A Inherit the Earth fan-fic

Story by shetland on SoFurry

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A inherit the Earth fan-fiction By Raven Fox: A human male gets frozen in cryo as punishment. He ends up waking up on a future Earth populated by anthropomorphic brings. This story takes place in the world of the game Inherit the Earth: I am a fan of the game RAVEN FOX. Inherit the earth is property of Wyrmkeep entertainment.

An Army court marshal in the United States in the future.

The twenty-nine year old human male with dark tan hair with dark blue eyes looked at the three star General with a glare.

"That look won't help you Specialist Jonathan Jace, keep a calm look or you'll end spending the rest of your life in Leavenworth prison.", Said his appointed lawyer.

Jace relaxed himself seething in anger. He and his platoon commander were captured on a top secret mission. The two human males ended up tied to a tree and ended up being beaten by a mercenary. Jace still heard the yells of his platoon commander as he was hacked to death with a machete. He was going to be the next victim, but he was rescued by a team of Navy Seals. The group that captured him and his leader surrendered to the Seals, but Jace decided to give one of his captors the same treatment his commander received. Jace hacked the murder of his platoon leader to death but he was knocked out before he could work justice on the others.

"Specialist Jonathan, how do you plead for killing an unarmed prisoner?", Asked the General.

The human on trial grinned, "Not guilty sir, it was self defense sir."

Days later, the judgment.

Jace saw the judges walked in the courtroom and sit down looking at him. The main judge, the three star General look at him, "Specialist Jonathan, you're found to be guilty of killing an unarmed prisoner. You will have all rank removed and sent to the east coast to be put under cryo freeze for the period of two hundred years. Afterwards, you will be given a bad conduct discharge from the U. S. Army. The guy you killed was asking for asylum to the United States to do work for the government. He would have been useful for your country; do you have anything to say before you're taken in custody?"

"Yes I do, I did a favor for my brothers and sisters in uniform by killing that son of a bitch. I myself don't trust people who change sides, even people who laugh when a good commanding officer gets hacked apart. You weren't tied to that tree while a good friend of yours is making sounds that you never know a human being can make. General, I don't know what the government was going to use that piece filth for, but there are a few people in my platoon that will do a better job that piece of shit of humanity. I am done talking General.", Jace finished watching as the generals' face redden.

"For that, I am adding another hundred years to your sentence.", The General said in a venomous tone.

Jace just shrugged as he is lead away in handcuffs.

A few days later, secret cryo facility somewhere east of the United States.

Three humans wheeled Jaces' cryo pod in to a storage area, one of the humans' asked, "Is that the guy who killed the rag head who killed his commanding officer?"

One of them replied hooking up the pod to the computer, "Yeah, that's him, I myself personally think he has gotten screwed by our fucked up legal system. I hope the world is better in three hundred years." He said shutting the storage room, "Bud, I hope you wake up in a better world."

Unknown years later.

The planet Earth had a couple of tectonic plates shift causing an Earthquake. The forgotten room where a few cryo pods were stored in shook causing equipment fall. One piece of equipment fell on a computer causing the dormant equipment to activate. The monitor turned on with the computer making a few beeps. On the screen, a message flashed: reanimation sequence initialized, revitalize occupants. Only one cryo pod revived its occupant.

Jace felt awful when he woke up seeing a bar of light. He grabbed the edge feeling something slide causing the gap to increase in size. The human male crawled out of the compartment falling on to a dirty floor coughing the dirt out of his lungs.

After a minute of looking at his surroundings, Jace looked at the room taking in the details. The lights of the room flickered and dim due to the large quality of dust on the lights. He walked to the computer monitor wiping the dust off the monitor looking at the readout: Reanimation successful...two pods failed to activate due to gas venting out. The human male examined the two pods seeing skeletons instead of sleeping human beings. Jace walked back to the computer monitor to check for a date, but the monitor went blank. He checked the computer smelling a familiar electrical burning scent and saw smoke coming out of the power supply, "Well, I am in an unknown room and I don't know where I am at. So I better get out of here."

The lights of room continued to flicker as Jace walked to a thick metal door. He got it opened seeing a hallway. The human walked down the hallway seeing a door marked Locker room. Getting the door opened, Jace checked the lockers finding a set of clothing that fitted him. He noted that the clothing had an old musty smell as he put them on, "Better to have a smell than walking around naked with my dork hanging out." The human thought to himself as he checked for any cash. Jace noticed that the paper money is very badly rotted, but he grabbed coins from the other lockers. He made a money bag out of an extra sock he found in a locker. The human noticed a faded picture of a dark hair human male with an anthro red vixen wearing a lab coat, "Now that's the best Photo shop job I ever saw." Jack said to himself putting the picture back in the locker. He is a member of the furry community and read stories at a website called So-furry.

