And So It Begins

Story by Tsubaki_Shiro on SoFurry

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#1 of Exotic Ambition

Silence hung in the air, so thick that a mere breath of it could cause one to suffocate. Thus was the condition of the classroom of a Tsubaki Shiro. He was a hardened Kitsune, standing at a proud seven feet with muscles that rivaled many. Ten glorious tails whipped behind him, sharp and painful if used in the proper manner. Sharp, red eyes glared at anything that dared crossed his way, proof that looks could indeed kill, or at the very least harm.

Tsubaki looked over the rim of his glasses at the students before him, each busily trying to finish the math problems given to them before the allotted time expired. Everyone in the class was anticipating the ring of the bell, mournful eyes intently watching the clock as the seconds ticked away. Just as the second hand reached the 12, a loud shrill bell rang to signal the end of the last class for the day.

A low growl emitted from the black canine's chest as he stood tall, towering over the entire class. His calculating eyes stare at each of the students as if daring them to rise before he would excuse them. In a deep voice, he relayed the instructions for the class.

"Place your work in the bin by the door before leaving, and don't forget to study for the test tomorrow. Class dismissed."

Lia sighed as she waited for the bell to go off. Mr. Shiro was a slave driver in his class and each one felt like a day to get through. When the bell went off she shifted anxiously in her seat till he excused them all. As everyone rose to shuffle out of the room, she pulled her assignment from her bag and fell in line with the other students to drop it in the bin and go on with their day.

The skunk was the idol of every guy and girl in the class, holding a very petit figure. Despite being a mere freshman, her looks were dazzling. Silky, dark pink hair grew down to her shoulders, spiking out every now and then. Where a skunk's normal body was white, hers was a royal purple. Breasts, while not overly large, were a perfect handful and rounded. Even her rump had a curved firmness that could be seen through her clothing. Dressed in the skimpy schoolgirl outfit that the private facilities provided, she was a wet dream come true.

Red eyes watched as the students lined up to drop the class assignment in a rather messy pile. He'd have to admonish the class for that later, but currently his mind was telling him to move on. Following the line, his eyes fell upon the object of his desire: Lia. Every since the first day of school, the Kitsune had been itching to find a way to get to her. With her grades dropping now, this could be the chance to get her alone and have his way with her.

"Lia, you're to stay after class." Even his voice was the epitome of masculinity, deep and dominating. If the students listened closely enough, they could probably hear the walls of the classroom shaking to the deep bass sound.

Her spirits sank as she was just getting ready to drop off her assignment and rush out of the classroom when her name called. She waited, rather reluctantly, as the other students finished filing out of class, leaving her alone with the large and intimidating teacher.

"You wanted to see me Mr. Shiro?" Fear creeped into her voice as she walked back towards the teacher, her lone tail swaying slowly behind her. Despite her innocence, her tail was always held up to show those heart-shaped buns.

The Kitsune internally growled in lustful desire as those hard eyes drank in her supple curves. Turning back to the table, he took a seat behind his desk and pulled out Lia's file, containing not only copies of all her past homework and assignments but also tests, quizzes, and, tucked away secretly, candid pictures of her hourglass figure.

"Take a seat." A paw gestured to one of the chairs in front of his table. All ten tails swayed from side to side behind the masculine form, almost like a predator would while waiting to lunge at its prey. Tsubaki watched the girl from the over the rims of his glasses, thankful that she couldn't see the growing bulge in his pants from her position beyond the desk.

She took a seat in the chair across from him, swinging her legs anxiously. A gut feeling in her stomach told her that this was about her grades, but she ignored that, seeing how there was no possible way her grades could be bad enough to bring this upon her. Usually when a student was doing badly in the class, the teacher would simply call up the parents and arrange a meeting: why was she being singled out?

After flipping through a couple of the pages, the teacher sighed and looked up at the skunk in front of him, trying so hard not to simply grab her body and steal her innocence.

"Lia, I'm afraid that if you don't do well on tomorrow's exam, you're going to fail the entire course. From the start, your grades were low and have been slipping as the days passed; it's quite obvious that you're not putting much of an effort into calculus." All the while, he kept staring at the voluptuous figure before him, the straining in his pants becoming almost too painful to ignore.

She blushed and bit her lip, slightly embarrassed that her grades would be this poor in math, but even more so that she was in this much trouble.

"I-I'm trying, sir, but it's just not my strongest subject. I'm sure I can study hard, though, and make up for it on the exam!" Lia desperately attempted to sound confident in her skills, but deep down she knew that no amount of studying at this point could help her on the exam.

