fur paridise intro

Story by rockythewolf on SoFurry

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#1 of fur paridise

Chapter one

The morning started off with the annoying whine of an alarm clock. A dark gray wolf stirred on a bed in the corner of the room. The room was very blank. Two beds and a large double door closet was all that was in there. No clothes, no sheets on the beds, not even a curtain on the solo window across from the door.

The wolf sat up and winced in pain as feeling returned to his body, sense awakening as he did. "Never again...." He said with a low raspy voice.

He scanned the room quickly only to have no idea where he was or how he got there. Little fragments of memory entered his mind from the night before. He was at a bar. There was a gap in memory but he did remember a girl. A ferret girl. She said something about I've been watching you. Then another gap till he remembered the drinking game. They went back and forth shot after shot. He thought he had an advantage over her since he was much bigger but she kept up with him and showed no sign of even a buzz. He made it to the end of the fifth but after that the wolf was out. The last memory was the feeling off the cool floor to his cheek and the engulfing darkness that followed.

The wolf stood and with a slight stagger made it to the door. He sniffed the air for a clue to where he was. Smell is one of the strongest memory senses and with a bit of hope he could smell out who brought him to this place. There was a mix of smells from other people, like the smell of a hotel. There was one distinct smell. The smell of coffee lead him down an empty hall. It seemed that the place was never decorated Just a solid white color and white carpet. He leaned against the wall to keep him steady during his walk. Another odd thing was that the hall was shaped like a square with a side missing. The rooms were set up along the hall three on the back wall and two on each side. He wondered why seven rooms were arranged so oddly. It wasn't an efficient shape for a hotel and if all the rooms were set up the same as his there was only enough room for fourteen people. He was also wondering what was at the center of the square. Maybe the ferret girl was there or someone because coffee doesn't make its self.

As he rounded the corner to the center room he found out that it was the places living room. Like everything else it was empty but across from it was the kitchen. He was starting to think it was a house no one lived in. turning into the kitchen he spotted the source of the smell he'd been tracking. Conveniently there was a cup next to it pre poured for him and still steaming hot. It was black but it was fine that's what he preferred. After picking it up and holding it in both paws he took a sip. Someone behind him cleared there throat and startled the wolf. He wasn't too scared he had been expecting something to happen like drugged coffee or something but when he tuned to see who it was thirteen faces greeted him. "Who the fuck are you people..?" the wolf seemed calm and after looking over all of the pissed off faces he was wondering if it was time to leave.

The fourteen furs in the room were all dressed what they had on the night before. The thirteen new people were sitting at a table and were all facing the wolf. There were five men and 8 women by the looks of it. On the men side there was a large bear, probably worked out quite a bit to be that big, a average sized white tiger, a fit husky, a reddish orange wolf or fox maybe a cross breed, a small otter that looked scared to be there. The wolf made six. He was very tall and built to fit the stature deliberately. On the female side was a midsized black and white cat, a slightly larger panther, a small fox that looked very girly even with the short hair, a large skunk, another female wolf that's a little less than average, a horse with a blonde mane, a small mouse about the size of the fox who looked about the most pissed off out of the lot, and a midsized snow leopard.

The snow leopard started the conversation with a reply to the wolf. "Who are we?! Who the fuck are you? Where are we? Why did you take us here?" she stood up about ready to attack. The wolf calmly walked to his vacant chair and drank his coffee.

"Seven rooms, two beds per room. I make number fourteen. Yell at the next person." Everyone looked around and relaxed back in their seats once they realized he was right. The otter was watching the wolf while they waited. "Can I help you?" the wolf asked then looked.

"Wh-why are you so calm?" the otter stammered. The wolf just smiled "there's no need to be scared if they were going to kill us it would have happened by now."

They sat there for another half hour till the ferret, which everyone knew from just before they blacked out from a different reason. The ferret was a girl in a top hat and cane, green vest and a black shit under it and jeans. She stopped at the door way and smiled apon the group, leaning on her cane to add a dramatic effect. After looking all the faces over, she looked at the male wolf and said. "Ahh your finally awake Rocky." He smiled at her and nodded. All of the animals glared at him.

"Don't be mad at him people I know all your names." She went down the line of furs."The wolf is Rocky, the skunk is Zoe, bear is James, panther is Julie, the other wolf is Kasey, the fox is Todd, the tiger is Thomas, the otter is Xavier, cat is Sarah, husky is Seth the folf or fox-wolf is Kodi. Horse is Beth, the snow leopard is Sierra, and finally the mouse is Samantha." The ferret kicked the bottom of her cane into a spin and walked forward. "Before I get attacked by a pack of angry animals I must tell you that this is a game. If you play my game you all walk away with one mil at the minimum and up to 10 mil." She grinned as all of their ears perk up and lean forward. "But you can always just walk away and be beck in your own bed by night fall." No one got up it would be stupid to walk away from that much money at the bare minimum.