Outside the place.

Jace looked at his surroundings taking in the sights; it took him minutes to open the jammed metal door. He saw that the place is overgrown with plants and trees, "I been out more than three hundred years because there is no vehicles parked and that place creep me out, I felt better when I made it to the entrance." The human muttered to himself as he commenced walking down the overgrown road. There was no food left in the building he was in or running water. Jace knew that he will half to find something to eat soon or he will loose strength. He kept his senses aware for signs of water to fill the two empty cola bottles he salvaged from the garbage can at a room he checked out.

An hour later, the human found a clear stream and filled the cola bottles with water. Jace quenched his thirst and ate some insect grubs he found under a log and drank more water. He felt his strength returning and continued walking down the road feeling a lot better.

When the sun started to set, Jace saw a few buildings near a large dam. He was about to try to get to them when he was surrounded by a group of anthropomorphic wolves.

"Stand still creature, you're now a prisoner of the wolf tribe.", Said a male anthro wolf.

The human male stood still looking at the twelve anthro wolves wearing bits of cloth on their lithe human like torsos. Jace studied them wondering what is going on here. To his memory, he was placed in a tube to spend three hundred years in cyro animation for murder a few of his days ago. Hours ago, he awoke in an unknown building not seeing a single human. Right now, Jace is surrounded by anthropomorphic wolves holding spears to take him prisoner, "I am a prisoner again, my life has gotten worse." The human thought to himself as he's lead away.

Later, Wolf tribe village.

In a cage constructed of wood stakes with rope holding the structure together, Jace looked at the village structures. To him, it resembled a med-evil village in Europe. The human kept himself quiet watching the wolves nearby, "Well, these anthros are shorter than me, but I am five foot five being short for an average human male at my time." Jace thought to himself as a couple of male wolves talked to each other.

"What are we going to do with this creature chief?", Asked a brown pattern wolf to a gray pattern wolf wearing a blue vest.

The chief of the wolf tribe looks at Jace grinning, "A ship will be here tomorrow morning to take some of our tribesmen to the Southern lands to the faire. Might earn some coins in selling this creature. Maybe the ferrets might buy it as a curiosity, they always interested in oddities." He walks to the cage studying the human looking back at him, "I don't know what you are, I think you might be a malformed ferret or fox. Hope I get some gold for you."

Jace stayed quiet as the wolves walked to one of the wood structures nearby. He sat on the ground leaning against a set of bars watching the sky grow darker. The human watched as the stars appeared to see how much the sky changed. Jace watched as a familiar celestial body rose into the sky, "I am still on Earth, but where am I and what year?" He thought to himself looking at the moon.

"Beautiful view, isn't it human.", Replied a male raccoon wearing a blue cloak with a hood. He studied the humans' surprised look, "Yeah, I know you're a human. I felt the Earth move earlier today and I know of the human ruins not far from here. Never thought I live to see a human during my life."

"What is your name?", Jace asked the raccoon who is holding a blue ball being the size of a baseball.

The raccoon studied the blue ball taking in the details and looked back at Jace, "My name is Chota human, this is the orb of storms. This orb is part of a great intelligence with several other orbs." Chota saw the puzzled look of the human, "I see that these were made after you went to sleep. So I won't tell you more, but good luck at the faire." He walks away from Jaces' cage.

Jace watched as the raccoon walked to a different hut. The human male looked at the night sky noticing that the stars seem brighter and the air cleaner except the smell of wood smoke. He huddled at a corner of his cage wondering if he will fall asleep, but he did later on.

The next day, sometime in the afternoon, on a ship.

Jace studied the wooden sailing ship he's on. He compared the craft being a copy of a British East Indian man. The human watched different morphs work the rigging and adjusting the sails.

"What's with the strange hairless creature?", Asked a male otter with a black colored pelt looking at the cage on the stern deck.

"Something we're going to sell at the faire.", Answered one of the wolves walking the main deck doing a casual glance at Jaces' direction. "I still think it's a malformed ferret."

The human male ignored to conversation watching a white male fox operating a sextant. Jace knew the basics of stellar navigation and wondered how these anthropomorphic beings built a large sailing ship. "I always wanted to sail on an old sailing ship." He thought to himself looking at the black colored sails feeling a chill run down his spine.