Clearing his throat, Tsubaki stood up and places his glasses in the drawer beside him before walking towards the door to lock it, turning back to face the frightened young girl. When he locked eyes with Lia's, there was seriousness in his eyes that couldn't be ignored, mingled with a powerful lust and a sense of possession.

"I'm afraid the exam may not be able to boost your grades enough to pass this class, Lia, and without this class your scholarship goes down the toilet. What would your parents say if they found out that their little girl couldn't keep up the scholarship they worked so hard to get for you?" The Kitsune wasn't above blackmail; if it would get him his release, he'd do anything.

The girl cringed slightly under his tall, looming form, feeling like the world was crumbling down around her with each word that passed from his lips. If she lost this scholarship, her parents would likely kick her out for not doing well in class!

"B-But it has to! I need to pass this class!" she cried out in desperation. Losing this scholarship would not only mean losing her family, but also losing all the friends here at school.

Walking back towards her, he closed his eyes and mocked a thinking pose, tapping his chin with a finger. He stopped just a few feet short of the young girl, though even from this vicinity she couldn't spot the erection in his pants due to the angle at which he stood.

"There IS another way to pass, some extra credit if you will. It's not something that's offered to everyone, only to those who really need it. It's difficult and requires full dedication." Thought ran throughout the Kitsune's head, what he could make her do just to boost her grades a little bit. It was girls like these that were the easiest to break, girls who had nothing to lose and everything to gain from this act of sexual pleasure.

Lia swallowed hard and nodded her head. If there was any chance she could get out of this mess, she had to take it: there simply was no other choice.

"Yes! Please, I'll take it, anything to pass" She didn't even realize the hole she was digging for herself just by saying those innocent words; she didn't see that the deeper she got herself into this kind of mess, the more difficult it would be for her to ever come out on top of it all.

A gleam brightened in his eyes as he pulled out a handkerchief from his back pocket. Before she could object or even say a word, the Kitsune rushed to her and placed the cloth over her nose, the liquid on the cloth slowly making her lose consciousness. The sudden attack was so unexpected, she didn't even have a chance to resist. A soft yip and a look of surprise was all she could manage before darkness filled her vision and she felt her body going limp as she passed out. The last thing her frightened eyes saw was the smirk on the older man's face as he began to strip.

After the girl passed out, he grabbed her body and placed her on his desk, putting her in a doggy-style position as best as he could with her limp body. Silk bonds were placed around her wrists and ankles, tied down underneath the table. Her clothes were easily taken off, the cheap uniforms being put together with Velcro and buttons. Honestly, this school made it too easy for sexual harassment. He himself stripped down to his boxers, his 19" shaft barely being contained in the cloth prison of his boxers. He sat in front of her limp body, waiting for her to come to.

As she slowly came out of her brief unconsciousness, Lia quickly came to realize the horrible situation she was in. She knelt atop the teacher's desk, legs spread and ass jutting in the air with each of her limbs wrapped in strong silk straps that were tied to the legs of the desk.

"W-What's going on??" Fear ran throughout her as she looked down to realize she was completely naked. A deep crimson blush rose to her cheeks as her head looked at the teacher for some kind of explanation.

He smirked and stood up, walking over to her side while running his large paws over her smooth back and rump. Eyes took in every last detail of her delicious body, his throat and chest rumbling with barely-controlled lust.

"Extra credit, my dear. Didn't you say you'd do anything to pass?" Tsubaki gave her a low growl as he played with her rump, letting his claw tips play with both her tailhole and cunt.

She shuddered and yipped, feeling his paw run down her back, making her tug on her restraints but to no avail. They were stronger than steel but didn't cut into her wrists like normal handcuffs would.

"I-I didn't mean anything like this! Y-You can't do this to me, let me go...aahn!" A gasp resonated throughout the room as the young girl felt her teacher toying with her orifices. "I-I'm just a teen!"

A low growl escaped his lips as he reared his hand back and gave that round rump a firm slap.

"Silence! No speaking without raising your hand in class. Disobey me, and the punishment will be far more severe, understood?" He walked her prone body to stand in front of her, staring into those tear-streaked eyes to show just how serious he was. When she didn't answer, he grabbed her hair and pulled on it threateningly. "UNDERSTOOD?!?!"

