Send Me an Angel - 01

Story by Gaeron-Drasska on SoFurry

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#1 of Send Me an Angel

Alrighty! First chapter, the rest will come later - I encourage comments and critique!


The Host stared down towards Aya, four pairs of eyes looking upon her naked frame. She had been stripped of office and of her clothes. Though unashamed, her modesty forced her to cover up her chest with her arms. The chain looped around her neck and wrists, however, threatened to pull her arms away. The gold-tipped wings she normally held strong and proud were now submissively placed up against her back, framing the long braid of her blond hair.

The Host deliberated amongst themselves for a few moments before the eldest female of the Host, an angelic canine with two sets of white wings, spoke, "Aya, Angel of Wrath. You have failed your mission. That is the least of your crimes. You not only refused to slay your target, but you revealed not only your nature as an angel, but also the plans of the Host. This is a far greater crime than simply failing at a task appointed you."

Aya's silence continued, her lavender eyes pierced into the eyes of the speaking member of the Host, unafraid and unapologetic. There was nothing she could do about the charges brought upon her. Every word was true. There was no defense she could provide. Her task was given and she refused to perform it.

A second member of the Host spoke, a large male wolf with grey wings, "We are willing to give you a second chance. If you slay your target, we will bring you back to the fold and give you your office again. Please, Aya. We do not wish you to be apart from us."

"I cannot." Aya spoke from her position on the floor, looking into the eyes of the other members of the Host. "You ask of me an impossibility. I will not do it."

"Very well." The wolf nodded towards a nearby guard. "Aya, former Angel of Wrath. We hereby strip you of your angelic powers. You will be banished to earth below. May you live out your remaining years in peace."

The guard tugged at the chain around Aya's neck, pulling her along with him towards a portal in the wall of the great marble hall that the judgment was given. He removed the chains from the angel, and spoke a gentle apology before thrusting her forth through the wall. The last words Aya heard before passing into the portal were, "Do you think she'll be safe?"

Aya felt like she was falling, tumbling through eternity. She could see nothing but streaks of light flying past her eyes. Though seconds passed, it felt like eternity there in that blackness. Eventually, her vision cleared and she saw herself several feet over a pile of cardboard. She thudded to the ground with an 'umph' of discomfort and a rattling of cans.

"Hey. Are you okay?"

Send Me an Angel

Chapter 1: The Fall of Wrath

Darius yawned as he looked out the window of the classroom. The professor was giving another dull lecture to the class, and the feline couldn't help but find his mind drifting through a plethora of thoughts. He brushed back his brown hair and let out a dejected sigh, which was immediately met with a glare from the professor. "I do believe Mister Rowan has something to say. Do you disagree with Professor Aimer's study?"

"Ah, no, sir. I'm sorry, my mind was on something else." the tabby feline answered, sitting up in his chair.

"I will remind the class to pay attention to my lectures, not everything I say is in the book, but it will be on the exam. Now, once again, chapter 4."

After class, Darius walked slowly out of his class building towards the road that framed the campus grounds. All he wanted to do was get home and sleep, a late night of work combined with an early morning class was not healthy for his sleep cycle. As he waked, lamenting his status, he felt a hefty slap to his back, one of his friends must have been there.

Darius turned, seeing the broad smile on the face of his female badger friend, "Morning, Maura. Bright and cheery as always, huh?" He stretched, standing as straight as he could, before releasing a deep yawn and mumbling an apology.

"Geeze, you really should sleep more. You're gonna be a zombie by midterms." The badger laughed heartily. She was tall for a girl, though still shorter than Darius. She was also a bit more chubby than most college girls. Darius had known her since childhood, and the two of them were very good friends.

"Yeah, I know. Work's just been rough on me recently, and I hate having an early morning class, especially one as boring as botany."

Maura chuckled, pulling her glasses off a moment to wipe them on the hem of her sweater. The badger always wore sweaters or loose shirts. Darius always wondered if the purpose was to keep her figure more hidden. Maura perched the glasses on her nose again, in front of her brown eyes. "Well, don't you worry too much. Go home and rest, I've got class 'til two. I'll come over and jump on you to get you up."