That evening.

Jace knew that his day has gotten worse when he saw the black clouds forming at mid afternoon. He did get a meal of meat with some roots and savored the meal. "Sure beats the insect grubs I had when I first woke up.", The human thought to himself feeling the ship starting to roll and pitch.

"Take in sails and steer us on course 150. We're a half days' journey from the Boars' castle.", The white fox yelled over the sound of the storm and looked at the wolf standing next to him, "Do you want me to put that thing in the brig?"

The wolf looked at the clouds and answered. "No need to, it needs a bath. I don't want to be smelling it during this storm.", He looks at the cage and shrugs.

During the night at the worst part of the storm, Jace heard the sound of a rope snapping. He felt the cage shift and another snapping sound. The cage containing a human male fell off the ship hitting the rudder causing the cage to shatter freeing the prisoner in it.

The next morning on a beach.

Jace opened his eyes to a clear bright day making him rub his eyes taking in his surroundings. When his senses returned, he heard wood wind instruments playing from a direction. The human followed the sound for a while seeing a bunch of colorful tents placed in a grid. Jace not taking any chances put on a hooded robe he found in the sand on the beach this morning. He put it on concealing his features and walked to the tents.

Later that day, Jace walked the faire grounds taking in the sight of the colorful tents and sights. He walked down the main path keeping his head bowed to hide his human features. A certain tent caught the humans' attention due to an anthro male bear counting money. Jace decided to check this tent out by walking thru the flap.

"What do you what?", Asked a male vole looking at him with suspicion, "If you're not going to change money, leave!"

Jace is a quick thinker, he grabbed the sock with the coin money handing some quarters and fifty cent pieces.

The money changer looked at the coins taking them and examined them, "Human coins, they're worth something." He looked at Jace question ally, "Found them in human ruins?" The vole saw his customer in a hooded cloak nodding, "I'll give you seventy five gold pieces, that's the best I can do."

"I'll take your offer.", Jace answered trying the same accent as the wolves taking the gold pieces from the vole putting them in the sock. The human left the tent to do more exploring of this place.

Night time, outside a different tent.

The human male examined the décor outside the tent and walked inside. When his eyes adjusted to the dim interior a voice summoned inside.

"Welcome human, I thought your race has gone extinct. Come in so I can take a better look at you.", Said a female voice with a purr.

Jace looked at the female anthro based of a Siamese cat, "She sounds like Ertha Kitt when she played catwoman in that old Batman TV series." He thought to himself sitting across from the feline looking at the different colored crystals on the table admiring the glow.

"You like my crystals human, they tell me everything. They might tell me your future. I will tell you your fortune if you wish, but first tell me your tale." She looks at Jace with her blue eyes, "I have a feeling that it's a tale of all tales because I thought the humans were long dead."

They human male looked at the feline looking at him. He sighed and told the feline his story. Jace told her of the ill-fated mission of which his best friend was killed and what he did to the guy who killed his platoon leader. Then the human told the fortune teller of the trial and his sentence of cyro sleep. He saw her eyes widen of when gotten captured by the wolves and his escape.

The fortune teller spoke in that sexy purring voice, "Interesting story human, the legends of old tell of places where humans were stored sleeping. Most of the humans sleeping were awaken when we were created." She grins at Jace, "I think you and the others were forgotten. All I can tell you that the humans just disappeared."

Jace studied the feline knowing that she's thinking about something, "I go by the name of Jace, what do I call you?"

The feline grinned at him, "Just call me the fortune teller for now." She gazes at the outside thru the tent flap, "How about I offer you a warm bed for the night."

The human shrugged watching the feline tying the tent flap close for the night. He stood up and followed the feline to a back area.

The back area of the tent smelled of incense with a bit of cherry in the aroma. He studied the small bed and looked at the rug on the ground thinking it might comfortable to sleep on. Jace heard the sound of the flap being tied and turn around, "Whoa, uh, where do I sleep at?" The human asked watching as the female feline remove her clothing revealing her sleek body.

The fortune teller chuckled removing the beaded skull cap of her head between her ears, "Well with me Jace, the ground gets really cold during the night. Come on human, I bet you're curious of what sex with a morph is like."

The human looked at the feline body with chocolate colored points. His friend, the one that was killed on that mission had two Siamese cats. One was a chocolate colored and the other was lilac colored and they were cared by his wife, "She loved those cats and named them after the two cats from that Disney move Lady and the Tramp." Jace thought to himself looking at the medium size breasts on the feline seeing pink colored nipples in the ivory colored fur. The human allowed himself to be pushed on the bed.

