Project Mitosis: Chapter 4 - Scheme

Story by Markus Snow on SoFurry

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#5 of Project Mitosis

Here is another installment in the Project Mitosis chronicles. So sorry for taking so long, I really can't explain why it is I stopped writing this, but hopefully this chapter will get me going again.

Entry# 401277

Wait please...Accessing Data File...Access Complete

April 19, 2128

Wait Please...

Day by day I begin to realize that I have no fucking clue who I am anymore. Before this past week - before all of this Project bullshit - I was simply Derik Stone, a high school graduate who banged his teacher, had an incestuous mother after him and could pick up any girl in school he wanted. Well, not quite simple, but certainly easier than living with Dr. Ivanek.

Soon enough though, I came upon another realization, it didn't fucking matter who I was. All that matters is what I am. And even that wasn't available for me at the time.

Back then, I wished so badly that I could just send one message out to all of the Projects in the world, assuming there were more than just the ones with me in London. I wished I could just scream at them, "Run! These people will take who you are and turn you into mere test subjects for it!"

It was only when actually given that chance that I saw things in a whole new light. And for better or worse, I changed the world with that light.

Ending Entry# 401277

The cafeteria was the only haven in the labs. In here, there were no cameras, no scientists, not even a single guard to defend the doors. Yet, to escape from the cafeteria brought death to all that were inside. Starting at 11:29 AM, all Projects had to be inside the cafeteria when the doors shut. The moment those doors closed, sensors were activated on both sides of the doors. If either sensor was activated at least four seconds before the other, the one and a half tons of explosives would tear the large mess hall to bits.

So Derik had learned from his new friend, Pierce. To his amazement, the panther learned that his friend here was not only a German shepherd, but aptly named Project Thor. At least six and a half feet tall and weighing roughly 350 pounds, 60% of which was pure muscle, the canine was a powerhouse.

The moment he had laid eyes on Pierce, the midnight black feline asked, "So you're telling me a titan like yourself needs help getting out of here?"

Laughing deeply, Pierce replied, "So you're Derik Stone, eh? As I said, you ain't been here long. We Projects are powerful, sure, but we all have a Killswitch, includin' you."

"Killswitch? So...even if we make it out of here, they can just terminate us?"

"Now you see why no one evah left Eden."

"There must be a way to deactivate that Killswitch, or at least keep it dormant."

Looking around the room to make sure no one else was interested in their conversation, Pierce said cautiously, "You lucky no one got the Dream anymore, otherwise we' be in some bi' trouble," dropping his voice now to a whisper, the German shepherd continued, "Derik Stone, if you can get to the BioFusions room, we can do jus' that."

Before Derik could even ask his friend where that room laid, the cafeteria doors swung wide open, the sensors now deactivating. A giant bear whom the panther could only assume was the guard captain squeezed his way into the mess hall and yelled, "Back to the cells, worms, we've got testing to do!!"

Almost immediately afterwards, everyone rose from their seats or tables and began filing out of the room in crowds. Yet, when it came Derik's turn to leave, the panther felt a large, burly claw envelope his shoulder. Looking down, the guard captain simply smiled back at the confused feline.

Once everyone but the guard captain and he were gone, the large bear said briskly, "You are to come with me."

Nodding gently, Derik could only follow as the guard captain chauffeured him to his new destination. Snaking through various corridors which the panther had never been through yet - which didn't mean much considering his days were mostly spent travelling roughly 80 feet from his cell to his testing room - the panther couldn't help but be amazed.

The further the two went, the more and more alive Eden became. Exotic flowers peeked through the shinning metal floor, vines encased the hollow walls with their animated appearance, and he swore he was hearing bird chirping up ahead.

Once the two emerged from the flora hallway, the panther could barely breathe. In the center of what Derik could only describe as a massive garden stood the largest willow tree he had ever seen. Not behemoth in size, but definitely the appearance of well fertilized and tended to. Beneath him, some of the softest grass he had ever treaded upon submitted easily to his feet, their thin blades cushioning him instead of prodding.

Looking above him, he saw an entire flock of bluebirds flying towards the outermost reaches of his vision. He had heard bird chirping!

The pressure on his shoulder getting more and more intense, Derik turned his attention to the guard captain, who simply snickered at him. His burly voice a vice filled with granite stones, the bear simply declared, " Eden."

Turning his attention back to the awe-inspiring garden, the panther uttered, "Its...gorgeous."

"Why, thank you" The hairs of his neck prickling as warm breath brushed against his fur, the new complimentary voice was definitely female with its soft, enchanting and overall stimulating tone. A delicate hand now touching his other shoulder, the voice said, "Bruce, you may leave now, and tell the good doctor he has my thanks."

Nodding with a scoff, the massive bear suddenly released Derik's shoulder and left the garden without another word. Instantly grateful to this mysterious woman for removing that bulky bastard, he was just about to thank her when she interrupted with, "You don't need to thank me, Mitosis; you'll be paying me back soon enough."