"Oh, please don't. You'll crush me again." Darius teased, and cringed as he received the expected thwack upon the head.

Maura huffed, flicked her brown hair back over a shoulder and feigned annoyance as she walked away towards her own class. Darius just watched her leave, and about ten feet away, she turned around and waved goodbye to him. He returned the wave and headed out of the college, walking along the street towards his apartment building nearby.

The university was built in the city of Relay. It was not a very large city in size, and for three months out of the year, it was practically empty. The University of Relay was a great school, and had a high tuition. Darius and his parents were astonished and happy when they got the letter stating that he had been awarded a full scholarship to the University. Though the strange thing about the scholarship is that Darius couldn't recall ever filling out an application for the school.

As he passed by the alley next to his apartment, he heard a thud and the rattle of a few cans rolling around. Darius quickly glanced into it and saw a figure laying on a pile of cardboard boxes. He thought to himself that it was just a drunk who had fallen asleep there the night before and turned to leave. However, his caring nature got the best of him, and with a sigh, he returned to the alley. "Hey. Are you okay?"

As he stood there, the figure stood up and stumbled forward. Darius quickly leaned in and caught her as she fell. He knew it was a girl, since she was completely naked. More than that, she was simply beautiful. She had soft white fur, long blond hair, and wings with white feathers tipped in gold. There was something bizarre about her, and he knew he had to help her. "Come on. My apartment is not far away at all." He pulled his jacket off and draped it over the feline's shoulders.

Aya pulled the jacket around her and pushed away from Darius, not desiring his help. As she took a step out of the alley, she felt a wave of dizziness rolling over her body, and she fell to her knees with a shudder, "Uggh..."

"Hey, don't push yourself. You can rest at my place for a little bit, don't worry." He spoke to her, helping her back to her feet. He could tell that she was reluctant to accept his help, but Aya knew that she needed it. Darius led her to the front of the apartment building and unlocked the door. Luckily the building was mostly taken up by the students in the university. Most of them would be asleep or at class, so he could take the woman up to his room without incident.

He remained silent, keeping her upright and covered as he climbed the stairs to the second floor. He moved to his front door, unlocked it, and took Aya inside. He tossed his keys on the counter and led her to his bedroom, motioning to the bed. "Go lie down there. I'll call my friend and see if she has any clothes you can wear when she gets here."

Aya nodded, dropping the jacket to the floor and collapsing to the bed with a deep groan. She tugged his sheets over her form and quickly fell asleep. It was exhausting to be severed from the Host, and she couldn't help but be overtaken by her tiredness.

Darius picked up his cell phone and dialed Maura's number. Her voice mail message came on, as expected, and he left his message. "Maura, hey, come over when you have the chance. Thanks." He hung up, put his cell on the coffee table and dropped to the couch. He groaned, turned, and fell asleep.


About two hours later, the door to the apartment opened. The whole room was dark, so Maura knew Darius was asleep. She pocketed the key, closed the door quietly, and crept forward into the room. She did not see Darius on the couch, and moved into his bedroom. The covers were pulled around the body of a fur on the bed and she held her breath, claw held ready to poke him in the side.

The figure in the bed turned over, sheets shifting a bit, revealing a very naked, and very pretty female feline with white fur. Maura let out an 'eep' of surprise, stumbling back against the couch.

The motion awoke Darius, who yawned, sat up, and rubbed his head a bit, knowing his hair would be at an odd position. "Oh, Maura. You're here. Sorry, I fell asleep."

Instead of getting a response, the badger instead sulkily walked off towards the door, eyes downcast. Darius hopped up off the couch, and reached forward, "Hey! Wait!"

"Who is she?" Maura's voice was bitter, almost jealous as she spoke, pointing backwards behind her towards the bedroom. She just couldn't face Darius at the moment, "Why do you have a naked girl in your bed?"

