Chapter 3: The Adventurer and the Alpha

Story by Taix K Wolfmore on SoFurry

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#4 of WH:The Exile and the Adventurer

And here is the 3rd Chapter! Thanks to Lightingrunfree for helping!Here is Lightnings account here

See you all on Chapter 4!

LightningRunFree POV:

I blink as he shouts some kind of code, what was it? Moon over all of us, or something? I shook my head, I couldn't believe he had some kind of power, and did he say elemental? I was an elemental, but wasn't supposed to have the element I did. I walked a good distance behind, and when I came to the edge of the pack I took a quick dip in the pond to get the mud off. I shook off the water, and let the wind dry my fur on a ridge to where I could easily see the pack. "Just one signal, and ill be down there." I looked proudly down at my fur. The two different shades of blue the spread across my muzzle and down my stomach stood out against the black pelt I carried. I loved the two edged lightning bolts that lay on my shoulders. I smiled as I dared to do something no other wolf would do as they hide. I stuck my nose to the air and howled a verse.

I will come do you hear? I will come you better fear, I may come in the night, I com like a terrible fight. The things you've done cant be passed, I will rid you of evil at last.

As soon as I was done howling I waited for a return howl from the scoreline, but before they had tome to I barked sending a bolt of lightning from the sky over the packs alpha cave. I laughed and hid deep in the spruce trees. "They'll never know what hit them."

Taix's POV:

Before the lighting hiting the Alpha Den...

"Oh this is going to be fun... I know it!" I said in a deadpan voice. "...Ok, I'm going to act like you did not say that,ok? Anyways, we'll eat first then we go see the Alpha, got it?" Cane said to me. "Ok, under the Lady of the Moon, I will come with ya!" I said to him. "...ummmm...I taking that as a yes, soooooo, lets go and get some food, now?" "Oh under the moon... I mean yes! Some food well be good right now!" I said with happiness in my voice.

30 min latter at the alpha Den:

" Alright here we are!The alpha Den!...This is going to a quick meeting, so let hop right to it!" Cane said to me in a happy-go-lucky voice. "Oh men, this going to suck, big time...ok I'm ready!" I said in a whisper. "We be fine... I hope..." Cane said to me, a little to fast. "That does not help me at all." I said in a deadpan voice. "Lets go in!" Cane said. When we went in the cave, some lighting hit the side of the cave, making the inside sake like we were trap, and there was a earthquake. Causing me to freak out a little. "Whoa, calm down Taix, that's was just a freak lighting hitting the cave!" Cane said to me. "Ya that almost killed us! If we were still outside, we could of been killed!" I said in a high voice. "Clam down Taix! lets go and talk to the alpha!Got it?" Cane said to me in a voice that help me to clam down. "Ok,OK!...lets go!"

2 min letter...

"AH! Welcome to pack young one! So your the wolf form the Night-Moon Pack, insetting, yes it is..." He said to me, the Alpha of the Blue Rock Pack,Kaide. "So, what are you doing here, young one?" he asked me. I can already tell he is evil, by the way he looks. But answer him in a proper way. "I'm here to go around selling certain services, sir, like help you defend your lands, or killing anyone you what me too, for a something that is..." I said to him in a quick lie to him. "Its that so? Looks like you now working for me, you will get a cave for yourself, food you do not need to hunt for, and two darkness stone, deal?" That was to easy," That is a deal then!" I said well bowing to him. "Cane, take him to the cave right next to yours, and show our gust the pack lands." He order Cane. "Yes my Leaderness!" He said to the evil Alpha. We both walk off to the land, mostly to the caves, because now I'm in, I need to see if anyone was ageist his rule. Though easily said the done... But when we were walking, some of the pack mates look at me, some with wide eyes, some with hated, and even some with...lust? "Ummmm, why are they looking at me like that?What did I do?" I asked Cane. Cane answer back," Its not everyday someone joins the pack, who has powers, like yours!" "And what do you mean by that?" "You have power over darkness yourself! Think what can be done!" he said, the under his breath," and you can take down to alpha too.." "What was that?" I asked him about what he said under his breath. "That you can help us! Gain all the lands we lost to the humans!Think about it!" When I heard that, two things went thought my mind, that does he hate the Alpha? And what about taking down the humans?

