Midline Shift 8 - Trouble on Tarith

Story by Z-JAM-C on SoFurry

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#8 of Chronicles of FinalGamer 24 - Midline Shift

With his first true mission a rather startling success, James Campbell soon gets a chance to prove himself even further by means of a bug infestation on the planet Tarith. Normally this would sound an oxymoron, but the botanical center is in trouble and requires a few big guns to sort out the mess.

But sometimes James can feel the strangest emotions for the most unlikely of creatures.

Mass Effect copytighted to Bioware, FinalGamer to me

A week had passed since the Makhaira incident, as James kept to his duties on the Centurion Eagle as resident bartender serving drinks to the crew. For the most part he was settling in nicely, now that he was able to contribute more to the group as a spare set of hands and a free gun for hire. Currently they were hanging over the Shadow Sea above a human-colonised planet known as Horizon, a beautiful temperate world that was perfect for the Earth-based species. It even resembled Earth down to the cloud patterns, shimmering across the blue sea. James managed to obtain some drinks suitable for him and Jax to drink, as well as a variety of foods to restock the pantry with alongside refuelling the ship itself. Areh obtained some extra parts for the Varan mako, whilst Lirem and Norem went out looking for jobs or concert gigs they could be picked up for. Eventually, Arutulelan interviewed them once again on board the ship, the six members of the crew all sitting in a half circle towards the screen as the hanar glared down upon them, saying: "This one finds the report of the lunar station rather interesting to read...a deranged human medic and thirty-four people with numbers and letters carved into their bodies. It is good that you arrived there in time." "It was," said Lirem. "Did the institute get them all back safely?" "Yes. They are now resting back in their homes peacefully...at least physically. Do you still have the data of this expedition Mr. Narohl?" "Yes sir," said Areh, "I have the data in my room, and the shards of the crystal as well." "Good. This one must note that Mr. Campbell's actions were vital in saving the medic from self-harm. Perhaps you do have some use after all." "Thanks," said James, "glad I can help." "This next mission however may be more of a test in your skills should you have any. Anything else to report?" "Actually," said Lirem, "there IS this concert going to be held here in Horizon in about nine months." "Oh?" "Yeah, it's a charity concert being held in honour of the Eden Prime incident, buncha survivors from there got relegated to Horizon so they're just gathering funds to get the thing going, maybe-" "This is not a paid gig is it?" "...well...it IS charity, I mean it'd make great advertising, I left my contact details so-" "Mr. Hallaher." "...yes?"

"We are not a charity. You work for this one because YOU need to pay off debts. All of you. Were you not in the process of doing so, charity would be of better consideration, but as of now you must tend to your own problems before settling with others'." "Um, aren't we doing nothing BUT fixing other people's problems?" asked James. "They are not problems, they are missions. Jobs that will earn you credits in order to fix your OWN problems." "But...they're still other people's problems I don't-" " Don't...argue." "O-okay, fine, jeez." "Now...here is your next mission. This one suggests a more aggressive action to be taken, for this particular objective that you have been assigned with. Should this one find any actual paying gigs, you will be noted like always. Good day." Cutting the call off tersely, the hanar left them looking rather nervous at each other, with Lirem shrugging his arms openly up above him. "Welllll we tried." "What kind of asshole says no to charity?!" said FG. "Seriously, how the fuck did you run into this guy?!" "He took us on when we were struggling with debts...ARE struggling with debts, we still got a lot of things to pay off to people and he was the only one that'd take us on." "I just don't understand how you guys switch from being a rock band to a group of mercenaries." "It was his idea, he said that singing on stage wasn't gonna get us enough money on its own, so he made us head on out there and do odd jobs that nobody else would do. I mean, it's the only way we know how to live." "Plus we got military experience," said Norem, "that helps a lot. We also got a krogan and the smartest quarian out there." "I-i'm not the smartest!" said Areh in protest. "I-i mean, what about that Tali'Zorah, the one who was with Shepard?!" "Heh, maybe if she knew how to make songs as good as you do, I'd say so." Areh'Narohl blushed beneath his helmet, rubbing his covered cheek with a nervous gratitude. James however decided to drop the biggest bomb ever in their presence through the most impossible question of anyone in this galaxy. "Who's Shepard, friend of yours?"