Shocked by bluntness of her comment, he turned his head towards her and at once jumped back and yelled, "What the fuck!" She was...a living willow tree. Her body, the trunk of her tree, was thin and unusually linear with dozens of roots at the bottom of her "body" serving as her feet. Her skin was rough, toffee colored bark. Her arms were thin branches with six smaller, even thinner branches sprouting off them to serve as fingers. She had no distinct head, simply a delicate face that was imposed upon the front of her trunk. Her "hair" was simply a vast collection of tiny willow branches that drooped behind her, creating a semi-humanoid hairstyle.

Her face scrunching up into a pout, the willow-woman replied, "I am not a "fuck", I'm a willow tree, thank you very much. Get over my appearance and follow me, we don't have as much time as I would like, I'm afraid." With that, the woman began to proceed once again towards the giant normal willow tree in the middle of the garden.

Jogging momentarily to keep pace, Derik asked, "What Project are you?"

Her root feet shuffling in between the blades of grass as she walked, the woman answered, "I am Project Eve, and believe it or not I am the mother to every single Project that has ever been created."

Stunned, he never even let himself stop in his tracks as he said, " is that possible, the Projects were normal people before they were abducted and brought here."

"You mean like Thor? You see, young Mitosis, it is through my genetics that they all have been mutated into the Projects they are now. In the earlier years of his studies, Ivanek discovered a way to produce the Tabula Rasa gene."

"Blank Tablet?"

"A gene that can be manipulated in any way you could possibly imagine. I am but one half of the full Tabula Rasa gene." At this point, the two had finally reached the giant willow, at which time Eve motioned for Derik to sit down against the behemoth drooping tree.

Tilting his head to one side, he questioned, "Let me guess, the other half is Project Adam?"

Smiling, the willow-woman replied, "Correct."

Suddenly taken into awe by all of this, he asked, "Why are you telling me all of this, and why is everyone so interested in my ability?"

"Oh, you poor dear, you still haven't figured it out, have you? It's not your power that intrigues us; its how you came to be that has you being watched. You are the first Project to be born with the Tabula Rasa. There have been three other Project Mitosis specimens before you, Derik Stone, but all of them collapsed within their first few weeks after mutation. Their once-normal bodies couldn't stop the mitosis effect, and in essence turned into one giant tumor. They had to be killed to end their misery.

"You, however, were never born normal. Your body has always contained the TR gene, and has, overtime, learned to cope with the Mitosis function."

Turning around as best as she could towards the only entrance and exit to this garden, Eve returned her gaze to him and whispered, "I know what you seek, Mitosis. Know this, it will be impossible for you to reach BioFusions, the moment you even get close ceiling turrets will turn you into Swiss cheese."

Tilting his head down in defeat, the panther mumbled, "We'll never get out of here then..."

"Not so fast, Mitosis. Unfortunately for Ivanek, the garden has access to every nook and cranny of this facility, including its security. I can open your gates and give you a way out of here, but you will only have five minutes to do so before I'm locked out of the systems."

"Five minutes isn't enough time for me to access the BioFusions room, deactivate all of the Killswitches and get everyone out of here in time."

"You don't have to, Mitosis. Ivanek may believe he is in control of my children, but he fails to realize the power of Eve. Just worry about your escape, and leave the rest to me."

Excited, exuberant and ecstatic all at once, Derik Stone felt freedom right beyond his grasp. Suddenly looking back to the willow-woman, he asked, "What's the catch here?"

"For you, none. I, however, must activate my own Killswitch to prevent Ivanek from using anyone else's."


"Listen to me, Mitosis, and listen well. One day, you too may know what it feels like to be a parent. I must do this, for you and for the rest of my children. Sadly, once you escape, there will be more work ahead of you.

"Across western Europe, there are three other Edens, their locations unfortunately are not known to me. You must free my children, Mitosis, free them and unite them. Ivanek and his employers have something in store, something bigger than the Projects themselves. You, I am afraid, are the one who must stop their plans from coming to fruition."

At that moment, Derik caught sight of the bear guard, Bruce, making his way towards the two of them, a massive frown on his muzzle. Standing up, the panther took one last look at Eve and said confidently, "We'll make it out of here, I promise."

Confidence and hope now driving his mission, the panther walked up to Bruce without so much as a cowing or shutter as he said, "I'm ready to go back to my cell now."

A great puff of breath released unto Derik's face from a snort, the bear replied, "Not so fast, shitling, you've got a meeting to attend to first."

Did...did he just call Derik a shitling? Was that even a real word? Submitting, knowing full well there was no way he could overcome this gigantic powerhouse, he simply shrugged and said, "Lead the way then."


After traversing through the familiar halls of the metallic Eden for a good couple of minutes, Derik found himself facing a normal set of double doors. Their dark red hue reminding the young panther of doors that lead the way to a manager's office, he couldn't quite bring himself to trusting these seemingly innocent doors. Looking up at Bruce for any sign of what he should do next, he asked mockingly, "If I touch either of the doors, will I be obliterated by some security device like almost every other door in this place?"