LightningRunFree POV:

I had been in the bushes nearby to listen to what Cane had said. My ears perked at his offer, and a bit of jealousy. If anyone was to take down Kaide, it would be me. I held my tail and hrad high, taking a look no one but an alpha was able to have. I walked out slowly, and Cane caught me out of the corner of his eye and instantly crouched into a bow. "I....uhhhh." He stammered. I growled, but looked at him with sheer happiness. "No need for that McGraff, Wheres Stardom?" He jumped up. "Hold on." He lifted his head and howled for the Omega to come forward. A silvery white wolf came crawling in submission as he should. As he glanced up he saw me, and in an instant came bounding forward happily. Cane McGrath growled and flung him down for acting out of rank. My scruff rose and I bore my teeth. I then walked stiffly over to Cane and threw him down the way he had thrown Stardom down. "You will not treat my brother in such a manner!" I growled in rage. I looked softly over to the silver white wolf and relaxed. When he got up I licked where Canes teeth had sunk into his scruff. He looked up at me and nearly cried. "Lightning, I've missed you." I smiled and licked his cheek. It had been a long time since I had heard my name spoken by someone else. "I missed you too little brother." Even though we were only an hour apart I was still older. He looked over to you... "Does he know...about your power?" I growled softly. "Shh, not now." I whispered as I side glanced to you.

Third's POV'S:

This not good, at all. Taix thought. I sign, thanking up something faster then you can say Moon in the sky, give us power. Anyways maybe... "Cane, can we go see my new cave?" "What?Oh...ummmmm sure! We can go now,ok?" "Ya that is fine,Cane! Ladies, do you two what to come with us?"In a whisper, to LightningRunFree,"come with us, I'll explain everything we get to the cave, ok?"

She nodded to her brother and he nudged her before running off to help out with something else. She shook her fur out and looked back to you and whispered. "Yeah, but I need to stay low, if Kaide catches my scent, were all doomed." She smiled sheepishly as if she knew what would happen if we tried any way. They entered to where the main caves were, only the wolves that were high ranked could be here. When they did,LightningRunFree thought_:I had learned that well when I was a little younger. A lower ranked male was in pursuit of me as his mate, but when he crossed into this boundary all the captain ranks and up were upon him. I shook my head at the thought. Males were foolish when it came to falling for faes._ They walked into the subordinates den and LightningRunFree lay down as far back in the cave as she could. The only thing you could see of her, were hers eyes.

When LightningRunFree went to the back of the cave, Taix turn to Cane and asked him a question. "Cane, tell me something, do not worry about me turning you in, I what the whole truth, got it?" "Ya, I get it, no lies, same for two!" "Got it, here it goes, do you hate the current Alpha?" "...Yes I do, he cause so much death, everyone acts like he is a perfect leader, but he is not, he only care for power, and only power! I asked you this, who are you, Taix KYUUBI WOLFMORE?" "Ya, you got me, someone that knows my full name, fine! You what to know who I'm, ha? I the alpha for the Night-Moon Pack!" Cane looks like he already knew about this, and what to see if it is true.

LightningRunFree throw herself forward at hearing his name. Only alphas can have a full name. I'm beside Cane in an instant. I look at Taix, "Are you here to take this pack? If you are I'm going to protect it." I say down for emphasis, but made no attempt to growl or snarl. "Well spoken Lightning." Cane turns to face me fully. "Or should I say Lightning Run Free?" I simply smiled, I had attained an alphas name over the past year, and was now wearing it quietly, but how he knew, I had no idea. I looked back to Taxi. "As I was saying, I will soon be taking care of Kaide, and would love you as a neighboring alpha, but this is my pack, and it always will be." I stood up and nodded.