"Oh, that's what I called you about."

"You wanted me to see a naked girl you slept with?" Maura angrily turned on him, growling in annoyance as she pushed Darius backwards.

"What? No. I found her in the alley, she was tired and naked, and I thought I should help her. I don't know."

"Bull! You just wanted to tell me that you scored, admit it! I thought you were different from other guys!"

"What? Maura. Calm down, you know I'm not like-" his statement was cut off quickly, though.

"Silence yourselves. You're causing me irritation." Aya demanded. The angel heard the argument from in the bedroom, and try as she would, she could not simply sleep through it. She woke, grabbed the sheet and wrapped it around herself before stepping into the living room. She looked to Darius and nodded her head, "Thank you for your assistance. I will remember you in the future if we ever meet. For now, I must find a way to return to the Host." Aya turned away and headed towards the door.

"Wait!" Maura interjected, thrusting herself between the door and Aya's current path. "You can't just walk out of here like that. There are laws, we can't just let you walk around in a sheet."

"You dare to keep me here, do you not know who I am?" Aya glared at the badger, knowing that she would definitely be able to defeat her in hand-to-hand battle. Maura had an inner strength that could be called up at times that was almost scary, but without that reserve, there was no way she could win.

"No. I don't know who you are. But you are going to stay with me while Darius goes and buys you some clothing."

"What? I don't-" the feline felt his words cut off as the badger glared angrily towards him.

"I'm not leaving you here alone with a naked girl. She's... a 2 or a 3. Go buy something, now!" Maura shouted.

Darius quickly fled the apartment, dashing out the door and closing it behind him. A grumble escaped as he stepped down the stairs to the apartment. He saw a wolf standing near the door, and nodded in greeting to him before passing him by. There was a store near the building that sold some clothes, all of which were splattered with the university logo.

The bell rang above the door as he stepped in, and he walked over to the women's section, rummaging through. He needed to worry about her wings, so something strapless would be best. A pair of shorts and panties were purchased as well, and with embarrassment in his face, he paid for them at the register, mumbling that he was buying them for a girlfriend.

He passed the wolf again, entering his apartment building and walked up to the next floor, opening the door to his apartment and tossing the clothes to the couch. Maura was standing next to the door, glaring at Aya, who picked up the bag and walked into the back room with them.

"So. Did you talk about anything while I was gone?" He asked, seating himself down in a nearby seat. The angry look on her face told him to shut his mouth, so he did. Moments later, Aya came out wearing the outfit that had been given to her. She nodded a bit in appreciation. "Thank you. It fits well."

"You're welcome. Looks good on you. Now, could you tell us more about yourself?"

"I'm afraid not. Do not worry. You have been very kind to me, and I am happy that you were."

"How about a name, at least?" He wondered, standing up and moving towards the door. The angel nodded, and offered her paw to him.

"I am Aya. Thank you, once again." Darius shook her paw, and he grimaced heavily. Visions flew past his eyes; fire, blood, claws, teeth, and blood. He let out a cry of pain and pulled his paw away, breath heavy and legs weak. "Very interesting." Aya said, before walking out of the door, leaving the two behind.

"Are you okay, Darius?" Maura asked, patting his back gently.

"Er. Yeah. I'll be okay. I'm just a bit dizzy is all." He shook his head and then looked up to the clock, with a yelp of panic. "Crap! Class! Come on." He shouted, grabbing his bag, opening the door and shuffling Maura out in front of him. He closed and locked the door behind him before dashing down the steps, past Aya, who was still walking towards the door.

Maura laughed a bit, chasing along with Darius. "We don't have to rush so much! We're not going to be that late." She continued to run with him, stepping out the front door to the apartment.

A laugh escaped Darius as well, and as he passed by the wolf - who was still standing there - he nudged his arm. A feeling of dread ran over him, and he stopped in his tracks. The wolf stood from the wall.

