to go too far as she felt a small gag reflex the deeper she went.

"That's it, Fay." Claws murred a bit louder as he started eating her cunny out again. That feeling of electricity shot through her body as he resumed licking her clit and fingered her pussy, teasing her tailhole with the other paw after wiping up some of her juices.

That itch, the one from Sex Ed that afternoon which had developed into a burning just a short while ago, had abated slightly when Claws made Parfait cum, but now returned with a vengeance. Parfait kept rocking her rear toward the canid male, trying to get Claws to finger her deeper and relieve her of the powerful feeling. She began to shift his meat to the center of her maw and suck harder, the increased pressure and the scraping of her buck-teeth against Claws' flesh almost sending him over the edge.

Parfait pulled away from Claws' cock, panting heavily as he deliberately avoided plunging any deeper inside Parfait's holes with his fingers. "What's wrong," Claws asked. "I can tell you want it in...don't you?"

Parfait nodded, lust-fogged eyes slowly gaining focus, presenting her rear toward Claws as he shifted himself from underneath the young girl. "W-wait!" Parfait said as she looked around frantically, her ass wiggling enticingly as she searched, quickly finding the condom she had gotten from her Sex Ed class and dropped during the excitement. "I want you to wear this...to be safe."

"Put it on me." Claws prodded Parfait with his erection, then backed away slightly. "I assume you know how...?" Parfait nodded - a lie, but it seemed simple enough. She tore open the wrapper with her two front teeth and began to roll the rubber around his shaft. Claws chuckled silently, concealing an amused smirk, as he noticed she forgot to leave a gap at the tip so the condom wouldn't break. He didn't mind - the task of filling this beaver was the only goal her scent and his lust would allow him since he saw her standing demurely with the condom in her hand just after stripping for him. To Parfait's naive and innocent eyes, the condom looked like a fun little balloon that one would find in a circus when she finally finished rolling it onto his penis. "Th-there," she said, more loudly than necessary."

"Thatta Girl, Fay." Claws gave a more open smirk as he started to enter the girl. "This'll hurt, only a little, but it'll feel much better later." Parfait gulped, anticipating the pain, and Claws couldn't help but to notice. "Hey...Fay," he said. "We're going into the next part of our lesson. You ready?" She nodded and Claws picked her up and held her against his stomach, his member in close proximity to her cunny. Parfait was very nervous. All she could think about was bearing the upcoming pain, and so she was caught off guard when Claws' lips again met her own.

Startled by the latest kiss, with her mind stuck on the thought of Claws filling her and preparing herself for the pain he had warned her about, Parfait accidentally jerked loose from Claws' grasp. Not expecting the sudden return to her own freedom of movement, she felt her knees give out and her hips drop down, sending her back into his lap. This time was different, however, in that she had just allowed her dance partner to lift her directly over his head, so that as she fell, he slide right inside her. "AH!"

"Hnngh!" The momentum with which Parfait fell and the slickness within her tight tunnel sent the wolf-like male's pride plunging quickly through her hymen, the resistance from her virgin barrier all the more apparent in the brief instant before it snapped with the lack of resistance from her ready pussy. Claws instinctively bucked in response, aborting the motion as he saw her discomfort and wrapping his arms around her again to hold her in place, brushing away her tears with his lips. "Shh...you're okay, Fay...just hold still..."

Claws moved his paws to Parfait's hips and slowly lowered her further, entering her deeper as her cries of pain subsided. The penile digging felt more or less uncomfortable for Parfait, making her flail her legs about. "Calm down, now," he said, stilling one of her legs as he continued, keeping her from falling again with the other. "Ah!" Parfait cried out as the tip of his glans touched her cervix. He was a tad bit disappointed that he couldn't hilt inside the loli's beaver, but her tight cavern made up for it.

"I'm all the way in, Fay. Does it hurt?" Claws whispered in Parfait's ear as he took one hand off her leg and pulled her petite form to his chest. She shook her head slowly, as her body felt more uncomfortable as her virgin terrain was being stretched open by his hard probe. "L-Let me stay like this," she said, clenching her legs around his lower back. The canid nodded, playing with her button a little as her insides adjusted themselves to his thick, long penis.

"I'll let you take the lead," he said as rather erotic song blasted through the speakers. The way the rhythm sounded seemed appropriate for what was about to happen. Parfait moved about, burying her heels against Claws' tail and cheeks to support her weight. Wet slurping sounds echoed faintly through the room's air, a mix of her deflowered blood and some feminine nectar being the cause as her vaginal vacuum left no room for air inside. Claws murred as Parfait's vestibular glands secreted a rather heady scent that made his sense of smell go ballistic.

Parfait started grinding herself in short clockwise and counterclockwise motions, trying to scratch that itch she felt inside of her. As a sense of relief in her sex helped her come to her senses, she couldn't help but giggle at the sight of Claws' lolling tongue. It was then she knew she got the rhythm Claws mentioned. She listened to the music more, the frequency of the bass drops and sensual drum beats matched with Parfait's suspended twerking and grinding along Claws' stiff cock. Parfait moaned as the tingling warmth diffused throughout her body as if ants were crawling on her skin. It felt good, the bass drops felt like waves of sound pounding her body in all the right places. Her motion changed as the building aural hype faded out into a new series of drums, bass, and sample sounds played in the background. The up-and-down motion set Claws on edge as Parfait kept moving her firm ass along his shaft.