"No worries Lighting, I'm not planing take over this pack. I just love going around and doing things, be it fighting, playing, hunting, and other things, you know, because I can do those things and such,it is very fun to do!"

Cane looks at Taix, and said.,"But what about the pack? Who leads them? And what about fights?"

Taix looks at Cane,and said in a happy voice," Don't worry, there is Yen Hope, Soul Star, Eve of Death, Zero Chance, Tragedy Star, Nana of Hell, and Ruby of Lust, these seven and me, are the Alphas of the Night-Moon pack! Even we all are gone, there is still the elders, who also vote what to do, so my pack is clear on that. And the whole fight others pack who whats to try take our pack grounds? Each member of the pack can use the darkness around us, making it a weapon!"

Light look towards Taix, "I know you get your power from the moon, but do you know how to get different powers?" I was curious if he knew exactly how I got my powers without telling him about them. All I remember was getting so upset after being banned from the pack after Kaide killed my father. I howled my rage and hurt to the sky, asking with all my heart and soul for help from one of the gods to give me something to right the wrongs. Then there was a bright flash, and searing pain that started in one shoulder going to the next. When I woke up, blue had stained different parts of my fur, and I had bolts of lightning on my shoulder. I looked back to Taix for an answer.

Taix look around... even Cane was waiting for a answer...

"There is different ways for it to happen. For the humans, by studying, or learning how to use "magic". But for us, the wolves, there is many ways we can gain power. The first way is to be born with the power, like how all the wolves in my pack have the power over darkness. Then there is the second way, the gods can give your power, like how they did for you, Lighting. Then there is the third way, you have to give something up to get the powers, you soul, something you love, and such..."

Cane looks towards Taix, and said,"There is a fourth way,correct, Taix?"

"Yes, there is,Then there is the last way, and the less known way of getting power, you have to fight the god who's power you what to have... till they give up, or you have to kill them... this is how I have my powers, I chose to fight the god of darkness, and it last for a day, until she give up, even if I do not know it was her, I won the fight and gain my powers..."

I look towards Lighting..

Lighting pinned her ears back. "Uhh, true I was given my powers." I thought about what I was about to say, or other words ask. "What happens when the god of that power gives you all of his powers, and then dies?" I sat down thinking of what my father had done. He had tried to take back his pack, but just as he was getting my mother and I out Kaide had slashed his neck. He stumbled to where we had agreed to meet up, and I had run to meet him. "Lightning, I cant be here for you anymore, you have to keep my power safe." I had nodded, bit couldn't choke out anything to say. "Lightning, you have to promise to use your powers only for the right things." I just nodded again. I snapped out of the flash back I had been in and looked back to Taix for the answer to my question.

I sigh and look up...

"Gods don't die, that a misconception, they go back to were gods live, and have to wait for a while till they can come back. And for if a god lose a battle they have to fight in... the God and the the wolf or person they choose to fight will both have to agree to it, and plus god can not give the chosen wolf or person the power, if they choose not to. But sometimes the wolf or person they choose does not know they are fighting a god, maybe they think they fight a normal wolf or such..."

Cane said,"It sounds like something like the last part happen to you!?"

"Ya, its how I have my power.I was not born like the others in my clan,, they were born with it. Me? I had to train everyday to try to grain my power. But until one day...

(Flashback time!)

It was another day of hunting and training how to fight, the "right" way. It was years before I became one of the alphas... about a good ten or so years... anyways I'm at the lake that the Night-Moon Pack lives near by, and with a human city right across from it. Next to is my old pack mate, and close friend, Yen.

"So... Taix,ummmm, how was your day?" Yen asked me.

"...So and so. Training is a pain in the ass, but other then that, very good!"

"Yep, same Taix! But ya, soooooo... how are going to try today to gain your powers today?"

"Well, maybe I help some humans today! Even if that does not give me powers, I will get food! So a win-win for me!"

"Ya, that sounds like a great idea!I coming with ya! And maybe even Soul will be allow to come with the hunting party!"