Snickering, the bear simply answered, "Guess you'll have to find that out for yourself now won't you? This is where I leave you, shitling." That said, Bruce simply turned back and began heading for the heart of the complex to resume his duties.

Releasing a small sigh, the panther took one of the door handles, turned it and walked into what could be his demise. Instead, he found something far worse.

Sitting on a casual, oval meeting room table in nothing but a light blue bikini was Project Venus, her legs kicking the air innocently. Her face instantly lighting up when she saw him, she ordered, "Close the door, we have to talk."

Doing as he was told, Derik then rested his back against the double doors, watched her with a frown on his face and asked, "What is it?"

"I know what you're planning, my dear, and you must know its suicide."

Throwing his hands up into the air, he asked, "Jesus Christ, how does everyone know what I'm doing?"

"Because it's been attempted before, and each time it ends in disaster. Please Derik, reconsider. It isn't so bad here, considering the alternatives."

"Not so bad for you, since all you have to do is sit by Ivanek's side like a concubine and jump on his scaly prick when he gives the command."

Gasping in anger, Trisha rebutted, "I'll have you know I have never even seen the old man's dick, much less touched it. And what makes you think I have never gone through testing myself, anyway? We are all tested, Derik Stone, no matter how insignificant the mutation."

Sighing once again, he answered, "I can't stay here, Trisha, nor will I stand by while the rest of the people here are put through grueling tests day after day without any compensation. They've reduced us to mere experiments, and I for one, refuse to be something they can just terminate at their leisure."

"So...there is no changing your mind, my young Derik Stone?"


Placing a hand in each string of the bikini bra, Trisha released her ripe breasts from their confinement, walked up to Derik and pulled him into a full-blown kiss. After letting her tongue swivel with his for what felt like minutes, she finally broke the kiss and stared into his eyes with tears forming under her own.

Pressing her exposed breasts against his plain clothing, she said, "Derik, I have but one request for you. I...I may not be your true mother, but I've spent years looking over you as if I were. I...I never felt Derik Stone squirming inside my womb; I never hated the occasional kick against the baby's confines. I...I never had Derik Stone inside me.

"If you go out there...I cannot believe you will survive. So please, let me feel Derik Stone inside me, if but once."

At this point, the young panther was at a crossroad between absolute pity for Trisha and utter disgust at the remembrance of her motherly treatment of him for his entire life. Then again...she wasn't his true mother. She had been a caretaker, and nowhere in the books of morals was there a problem with fucking your caretaker.

A small smile forming on his muzzle, Derik pushed himself into another kiss with Trisha, leading her quickly to the office table until he had her back resting on that polished pine surface, her large breasts heaving with excitement and arousal. Quickly dropping the grey sweatpants and matching underwear that were his standard pelvic garments, the panther let his already growing erection grind against oh-so-thin bikini bottom as he fondled and suckled Trisha's breasts. Mewling like a kitten, Project Venus placed a hand on her lover's head and cried, "Oh god Derik...Don't Stop!"

When his dick was fully erect and already pumping out thin splotches of precum, Derik proceeded to use his hands to pull down the remnants of her bikini, now soaking wet, all the while still flicking his tongue around and on top of her nipples. When both of her nipples had become hard, the panther looked up at her, positioned his throbbing manhood at her entrance and said, "You can now say you've had Derik Stone inside you."

With that, he made the sopping wet plunge. Grabbing each of her legs with each arm, he proceeded to thrust himself in and out of his life-long caretaker and protector. He didn't regret a moment of it. Each thrust he made, her sex seemed to snuggle against him, squeezing and massaging every inch of his cock. With each retreat, she pulled him back in gently, further increasing the pleasure for both of them. Growling in ecstasy, one image that kept him going was the expression on Trisha's face and the constant momentum of her amazing breasts.

Her hands now clawing into the office table, Trisha screamed, "More, more! Keep it inside me Derik Stone!" And so he did. For literally hours, the two continued their love dance until finally both of them were entirely worn out.

The black fur of her breasts now spotted white after two wonderful titjobs, Trisha Stone looked over to her lover, smiled and said, "Thank you, Derik Stone. You have given me a gift no one can ever take away from me."

Smiling as he began to don his clothing once more, the panther replied, "As you have for me. If something should happen, and we don't see each other again, please know that you were the best mother a kid could ask for." That said, he opened the door back to the complex and left the room, but not before closing the door behind him.


Hours later, during the resting time for all of the Projects, Derik relayed the events of the evening, excluding his encounter with Trisha, to Pierce. The moment he had finished, the German Shepherd said, "So, when we be getting' outa this place, then?"

As if on cue, the red emergency lights activated, all of the cell doors opened and an alert rang out, "Warning, Warning! Absolute Security Breach Detected. All cell doors opened. Armed force authorized!

Stepping out of his cell with a fresh smile on his face, Derik replied, "Right about now."


Memory 004 Complete

Shifting Over to Cycle 2

Wait Please...