The fortune teller ran her hands on the smooth human skin studying the coloring and the strange sex organ standing erect surrounded by light brown curly hair. She straddled Jaces' lower torso and held the organ and lowered herself feeling it enter her feline vulva.

Jace looked at her blue eyes admiring the sleek feline having sex with him. He ran his hands over her body feeling the fine fur covering her body. The human was startled when the fortune teller gave him a kiss feeling the rough feline tongue on his lips.

"So Jace, are you enjoying yourself?", She asked with purring in her voice.

"Yessss, this is different. AHHH, I haven't been with a female in..... Shucks, I got to find out how long I've been asleep." Jace answered running his hands on the felines' firm breasts.

After a few hours of making love in the bed, the fortune teller looked at the human looking at his eyes. In her thoughts, his eyes are the same color as hers, that dark blue as the deep oceans. She watched as Jace started to fall asleep, "I would go to the ferret village; it's a day's travel from here. They might have the answers you seek or they will tell you where to find them." The fortune teller saw him nod and fall asleep.

The next day, the faire grounds.

Jace stayed quiet as he walked between the rows of tents. The human male stayed mute when he passed wolves when they walked in his direction. He had no plans of being their guest again. Jace followed the fortune tellers' directions to the ferrets' village.

The feline told him that he might find a home with the rodents or answers to how long he might have been frozen.

"Want to buy some glass wares traveler?", Asked a female voice with an accent of someone talking fast.

Jace turned and saw a female white colored ferret with pink eyes wearing an outfit that someone in France would have been wearing in the 1700s', "Maybe, for now, I'll just browse your wares." The human answered looking at the glass sculptures in various sizes. He saw the female ferrets' eyes widen in surprise, but he put a finger to hidden features gesturing to a couple of wolves.

She nodded and gestures to the inside of her tent, "I have more stuff in here if you can't find what you want."

The human followed the ferret in the tent pulling his hood back revealing his features, "Yes, I am a human, my name is Jace."

The female ferret gasped, "Your kind has returned, I thought the human race vanished from this world. I am Delia of the ferret village, it's a days' travel Southwest from here."

Jace sighed regretting bursting her bubble, "Sorry Delia, seems I am the only human on this world at the moment. Who do I talk to for answers to my questions?"

Delia sulked and answered, "Sakka will have the answers you're seeking, if not, she'll tell you where they might be. I hope you might end up living in the ferret village, because you will be a wealth of knowledge."

The human chuckled, "I might have some forgotten knowledge, but I mainly repaired things at my time." He looks at a very small glass sculpture of a Mustang horse running and picks it up, "I am interested in this one."

"That will be three gold pieces." Answered the ferret taking the offered coins, "Pleasure doing business with you Jace." She watches as the only human on this world leaves her shop, "I hope to have a more through talk with you in the future." Delia muttered to herself.

Jace exit the faire grounds looking at the small horse sculpture in his hand. He wrapped it in an extra piece of cloth putting it in a pocket. The human took a last look of the tents in the distance and walked Southwest to the ferrets, village.

The next day.

Diz, a female anthro tiger adjusted her pack running a hand thru her long black head hair. She blinked her dark green eyes looking at a figure walking toward her a quarter mile away, "Now who is that?" The feline muttered to herself watching as the figure walked to her direction.

Jace stopped his walk and did a look around of the land around him. He turned around doing a quick look behind to see if any wolves are behind him and resumed walking.

"Are we cautious one who ever you are?" The tiger thought to herself watching the unknown figure does a look around. Diz continued to watch the figure when a gust of wind blew the hood off revealing the species of the figure, "Well I be, a human, I never thought I'll be seeing a human in my life." She muttered to herself as the tiger lay herself flat to the ground and covered her body with a cloak.

The human male did another stop to do another look around for any followers. As he resumed walking, a shape knocked him to the ground pinning him. Jace did a military unarm move knocking the form off him. Being unarmed and cursing himself for not buying a weapon, the human had to use his bare hands. His unknown opponent is quick and smaller than him meaning the opponent has speed over him. Jace grabbed his opponent pinning him, "No, it's a female." The human thought to himself seeing twin mounds on the chest. His lapse of concentration causes his female opponent to knock him aside and he was pinned to the ground again with an edge weapon on his neck.