The silence that burst through the briefing room was like a vacuum in itself. Of thoughts, comprehension and above all, belief. That same uncomfortable staring of eyes from everywhere around him that made him knew he said something incredibly off. Leiah was first to break through the silence with her astonished reply. "Are you...serious?" "Wh-what?!" "You don't KNOW who Shepard IS?!" "What, is this someone famous?!" "Famous?! HELLO, saviour of the freakin' galaxy!" "Wait what?!" "Shepard was this human Spectre," said Areh, "the first human Spectre ever, got appointed by the council to head on out and do their work, ends up saving the whole galaxy from the reapers AND the geth!" "Wait," said FG, "wait I do remember them saying about geth and reapers back over at C-Sec, some kind of unholy force of monsters from the depths of space right?" "Yep," said Krungut Jax, "and a fuckin' human's the one to take 'em down! A human! I swear those guys are unpredictable." "So this Shepard is some kinda space hero?" "Practically," said Norem, "the way they all go on about this amazing human soldier who managed to just be in the right place at the right time, and boom...the galaxy probably would have been screwed without Shepard." "Wait soldier?" asked Lirem. "I thought Shepard was an adept." "Naw, engineer wuz it?" asked Jax. "I swear I heard them say vangaurd," said Areh, "I'm not sure but I thought they said vanguard." "I'm sure they called Shepard a sentinel," said Leiah, "or is that just me?" "Maybe an infiltrator like you," said FG. "But whatever, I get that this Shepard's a big deal, sorry. I've only been here a month, gimme a break!" "More like two months now," said Areh. "Anyways, what mission we got next guys?" The terminal lighted up with their next objective, downloading to their omni-tools.

Unknown Attacks on Tarith Botanical Center A botanical research institute on the planet Tarith has been plagued by mysterious assaults, causing several deaths and some staff members gone missing. They sent out a distress signal undisclosed through sub-ether channels in a desperate attempt for hired guns to assist. Head to the Crescent Nebula and exterminate their attackers.

"Another research institute?!" said FG. "Can these guys NOT have any fucking problems for once?" "Nope," said Leiah, "that's the risk you take when doing science out on the stars, you have to deal with all kinds of things trying to kill ya." "Jeez, makes me glad I'm not a scientist." "Like being a merc is any easier?" replied Jax. "No, but I get a gun so that gives me a chance to fight back." "HAH, good answer, I like. So who's going on this mission then?" "Well we got no idea what we're dealing with," said Lirem, "so let's just check the planet out first before we start making plans." Putting up the map of the galaxy once more, Lirem scoped out the right system while Areh and Jax headed up to the front cockpit and began plotting their course. Norem simply sat back relaxing, shooting the breeze with Leiah having not had a chance to talk to her often and feeling a little bad he hadn't paid much attention to her. James listened with mild interest, hearing bits and pieces of Quarian and Turian lifestyles and how differently they related to each other. Turians had a closed society of big cities and big armies where everyone contributed to the public service in some capacity. Quarians had a ruling of councils headed up by citizens of great importance, within large infrastructures among giant ship-based colonies. Eventually the subject turned towards families with Norem starting: "Our family's very typical, mom's an accountant, dad a soldier, general of a platoon but ground-based only." "Sounds like a strong smart family," replied Leiah. "Just your ordinary turian family, what about you?" "My mom's a cook, she works in a little place feeding everyone on her quarter. Dad's a mechanic, surprising I know, deals with the usual." "Were they worried about you going on your pilgrimage?" "Who isn't worried about it? I manage to say hi and keep in contact with them still thanks to you guys having access for me in my own room." "Oh so they're good?" "Totally, they were happy to see me again! I told them about you as well James." "Ohh what they say?" asked James curiously. "Just they wanted to pass on their thanks for rescuing me...you big hero you."

She gently nudged him on the shoulder which made him giggle slightly before they resumed talking away. Once they reached their new destination within a week and a half, a collective groan of frustration came from the crew upon scanning the planet truly. Leiah and James looked at each other asking: "What's wrong?" "It's a swamp planet," said Norem. "...I hate swamp planets." "They're like sewers," said Jax, "nasty, boring and nobody wants to go through 'em." "Aw man," said FG, "does it smell?" "It's a fuckin' swamp, whut do you think?" "Well we should be wearing helmets for this right? Least that'll stop us smelling it." "Until you come back," said Areh, "then you have to get out of your suit and realise how bad it smells. Like...argh keelah the last time I went through this, no, I'm not doing this. I'm not going down on a swamp planet again." "No one's making you dude, it's cool." "I'm not going either," said Leiah. "I'm sticking with Areh here." "What?! Aw come on you haven't been out yet on a mission!" "Yeah but, do you know how difficult it is to clean this suit?! It's not armour you have here, quarians getting a cut down there full of all kinds of diseases, it's like walking through a...a...a-" "Like walking through a krogan colony covered in pyjak piss?" said Jax. "I guess?!" "Oh yeah totally...lucky fer you I am a krogan, so I'll handle it if you guys won't. Besides, lotsa bugs down there I can kill fer target practice." "We're not here for point-shooting," said Lirem, "we're here for that botany center. Areh, you ready to hail them?" "Sending comms now." The quarian at the helm began sending communications down towards the planet, trying to pick up someone who could receive the signal as they waited for a few minutes. Eventually something came through, a white human male with an Australian accent. "Ello!?" "Hi, we got your distress signal, we're here to help you out!" "Yeah?! Wot's yer regulation code number?" "Wolf Three-Nine-Five." "Augh, fuckin' foinally, these bugs ha' been buggerin' abou' with us fer ages, we can't 'andle these things!" "Are they that bad?" "Vicious mate! Least the ones out there know well enough to keep away cuz we got pheromone repellant fer their species, bu' these bastards don't react to it!" "No one said anything about bugs in your distress signal though." "We just found out! One of our researchers managed to caught sight of 'em down a passage, through the underground ventiliation shaft before we managed to seal it up fer quarantine. We don't got any guns 'ere so we'd really appreciate the 'elp." "We'll be down there soon, is there a landing pad we can access?" "Nah, nowhere to land it! Roigh' in the mountains we are." "Why did you build the base there?" asked Norem. "Cuz it wuz the safest area," said the scientist, "you wanna build a station down there in the swamp?! Be my guest, enjoy the diseases crawlin' through pipework an' all the chlorine 'anging in the air! Yanno that shit's heavier than oxygen roigh'?! Do you know 'ow much we'd hafta pay fer ventilation costs down there?! Trust me, the mountains are the best place to be, shoulda been safe too but sumthin' got in 'ere still!" "Where can we land to access your base?" "Two miles south of us is a clearin' where you can land and walk up to us. The mountain climb ain't too bad either, hope to see ya soon." "Alright, be careful."

