Galaxy: part 5

Story by William2669 on SoFurry

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#5 of Galaxy

David and Merin are making progress but faith comes kicking in the door.

Salutations everyone! Here's (goddamn finally) the 5th chapter in the galaxy series. Thanks to Serban the chapter got a long delayed proofread. Thank you, my readers, for your patience with my slow ass updates. Oh and yes I'm aware I have a double intro at chapter 4 but for some reason I cannot fix that. Soooooooooooo, we gotta deal with it. (much to my displeasure)

Questions or remarks are welcome below. If you like the series be sure to fav/vote and feel free to leave a comment. Feedback is apreciated.

Languages: "English" "Unique" *thoughts*

Disclaimer: Characters belong to me unless mentioned otherwise.

This was the routine for several days. David would go to the facility and amaze Merin with his advanced knowledge of spaceship engineering, even though for him this knowledge was pretty basic stuff. Kayla would go the medical ward and deal with the occasional headache or paper cut. After their day of work they'd return to their living area, Kayla preparing dinner and David sharing some of his human culture and history. Kayla seemed especially amazed by his tales of his own travels across the universe. Afterwards they would continue to talk until it was time to get some sleep. There seemed no change ahead of them until...

[Research Facility, Hangar E]

"So then we use the vectored thrust nozzle to direct the plasma and create thrust?"

"Exactly! Then you add a driver coil, or two, to accelerate the plasma and thus creating the same thrust with less plasma."

"And then we can use more plasma to fix the shield problem!"

"Now you're getting it Merin!"

Merin was enthusiastically scribbling in his notebook; They were alone in Merin's personal laboratory. It was almost time to call it a day and head to the living quarters but Merin had encountered trouble with the impulse drive for their battleship prototype.

"It never ceases to amaze me how much more you know of this then we do. To think we had all we needed to create this all this-"

Suddenly a tremble shook the entire laboratory and startled both David and Merin. The tremor lasted only a second or two but was heavy.

"What was that?"

"I think that was an explo-"

A second tremble shook David and Merin, this time accompanied with an audible explosion. David knew this no matter what planet you're on, this is a bad sign. David ran towards the door dragging a confused Merin along.

"W-Wait! Where are we going? What's going on?"

"I don't know but whatever is going we need to-"

Before David even reached the door a third explosion hit their laboratory. David and Merin were flung across the spacious lab. Merin was knocked out cold by the blast but David remained conscious. Every part of his body hurt, meaning everything was still attached. He opened his eyes, coughing and crying to get the dust out of his eyes. His eyes scanned the lab for Merin.

*Cough, cough* "Merin! Are you OK?" *cough*

When the dust settled a little he saw Merin's motionless body laying a few feet away from him, buried under a piece of the ceiling. He stood up trying to lean on his arm but cried out in pain and clutched his arm as he fell down again. He took a look at his left arm and saw how he could't move it yet still sense pain. He touched his arm and felt it was broken.

*Fuck, this isn't good. I can't get Merin out of here with this arm but I can't leave him either. I have to get out of here and get help, it's my only option.*

David got himself up with his good arm and slowly made his way out of the lab - what was left of it at least. He saw how a giant hole had been blasted through the roof of the hangar, right into the front of the lab where now a small crater smoldered.

*I don't want to know who, or what made that...*

He slowly made his way past the rubble and occasional small fire towards the mess hall hoping someone was there. The mess hall had taken some damage from the blast but looked better compared to the lab. But when entering the mess hall we saw bloodied corpses scattered around. The fact they were dead was bad enough but seeing how some were sliced up with a sharp object and some obviously shot worried him deeply.

*Shit, we're under attack.*

Suddenly David heard grunts coming from the room next door. David made his way to the half-destroyed door as fast as he could with his pain ridden leg. Through the door he saw one of the security guards fighting barehanded with what looked like an anthromorph lizard. The lion anthro guard was obviously losing the fight, receiving more blows then delivering them and was losing his footing. David panicked when the guard was knocked on the ground and the lizard got on top of him. The lion tried to reach for his weapon but the lizard kicked it away.

*I have to do something and fast or he's finished!*

Dave looked around for something he could use to fight this unknown foe. He found a knife laying on the floor and decided he had little options. He stormed through the door, which was easy since he forgot his strength was greater then normal due to the lower gravity, catching the lizard off guard as he spun around confused only to have a knife planted in his chest through some sort of scaled armor. He looked at David as if he had seen a ghost clutching the knife protruding from his chest and fell dead to the ground. David turned to the guard but saw he was too late. His chest was ripped open by the sharp teeth of the lizard.