Diz held her short sword to the humans' neck, "I just want to talk to you human. Where did you come from?" The tiger asked the human she had pinned to the ground.

Jace looked at the female tiger pinning him to the ground. He read stories on furry websites depicting female anthro tigers having the build of female human body builders. The one that has him pinned has a petite build with her ears more like the ones off a domestic cat, "I am Jace, of all the anthropomorphic beings I've seen. You're the first one I seen with head hair." The human male said to the tiger.

She grinned at the human sheathing her short sword, but she kept the human pinned, "I am Diz, and a few members of the feline tribe have long head hair as I." The tiger brought her feline head closer to the human, "Just don't run away from me when I free you, if you do, I think I can out run you catching you." Diz said getting off the human watching him.

The human got up off dusting himself looking around and back at the feline. He notices that she's a head shorter than his five foot tall height. Jace turned and examined Diz noting that she's tensed for a run. The human male looked at her build and the dyed green skins covering her small breasts comparing her to the actress who played Erza Daxx on the seventh season of Star Trek Deep Space nine, "Well, she's the cutest anthro I seen, but she's tied with that fortune teller." Jace thought to himself still remembering the sex he had with that one feline.

She kept her eye on Jace watching as the human looked her over, "Where are you going to Jace?"

He smiled at the tiger looking at her outfit comprising of a bra and belt with a cloth covering her private area, "I am going to the ferrets' village to seek answers."

The tigeress grinned, "Well, how a bout I join you. The way you're acting, I think you're trying to avoid a certain group. How a bout I watch your back and you tell me why a group might be after you."

Jace chuckled to himself, "Sure, I could use a friend and someone to talk to." He told Diz the same story he told the fortune teller as the couple walk to the ferrets' village.

Diz took in the story running pieces of it in her thoughts. The human legends passed on thru generations told of how the wolves were created to be warriors. She was also told of how the felines had intelligence, "I mainly deal with the ferrets, foxes and sometimes the elk tribe. Better tell this human to stay away from the boar tribe and the dog tribe." The tigeress thought to herself remembering the time she was a prisoner of Prince, the leader of the dog tribe. Diz escaped from the dungeon when she found a loose stone on the wall of her cell, "I have no intention of being his guest again." She thought to herself.

Jace continued talking to the tiger while walking. He is glad to have a friend to talk to, "Get use to her Jace, like you told Delia, you're the only human on Earth." The human thought to himself seeing a group of buildings in the distance.

"That's the ferrets' village Jace." The tigeress said to the human male as more of the village came in to view.

The human male took in the details of the village reminding him of dwellings he saw in history books, "Reminds me of the towns you'll see near a desert." Jace said seeing large areas where crops are being grown at.

"They mainly construct stuff from salvaged human goods. When someone finds an unknown human artifact, the ferrets tell the finder what it is." Diz shrugs, "If they don't know what it is, they buy it and send it to the rats. It's very rare if the ferrets can't identify a human artifact."

Jace ran some thoughts in his head, "Do you ever deal with someone named Sakka?"

The tigeress nodded, "Yes I have, we get along fine. She will be asking you a lot of questions before you get a chance to ask yours, be prepared Jace; you're the first human to enter the ferret village since the humans disappeared."

The human nodded looking at the layout of the village. He seems to be considering of settling at this village after all. Jace was about to ask Diz another question when he saw a group of ferrets walking up to them.

Diz looked at Jace seeing that he already had the hood covering his features. She turn to the ferrets recognizing the ones in the group due to that she done deals with them in the pass, "Good, I know these ferrets, Jace stay quiet while I do the talking." The tigeress saw the human nodding in agreement.

"Diz, what brings you to our village today? Didn't think we will be seeing you till another three moons." One of the ferrets said to the tiger, the gray colored ferret looked at Jace with curiosity, "Who is traveling with you?"

The tiger grinned at the ferrets, "A fellow traveler I meet while leaving the faire."

One of the ferrets replied, "I am surprised that the faire was allowed to continue after the orb of storms was stolen from the sanctuary. We have three other guests, a member from the fox tribe, one from the elk tribe and someone from the boar tribe."

Jace heard a feline hiss from Diz when the ferret mentioned someone from the boar tribe, "I better ask my tiger friend what's wrong with the boars." The human thought to himself remaining quiet. He followed Diz and the ferrets into the village admiring the buildings. Jace and Diz were lead to a building with a large chimney going thru the roof. The human male did a closer look of the structure seeing a groups of ferrets holding large tubes to their mouths with glowing orange balls, "A glass shop, this is where Delia works at." He thought to himself and told Diz about the ferret he meet yesterday at the faire.