Maura stopped and turned, "Darius, what's wrong?" However, the answer would not come, as the wolf thrust forward swiftly, shoving Darius bodily to the side and lowering himself. He ducked low and caught Maura in the stomach, lifting her up over his shoulder before running towards the nearby alley.

The shove alone had caught Darius unaware, but the wolf being able to easily lift Maura was confusing as well. Stumbling back to his feet, Darius shouted after the wolf, "Hey! Let her go!" He chased the wolf into the alley and found it to be completely empty.

He glanced around, knowing the wolf wasn't that fast. He stepped forward, feeling that same eerie feeling as earlier wash over him. There was something in the alley. He could barely see it, but there was a hole in the air, like a portal. His friend was there, inside. He knew it, and he ran forward towards the hole.

Immediately he felt himself completely disoriented, vertigo flooding his senses. Wherever he was, it was like an Escher painting. Everything was awkward angles and he couldn't tell what direction he was facing. Ramps and stairs came from every point in the surface of the wall, some hanging in mid air with nothing holding them. No physical laws held sway here. Heavy nausea filled him, and he felt like he was going to puke his guts out.

The sense of nausea and vertigo, however, were dispelled as he felt a paw landing upon his shoulder. Darius glanced up and saw the familiar figure of the angel, Aya. However, she was not wearing what he purchased for her. Her clothing had instead transformed into an impressive suit of mail armor. It covered her fully, save the holes in the back for her wings. These, too, had become more amazing, nearly doubling in size, and shimmering golden behind her. Attached to her side was a gold scabbard, and in her paw was held a golden sword.

"Aya, what is this place?" Darius asked, standing still a little dizzily. He looked forward down the staircase. It seemed to be swallowed up by itself partway down.

"A demon's realm. It is where he is able to keep his powers as strongly as he can. He took Maura, didn't he?"

Darius nodded softly, "Yes. She's down there now... er... or over there... somewhere out there. We have to save her!"

"I know, we shall. I am getting used to having my powers once again. This battle will be difficult if I cannot control them fully. Can you sense where the demon is?"

The feline was about to state the negative, but oddly enough, he did know. He could feel the demon's presence nearby, and could pinpoint exactly where he was. "Ah... yes. Somehow. He's... there." Darius pointed forward towards a roiling mass of blackish clouds. "How is this possible?"

"I do not know, exactly. If I could contact the Host, they would likely have an explanation, but there is no way for me to do this. Now come, grab hold of me, and I will fly to where your friend is." Aya knelt down, letting Darius wrap his arms across her shoulders, locking his paws together. The angel took a few steps forward and leaped into the air, wings spread, the extra weight of the feline not enough to cause her to drop any as they flew into the mass of clouds.


Maura's head was swimming with dizziness as she awoke. She remembered kicking and screaming and fighting, but whoever had picked her up had clocked her on the back of the head, knocking her out cold. Heavy weight on her arms let her know she was chained to a wall. She quickly took a glance downward, thankful to see she was still in a sweater, and not some revealing outfit like in a fantasy novel.

Of course, that thought immediately returned as she saw her captor in front of her. He was a wolf, except his eyes glowed a bright reddish color, and in his paw was a sword made entirely of fire. Maura yelped and leaned back as the wolf approached her. His free paw came up to grip her chin, long, talon-like claws instead of lupine pads. "You will make an excellent sacrifice to Belze. Your heart is entirely pure and innocent. There are far too many impure in this world, and yours is a pristine soul."

"Let me go!" She shouted, growling and snapping at the demon in front of her. She could feel a rage boiling inside her, and knew that she had to calm herself down.

"Haha! Badgers do possess that strength. Amazing. Perhaps Belze would have better use of you if we instead beset your soul with that of a demon. Unfathomable rage lies deep within your heart." The wolf licked his lips and lifted his clawed fingers up to her forehead.

Maura cringed, but the demon's shout of pain caused her to open her eyes. A golden arrow pierced through his paw, dripping blackish blood upon the ground. Maura glanced towards where the demon was looking and saw Aya there holding a golden bow. Standing next to her was Darius, who looked a little bit on the dizzy side.