"No! I was too late!"

The lion coughed up some blood, pointed at his weapon and said "Grab it".

David grabbed the gun and was about to hand it to the guard but he pushed it back to David. "Use it." He then pointed at the trigger "Fire", then at two buttons above the side of the barrel. "First one... single shots... second.... For... bl...bla...a...." He was no more.

"Fuck" David yelled. He would have slammed his fist in the ground if his good arm wasn't holding the gun. It resembled a handgun making it possible to hold it in one hand. The glowing light coming from the gun probably meant this gun was energy powered.

*No idea what that second button does, but let's stick with single shots for now.*

David visualized a layout of the facility and how he could get to the medical ward the fastest way. He only prayed he wouldn't meet anymore of these lizards.

*Seems this planet isn't as peaceful as Thannis let out...*

David slowly made his way through the destroyed hallways and ruined labs. Occasionally David could hear a distant explosion or the crackle of gunfire. He tried to ignore it all, trying to avoid combat so he could get help for Merin as fast as possible. He prayed Merin was safe, he didn't seem to be bleeding when David had to leave him.

*Ok... almost there... just turn this corner and-*

Instead of the hallway to the medical ward, David stood in front of a wall of rubble. The way to the medical ward was blocked and could not be cleared by hand any time soon.

*Damn-it, there isn't another way to get medical hel- Wait, Kayla!*

David turned around facing the other direction of the hallway, his living quarters shouldn't be too far from here. He hoped she was outside of here and safe but he had to check on her to be sure and see if she could help Merin.

*You better not be there when I go inside Kayla and if you are, be safe*

David stumbled towards his living quarters, the pain in his left arm becoming more and more obvious as the rush of adrenaline from the blast came down. However he was far from calm, he had to be ready when he made contact with the attacking forces. It worried David that more and more dead guards lay on the ground as he approached his destination. With his finger he turned the final corner and saw one of the lizards standing outside his door. They both made eye contact, the lizard had his weapon lowered and had to take aim while David already had his weapon out. He fired before his opponent could, not hesitating to pull the trigger. A single energy blast hit the lizard straight in the chest making him fall to the ground soundless other then the, not so loud, gunshot itself.

*Seems I'm not the only one interested in my living quarters.*

David made his way to the door. He stood beside it, ready to push the button to open the door with his good hand while clutching the gun. He took a deep breath, opened the door and pivoted into the opening looking past his gun for hostiles. He scanned the living room and noticed how everything was tossed around and ruined. As if a hurricane had passed through here.

*Need to be careful, that guy wasn't standing in front of the door for no reason.*

David slowly walked inside the room switching his vision between the room and the doors. He decided to check Kayla's room first, he figured she'd try to hide there if something happened. He crouch walked to the door but as soon as he was close enough to open the door it burst open. A crocodile anthro rammed through the door right into David knocking the wind out of him as he was flung across the room into a wall. The impact knocked David's gun out of his hand and out of his reach. The crocodile charged back at David but he managed to tumble out his path just in time. He got back to his feet before his attacked could charge again.

*Gotta watch those teeth of his, if they're anything like the ones I know I don't want to be caught by those.*

David recalled the force a crocodile back on Earth could put into closing its jaws. It was very unpleasant. The crocodile smirked at David and ran straight towards him pulling his arm back for a punch. David recognized the movement and stepped back to avoid it. The crocodile kept swinging until David hit a wall and ducked, making his assailants attack punch a hole clean through the wall. David used his momentum to punch him in the gut. He was reminded of his strength on this planet again as the crocodile was sent flying, only to hit the ground - hard.

*Oh yeah, I keep forgetting I can do that stuff.*

David charged at the crocodile as he stumbled back up. He didn't have time to brace himself for the next punch. It connected with his jaw and David could feel how his jaw had been broken when the punch connected. The crocodile was sent flying again straight into the wall next to the door to Kayla's bedroom. He fell down on the ground face first and didn't move. David stood ready in case he suddenly jumped back up, but eased up a little when he saw a pool of very dark red blood form beneath the crocodile's head.

*Hah, I guess this is how Steve Irwin felt in his days.*

David grabbed his gun from the floor and went inside the room. He scanned the room, empty. He checked all the closets but nothing.