The female tiger nodded, "I dealt with her before, I think she always hyper." Diz answered looking at the three morphs in the shop. She directed her gaze at one and did a low growl.

Jace saw a male fox, a male elk and a male boar, "Alright, I figured out that she doesn't like boars." The human male thought to himself seeing the male fox looking at him.

"You are a strange looking morph." The male fox said to Jace.

"He's a human and his name is Jace Riff." The tiger said to the male fox.

The room fell silent and the ferrets in the room looked at the figure wearing a cloak. Jace sighed and removed his disguise putting the cloak on the back of a chair. He sat down on the chair making it go under the table. The human placed his hands on the table and looked at the muzzle of each morph staring at him, "I bet you have a lot of questions and I'll answer them in the best of my ability, but I need to talk to Sakka because I have a few questions for her."

A gray colored female ferret sat across from Jace at the table. She did a gesture and a type of puzzle was place in front of the human, "This is a type of test, if you pass it, I'll answer your questions to the best of my ability. Passing this test is automatic placement in the builders' guild and becoming a citizen of this village."

Jace sighed looking at the puzzle in different shapes that had to be placed in a frame. The human moved his hands quick and less in a minute the puzzle was done, "Finished, I just love brain teasers." He said sliding the finished puzzle to the ferret.

Sakka looked at the finished puzzle and at the human male looking at her with dark blue eyes. She remembered finding at type of gem with the same color as the human eyes. The ferret remembered looking at the orb of storms a couple of years ago at the orb sanctuary remembering the dark blue color of the orb. Sakka chuckled, "I will answer your questions Jace, but I bet my best friend Diz must warned you that I will be asking you some questions of my own."

The human relaxed and cocked his head to the side, "So, let's get started."

An hour later.

The female ferret sighed, "I can't help you with that question Jace, your best bet is to go to the rats' village. They kept better records than us and they might know how much time has passed."

The human male looked at Diz and back to Sakka, "I just need to find out how long I was out. If that computers' power supply didn't give out, I would be asking for a job here to keep me busy."

Sakka sit up straighter, "You were near a computer??!!"

Jace told Sakka about the computer and how it quit working when he tried to get the current date, "Right now it's just a paperweight because I don't know if I can get a power supply for it. I am not going back to that area because I have no intention of being the wolves' guest again. They were thinking of selling me to you guys because I was an oddity."

The other ferrets laughed and Sakka replied, "We would have bought you, but I am glad that you were washed off that ship. I ask one favor of you; if you get the information from the rats, please live at this village. We can find a job that will suit your needs." She relaxed as the human male nodded in agreement.

Later that night, the ferrets' village.

Jace looked at the room the ferrets let him stay at. He hung the cloak he found and sat the glass horse sculpture on a table near the bed. The human turned down the lantern and crawled on to the bed feeling the straw thru the fabric and closed his eyes.

A minute later, the door opened and a slim form crawled into bed with him. Diz whispered in his ear, "I didn't want to be in the same building with that Boar. This tiger rather is in bed with a hairless male human, so relax and enjoy my company Jace."

The human grinned in the dark feeling the slim body press against his back. His eyes widen when he realized that Diz is naked feeling the tigers' human like breasts on his back. Jace chewed his lower lip feeling the smooth flatness of her crotch rubbed on his ass. The human male relaxed as he fell asleep feeling a rough feline licked his ear.

The next day at the village square.

Jace shrugged the pack with supplies given to him by Sakka. He adjusted the new clothing given to him by a seamstress. Sakka told him that the female ferret that makes clothing spent all night making the clothes for the human, "Tell her thank you for her gifts and we'll talk when I get back." The human said to Sakka finishing adjusting the clothing and put on a new cloak.

Sakka nodded and watched as Diz walked out of the same room Jace slept in, "Can't blame her, I know she doesn't like boars. I think my feline friend has a crush on this human." The ferret thought to herself as the female tiger stood next to Jace.

The human male looked at the female tiger wearing dark blue outfit being the same pattern as the one she wore yesterday, "So how far is this rat village?"

Diz grinned, "A days and half travel from here." She points to a range of mountains in the distance, "They live underground in tunnels like the catacombs of the dogs' castle." The tigeress says the last few words doing a feline hiss.