The comms shut themselves off as Areh suddenly threw his head into his palms upon realisation, slamming them onto the desk. Jax was forced to ask: "Whut's wrong?" "...I didn't get the parts for this." "Huh?" "I didn't get the parts to make the mako amphibious, DAMMIT! FUCKING-AARGH!" "Heh, so much fer Varan the Unbelieveable." "YOU-GUH-NNNNRRRGH!" "Hey-ey, it's cool, I don't mind walkin' anyway. Besides, who wants to sit in a tank inside a swamp gettin' all hot and musky?" "Still! I should have been prepared for this!" "We can get them at Illium, no one cares Areh." "...fine. if you say so." "Thassit." Jax smiled at the stressful quarian and got up from his seat. "Alright I'm gonna prep fer the mission, guess that leaves me, Norem an' James right?" "Guess so," said Norem. "Unless you wanna take this Lir?" "Nah-uh," said Lirem, "I did the last swamp planet mission remember? You owe me." "Oh, right, fine then I'll go. You guys ready?" "If it's a shooting mission hell yeah!" said FG. "Let's do this!" The planet of Tarith was like a sickening jaded emerald from outer space, but it was a sweltering paradise of insectoid fauna upon landing. The Centurion Eagle soon found the noted clearing which had been manually widened out by the researchers. Bugs the size of canines hovered to and fro on their daily collecting of food, hives bigger than a human being could be seen amongst the cloying hot trees with roots twisting downwards into the widening swampy rivers, half-choked with algae that floated thickly upon the water. The entire horizon above the trees was a pale mist of green, amongst rolling hills of jade that further blinded travellers to this planet. James, Norem and Jax stepped out of the Eagle with full armour on, helmets breathing the thick air and feeding them oxygen always. The turian had his sniper rifle more as a scope ahead than anything else. Jax propped his shotgun up ready in deterrance, whilst James had his comparatively small but heavy pistol, with more ammo clips now readily stocked in the pouches his armour had. His satchel and items were left safely secure back in his room. "Why do we need helmets?" asked FG. "Is the air poisonous?" "Chlorine," said Norem, "high levels of it, heavier than oxygen too so it all settles down here. Plus the species here adapted to even shoot toxic amounts of it as a defence mechanism. So watch it." "Isn't chlorine that stuff they use in swimming pools?" "Yes, it is a disinfectant in small doses when properly maintained, but too much can kill you. Like anything." "I never did much chemistry," said Jax. "Me neither," said FG, "I dropped out of school real fast." "Good thing we don't need smarts to know how to pull the trigger huh?" "Hah, damn right." "I'll go out on point," said Norem, "you guys keep any bugs away from us if they decide to get too friendly, alright?" "Got it."