*I hope I wasn't too late.*

He suddenly heard a scream coming from his room; it sounded like Kayla's.


David ran to his room with no regard to his own safety. He kicked the door and found Kayla being held hostage by another lizard, gun was pointed at Kayla's head while he held her tight with his other arm. David cocked his gun at the lizard in response.

"Lower your weapon mammal or sssssshe diessss"

David had little choice, he couldn't risk Kayla's life.

"Ok, I'll lower it." David raised his gun in the air and slowly lowered it to the ground. The second he got back up the lizard shot him once in his shoulder. Luckily for David it was his left shoulder so he could still use his good arm but damn did it hurt! David clutched his shoulder and dropped to the ground in pain and bleeding.

"Sssstupid mammal, I would have killed her anyway."

He stepped towards David still holding tight to Kayla he was trying to get out his grip but to no avail. He pressed a clawed foot on top of his shot shoulder making David scream out in pain.

"But not before I have ssssssome fun with her, if you know what I mean."

David lost it, killing him was one thing but raping an innocent civilian? That was against everything he ever stood for.

"Is that so? Well you forgot one thing then you worthless heap of scales!"

The lizard pressed harder on David's shoulder which was now bleeding profusely.

"And what would that be mammal?"

"My other arm."

David grabbed the lizard's ankle that was pressing on his shoulder and squeezed hard. His strength was enough to break the lizard's ankle making him cry out in pain and release Kayla. She saw her chance and elbowed him in the chest, forcing him stumbling back, but with his broken ankle unable to support his weight he fell to the floor, hissing in pain. The lizard tried to get back up but David was faster and got on top of the lizard whom he punched in the face. But David didn't stop there, he punched again, and again, and again.

"Have some fun with her HUH?"


"Who's having fun NOW?"

*punch* *punch*

David swung his arm back for another punch but was caught by Kayla. In his anger he turned to her with a face that spooked her enough for David to notice. The way she looked at him made him realize what he was doing; he began to feel shame and looked at the lizard's face. Or rather, what was left of it.

"I'm sorry I... I lost my temper..."

David got up from the lifeless lizard and immediately clutched his arm again. Seeing David in pain snapped Kayla out of her trance and she rushed to catch him. She noticed the energy wound but also the limp hanging arm.

"David! Your arm!"

"I know, it's broken but that's not the problem. Do you have anything to stop the bleeding?" David sat down on his bed applying pressure to the open wound in his shoulder.

"Yes, I can use a towel to stop the bleeding for now but we should got you to the medical ward imme-"

"The hallway to the medical ward is destroyed, there's no way around it."

"David, I don't have to equipment to close the wound, I can only stop the bleeding for so long." Kayla grabbed a towel and bound it tight around David's shoulder stopping the bleeding for a short time.

"I don't care, we have to get to Hangar E immediately." David stood up again grabbing his gun from the ground wincing slightly at the pain in his shoulder.

"Hangar E? David we need to get out of here!"

"No offence Kayla but do you know how? Because I was blindfolded when they brought me in."

"Uhm... no... I was blindfolded too..."

"Then we go to Hangar E. Besides, Merin is still there and I need you to help him. I think he might be injured."

"But David, you are wounded too. I can't let you walk back out there like this!"

Kayla stopped David as he made his way to the door by standing in front of him blocking to way.

"Kayla." David looked her straight in the eye, Kayla saw the determination in his eyes and it made her feel intimidated. "I failed to save my entire crew and ship, I will not fail anyone again if I can help it. I will go back for Merin even if I have to go alone."

Kayla knew from the look in his eyes he was serious. She sighed deeply and stepped out of the way. "Fine, but I'm coming with you. I can't let you drop dead because I wasn't around to save your sorry tail."

"Heh, fine by me."

David and Kayla slowly made their way back to the hangar, distant explosions were still echoing through the facility with small fires all over the place. David took point with his gun and Kayla closely behind him. Finally they reached the hangar and found Merin where David had to leave him.

"Merin? Are you awake?"

Merin opened his eyes, filled with both pain and relief.

"David! Thank the ancestors you're alive. I called out but when you didn't answer I was worried that you died in the blast."

"Sorry, I had to get help. My arm got caught in the blast and I couldn't carry you."

David signaled for Kayla and using one arm and Kayla's help they lifted the heavy piece of ceiling off him.

