A New Beginning

Story by alexlongfur on SoFurry

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Doctor Sarah Lightpaw sighed to herself as she studied the sight before her. A human had somehow gone through the dimensional rift and had been almost literally dumped in her care. He'd been tranquilized immediately and transported to an observation room. Shortly afterwards Sarah had been called in to determine what was to be done with him. She looked at the chart laid nearby. Aside from the burn scar on his left hand and a few scars on his face, back and arms he seemed to be healthy and in good shape. As Sarah skimmed the information the human's breathing slowly increased. She sat opposite of him and waited.

The human awoke with a start, stretched and yawned, then looked around, his honey colored eyes finally alighting upon Sarah. He squinted at her soft grey fur and fluffed tail. "A cat-furre? That's... New..." He had called her what? "Er, good morning, I'm Sarah Light paw. What did you just call me?" He yawned again, " Um. A cat-furre, a... I don't know, bipedal anthropomorphic feline of sorts?" He rubbed his eyes and settled back onto the futon he'd been laid on. "Oh, I suppose you can call me... Alex.'' He furrowed his brow and chuckled. "What?" she asked. He chuckled a little more. "Could you give me your hand? I think something will happen. If not, oh well." Sarah got up and went to take his outstretched hand in hers.

A flash of iridescent light enveloped Alex and Sarah, blinding out their vision. An unseen force lifted them into the air, and then dumped them unceremoniously onto the floor. Once Sarah's vision returned she beheld a new sight. Instead of a human there was now a grey-furred feline sprawled on top of her. He opened his now green eyes and grimaced, "That... Urk... Really hurt..." He then passed out.