The way to the mountain research center was thick and treacherous through the swampy river, a murky green pustule running through the land between thick trenches of forest. The constant noise of chitters, shrieks and growls were unending upon them, a barrage upon ears even from their protective helmets. The swampwater was like treacle, difficult to push through and constantly crawling full of creatures that pushed or slithered against their legs, making FG jump and shoot at the water in panic. "HEY WATCH IT!" said Jax. "S-sorry sorry," panicked James, "something just crawled past my leg!" "Mine too but ya don't see me shootin' off every second. Look yer legs are fine, the water's not corrosive, it's just full of chlorine." "Ugh...sorry, I've never been in a swamp before...I think, no wait wait, I have, back like five years ago maybe?" "Wuz it as bad as this?" "Fuck no...least there's not a guy trying to kill me this time." "That sounds a fun story," said Jax sniggering. For the most part, the natural fauna left them well alone, either too busy with their own duties of hivekeeping and daily life or seeing they were not close enough to their territory to cause offence. Jax kept on guard, aiming his shotgun at every floating thing that went past them. Mostly they resembled large dragonflies, but there was the occasional amorphous jellyfish of pale colour that floated by, like a plastic bag with tendrils hanging down beneath. Other creatures included frog-like beetles with five eyes able to shoot out in any direction with its razor tongue, a giant water boatman-like creature that skidded across water in order to feast upon algae, and a double-jointed spider that twisted its legs the other way in order to wrap itself around branches, feasting upon the tree sap itself. James was fascinated by the freakish menagerie, a world entirely ruled by insects, even living within the water somehow but he dared not to look as they were certainly not fish down there. One or two of the creatures tried to come closer, particularly the more carnivorous dragonflies which had gaping maws with two rows of teeth, but a good shotgun blast took them down, or a few warning shots from a pistol. Norem had his own pistol for close-range encounters, but the sniper rifle still proved useful enough in keeping the front path clear of any troublesome creatures, mainly to scare off the algae-eating bugs as the mountains soon hove into view. Normally it would have taken at least 40 minutes, but the slow pace of water-wading turned it into a full hour and a half. By the time they reached the mountain itself, James was exhausted from wading through the swamp, with Norem a little winded and Jax none the worse. The krogan started climbing the cliff first, a pathway having been carved well into the side of it for easier access to the research base. James trudged up from behind them, sighing as he tried to get his second wind. At least there was no more swamp-crossing for a while, the air starting to turn lighter with each step going higher as the winds started to turn unruly.

"Fuck I'm tired," said James. "I thought you been in swamps before," said Jax. "Yeah but it had like crossings and shit, not wade THROUGH the water...fuck." "We're past the worst now," said Norem, "so buck up. Once we get to the research center we can rest a little bit when we find out what's going on. So until then keep climbing." "I know this suit's meant to be light but it really weighs down on you sometimes." "You ever worn armour before?" "Not really." "First time's always a little rough, you'll get the hang of it." With little else to add they kept climbing, the rising mist of faded green coming all around them from the marshland. The mountains themselves had some greenery, but after a certain point it became too steep for plants to grow, despite the path that had been made for visitors towards the base. Even with that it was a struggle for James, but he kept his feet walking regardless of how tired he felt, letting his mind wander off to think of other things while his body worked. His mind's distraction helped numb the pain of exhaustion. Least I don't have that fucking pair of scissors anymore, finally I get a chance to get rid of them safely...god I hope they got the tech to keep that thing under wraps, I mean it's the future why wouldn't they?! They must find a shit ton of cursed artifacts or super-dangerous stuff right? They gotta have security protocols and shit, don't worry. Haven't felt that hunger in me for a long while...maybe it really was just the scissors. Maybe Gadd was wrong about one thing, maybe he's not inside me all the time, maybe- "We're here." Norem alerted him from his thoughts as they passed through a crevasse, widened for visitors as they caught sight of the enclosed mountain base. A sprawling institute that filled the mountain interior, the Tarith Botanical Center blinked faintly all on its own, white buildings no higher than a small house all interconnecting to each other. The soft lights of communication arrays signalled them to come closer, as the three mercenaries made their way in towards the front gate. What little wind there had been higher up on the cliffs now howled throughout the basin. Once they entered the front gate, they heard a voice on the intercomm within the small contained airlock of grey and white, a gaseous spray of oxygenated disinfectant washing over them. "Finally you made it! We were starting to worry about you, lemme just get you all sterilised before we let you in."

Once the sterilisation process had finished, they were allowed into the research base. It was a certainly a lot wider and more lively than the one on Kopis had been, with a variety of species all in labcoats debating with one another. A main front area the size of a Citadel street, wide enough to wander in with various doors leading off into different areas of the white-themed plant-walled area, the various notes and data pieces of several plant species propped up upon the walls as either incentive, or atmosphere for the environment. Various chore assignments, botany talk, daily reports on each other's lives all melded into one sitting at the main area, a meeting place of sorts for the several dozen researchers working within. The voice on the intercomm identified himself as a salarian, white-skinned and smiling with relief as he shook hands with Norem, his sweeping white lab coat matching "Dr. Patau, I'm one of the chief researchers here, Seed Sector." "Halmer Nolaher," said Norem, "our boss contacted you?" "Why yes, he was very forgiving of our circumstances. You may take off your helmets if you wish, the air circulation is perfectly safe." "We would rather keep them on for when we deal with our pests down below. One of your researchers told us all about it while in orbit, some kind of bug infestation." "Yes, we've never seen such things before and they're not marked in any of our records. We've tried to get a good look at them, but they always seem to evade our security sensors! Damn devious little bastards, perhaps a dozen or so of our researchers have gone missing, or worse." "How many do you have here in this station?" "About seventy-eight as of yesterday. We really hope you can get rid of these things." "Do you just study plants here? Nothing else?" "Yes, this IS a pure botanical center after all, we do not allow any invertebrates or anything from outside. We do not have the clearance necessary to study any such species, or interfere. That's why we don't have any weapons in this station, we're not allowed to interfere with the species outside, they're out of our jurisdiction." "I see. Well if you'll just direct us down to where the infestation is then maybe we can sort this out for you Dr. Patau." "Of course, this way, do you require anything else?" "Just directions and as much intel as you have on their movements." "Right, follow me then." The three headed off with the salarian scientist towards a deeper part of the facility, passing through circular doors one by one through different rooms with different purposes. Most of them dealed with plants, either by cross-fertilisation of different breeds or simply studying the effects of what chemicals worked on what. The raptor walking through was much less intrigued by the goings on, but he did note one plant that was like a venus flytrap, except that it somehow feasted on other plants like a vicious herbivore. The sight of a plant eating grass was both strange and chilling to the raptor.