Jace felt Sakka whispered to him, "She was Princes' guest a while back; I'll tell you about it later." The female ferret watched as the human wearing a cloak flipped the hood over his head to hide his identity while walking with the tiger, "Well, after you get back, you wouldn't need to hide yourself." She muttered to herself and walked to the glass shop.

A day and a half later, near the entrance of the rats' village.

Jace looked at the tunnel entrance with mixed feelings. The human male relaxed as Diz laid a hand on his shoulder gently squeezing it. He looked at the female tiger giving a smile and gave her a kiss.

The feline returned his kiss replying, "After this is over, I've decided to live with you at the ferrets' village because I've grown attached to you Jace."

The human male felt a wave of emotions go thru him. He looked at the tigeress who has her hands on his shoulders staring at him. Jace looked at her green eyes and cute features watching as her long black head hair wave in the breeze. Clearing his throat and looking at the dark tunnel, "Well, let's go inside and get this over with."

Diz smiled to herself and followed the human into the tunnel to the rats' village. The air temperature dropped and she felt her nipples stiffened under the top she's wearing. She knew that her breed has more human like features like her breasts having areolas. Diz pulled her top forward seeing that her puffy type areolas were poking stiff and she felt her vagina getting wet. The tigeress looked at Jaces' body seeing that the outfit made by the ferret seamstress is tight on his body, "Damm, I didn't realize how nice a human male body is built." She thought to herself thinking of how she's going to get in bed with the human.

A minute later, Jace found himself looking at a desk with a male white rat reading a large book, "Excuse me, I would like to talk to someone please. I have some questions need of answering."

The rat looked at the cloaked figure with a member of the feline tribe standing next to the figure. Due to some long dormant instincts, he had to fight an urge to run from the tiger, "Do you have an appointment?"

Grinding his teeth, the human replied, "I don't have an appointment; please find an opening for me." Jace answered remembering Sakka telling him to be polite to the rats'.

Flipping thru a few pages, the rat replied, "I have a small opening for you to talk to Scorry. He's located at tunnel 7; room 15, here's a map of our village." He said handing a rolled parchment to the cloaked human.

Jace accepted the parchment thanking the rat. He unrolled it examining the drawing and decided to hand it to Diz, "You be my navigator, I can't make heads or tales of this map."

Diz nodded rolling up the map and felt some strange urges. She followed the human as he went down the tunnel pointed out by the rat. The tigeress ran a hand under her lion cloth unsheathing a claw to relieve herself of the urge. Diz remained quiet as she masturbated and stuck another claw in her vaginal canal. A few minutes later, she had to muffle the roar as she climaxed.

He turned to the tigreress when he heard her make a strange sound, "Are you ok?" The human asked his friend looking at her. Jace saw Diz looking at him, but he saw the nipples poking thru the fabric of her top. He saw a few women in cold weather with their breasts doing the same thing, "Kind of cold in here isn't it."

The tigeress got close to the human undoing her top. She grabbed his hands and made them rub her breasts.

Jace controlled his breathing when he saw Dizs' breasts with his favorite type of areolas. He chewed his lower lip when Diz made his hands rubbed them. A minute later, she replaced her top and smiled at him.

"I needed relief, but I am feeling better. Take the second tunnel to the right; it will lead us to Scorrys' room." The tigeress said to him and grinned, "Tonight I need my urges relieved and I am going to need your help."

The human nodded noting that his penis is hard as steel, "Sure, we'll find a place to do the thing we need to do."

A few minutes later, Scorrys' room.

Jace saw a gray colored male rat looking at him with black eyes. He kept the hood covering his features.

"Remove your hood human, I know you're human by your height and the lack of a tail. Don't worry, you're among friends, the wolves aren't allowed here at our village." The rat looks at Diz, "It's been a while since a member of the feline tribe has been here."

Diz looked around the room and replied, "Jace here has some questions need of answering."

Scorry nodded and gazed at the human, "So Jace, what questions do you want answered. The humans taught us their knowledge when they created us."

Jace removed his cloak and told Scorry his story. He told the same tale he told the fortune teller, Diz and the ferrets. The human watched the rats' reaction to parts of his story as he came to the end of his tale, "That's it, I know what year I was put in cryo sleep, but I had high security clearance and I didn't hear of morphs in the process of being created."

The rat nodded and took note where Jace woke up at. He will send a group to recover the computer at a later time. Scorry knew that the rats had the electricity to power computer and the files in the hard drive will have vast knowledge, "You were put in cryo sleep at the year 2020. We were created at the year 2058; the humans vanished at the year 2071. The current year is 2455; you were asleep for four hundred and thirty five years."