None of them had any immediate family or important job to get back too. They had nothing but day to day tedious lives. "now my little pets you must say her for one full year and complete any task I put before you. Some will be fun some will be hard. Most are just to cause a bit of trouble and mess with your heads. If at any time you want to leave your money will be halved and calculated to compensate for your time but no one wants that now do they?" she looked them over seeing them all shake their heads and think of whether they should say.

She was clearly unstable but it was a lot of money. They would never have to work again if they spent it right. She let them think then after a few minutes then announced the first chore. "Ok people find a room and claim your bed. By now you should all know a little about each other or at least who you want to live with for a year." She knew full well no one would have said anything about themselves and the pick would be purely by looks. "Well don't stand there hurry to your rooms, Two per room. "

Every one had stood up and paired off on the way to their rooms. The fox had been eyeing James the bear for quite a while and followed him trying to keep up with the much bigger animals stride. She had a skirt on and tried to hold it down while she ran. The cat and panther picked the same room and so on while rocky stayed and smiled at the ferret. "So how did you beat me last night? And not be hung over?"

she just smiled and wagged her finger. "it's a secret hun. Now get to a room so I can start the next bit." Rocky smiled and stood then walked to the hall. He strolled down it to check what room was left and spotted the otter looking down at the floor alone in his room. Rocky walked in. Even if another room was open it was unlikely that it would be as peaceful as with the otter as a roommate.

"Hey otter boy looks like I got you. I was actually looking forward to having you as a roomie." The otter perked up and smiled at him.

"Oh you're staying? I figured you were asking to leave and I'd be stuck alone." Said the otter. "I'm Xavier." He held out a paw for Rocky and Rocky shook it with a smile.

"You're not alone little guy." he said while he walked to his bed.

They sat in their room for a while the ferret wrote the names of each pair directly on the white door with a black marker and calling them out for all to hear. "Kodi and Sam! Sarah and Julie! Todd and James! Rocky and Xavier! Zoe and Kasey! Seth and Beth! Hey you two rhyme. Thomas and sierra! Now you guys can't change rooms for a while. Get to know each other and meet me in the living room for our next activity in fifteen minutes."

Every one chatted with their partners and picked beds but the rooms were almost identical and it didn't matter that much.

"So Xavier, think we'll get some sheets or at least a blanket?" asked rocky. The otter laughed and shrugged.

"Maybe we will have to huddle for warmth." they both laughed and lay back on the beds. The time soon came and then went to the empty living room with everyone else. The ferret strolled out into the middle of them all and guided them into a circle around her."Ok darlings now for some fun. Who can point out the seventh boy?" she smiled, spinning in a circle a few times then stopping abruptly and pointing her cane at Kodi. "Kodi any guesses?"

he smiled and said jokingly. "I'm guessing sierra. She's got more balls than anyone here." The ferret shook her head and pointed at James then James shook his head.

"Not a clue. I'm umm... not too good at it...Ya know picking people out" She grinned and pointed at Xavier.

"Last guess sweet heart who is it? "He smiled and pointed out Todd.

"The name should be enough but the flat chest and hair is the biggest clue. That and a got a peek under the skirt when he ran off." He winks at Todd and the fox boy blushes and looks away.

"You let two fags in this house??!! I was going to stay quiet about the cross dresser but now there's another one?"yelled Kodi. Xavier's ears went flat and he looked down but Zoe the skunk got bent out of shape and moved forward, glaring at him.

"You got a problem with homosexuality punk?" He was shocked and stuttered, trying to defend himself when Todd took Zoe's side.

"Yeah you little half breed bitch? You got something to say to me?" shoutted the little guy.

James was contemplating the predicament and decided that Todd was his roommate and he had to live by him for a full year so it was best to take his side. Kodi tried to back up and bumped into James who then gripped his shoulders and held him in place. "Hey I may not be gay but there's no reason for you to go talking shit about my friend."

The ferret broke them up and had an evil grin on her face. "You people best work together. You're all stuck with each other." After the fight, she pushes them gently back in place. She fixes her hat and smiles at them all. "Now I have to ask you to stay inside. Tomorrow I'll be back with supplies to spice this place up! "

She turned and hit a square on the roof with the end of her cane then spun out of the way as the square and a ladder fell from the roof. She bowed and climbed the ladder into the attic then pulled the ladder up behind her.

Later everyone was back in their rooms talking amongst each other. Night came quickly and they all slept in their beds. They had no sheets but the night didn't fell too bad.

i have a web site to feel free to read up on it there.