Soon however they reached a lower area of the base, the various researchers passing through of turian, human, salarian and volus even all staring at the newcomers with fascination. Dr. Patau greeted them towards a door marked off, sealed with a preventive quarantine sign that made sure others would not stray. "Here it is," said the doctor, "they never come up here from beyond this point." "What's down there?" asked Norem. "Soil samples, mainly the acidic quantities of the pH level on certain other planets. We try to test them to compare to Tarith's own in order to get a better idea on how much chlorine actually does infest the soil, but we can't get any further on it with all those damn pests down there!" "I think they're more than pests doc," said James, "not after they killed more than twelve people can you just call them pests." "Yes, well, it's hard to keep a straight face when your research is being ruined on one side and you're losing good team members on the other, so forgive my improper use of terminology hmm?" "Just saying doc." "Do you have any good images of these things?" asked Norem. "Yes, I have some here," said Patau. "They're not too clear but this is our best shot from the surveillance feed." Sending them an image file over omni-tool, the doctor gave them their clearest image on the offending intruder. It was certainly an insect of some kind, half the size of a human if the wall beside it was any indication, a red carapace-ridged back and four spindly legs that bent neatly upon the floor. Jax was the most intrigued by it as he peered closer at the image, pondering to himself as Norem nodded saying: "We'll handle them for ya, just keep in contact with us so we can update you about the situation or have any questions about the layout." "Of course, thank you mister Nolaher. Good luck, and be safe." Opening the quarantined doors, the salarian watched the three mercs head on in before closing it behind them. The lights were dimmed deeper within the laboratory in order to save power to the rest of the habitable station, but it was still enough for them to see as they pulled out their guns once again. "Alright boys," said Norem, "we got a bug hunt on our hands. If you see something not on two legs, shoot first and no questions asked." "Got it," said FG. "So I didn't know you also went by mister Nolaher too." "No one knows our real identity, that's the real reason we keep these helmets on. Facepaint can only trick someone for so long." "Oh believe me...I know all about that. You ever tried using foundation on your skin? Covers incriminating birthmarks real good until someone notices too much." "No...but I'll keep that in mind."

The labs underneath the station were not particularly any different from the ones upstairs, rows upon rows of small cubicled areas with glass partitions and thick see-through containers of various soil differences. To James they all looked the same, having various degrees of fertilisation and seed growth planted within them. But to a scientist of this place they were as different as night and day. The body of a researcher laid upon the ground before them, along with four others around the main area of the labs, the blood streaks showing where its killer had fled. "I guess they're no longer missing," said FG, "thought that salarian doc didn't seem that bothered." "Salarians are like that," said Jax, "always focused on the next solution, no time to waste grieving about things." "Huh...I dunno whether that's efficient or just being dickish." "Shh!" hushed Norem. "...there. See that shadow?" The turian ducked low and pointed out an insectoid shadow upon the far-end of the hall, past the many cubicles as it gently began to skitter off another hallway. They kept themselves quiet by instinct and began to slowly make their way forwards, checking every door in turn. James kept his focus sharp, listening intently for the slightest sound with his pistol aimed upon every turn. Jax stuck beside him as a guide of sorts, keeping him in check which he rarely had to do. Norem stayed in front, keeping all his senses alert. The bodies of the researchers featured interesting wounds, deep gouging marks and brutal punctures of an almost mob-like frenzy upon each and every one. A few had even been impaled violently, their chests ripped into a bloodied hole as they made their way further in. James was more nervous than ever with what appeared to be his first true mission, one of actual danger approaching them as they headed down a narrow connecting hallway, reaching deeper within the lab stations as they turned a sharp corner. So far none of the creatures had tried to attack them, which only made them even more nervous as the raptor stayed close towards Jax. The next area was just as dead as the first, another open white hallway with blood splattered in cursive along the floor, trailing from the bodies of unfortunate researchers. James also noted that alien species had different blood colours, the salarians' being green while the turians had blue. One young asari he noted as having purple, creating a rather macabre technicolour image across the entire floor. The krogan also turned nervous at the sight of the open room, devoid of enemies still before saying: "I dunno whut's worse, the open areas full of dead people or the narrow halls that aren't." "Both are bad," said Norem, "strange they don't want to attack us though, they must know we're here since they're insects." "Maybe we're getting better at stealth." "...you're a krogan, that's like asking an elcor to sing." "Heh...guess so." "So is everyone just racist in this galaxy or what?" asked FG. "I mean, you really love to talk shit about each other don't you." "Not really, but when you have a dozen different species all in one place you kinda learn to have a sense of humour about yourself. Otherwise you end up losing a few ships." "...anyone noticed how quiet it is?" "Yes," said Norem. "Okay, good...that's not a good thing." "No, it's not. Means they know we're here or they're much deeper underground, like burrowing even." "They must be," murmured Jax, "I think I know whut these things are but I don't wanna say it...not in case I jinx it."