"Aahhn!!" she yelped from the firm swat to her raised ass. Whimpering quietly, she kept quiet while staring up at him as he looked her in the face. Not wanting to be slapped again, she quickly nodded her head submissively. It wasn't like she could raise her hand anyways. Deep down she knew this was terribly wrong, but she was easily intimidated and felt helpless in this situation. What could she do but go along with what her teacher wanted? Right now, he controlled her very life.

The older male smirked and slowly pulled his boxers down, revealing his huge throbbing member. The length sprung forward and lightly smacked her in the face, dribbling a bit of pre onto her face. Tsubaki reached into his drawer and pulled out a digital camera, taking a picture of her with the cock against her face.

"You'll address me as Master, got it?" he growled at his little slut. She was his, and it was time she learned her place. Too long has she gone without knowing who she belonged to.

Fearful eyes went wide at the sight of that thick member being freed from his boxer, biting her bottom lip to keep from crying out in surprise; it wouldn't do well to make any unnecessary noise that would earn another slap to her rump. It was clear by her expression that he was far larger than she could have possibly expected. Wincing as that hard appendage smacked her face, Lia blushed at the click of the camera, too afraid to speak up or complain about the pictures. At his command, she nodded nervously and spoke in an equally nervous voice.

"Y-Yes Mr...Yes Master." She swallowed hard, feeling so helpless and uncomfortable in a unfamiliar situation.

"Suck it, little whore, and you'd better not bite. You make one wrong move, and these pictures will go everywhere. The entire school will know what a little slut you are..." Grabbing his lengthy shaft, he pressed it against her lips and growled out lowly, all the while taking pictures of her.

Her eyes closed as she cringed at the feel of the male's thick, canine cock head pushed at her tightly sealed lips. At his command, she looked up at him pleadingly, almost wishing that it wouldn't come down to this. Despite her gorgeous looks, Lia was one of the virgin's of the class.

"B-But I've never...I've never sucked a guy's cock..." Her stammer confirmed her words, showing just how innocent the young girl truly was. The male, however would have none of her cries of despair. Instead, he simply smirked and used a finger to pry her mouth open, pushing the cockhead inside. The feel of her wet tongue and maw around his throbbing member was nearly enough to send him over the edge already.

"Uhnn...just don't bite, slut, or else Master will be very mad..."

Groans resonate from her chest as the male held her mouth open and pushed that thick member into her mouth. The cockhead easily slid against her tongue and filled her open maw. The skunk let out a muffled cry, tasting his salty and musky shaft as it continued to slide into her maw. Oddly enough, the first taste of a male's cock was making her squirm, though whether it was in pleasure or fear was still unknown to the girl.

Tsubaki panted happily and slowly pushed more of his cock into her mouth, making sure to continually take pictures of the slut sucking his cock. The cock in her maw began to thrust in an out, slowly and only the first couple inches to ensure that she wouldn't gag on her first cock.

"That's a good little whore...suck on that cock..."

A blush rose to Lia's cheeks, the skunk feeling horribly humiliated as she was photographed while sucking on her teacher's dick. Nonetheless, she did as she was told, wrapping those soft lips around his girth tighter and sucking like she would on a lollipop. Trying to please him, Lia also used her tongue to rub against his cock head. It seemed as though she was a better at oral study than she was in his class.

The male shoved half of his length down her tight throat, arching his back to do so. Eyes watched that innocent slut suck on his cock while his maw leaned down to bite and nibble at her ears. Hips continued to thrust and gag her with his cock, and the male took the time to warn her.

"Don't you dare throw up, slut..." he whispered into her ear.

The look of astonishment and distress on her face was priceless. She gagged at first as the thick member thrust down her throat, but she was able to recover quickly in order to make it much easier for him to burry that length down her throat until his groin was rubbing into her face. Her whimpers were completely muffled now with the cock stuffed down her throat. As the cock pushed into that tight throat, her body's natural instinct was to swallow convulsively, milking him like a pro.

A smirk formed on his lips as he realized how easily she was adjusting to his forceful actions. His wet tongue flicked out to lick along and inside her ears, hands moving to rub and stroke over her smooth back and neck.

"Such a good easily taking all of Master's cock..." Tsubaki continued to thrust into her again and again, pre dripping down her throat and into her stomach. "Ahh...and soon you'll get your first taste of cum, slut..."

The girl squirmed under his hard thrusts, body moving back and forth as the Kitsune began fucking her face. Each thrust made Lia blush darker, feeling that cock sliding out of her throat before plunging deep down it again. She could taste pre on her tongue, the flavor making her head swim: so wrong yet so tantalizing. His words filled her with fear and anxiousness, yet there was a growing sense of desire in her that she couldn't describe. She could feel his cock throbbing in her throat and his thrusting increasing in speed.