He howled but held back his load, together with the sound of the second sequential series of bass drops. "Awrr?" Claws uttered a feral sound as he felt the rawness of her meaty cervix. The fleshy ring literally wrapped around the tip of his glans sucking in the area around his urethra as more pre leaked out of his johnson. He panted, lolling his tongue to the side thinking of how he almost lost it just then. Parfait, on the other hand, lost all sense of awareness. She kept grinding her ass along his shaft as she neared her climax.

"HIIIII!" Parfait writhed, losing her foothold along Claws' ass. He quickly grabbed her by her little back. Parfait locked her legs stiff as she twitched about. Her inner walls contracted in a wavy motion toward her uterine opening, trying to milk Claws of all the seed he could muster. A sudden poke at her tailhole caused the little beaver to squeak.

"Did I say you were done?" Claws said sternly-the way a coach would interrogate his players.

"N-no sir." Parfait said, a bit intimidated from the commanding tone.

"Good girl, because I'll have to punish this hole if you don't keep dancing." Claws replied, wiggling his index digit inside her taint teasingly. Parfait squealed at the odd sensation.

The next song played, and Parfait felt a little rusty as she kept grinding her slick beaver up and down Claws' long and still aroused wood. The particular deadmau5 song that was currently playing didn't catch her attention like the previous erotic song had. Claws could tell her focus was off when her grinding seemed slow and lighter than before.

Claws grabbed Parfait by her firm little rump, groping it and massaging it firmly. His left middle finger reached inside her tailhiole and she made yet another peep. Why is Claws doing this? she thought to herself as she writhed against his shaft. It was very uncomfortable; worse than the way she felt when he first entered her earlier. Claws tried wiggling around her again, making her squeak more with the rising discomfort.

"Dammit Claws!" Parfait screamed. "Stop playing with my butt!" Parfait huffed in frustration. He continued more frequently and even went deeper inside her. Now she was mad-and Hell hath no fury like a loli teased. A little puff of her cheeks and she grasped Claws' by his breasts, angrily grinding his member at a faster and rougher pace than she did at the last song. Her thumbs pressed against his nipples like a joystick, making them harder from her stimulation. A soft canine whimper emerged from his lips, saiting the angry beaver's desire for payback. A malicious giggle set Parfait in a rather good mood as she felt aroused once again. She had learned something Claws never taught her directly: she can create her own rhythm and her own dance, regardless of any music that was playing. The sound of Claws' moans seemed like music to her ears as she continued to grind him. And pretty soon the finger in her taint reached all the way in, but she didn't mind, as the lightheadedness and sensual tingling showered her body yet again. Her inner walls contracted inwards like a lubricated conveyor belt to a factory, making Claws buck more and more inside of her. Parfait moaned as his member went inside her, stretching her partially as he made one final buck to tie his knot inside her. Claws panted again , his tongue lolling to the side of his mouth with a small drop of drool trickling down to the floor below. Parfait wasn't done, as she kept making circular grinding motions against his knot. She felt in control as he was fully hilted in her. He couldn't let go, or loosen himself as the young beaver constantly sucked him in, compressing his insides with fierce pressure. Claws let out a vociferous, pained, labored yelp as he erupted, finally ruining the cheap condom and painting Parfait's inner canvas sticky white.

With his tailhole twitching and his knees buckling, Claws fell back on the bed clumsily. His knot kept them both tied together at the base as his seed continued to jet into Parfait at regular intervals. The sixth-grader herself sat on him wariza style, her knees digging into the sides of his stomach and her heels against his thighs as she rode him to another gushing orgasm of her own before collapsing.

Claws withdrew from their embrace and pulled out of her, then looked down. "Oops."

Still dazed from the pleasure, Parfait sat up with a sore wince. "What's wrong?"

"I've got good news or bad news."

She pouted up at him.

"The condom broke."

"Huh?" Parfait looked down and dipped her paw into the sticky mess between her thighs and held it up to inspect it, curiously sniffing and tasting the mingled fluids. "Mmm..."

Claws licked his lips hungrily at the display, his slowly wilting erection rapidly hardening again as he cocks his head and sniffs. "You're not wearing perfume...are you?" It came out as more of a statement, his earlier suspicions all but confirmed.

Her eyes were closed as she savored their flavor, but fluttered open at the question. "Perfume? No, why?"

"You're in heat, Fay." He placed a kiss on her nose.

She crossed her eyes to stare at him as he came close and kissed her nose, then as he backed away, before continuing to lick her paw clean. "Mmm...okay."

"You're gonna get pregnant."

Her eyes went wide. "Oh. I- I see..." She bit her lip in worry, then shivered and moaned as she was distracted from her thoughts by the return of that itchy warmth deep inside. She swallowed thickly as she saw his cock standing tall again and reached for it, her head swimming in his musky scent, stronger now than it was before their activities.

Claws raised an eyebrow as the young beaver girl removed the used and useless condom, then smiled as Parfait gave him a sultry smirk and spoke.

"I told my mother I'd be here all weekend. Let's not waste it."



Parfait and associated characters © GothBunnyBoy 2013-present

Claws Canidae © his player 1998-present

Popular cultural references belong to their respective owners

Special Thanks to Keeran Ikatako (aka Laggerzback) for extensive help with the action scene (okay, so he did most of the work and I just refined it); and to AvaBun, Masterful, Squirrelliness, KNIFE and BlueberryBaby for helping GothBunny give birth to this Super Loli Raver Beaver of whom we've so quickly grown fond

Additional thanks to Kamperkiller, Desphiria (aka Nicolette), Kemosabe, Ketzio, Atagal (aka Bluestalker 'Tailwaver Blue' Rain) and others for their support

Individuals listed above can be found on InkBunny. Some are also present here on Sofurry, but I'm not sure which ones aside from Ketzio and Desphiria.