They looked at each other with uncertainty as they crossed the open floor, stepping around the dead researchers out of respect as well as to avoid staining their boots with the multiple colours of bloodstains. More soil samples locked away in cubicles, with plants both native and not native to this planet preserved safely within. At the very least their research had remained unharmed. A further hallway crawled deep down into the depths of the laboratory, with only one or two signs of small green bugs that Norem shot at without warning. The insects he managed to shoot before they escaped were small, barely the size of his foot as they exploded with a powerful spark of lime-green, making FG nervous as a toxic gas exhuded from their bodies. They kept well away, and more seemed to be around the deeper entrance to the labs in a protective stance, guarding whatever laid within. For now their origins were still a mystery, even to Jax who kept warily silent of his own suspicions. James fired off a few shots at the small bugs, watching them explode from a distance after missing a few times due to distance, while Jax saved his ammo for more close-range encounters as the shrieking insects stood their ground. A miniature platoon of them not more than 12, they slowly began to approach as James and Norem fired readily upon them. More toxic gas burst from their tiny bodies, a last suicide attack in vain as they were dealt with swiftly. "That wasn't hard at all," boasted FG. "Who the hell gets their ass kicked by a bunch of tiny bugs?" "That was just the worker force," said Jax. "Not the real guys." "What?" "You saw those dead bodies back there right? You think those li'l guys were able to rip a hole right through their chests?" "I...nooo not really." "Then keep yer guard up. We're not even at the gates of their fortress yet." "They know we're here then?" said Norem. "Yeah...lemme take the lead, I can take the hit." "Alright." Switching up their positions, Jax headed out in front with Norem behind him sleekly, his sniper rifle keeping its scope honed in on any signs of activity forwards. As they approached the deepest level of the botany labs, they knew somehow from the faded lighting that they were reaching somewhere beneath the ground, deep within the mountain itself. Upon opening the next door, their suspicions would prove to be correct.

A gigantic hole laid within the back of a storage room, deep within the laboratory complex and widened out through a vicious tear between wall and floor within the metal structure. Boxes of various supplies to replace scientific equipment laid strewn about the place, glass shards and cable lengths ripped and reassembled by alien tendrils to form a stronger webbing around the hole itself. One or two of the last remaining researchers had been found here, perhaps the first of the victims of this strange threat that laid deep within the long dark hole. Light never returned from the deep tunnel, but the sounds of hissing could be well heard. "Well...we found the nest," said Norem. "Let's hope there's not a queen." "Did he not tell us about this?" said James. "I mean it's hard to miss a giant fucking hole in the back storeroom." "Good point. Dr. Patau, are you there?" "Yes?" said the doctor over comms. "What is it?" "We found the root of your problem, it's a giant-ass hole in the back of a storeroom, they must have burrowed in from underneath your lab and gone haywire." "What?! How did they manage to burrow INTO our lab?!" "They managed to break through the wall somehow, you sure there was no entrance to this lab by any other means?" "I-...wait...wait we were also planning to do some work on subterranean plant life, but we were still waiting on the clearance to gain mining equipment for it, we weren't able to do that when it all happened!" "Maybe one of your lab assistants jumped the gun?" "But that's impossible! I would never have authorised it, I-" "Maybe he didn't ask for your authorisation but the point is...one of these lab researchers has a high-powered blowtorch on them, that might be the cause of it." "Fire beats steel," said FG, "that I know well." "How did that happen?!" squawked Patau. "I...how can...I would have known if someone had snuck in something like that, I-...wait...wait...no...I think I know what happened now. Thank you for informing me mister Nolaher, I'm going to conduct my own investigations on this matter." "No problem," said Norem, "we'll let you know when it's all clear." With the mystery turning deeper of their potential sabotage, they stepped forwards to investigate the tunnel further into the mountain. The metallic walls around the hole had definitely been melted, the weakened structure made easy for the invading creatures to come bursting through with whatever intent they had. The sounds of nightmares came deep from beyond the dark, an echoing hiss that sent chills through their very souls. Jax was the most anxious, his breathing now shaking with a deep primordial fear. James understood it, asking: "You know what these are now, do you?" "...yeah. I wish I didn't." "What are they?" "...Rachni." "What?!" shouted Norem. "Are you sure?!" "Definitely. A Krogan does not mistake that sound, ever." "But...that was nearly two-thousand years ago! They should be extinct!" "I don't care, I know that sound! Besides, they got reported up at Noveria remember?! People say Shepard dealt with 'em!" "How do you know what they sound like then?" "I know it...I've heard it...somewhere...in my dreams." "...ancestral memory perhaps?" "Something like that, I dunno, I just...I just know. I read up on this stuff, my father told me about 'em, told me all about 'em but...something about 'em terrifies me more than anyone else." "It's okay." James stood beside him, his eyes smiling from beneath the helmet glass. "We're all afraid of something right? Besides, you're a krogan with a shotgun, who's gonna fuck with you?" "...heh...yer right. Ain't no one gonna fuck with this." "Damn right, now let's fucking kill these things!" "We need to smoke 'em out," said Norem. "You still got those inferno grenades Jax?" "Right here!" "Alright, James you take up position over there behind the two crates. Jax you go on the opposite side. I'll keep at the door and plug 'em through the smoke. Got it?" "Got it," said both raptor and krogan.