"My legs aren't any good either. I can't use them at all."

Kayla went down on her knees and examined his legs. She pokes his legs on several locations and asked: "Do you feel this?"

"No, nothing. I feel nothing."

"This is bad, his nervous system might be damaged. We can't move him."

"Are you sure? We can't stay here either. We have to get out of here before this place falls apart or worse."

"If we move him we could do more harm then good. He might never walk again!"

"Which won't make a lot of difference if we die here."

Before Kayla could answer Merin spoke for then and ended the discussion. "Do it, move me."

"But Merin, if we do you-"

"I know but like David said we can't stay here, I'll take my chances."

Kayla sighed deeply. "Fine but don't say I didn't warn you."

"I wont."

David and Kayla helped Merin to his feet. Kayla threw Merin's arm around her and David with the other arm. Merin held on thigh but wih only his arms to keep him up it was difficult. David couldn't hold him up either because he needed his good arm for his gun.

"Merin, do you know where the exit is here?"

"Yes, we need to get out of the hangar and take the first left in the hallway. Second right will bring us into a long hallway. At the end is an emergency exit."

"That sounds like a long way to go for an emergency exit."

"_Well the other one that's closest is that one."_Merin said pointing with his finger. David followed the finger to a heap of rubble that was, of course, ablaze thanks to wood pile it fell on.

"Oh, I see."

Carying Merin, David and Kayla made their way to the emergency exit. They followed Merin's directions but they made slow progress. David would be able to carry Merin alone if his arm and shoulder weren't as unresponsive as Merin's legs. Not to mention he had to keep an eye out for hostiles as he was the only person of them three with military training. When they finally turned into the long hallway to the exit their path was blocked by more rubble.

"Oh for the love of...."

"_How are we supposed to get out now?"_asked Kayla who's spirits was dropping.

David was pondering over what to do, when his gaze fell to his gun he remembered the dying words of the person that gave it to him.

*Hmmmmmm... maybe...*

"Kayla, move Merin back behind the corner. I have an idea."

"What kind of idea?"

David held the gun up."I'm going to try to blast our way out of here."

Kayla and David moved Merin safely behind the corner. They laid him down on the ground and Kayla took seat next to him. David pressed the second button and heard the gun charge up. He stood behind the corner and aimed around the corner.

"_Are you sure this will work?"_Asked Merin

"I have no idea!"

David pulled the trigger and he closed his eyes. The recoil from the shot told David the gun fired a powerful shot. Shortly after a blast filled the hallway and rubble flew past David into the wall in front of them. When the dust settled David looked around the corner and saw that most of the rubble was cleared.

"Damn, you need to learn me how you make these Merin."

"Ha, I will if we get out of here alive."

David and Kayla lifted Merin back up and carried him into the hallway. The hallway was bright red due to alarms going off. The hallway was long indeed and the occasional rubble made progress slow. Halfway down the hallway David could see a blue door at the end of the hallway.

"Is the emergency door a bright blue?"

"Yes! That's it!"

"It's up ahead."

"Thank the ancestors."

David and Kayla carried Merin to the door with renewed spirit and strength. David was surprised they didn't meet more resistance - almost as if it was intended. At last they reached the door. Kayla opened the door and went outside first, followed by Merin and lastly David. When David went through the door his attention was caught by something attached on the wall to his side. It was a small circular device, David had no idea what it was. Until a small red light appeared.

Time seemed to slow down, David knew what this device was and he had less then a second to react. He pushed Merin off of him away from the door onto Kayla who yelped in surprise as Merin fell on top of her. David dropped himself to the door yelling "GET DOW-"

That was all he could say before the bomb went off. David felt himself being propelled through the air, feeling heat around him. He was instantly reminded of his ship that crashed and the burning sensations around him. These however were not as hot. He landed hard on the ground, tumbled a meter forward and landed on his back. Pain shot through his body, his ear were ringing, his consciousness was slipping. He tried to look for Kayla and Merin but the blast completely disorientated him and he didn't know which way was left or right.

Suddenly he saw figures running past him. He couldn't even see their forms, only shadows. A few stopped at him and knelt down. He heard faint noises that resembled speech but he couldn't understand a word. He could barely hear them at all. He tried to stay awake but his eyes felt too heavy and despite the attempts of the shadows they couldn't keep him from losing consciousness. David was once again surrounded by darkness.