Tsubaki begins to thrust erratically, the pre now a steady stream flowing down her throat. The rougher thrusts caused the girl to groan and whimper, the actions becoming somewhat painful. A loud gasp and a grunt later, the Kitsune pulled his cock out and began squirting rope after rope of thick cum all over the girl's face, marking her with his essence. Lia wince and turned her face away slightly, still getting the cum on most of her face. After his orgasm subsided, he looked her over and smirked, taking a couple pictures of the whorish position.

"Taste it, and learn to love it, slut." He held out a finger and wiped some of the cum, pressing it against her lips. Unable to do anything else, the skunk lapped out with her tongue and began to suckle at the seed on the male's finger. In this position, on her hands and knees with cum all over her face, she whimpered in shame: used like come slut, and all for a good grade.

"D-Did I earn my extra credit Master?" she questioned almost fearfully. What if he was just doing this for his pleasure? What if he wouldn't keep his promise? She couldn't live with it if she sold her body all for nothing.

He nodded and smirked, licking his lips at the way she looked. After taking a couple more pictures of her prone body, he flicked open a knife and reached under the table to cut her loose from the silk bonds.

"Clean up the mess on your face first, Lia. Your clothes are on the chair behind you. Remember, a word of this to anyone..." He held up the camera threateningly. "...not only that, but you'll still fail. I expect you to come into afterschool help after the exam; we should go over the questions you didn't understand then." All the while, he was putting on his own clothing, wiping up the cum off the floor and table. Everything was neat, nothing out of place, nothing to show that something had happened in that room.

She groaned slightly, rubbing her wrists as she was freed from her restraints. She slowly slid off the desk and wiped the cum off her face as best she could with her vest, though the taste of the male's cum remained on her face and tongue. She quickly got dressed, grabbing her bag

"T-Thank you Master..." She felt largely humiliated and filthy after what had happened, and all just for a little extra credit. "I-I'll...see you tomorrow." Grabbing the rest of her books, the skunk quickly ran out of the room, not wanting to stay here. Lustful, red eyes watched as she ran out, moving down to fixate on that perfect rump underneath her short skirt. Tomorrow was to be a promising day indeed.

After rushing home, Lia made sure that no one ran into her as she quickly stepped into the bathroom. She quickly stuffed her cum-stained vest into the washing machine and turned on the cycle while she started a shower for herself. If she got caught smelling like cum...she didn't even want to imagine it. The water washed away all the cum from her fur, soap hiding the scent of another male on her body.

Panting from the running, Lia leaned against the shower wall and sighed to herself, thinking about what had transpired back in the classroom. Was it really worth doing all that to pass the class? Suddenly, she felt herself getting very hot and flustered, though whether it was from the shower or the past activities she didn't know. For the first time in her life, the skunk felt a warm feeling around her stomach, spreading throughout her body. Shaking the feeling off, she turned off the shower and dried herself off.

Heading to her room, she put on her nightly clothing and started to do her homework. Everything went by in a breeze until she came across her math homework. Each problem seemed even more difficult that before, her concentration completely gone. The numbers melted together as the heat between her legs began to grow again. Subconsciously, her paw slowly slides down her sex, slipping underneath her panties to toy with her cunt.

"Lia, come out for dinner!" yelled her mother. The cry forced Lia back to the world of realism, tugging her paw quickly from her panties. Blushing brightly, she shook her head and clutched at it mournfully. What was happening to her? Why was she feeling like this? Sighing, she pushed away from her desk and walked towards the dining room.

Dinner passed by without much conversation, small chatter about how each one of their days had been going. Her older brother kept giving her a strange look, but she ignored it seeing how her mind was on other stressing matters. Barely having touched her dinner, she excused herself and resigned to her bedroom.

Glaring at the textbook on her table, she groaned quietly and began flipping through the pages one by one, hoping against all odds that this act of last-minute studying would be enough to boost her grades by a small fraction. Hours passed as the skunk continued her attempt at studying. Closing the book in resignation, she sighed and walked to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

She quickly washed up and slipped into bed, pulling the covers around herself. A light whimper escaped her lips as she clenched her legs tightly. The heat was still there, not as strong as before but enough to bother her slightly. What was happening to her? The last lucid thought she had before drifting to sleep was of her newfound master.

This is based off a roleplay between me and a very close friend of mine. Read and enjoy ^-~