"Aya!" the demon spit, turning away from Maura. His fur seemed to peel back, replaced with red fur. He grew in size and his tail changed to that of a scorpion. "How is it you are not powerless? The Host was supposed to have stripped you of all your ability!"

Aya just laughed and lowered the bow. It shimmered for a moment before becoming a pair of twin, curved swords. "I do not understand it myself. But no matter, I will use these powers to defeat you."

"Hah!" the demon laughed, "Do you not know who I am, Aya? I am Dragoris!"

"I do not care who you are. Fight me!"

Maura heard a voice in her head speaking aloud, it seemed to... "Aya! He can make copies of himself, watch out behind you."

Though Maura's warning was heard, it wasn't of much use, as Aya had already turned and slashed her weapon through the head of a copy of the demon. The black blood sprayed out into multiple droplets, and these all changed into another demon.

A sigh escaped the angel. "Well. You're not going to make this easy on me, are you." Aya stated, before taking a stance with her swords. She was surrounded by more demons than she could count, and more yet were forming.

Darius, meanwhile, moved over towards Maura, paws beginning to work at the chains that bound her. He yelped as he felt a burning sensation in his paws. The chains were hot to the touch, and burned his paws.

As the copies of Dragoris ran forward, Aya reacted with perfect timing. Every motion was calculated to take out one of the multiples. It was much like a dance, and was amazing to watch. Her swords shimmered and changed as she swung them, depending upon the situation. A faraway demonic copy began to hurl a fireball, but found a golden throwing dagger buried in his chest.

The dagger's hilt grew a chain, connected to a spiked weapon in Aya's paw. She yanked the other end out and swung it in a circle, taking out a swathe of the demonic copies before pulling the spiked end back to her paw. She slammed her paws together and the weapon became a massive double-headed battle-axe that she swung straight through the heads of four nearby copies.

Darius apologized to Maura as he pulled a pocketknife from his jeans, tearing into the sweater. The fabric was wrapped around his paws and he grabbed the chains, pulling and tugging, trying to work out the diabolical puzzle that the demon had come up with to keep the badger trapped. It was harder with the sweater pieces wrapped around his paws, but he couldn't touch the chain directly.

Aya's axe was transformed into a heavy war hammer, and she swung it against the head of another copy, a sickening crunch of bone was heard as it impacted. The demons' numbers were steadily dwindling, and Aya continued her dance, taking out copy after copy. Soon, all that remained were two copies and the original. Dragoris unsummoned his copies and gripped his sword tightly. "You fight well, Aya, but can you fight me?"

The chains were tough, but Darius was using every bit of logic he knew to understand them. No key was needed, and every time he pulled a chain, he knew he was merely making it worse. He paused, and began to pull from a different angle, working a link of the chain around, loosening the chain a bit more. "I'm getting it, Maura. Just be patient and I'll get you out of there."

Aya placed her scabbard back where it belonged, gripping the hilt of her sword, before rushing forward, swinging low to intercept a low swing by the demon. The demon swung his tail out, but Aya dodged. "How do you dodge everything?!"

"I can see what you do before you even do it, Dragoris. Face it, you're going to lose." The angel laughed and stabbed forward, catching the demon in the stomach with the weapon. He vanished like the other copies, and Aya was caught off-guard just long enough to be stabbed directly in the back where her wings spread out.

The chain fell from Maura and Darius helped her up from the ground. The badger groaned and pulled off the remnants of the sweater, crossing her arms around herself. Darius couldn't help but notice her figure, and was pleasantly surprised by how pretty her curvy frame was... but he stopped looking as soon as he recalled where they were, and turned to look at the fight.

The sword met with flesh, biting deep into Aya's back. She coughed and groaned a bit, but a smile creased her face as she turned her sword around and jammed it into Dragoris's exposed stomach. The demon roared in pain, and pulled back, blood spitting from Aya's wound ceasing immediately as it sealed over, healing itself almost instantaneously.