The human sat down on a chair reeling, he felt the tigreress holding him. He looked at the rat, "Why did humans created morphs and why they vanished?"

Scorry sighed fingering a gold medallion, "There was a great war that cost a lot of lives on this world. If you noticed, the continents are different. We're located where the state of Florida was located. The place you were sleeping at was a genetics lab, I know of the place by old writings. I am real glad you told me the details of the building and where it's located. Sorry to cut this short, but I half to talk to my next appointment. Please make an appointment to talk to me at a future date, good day. One last thing, the disappearance of the humans is still a mystery and we rats don't know what happen to them."

The couple walked back to the entrance of the village. Jace looked at the rat at the desk and looked at Diz, "Do you want to make an appointment to talk to him at a future date?"

Diz nodded, "Go ahead, I want to have a talk to Scorry at a later date." She remained still watching as Jace talked to the rat for a minute and he walked back to her.

"We have to come back here in six months. He gave me a calendar with the current date and the day we got to go back here." The human said to her and they walked back to the entrance.

That night, an abandoned house.

Diz looked at the house as Jace walked up to it. She watched as the human did some exploring near the front door. A minute later the tigeress watched as Jace stuck a metal stick in the door knob opening the door.

Jace lit the lantern given to him by Sakka. Using a flint stone was easy for the human because of his survivor training in the military. He sneezed due to the dust in the house. Jace did try the light switches, but there's no power going to the house. The human did look at some devices recognizing a few, but there were some that seem different. He blew his cheeks walking to a bedroom.

The tigeress followed the human to the bedroom and made her move, "Ah, don't go to bed yet Jace." She said gently grabbing the human and untied the shirt he's wearing.

The human stood still as the petite tigeress undid his clothes. Naked, he watched as she undone her clothing revealing her slender body. Jace looked at her small breasts with puffy areolas and he looked down to her vaginal area with a human like vagina. The human is pushed on to the bed lying down. He watched as she climbed on to his body hugging him pressing her slim body against his. Jace felt her firm breasts pressing on his body as Diz kissed him and licked him with her rough feline tongue.

Diz felt Jaces's erect penis pressing against her vaginal area. She moaned and continued kissing the human liking the salty taste of his sweat on his face. The tigeress felt her areolas stiffen again from the excitement of starting her mating to Jace.

Jace felt Diz release him and sat on his hips. He saw the tigeress grin at him and stood up a little grabbing his throbbing member. The human watched in fascination as his penis slid inside the vaginal lips of the tigeress.

Diz laid flat on the human again hugging him. She felt her long tiger tail twitch and wag as she mated with Jace. The human is the third being she mated with in her twenty three years.

The human grinned as the feline made love to him. It has been almost two years since he had sex with a female due to the incident that causes his Army court martial. Jace relaxed in Dizs' embrace enjoying this event with her. The human looked at her cute feline features and lowered his gaze looking at her breasts. He moved his hands and massaged them triggering a moan from the tigeress. Jace looked further down looking at the pink colored vaginal lips wrapped around his member. The human heard the feline moan as she orgasm. Minutes later, he released inside her.

They spent a while looking at each other in the dim light of the lantern fondling each other bodies and fell asleep in each other arms.

Epilogue, six months later, Ferrets' village.

Riff walked down the main street of the village holding Rhenes' hand. The fox looked at his mate grinning remembering how Rhene talked him into to live in the Ferrets' village. He and the vixen are getting ready to spend a day at the beach. A familiar tall figure and a tigeress walked up to them.

Diz held Jaces' hand and shouldered the pack on her back as the couple was leaving the village to go visit Scorry of the rats. She saw Riff and Rhene walk up to them. The tigeress liked the fox couple and decided to befriend them, "So Rhene, what are you guys up to?"

The vixen stroked Riffs' lower arm, "We're going to the beach for the day. What are you and Jace up to?"

Jace answered, "Going to the rats' village for a few days. Diz wants to go to the feline village to visit her relatives for a couple of weeks. " The human looked at the village liking this time period better than the one he left. He spends his days either helping the ferrets with construction or looking at human artifacts.

Riff shook the humans' hand replying, "I'll see you when you get back Jace, say hello to Alamma for me."

The human nodded putting an arm around the tigeress, "Take it easy Riff, see you later."

Rhene watched as the human and feline left the village. She tugged at Riffs' sleeve, "Come Riff, lets' go to the beach and relax, we'll see them when they get back."