The three took up their positions at the tunnel entrance, knowing that to head inside without any indication of its depth could spell an uncertain end to all of them. At the very least they had to smoke out a good amount of the front guard before they could proceed with extermination. Once he was given the all-clear, Jax threw in his first grenade down into the tunnel, waiting to hear it drop. The tiniest clink silenced the hissing for a brief moment, before then came the mighty explosion. A bellowing of fire burst forth from the tunnel, the screams of thousands coming from within or so they thought, as the hissing began to come closer. They pulled up their weapons, ready to fire as the first creatures began to emerge. These ones were far larger than the little green mites they had to deal with previously. These were the real Rachni, the size of a human with large thick chitonous bodies of blood-red, with thin tentacles above their heads ending in small venomous pods that shot acid right towards them, forcing them to duck behind cover constantly. More started to emerge out of burning hole, screams of pain and fury rising in them as they opened fire. James was not terrified, but he was certainly feeling out of depth against such creatures, firing off all that he could from one clip alone into them. He tried to shoot his own fire, which worked well considering they were organic and therefore easy to burn. Jax, despite being incredibly nervous about such beasts, kept aim with his shotgun and blasted away hard at them, his closer range able to rip right through their natural armour. Not as strong as their armour, but still enough. Norem kept them pinned down and forced back towards the hole with precise deadly shots, occasionally firing out a concussive round to force creatures back down the hole. The powerful less-fatal shot was strong enough to force anything back, even a krogan if he wanted to by its sheer velocity of an ion-packed shot. The rachni however did not stop coming, even after they collectively managed to repel back at least a dozen of the larger force, with the occasional smaller mites trying to sneak through for a suicide attack.

James panicked and fell back at one of the smaller green ones, worker drones who had nothing but their life to give for the horde. He almost got a blast of armor-piercing toxic to the face, but instead shot it off near his foot and ended up feeling the acid seep into his clawed boot. Grunting in pain, he tried to fight through it and gritted his teeth, firing upon them once more with a fresh new clip. Twelve, fourteen, sixteen, eighteen, twenty. They never stopped coming and their ammo was halfway done. "WE NEED A BIGGER BLAST!" cried Jax. "THESE THINGS JUST KEEP COMING!" "I SHOULDA HAD LIREM COME INSTEAD!" said Norem. "I CAN'T SHOOT FAST ENOUGH FOR THIS-AARGH!" "NOREM!" "I'M FINE!" Norem had retreated with a burning wound in his upper arm, an acid shot festering upon his armour to start seeping in deeply. He had to resort to different methods, trying to prop his sniper rifle up on one arm wounded in order to keep firing. James kept on firing upon them with both fire and pistol, the turian having ideas tick around in his head. "JAX, JAMES, I GOT AN IDEA!" "WHAT!?" cried FG. "JAX, THROW A GRENADE AND LET JAMES SET IT ON FIRE, THAT'LL MAKE A FIRE EXPLOSION!" "REALLY!?" shouted Jax. "JUST DO IT!" With no other option against the horde, the two nodded to each other as they fired a stronger volley down onto the horde, trying to thin them out before the next wave to give themselves a chance. Going well past half of their ammo available, the krogan readied a grenade against the shrieking horde of red and green, acid spitting in all directions towards them as they tried to duck and cover. Jax warned FG as he threw the grenade: "FIRE IN THE HOLE!" The raptor stood up and cut a huge swathe of fire across the hole, making sure he would hit the grenade as it glinted faintly across the air, a blinking red light almost impossible to notice against the encroaching army. The fire heated up the grenade even further than it normally would, as an explosion welcomed them with wide firey arms of a deep pulsating amber. Screams of the insect horde came resonating from within the new flames, forcing them back with such an intense heat that even Jax was starting to sweat from its proximity. Nothing more came from beyond the hole for now. The rachni had retreated to leave their fallen brothers behind, charred and blackened beyond all recognition into dried carcasses. They gently made their way forwards and peered into the tunnel, the hive surely within but not entirely eradicated. They weren't surrendering just yet.

