dragon , tiger first love

Story by Dragoncores on SoFurry

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On a clear cool night Tralla was flying over the land of Yonora. He was a young male dragon. He was a least 14 feet tall, 36 feet long, with a wing span of about 80 feet. He was out doing nothing particular that night. He was bored and was hoping for some thing to happen and so far nothing has happened. Late on in the night he noticed what look like a chase going on. So he sore in closer to get a better look.

There was three creators running. Two of them were humans or humanoids. The other was a animal of some kind. The humans were chasing the animal yelling some thing about the animal being ready for some thing. The animal was yelling for help. So he soared in to help the animal.

He landed in between the two humans and the animal. It turned out to be one human and a lizard folk. Both type disgusting. The animal was a white tiger. The tiger appeared to be young but hurt in multiple places. The tiger had blood running down many places on its body.

The human and lizard folk stopped dead in their tracks and stared for a minute. Then they yelled "get out of the was drake! This does not involve you!" and they tried to push by but he took up the entire width of the path with his body so they could not get by. The tiger had stopped a distance ahead to see what was going on.

"I said move out of the way know drake!" yelled the human.

"I will not move. I will not let you two harm that tiger any more." said he in a calm voice.

"Move know or else." the human repeated.

"Do not threaten me. Know leave or suffer." he growled

"Don't argue with it Gearth lets leave. We will get her later." the lizard folk said.

"Ok. We will be waiting for you dear!" Geath yelled at her and they turned and left.

"Are you ok?" he asked

"I'm fine. Thank you for saving me." said the tiger.

It was apparent to him that she was not fine. It was the way she acted.

"Tell me the truth." he said.

"OK! The reason those two were chasing me is because I am in heat! Happy!" she shouted.

"O.....Ahhhh.....Let me see.... I guess you could stay at my house until you are out of heat and so I can take care of those wounds. Don't think I am doing this just to mate with you because I'm not. It is expected of me to do this." he said.

"Thank you. Sorry about yelling at you." she said.

"It's ok. clime on my back and I take you to my house." he said.

He leaned over to let the tiger on his back. The tiger was having a trouble getting on his back so he put his nose under the tiger's ass and helped it get on his back. When he did this he got a good nose full of her scent this aroused him a little.

He turned his head as soon as she was on his back. To take his mind off her sent he started asking her questions.

"My name is Tralla. What's yours" he asked

"My name is Asmacara." she said.

"Asmacara. Sounds nice." he said.

"It means one who walks in the light. I was born different from all the others. I was born white and black and not orange and black. Every other tiger says that I am a freak and that I am ugly." she started to crying

" I don't think you are a freak or ugly. I think you are very beautiful." then he realized that he was blushing.

"Thank you." is all she said. The rest of the trip was done in silence.

"We are here." He said as they landed.

He helped her get off his back. He got a another nose full of her scent which aroused him again he tried to hide this fact.

They went in and Tralla went and grabbed his first aid kit. He removed a little blue vile from it.

"This will help heal those wounds faster and its hard to get off so it stays. It may hurt a little."

He started to apple the clear ointment to her wounds starting at her head. She would flinch when the ointment first touched her wounds. When he got back to her ass he was careful not to breath through his nose but the more he tried not to the harder it as for him not to breath through his nose. So in the end he got another nose full of her scent. He tried to hide the fact that he was aroused by her sent but it was hard.

"Its ok. I understand what is happening." she said. when she spoke it startled him.

He look at her face. He had a kind, understanding, and lustful look on her face. He looked down in embarrassment.

"I am so sor...." he started but she cut in.

"Don't be. I have been waiting for the right male to give my self too and you are it. From the moment I saw you I know it." she said. Then she pressed her ass back against his nose and gave him more then a nose full of her scent. "Take me please." she said with lust in her voice.

Tralla not knowing what to do stuck out his tongue and licked her tail hole.

"Wrong one. Go lower." she said so Tralla did as he was told. He went to the hole that was dripping some kind of fluid. He started licking it and found that he liked it. He drove his tongue in deeper and he could hear her moan out in pleaser. Then he felt her insides grow tight on his tongue. Then he felt more of that wonderful liquid come out. It covered his face and he licked it off as best he could.

"That was amazing. No more teasing stick that dragon dick in me now!" she yelled out. Tralla moved his head and got ready to mount her. She look back at him with such need in her eyes that he could not wait to get in her just so he could please her again. His cock was fully erected and dripping with orgasms cum. Then he mounted her. He slowly parted the folds of her virgin pussy. They both moaned out in pure pleasure. When his cock was filly in her instinct kicked in. He started slowly and steadily sped up. After a while he started to hammer at her pussy. He could feel her orgasm approaching fast. Then a few moments later she cummed all over his cock. Her pussy's walls squeezing his cock till he orgasms in her. They both moaned out. He dismounted and fell to the ground next to her.

"That was great." they both said at the same time. They shared one last kiss before they fell asleep laying next to each other.