Soul, a wolf that was raise with the humans, and he help us learn to talk with like the humans, someone we can trust!

"Ya, lets go no-...wait who is that coming over the hill? Is that the old one?"

"What do mean old one, Taix?Wait you mean Dark Light?"

"Ya, she is coming over the hill!"

"Hello, young ones!" Said Dark Light, an old wolf who lives with some humans in our lands. She is very tall, a 6'11, even if she is old, she still has her dark as night black fur, and red as blood eyes.

"So, Taix, you are going to go and help out the humans,right?" She asked me.

"Ya, I am, Yen is coming with!"

"Ahhh, that is good, but before you go, do you what to have a fight with me, and not the weak fights, or testing fight, a true fight with me?"

"Ya! That sounds like a good idea! Yen can you be the one who says who is the winner in this fight, for us?"

"Sure, why not?"

So with that out of the way, I went to the right side, and Dark went to the left.

"This well be a one on one fight, no powers, between Taix and Dark Light! FIGHT!" Yen yelled!

We both look at each other, but then I went at her with my claws, trying to hit her leg. But she jump up, and landed on my side, making me slid for a good feet.

"Is that all, pup?" She said to me.

"Not on your life, you old hag!" I yelled to her.

"HAAAAA! Still good at pissing off others!" she said back at me.

I got up, and run towards her, and did a fake slash towards her legs, but when she try to get out of the way, I went towards her neck, and bit her neck, not to hard, but enough to hurt.

"GWAAAAA!You, you bit me!HAAAAAAA! You are getting better at fight now Taix! But that is not enough to beat me!" she said to me when she sakes me off of her.

I once again got up, this time turning around and ran up a tree, and jump off to lend on her.

"I guess I win this fight then!" I said to her.

"Ya you did! I have something to give you Taix, something you did not have for you whole life, close you eyes, and aim your head to the sky!"

I did what she ask me to do, what I felt next was a something I never felt before, a pain I never can image that time. But I open I my eyes, I felt very powerful, very strong, and then I realize, she give me the power to use darkness, she was a god along, and I fight her and win, I smile, from that day on, things start to happen, good, and bad...

...That is how I have my powers now." I ended. I look at Cane, he look very surprise, and I look towards Lighting...

I couldn't believe what I had just heard. "You mean my fathers still alive?! Well how on planet earth did I get the power to weild lightning?!" She growled angrily not at anyone in particular, but to myself for not understanding what kind of mess I was in. "Taix, when do they come back?!" I was now at a yell, and wasn't even aware that I had told you that I could wield lightning, a forbidden element. I was frantic, I missed my dad and though he was dead for the past three years of my life, and now I found he could come back when he wanted! Well why wasn't he here now?! She began pacing the floor not even aware of the dark gray wolf standing in the cave entrance. "Well, I never thought id see you again Lightning." She turned and growled. He had gotten bigger in the past three years, the physical effect of becoming an alpha were showing on him. I lowered my head some, I was issuing a challenge. "Hahahh, you want to challenge me?! Your just a wimpy Fae, a good for nothing fatherless pup!" The rage inside Light built and she charged him, but he quickly grabbed a hold of her scruff and slams her to the ground. She stood up and snarled a warning for a wolf trying to interfere.She thought_,I wanted to fight this myself. I looked at you and nodded for you to stay out of it._

"Ok I will not get involve then." Taix whisper to Lighting, enough only she can hear him, and he stayed to the shadows, with Cane.

"I hid both of us in the darkness, so no one can see us." I told Cane.

Cane looks towards me, then Lighting, then me once more." If her Dad is still "alive" then were is he?" Cane asked me.

"Cane, he can not come back unless the one who killed him is dead, plus we need five items to have him come back."

"How do you know all this anyhow, Taix?" Cane asked me.

"Let's just say the eight years since I gain my powers, I talk to many gods and goddess. But lets watch this fight,ok?"

"Sure Taix, sure." Cane answer back.