"I think I need more than just grenades to handle them," said Jax nervously. "We need more fire," said Norem. "Something we can pump into the hive and burn them all just to be safe." "...what can be set on fire?" said James. "We got oil, we got gas maybe, we got-" "Wait, that's it. Dr. Patau, come in." "Wh-what is it?!" said the doctor over comms. "We need to pump gas into the insects' hive, is there any way to access the gas mains from this level?" "I...I believe so but, that would be dangerous! You could get seriously hurt, or even killed! And the experiments, I-" "We can handle it, just tell us what to do. We just need to pump it all down into one area and close off the room, do you know how to do that?" "I...yes, yes I do. One of our engineers knows how to deal with ventilation I'll ask him if we can't direct some sort of gas into one room. What room are you in now?" "We're in the far back storage room marked...16-B." "Alright, I know where that is, I'll let you know when the gas is coming in." "You better hurry up, those bugs are not happy about us being here and I think they're preparing a second wave." They turned off the comms and waited behind cover, keeping an eye out for anymore invading rachni from beyond the hole. Nothing came up, for five minutes nothing would come from beyond the tunnel. They started to turn nervous, the sounds of hissing from deep below causing them to turn on edge. Each minute started to feel like an hour of anxiety, the raptor struggling to keep still. "What are they DOING down there?!" "They're waiting," said Jax. "Sweating us out...those bugs are a hella lot smarter than you think." "How smart are they?" "...smart enough to outflank us." He said this right when the hissing sound came from behind. Pushing through from another part of the lab came another small horde of rachni, shrieking with the sound of victory in their grasp as they pincered in the intruders. The hole started to fill up with more of them, causing all three of them to panic briefly with desperation. The way back and forwards were now being overcome by insects, cloistering around them in preparation for their duty to protect the hive. Norem soon heard something over comms. "I got it, I've got the gas pumping into the store room, get out of there now and we can lock it down!" "WE'RE PINNED DOWN HERE!" shouted Norem. "Then find a way out, we can't help you more than that! Find a way out of there and ignite the store room!" Jax stood up with a desperate idea in him. Without question he grabbed both James and Norem in one hand each, hoisting them up by his brute strength and charging through the rachni that blocked his way out. His two team-mates cried out in confusion, but he was deaf to their protests as he roared with a mighty vengeance and slammed his shoulders through the horde, pounding them down on both sides as pure speed tore through his knees. The rachni tried to lash at his body, but either he did not care or they did not hit hard enough.

The krogan roared as he bore his head low, trying to take the lashing strikes to his body well as cuts scraped across his body, but he managed to push through to the other side shouting: "JAMES, GRAB A GRENADE FROM MY PACK!" The raptor struggled to grab one of the inferno grenades from the krogan's armour packs, bouncing in his grip. "NOW THROW IT! NOREM, GET 'EM TO CLOSE IT!" "LOCK IT DOWN NOW!" Norem roared down the comms as James hurled the inferno grenade straight towards the storage room as hard as he could, managing to knock it against the back wall. The door closed perhaps ten seconds later, locking most of the rachni in before the grenade finally blew. Gaseous flames tore through the entire hive network within one violent shockwave, the screams of dozens crying out from within as the remaining rachni that managed to stay outside the room shrieked in despair, forced to the floor by the sudden agony of their entire race. Jax stopped running once they knew they were safe, putting his two friends down and sighing heavily from exertion, his wounds fresh upon his body but not hindering him in any way. The hive was destroyed, the rachni survivors lost and hesitant with each other as they turned towards the three mercs, shivering whimpers without orders from their breed. A strange sense of sorrow struck James as Jax reached for his shotgun. "Few last stragglers left, then we're done." "Wait," said James, "what if...they're not attacking us now. We killed all of them, they know that." "They'll just keep killing more people here if we don't deal with 'em." "But they know they lost, they're surrendering even!" "Rachni don't surrender. They never do." "...but...can't we just leave them somewhere, like off-planet maybe?" "No." "But they're not gonna fight back!" "They will if we leave 'em! You wanna leave all these people here to get killed, without weapons, without any way of fighting BACK against these things?!" "...no." The krogan walked forwards with his shotgun ready. One of the rachni hissed in defence, shrieking as it launched towards him before being shot out of the air and broken in two. The rest soon followed, trying to fight back in their confused state but with the state they were in it was futile. Almost pitiful. James began to feel uncomfortable about this, as Jax walked back from his dealing with stragglers, the last of the creatures now dealt with. "Let's go, tell the guy upstairs we got 'em." They soon headed back up towards the lab base that was occupied by its inhabitants, with James feeling rather uncertain about all they had just did. Whether he had felt the same if they had all been killed in an instant together or not, the sight of the fearful last survivors of the rachni group struck something deep within him. He wasn't sure why, and he wondered if he was being a hypocrite or not in even thinking that. Regardless, he walked away from the scene behind his friends, hobbling on his foot which still burned with acid, hoping to not see another case like this.