The demon stumbled backward before falling over onto the ground. Aya, Maura, and Darius found themselves back in the alleyway with no real warning. The angel's mail armor had returned to the outfit that Darius had purchased for her.

"Okay... I think you owe us an explanation, Aya." Maura said, staring at the angel. The class they were now late for was completely out of the students' minds.

Aya nodded, and motioned back towards the apartment building. The three of them remained silent until they entered Darius's room. Aya sat in a chair, Darius and Maura sat on the couch.

"As you know, I am an angel. Although the truth is I no longer have the powers or strengths of my brethren. I am mortal. I will live out my days on this planet and die as you will. I formerly held the office of Wrath. It was my duty to bring serious offenders to justice. The Host gave me a mission. I had to slay a young politician, Senator Licius."

Maura interjected, "He's our senator!" She was almost excited about it, but calmed down and shook her head, "A few days ago he announced he was running for president."

"I am glad to know he is still alive, then." Aya stated, before continuing. "The mission was impossible to do. I could not bring myself to kill the Senator. First, his crime had not happened yet. We never take justice when the crime is in the future. Second..." she paused, looking down to the ground a minute, "And possibly deserving of more penalty was that I fell in love with him.

"I posed as an aide, to get to understand him and plan out how to slay him. We cannot just appear, kill someone, and disappear. With no hints as to who did it, and no actual motive, your government would get suspicious and frightened. I needed to work out a plan. Unfortunately, as I got to know him and speak with him, I became more enamored with him.

"He was kind, and handsome, and I knew he was honest and trustworthy. I could not help fall in love with him, and I found he was reciprocating those same feelings. I spent more than a year with him, and by the end of that year... he'd proposed to me.

"I could not lie to him, though. So I had to refuse the engagement. It broke my heart to do so, and I ran off. I hid for several days before appearing to him in the form you saw in the demon's world. I explained everything. Who I was, why I had come, why the Host planned to kill him. The thing was, even though I had told him everything... he was still understanding, and he still loved me. I returned to the Host and told them I refused my mission. As a result, they banished me to this planet."

Darius frowned softly, "So, what are you going to do now?"

"If you do not mind, Darius. I wish to stay here with you. You have something unique. Both you and Maura. There is something about you that I simply cannot figure out. It puzzles me how you both seem to have some latent abilities. I do not imagine we have seen the last of Dragoris. Demons do not stay dead for very long. Besides, you need someone to protect you, and I know I can help with that."


Days passed since the event. Hot water rolled down Darius's fur as he groaned in frustration. Taking care of an angel was the hardest thing he'd ever had to do. She was discovering new things about the world constantly. Her hunger had increased and she always desired more food. Her habits were not incredibly good either, and Darius found himself having to clean up after her. Besides that, he was sleeping on the couch since Maura forbid him from taking his bed back.

He sighed and turned off the shower, letting himself drip dry for a moment, sliding the door open and taking the towel from the arms of the pink-haired rabbit standing there in front of him. She was somewhat short, rather cute, and had a pair of pink-tipped wings spreading from her back. Beyond that, she was entirely naked.

Darius mumbled a thank you, rubbing the towel over his hair, ruffling it dry. He paused for a moment before letting out a loud cry of surprise and covering himself up. "Waagh?! Who are you!?!"

The bathroom door was thrust open, "Darius! Are you okay, I heard a shout!" Maura peeked her head inside, seeing the rabbit standing there in front of Darius, both naked, except for Darius's towel covering up his privacy. A growl started escaping the badger, "Darius... why is there a naked rabbit in the bathroom with you?"

The rabbit turned towards Maura with a smile across her face, "Hello, it's nice to meet you, my name is Raisa." She bowed her head downwards, ears flopping cutely forward before she picked her head back up.

"Darius! Explain this now!"

"Get out of my bathroom!" Darius whined aloud.

Looks like things weren't going to be as easy as he thought they would be.